תמונות בעמוד

except the Admonition' and Martin Marprelate's 'Protestation,' they are by no means of that high degree of rarity which attaches to many of the class or series; and, therefore, in exactly the same proportion, there is the less reason for their having been selected for republication.

The usual English ecclesiastical histories give us but very little information about the Martin Marprelate controversy. Strype, Collier, Soames, Neal, and others, notice it, as having been of great importance; but repeat, from one to another, almost the same story; which, in short, merely proves that, Strype perhaps excepted, they were not able to refer to the volumes themselves. We propose now to give some further account of Martin Marprelate and his answerers, which shall be chiefly collected from their own books.

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The full titles of the first two tracts which Mr. Petheram has reprinted are, of the Epistle,' Oh read ouer D. John Bridges, for it is a worthy worke: or an Epitome of the fyrste Booke of that right worshipfull volume, written against the Puritanes, in the defence of the noble cleargie, by as worship'full a prieste, John Bridges, Presbyter, Priest or elder, doctor of Diuillitie, and Deane of Sarum. Wherein the arguments of the puritans are wisely prevented, that when they come to answere M. Doctor, they must needes say something that hath bene spoken. Compiled for the behoofe and overthrow of the 'Parsons, Fyckers, and Currats, that have lernt their Catechismes, and are past grace: By the reverend and worthie Martin Marprelate, gentleman, and dedicated to the Confocation-house. The Epitome is not yet published, but it shall be when the Bishops are at conuenient leysure to view the same. In the 'meane time, let them be content with this learned Epistle. 'Printed oversea, in Europe, within two furlongs of a Bounsing 'Priest, at the cost and charges of M. Marprelate, gentleman.' This tract collates A to G, in fours, 4to, pp. 54. Entirely in black letter. The title of the second is the same exactly as far as hath bene spoken;' after which follows, Compiled for the behoofe and overthrow of the vnpreaching Parsons, Fyckers, ' and Currats,' &c. (as above), dedicated by a second Epistle to the Terrible Priests. In this Epitome the foresaide Fickers, &c. are very insufficiently furnished, with notable inabilitie of most 'vincible reasons, to answere the Cauill of the puritanes. And 'lest M. Doctor should thinke that no man can write without sence but his selfe, the senceles titles of the seueral pages, and the handling of the matter throughout the Epitome, shewe 'plainly that beetleheaded ignoraunce must not liue and die with ' him alone. Printed on the other hand of some of the Priests.' Collates F in fours, 4to, and has no pagination. Also in black letter.

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The originals of these two pamphlets are now lying before us, as well as copies of the following, which enter into what may be strictly called the Martin Marprelate series; for it is not enough that a book should condemn a distinction of ecclesiastical habits and discipline, and church government, or rail against priestly orders and episcopacy, to be classed as in that series, which would seem to be the notion of Mr. Petheram on the subject; or else we might also include with him the 'Admonition,' or the Parte of a Register,' or the 'Demonstration of Discipline;' but we would limit its beginning, even if we are unsure of its end, with the Epistle' of Martin Marprelate. Copies then, also, of the following books are now before us, and, though somewhat wearisome, we think it best to give first the full titles of them, and their collation, as of the two others: we need afterwards merely refer to them by their shorter titles.

3. An Admonition to the People of England: wherein are ' answered, not onely the slaunderous vntrouthes, reprochfully vttered by Martin the Libeller, but also many other Crimes by 'some of his broode, obiected generally against all Bishops, and 'the Chiefe of the Cleargie, purposely to deface and discredite the present state of the Church.-Detractor & libens auditor, vterque Diabolum portat in lingua.-Seene and allowed by ' authoritie.-Imprinted at London by the Deputies of Christopher Barker, Printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie. 1589.' 4to. K k iij. in fours. Pp. 245. In Roman letter.

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4. Hay any Worke for Cooper: or a briefe Pistle directed by Waye of an hublication to the reverende Byshopps, counselling them, if they will needs be barrelled vp, for feare of * smelling in the Nostrels of her Maiestie and the State, that they 'would vse the aduise of reuerend Martin, for the prouiding of their Cooper. Because the Reuerend T. C., by which misticall letters is vnderstood eyther the Bounsing Parson of Eastmeane, or Tom Coakes his Chaplaine, to bee an vnskilfull and a be'ceytfull tubtrimmer.-Wherein worthy Martin quits himselfe like a man I warrant you, in the modest Defence of his Selfe ' and his learned Pistles, and makes the Coopers hoopes to flye off, and the Bishops Tubs to leake out of all crye. Penned and ' compiled by Martin the Metropolitane. Printed in Europe, not 'farre from some of the Bounsing Priestes.' 4to. Hi, in fours. Pp. 48. Black letter.

