תמונות בעמוד
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this, what ever Sinner comes to God in Christ, confeffing their owp Guiltiness in Sincerity, and fupplicating for Pardon, he cannot in Juftice refufe to give it out unto them, fince he hath taken complete Satisfaction of Chrift. When a Sinner feeks a Discharge of all Sin, by Virtue of that Blood, the Lord is bound by his own Juftice to give it out, and to write a free Remiffion to them; fince he is fully paid, he cannot but difcharge us, and cancel our Bonds. So then a poor Sinner that defires Mercy, and would forfake Sin, hath a twofold Ground to fuit this Forgiveness upon Chrift's Blood, and God's own Word, Chrift's Purchafe and Payment, and the Father's Promife, he is juft and Righteous, and therefore he cannot deny the one, nor yet take two Satisfactions, two Payments for one Debt; and be is faithful, fo he cannot but ftand to the other, that is his Promnife, and thus is Forgivenefs afcertained and affured unto the confeffing Sin

unable to relift, and have yielded themfelves to Mercy. Now, fhall I not much more apprehend that of God, which I admire in a finful Man? Shall not that be moft perfect in him, which is but a maimed and broken Piece of his Image in loft Man? Certainly, it is the Glory of God to conceal an Offence, as well as to publish it, and he can fhew as much Greatness and Majefty in Mercy, as in Juftice; therefore I will wholly commit my felf to him. I think a Man ought to reafon fo, from the very natural Knowlege he hath of God; but when ye have not only his Name and Nature published, but his Word and Promise fo often pro claimed, himself come under fome Tye to receive and accept graciously all Sinners that fly in under the Shadow of his Wings of Mercy; then O, with how much Perswasion and Boldness should we come to him, and lay open our Sins before him, who not only may pardon them, and not only is likely to do it, seeing he hath a gracious Nature, burner. If any would take this in Relation certainly will pardon them, cannot but do it, because his Faithfulness requireth it. Certainly, he hath fuperadded his Word to his Name, his Promise to his Nature, to confirm our Faith, and give us ample Ground of ftrong Confola


There is another more fuitable Notion about the Juftice of God, in forgiving Sin; it hath fome Truth in the Thing itself, but whether it be imported here, I dare not certainly affirm. Some take his Faithfulness in Relation to his Word of Promife, and his Juftice in Relation to the Price and Ranfom payed by Christ; importing as much as

to Confeffion, as if it reflected upon that which preceeded; and the Meaning fhould be, if any Man confefs his Sin, he is just to requite Confeffion with Remiffion, he cannot in Righteousness deny one that deferves it fo well, he is just to return fome fuitable Recompence, to fuch a humble Confeffion: This Senfe were a perverting of the whole Gofpel, and would overturn the Foundations of Grace; for, there is no Connection between our Confeffion and his Remiffion, but that which the abfolute good Pleasure of his Will hath made; befides, that Repentance is as free Grace given from the exalted Prince, as Remiffion of Sins is.



1 John i. 9, 10. If we confess our Sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our Sins, and to cleanfe us from all Unrighteousness.

If we say that we have not finned, we make him a Liar,


AN ND who will not confefs their Sin, fay you? Who doth not confefs Sins daily, and therefore, who is not forgiven and pardoned? But ftay, and confider the Matter again, take not this upon your first light Apprehenfions, which in Religion are commonly empty, vain and fuperficial; but search the Scriptures, and your own Hearts, that ye may know what Confeffion means. It may be faid of that external Custom of Confeffion, that many of you have, that the Lord hath not required it, Sacrifices and burnt Offerings thou wouldeft not, fome external Submiffions and Confeffions, which ye take for Compenfation for Sins and Offences against God, thefe, fay, are but Abomination to the Lord; but a broken and a contrite Heart, God, thou wilt not defpife, Pfal. li. 16, 17. And lo, I come to do thy Will, I delight in it, Pfal. xl. 7, 8. When external Profeffions and Confeffions are feparated from the internal Contrition of the Heart, and godly Sorrow for Sin; and when both internal Contrition, and external Profeffion and Confeffion are

divided from Conformity, or Study of Conformity to God's Will, then they are in no better Acceptance with God, than thefe external Sacrifices which God rejected, though he had required them, because they were disjoyned from the true Life of them, and spiritual Meaning, that is, Faith in a Mediator, and Love to Obedience. If Confeffion flow not from fome Contrition of Heart, if there be not fome inward Spring of this Kind, the Heart opened and unfolding its very In-fide before God, breaking in Pieces, which makes both Pain or Senfe, and likewife gives the clearer View of the inward Parts of the Heart; and if it be not joined with Affection to God's Will and Law, earnest Love to new Obedience, it is but a vain, empty and counterfeit Confeffion, that denies it felf. I fuppofe, a Man that confeffes Sin which he feels nor, or forfakes not, in fo doing, he declares that he knows not the Nature of Sin; he may know fuch an Action, that it is commonly called Sin, and it may be, is afhamed and cenfured among Men, and therefore he confeffeth it; but while Kk k


fake, you in fo far declare that you know not Sin, what it is you confefs, and fo, that you have mocked him who will not be mocked; for, what a Mockery is it, to confefs these Faults, which we have no folid effectual Purpose to reform? To vomit up your Sins by Confeffion, that we may with more Defire and Luft lick up the Vomit again, and to pretend to wash, for nothing elfe, but to return to the Puddle and defile again. My Brethren, Out of the fame Fountain comes not bitter Water and sweet, James iii. 11. Since that which ordinarily proceeds from you, is bitter, unfavory to God and Man, carnal, earthly and fenfual, your Ways are a difplayed Ban

Account, all your Profeffions and Acknowledgments are of the fame Nature, they are but a little more fugared over, and their inward Nature is not changed, as unacceptable to God, as your Sins are.

