Herodotus in NubiaBRILL, 24 באפר׳ 2014 - 176 עמודים Twentieth century commentaries on Herodotus' passages on Nubia, the historical kingdom of Kush and the Aithiopia of the Greek tradition, rely mostly on an outdated and biased interpretation of the textual and archaeological evidence. Disputing both the Nubia image of twentieth century Egyptology and the Herodotus interpretation of traditional Quellenkritik, the author traces back the Aithiopian information that was available to Herodotus to a discourse on Kushite kingship created under the Nubian pharaohs of the Twenty-Fifth Dynasty and preserved in the Ptah sanctuary at Memphis. Insufficient for a self-contained Aithiopian logos, the information acquired by Herodotus complements and supports accounts of the land, origins, customs and history of other peoples and bears a relation to the intention of the actual narrative contexts into which the author of The Histories inserted it. |
Chapter 1 Herodotus Nubia in Modern Scholarship | 1 |
Chapter 2 The Aithiopian Passages in English Translation | 28 |
Chapter 3 The Problem of the Aithiopian Logos | 40 |
Chapter 4 Fiction and Reality | 54 |
Chapter 5 Herodotus in Nubia | 118 |
Bibliography | 137 |
153 | |
160 | |
מהדורות אחרות - הצג הכל
מונחים וביטויים נפוצים
Agatharchides Ägypten Aithiopian passages Amasis Ammonians Amun Amun temple ancient Nubia Anysis archaeological army Asheri Aspelta Assmann Assyrian Bakker-de Jong-van Wees Berlin Burstein Caire Cambyses campaign Cataract century BC Chapter 1.3 city of Meroe cult culture customs Darius Dewald digression Dorati Dunham Egyptian Egyptian logos Eide Elephantine ethnographical evidence Greek Grimal Herodotean Herodotus historian history of Egypt Horus inhabited inscriptions interpretation Jacoby Jong-van Wees eds Kahn Kawa king of Kush Kingdom of Kush kingship Kushite land Libyan Lloyd logoi London long-lived Aithiopians Lower Nubia Luraghi Marincola Memphis Meroitic Napata narrative Nile Nubian Studies Onasch oracle oracular pharaohs Piankhy Piankhy's political Psammetichus Psamtek Ptah reference reign ruler Sabacos Sélincourt-Marincola 2003 Senusret Senusret III Sesostris Shabaqo Siwa spies Stela story Sudan Taharqo Tanwetamani Text Theban Thebes Throne name Thucydides Török tradition trans Trog[1]odytes Twenty-Fifth Dynasty Vittmann Xerxes Zeus Zibelius-Chen