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5. Th' Appellation of John Penri, vnto the Highe Court of Parliament, from the bad and injurious dealing of th' Archb. ' of Canterb. and other his colleagues of the high commission: wherin the complainant, humbly submitting himselfe and his 'cause vnto the determination of this honorable assembly: 'craueth nothing els, but either release from trouble and per

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secution, or just tryall.'-(Then follow two quotations; the one from Psalm xxxv. 19, 20, &c.;' the other, Jerem. xx. 21.'- Anno Dom. 1589.' " 12mo. G 3, in fours. Pp. 52.

Small Roman letter.

6. A Dialogue. Wherein is plainly laide open the tyran'nicall dealing of L. Bishopps against Gods children; with certaine points of Doctrine, wherein they approoue them'selues (according to D. Bridges his judgement) to be truely the Bishops of the Diuell. Mallach ii. 7, 8, 9: "The Priests lippes-partiall in the lawe." 12mo. D, in fours; no pagination. Small Roman letter.

7. M. Some laid open in his coulers: wherein the indif'ferent Reader may easily sce, howe wretchedly and loosely he hath handeled the cause against M. Penri. Done by an Oxford man, to his friend in Cambridge. Prov. xxx. 32: "If thou hast bene foolishe in lifting vp thy selfe, and hast thought maliciously, laye now thy hande vpon thy mouth. For proud, haughty, and scornefull is his name, that worketh 'wrath in his arrogancie." Prov. xxi. 24.' 12mo. Q, in fours. Pp. 124: in small Roman letter.

8. The Protestatyon of Martin Marprelat: wherein, notwithstanding the surprizing of the printer, he maketh it known ' vnto the world that he feareth, neither proud priest, Antichristian pope, tiranous prelate, nor godlesse catercap: but defiethe all the race of them by these presents, and offereth 'conditionally, as is farthere expressed hearein, by open disputation to apear in the defence of his cause against them ' and theirs;-which chaleng if they dare not maintaine aginst him: then doth he alsoe publishe that he never meaneth, by the assistance of god, to leaue the assayling of them and theire 'generation vntill they be vterly extinguised out of our 'church. Published by the worthie Gentleman D. martin marprelat, D. in all the faculties, primat and metropolitan.' 12mo. D, in fours. Pp. 33; Roman letter.

9. Theses Martinianae: that is, Certain demonstrative Conclusions, sette downe and collected (as it should seeme) by that famous and renowned Clarke, the reuerend Martin Marprelate the great: seruing as a manifest and sufficient confutation of al that euer the Colledge of Catercaps with their whole band ' of Clergie-priests, haue, or can bring for the defence of their ' ambitious and Antichristian Prelacie. Published and set foorth as an after-birth of the noble Gentleman himselfe, by a prety stripling of his, Martin Ivnior, and dedicated by him to his good name and nuncka, Maister Iohn Kankerbury. How the yong man came by them, the Reader shall vnderstande sufficiently in the Epilogue. In the meane time, whosoeuer can


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bring mee acquainted with my father, Ile bee bounde he shall not loose his labour.-Printed by the assignes of Martin Iunior, without any priuiledge of the Catercaps.' 'D, in fours. No pagination. Small Roman letter.


10. The iust censure and reproofe of Martin Iunior.• Wherein the rash and vndiscreete headines of the foolish 'youth is sharply mette with, and the boy hath his lesson taught him, I warrant you, by his reuerend and elder brother, Martin Senior, sonne and heire vnto the renowned Martin Mar-prelate the Great. Where also, least the springall shold be vtterly discouraged in his good meaning, you shall finde, that hee is not beraued of his due commendations.' 12mo. D, in fours. No pagination. In small Roman letter.

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11. Pappe with an hatchet; alias, A figge for my God sonne; or, Cracke me this nut; or, A Countrie cuffe, that is, 'a sound boxe of the eare, for the idiot Martin to hold his 'peace, seeing the patch will take no warning.-Written by one that dares call a dog a dog, and made to preuent Martin's dog-daies.-Imprinted by Iohn Anoke, and Iohn Astile, for the Bayliue of Withernam, cum priuilegio perennitatis, and are to bee sold at the signe of the crab-tree cudgell, in 'thwackcoate-lane.-A Sentence.-Martin hangs fit for my mowing.' 4to. E iij. in fours. No pagination. Roman letter. 12. Plaine Percevall the Peace-maker of England. Sweetly indevoring with his blunt persuasions to botch vp a Reconciliation between Mar-ton and Mar-tother.-Compiled by law'full art, that is to say, without witchcraft, or sorcery; and referred specially to the Meridian and pole Artichocke of Nomans Land; but may serue generally, without any great error, for more Countries then Ile speake of.-Quis furor aut hos, Aut hos, arma sequi, ferrúmque lacessere iussit.-Printed in Broad-streete, at the signe of the Pack-staffe.' 4to. 4to. E 2, in fours. Pp. 26. Black letter.

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13. An Almond for a Parrat; or, Cutbert Curry-knaves Almes. Fit for the knaue Martin, and the rest of those 'impudent Beggers, that can not be content to stay their stomakes with a Benefice, but they will needes breake their fastes with our Bishops.-Rimarum sum plenus.-Therefore beware (gentle Reader) you catch not the hicket with laughing.-Imprinted at a Place, not farre from a Place, by the Assignes of Signior Some-body, and are to be sold at his shoppe in Trouble-knaue-street, at the signe of the Standish.' 4to. F 3, in fours. Pp. 19. Black letter.

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14. A Countercuffe giuen to Martin Iunior; by the venturous, hardie, and renowned Pasquill of Englande, Caualiero.— 'Not of olde Martins making, which newlie kni~hted the Saints

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in Heauen, with rise vppe Sir Peter and Sir Paule; but latelie dubd for his seruice at home in the defence of his Country, and for the cleane breaking of his staffe vpon Martin's face.Printed between the skye and the grounde, wythin a myle of 'an Oake, and not manie Fieldes off, from the vnpriuiledged Presse of the Ass-ignes of Martin Iunior. Anno Dom. 1589.' 4to. Single sheet. Roman letter.

15. Martin's months Minde, that is, A certaine report and true description of the Death and Funeralls of olde Martin Marre-prelate, the great makebate of England, and 'father of the Factions.-Contayning the cause of his death, 'the manner of his buriall, and the right copies both of his Will, and of such Epitaphs, as by sundrie his dearest friends, ' and other of his well-willers, were framed for him.

'Martin the Ape, the dronke, and the madde,

'The three Martins are, whose workes we haue had.

6 If Martin the fourth come, after Martins so euill,
'Nor man, nor beast comes, but Martin the deuill. 1589.'

4to. H, in fours. Roman letter.

16. The Returne of the renowned Caualiero Pasquill of 'England, from the other side the Seas, and his meeting with Marforius in London vpon the Royale Exchange.-Where 'they encounter with a little houshold talke of Martin and 'Martinisme, discouering the scabbe that is bredde in England; and conferring together about the speedie dispersing of the 'golden Legende of the Liues of the Saints.-If my breath be so hote that I burne my mouth, suppose I was Printed by Pepper Allie. Anno Dom. 1589.' 4to. D, in fours. Roman letter.

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Of the above, there are in the Bodleian Library, Nos. 1, 3, 4, and 9 to 16 inclusive; and in the Museum Library, Nos. 1, 4, 11, 15, 16 and 17.

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We would take then, as we have already said, The Epistle to be the first of the Marprelate tracts; but by this we do not mean that Martin Marprelate sprung up before the astonished counsellors and high commissioners of Queen Elizabeth, opening any new controversy, or even directing his attack upon hitherto untouched places of his enemy's camp. Men also had been accustomed to bitter language and misrepresentation, of which a huge folio (for many years a favourite however) was a ponderous specimen, viz. Fox's Book of Martyrs;' and direct personal allusions had not been spared, and motives, however base and unworthy, already imputed to those who were, or had been in authority. But this had occurred in books written apparently in sober earnestness; even John Foxe might possibly have

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