he confeffeth it without Sense or Feeling, he declares that he takes it not up as Sin, hath not found the Vileness and Loathfomnefs of the Nature of it, nor beheld it as it is a Violation of the most high Lord's Laws, and a Provocation of his glorious Holiness. Did a Soul view it thus, as it is reprefented in God's Sight, as it difhonours that glorious Majefty, and hath manifeft Rebellion in it againft him, and as it defiles and pollutes our Spirits; he could not I fay, thus look upon it, but he would find fome inward Soul-abhorrence and Difplicence at it, and himfelf too. How monftruous would it make him in his own Sight? It could not but affect the Heart, and humble it in Secret before God; whereas your for-ner against God's Will, then lay your ced and ftrained Confeffions made in publick, they are meerly taken on then, and proceed from no inward Principle; there is no Shadow of any Soul-humiliation in Secret, but as fome ufe to put on Sackcloath when they come to make that Profeffion, and put it off when they go out; fo you put on a Habit of Confeffion in publick, and put it off you when you go out of the Congregation. To ly mourning before the Lord, in your fecret Retirements, that you are Strangers to. But I wonder how you fhould thus mock God, that you will not be as ferious and real in confeffing, as in finning? Will you fin with the whole Man, and confefs only with the Mouth? Will ye act Sin with Delight, and not confefs it with a true Sorrow that indeed affects the Heart? Now, do you honour. God by confeffing, when the Manner of it declares, that you feel not the Bitternefs of Sin, and conceive not the Holinefs and Righteoufnefs of God, whom you have to do withal? Even fo, when You confefs Sin, which you do not for

I would give you some Characters out of the Text, to discover unto you the Vanity and Emptiness of your ordinary Confeffions. The Confeffion of Sin muft be particular, univerfal, perpetual, or conftant; particular, I fay, for there are many Thousands who confefs that they are Sinners, and yet do not at all confefs their Sins: For, to confefs Sins, is to confefs their own real actual Guiltinefs, that which they indeed have committed, or are inclined to do. So the true and fincere Confeffion of a repenting People is expreffed, 1 Kings viii. 38. What Prayer or Supplication foever be made by any Man, which fall know the Plague of bis own Heart, and Spread forth bis Hands, then hear thou in Heaven, and forgive every Man whofe Heart thou knoweft. Now con

fider whether or not you be thus acquainted with your own Hearts and Ways, as to know your particular Plague and Predominant. Are you not rather wholly Strangers to yourselves, especially the Plague of your Hearts? There are few that keep so much as a Record or Register of their Actions done againft God's Law, or their Neglects of his Will; and therefore, when you are particularly pofed about your Sins, or the Challenge of Sin, you can fpeak nothing to that, but that you never knew one Sin by another; that is indeed, you never obferved your Sins, you never knew any Sin, but contented your felf with the Tradition you received that you were Sinners; but if any Man be used to reflect upon his own Ways, yet generally, the most Part of Men are altogether Strangers to their Hearts; if they know any Evil of themfelves, it is at moft, but fomething done, or undone, fome Commiffion or Omiffion, but nothing of the inward Fountain of Sin is difcovered. I beseech you then, do not deceive your felves with this general Acknowledgment that you are Sinners, while in the mean Time your real particular Sins are hid from you, and you cannot choose but hide in a Generality from God. Certainly, you are far from Forgiveness, and that Blessedness of which David fpeaks, Pfal. xxxii. for this belongs to the Man that bideth not his Sins, in whofe Heart is no Guile. And this is the Plainnefs and Sincerity of the Heart, rightly to discern its own Plagues, and unfold them to him. David, no doubt, would at any Time have confeffed that he was a Sinner, but mark how heavy the Wrath of God was on him for all that, because he came not to a plain, ingenuous and humble Acknowledgment of his par

ticular Sins. I confeffed my Sin, and mine Iniquity I bid not. While you confefs only in general Terms, you con fefs others Sins rather than yours; but this is it, to descend into our own Hearts, and find out our just and true Accusation, our real Debt, to charge ourselves as narrowly as we can, that he may dif charge us fully, and forgive us freely.

Next, I fay, Confeffion must be univerfal, that is, of all Sin, without Partiality or Refpect to any Sin. I doubt if a Man can truly repent of any Sin, except he in a Manner repent of all Sin, or truly forfake one Sin, except there be a Divorcement of the Heart from, and forfaking of all Sin; therefore the Apoftle faith, If we confess our Sins, not Sin fimply, but Sins, taking in all the Body and Collection of them; for it is oppofed to that, if we say we have no Sin, &c. Then there lyes a Neceffity upon us to confefs what we have; we have all Sin, and fo fhould confefs all Sins. Now, my Meaning is not, that it is abfolutely necessary that a Soul come to the particular Knowledge and Acknow ledgment of all his Sins, whether of Ignorance, or Infirmity; nay, that is not poffible, for who can understand bis Errors? (faith David) Cleanfe thou me from fecret Sins, Pfal. xix. 12. There are many Sins of Ignorance, that we know not to be Sins, and many Escapes of Infirmity, that we do not advert to, which otherwise we might know. Now, I do not impofe that Burden on a Soul, to confefs every individual Sin of that Kind; but this certainly must be, there must be such a Discovery of the Nature of Sin, and the Loathsomness of it in God's Sight, and the hainous Guilt of it, as may abafe and humble the Soul in his Prefence; there must be some distinctK kk 2


er and clearer View of the Difpofitions and Lufts of the Heart, than Men at tain generally unto; and withal, a Difcovery of the holy and fpiritual Meaning of God's Law, which may unfold a Multitude of Tranfgreffions, that are hid from the World, and make Sin to abound in a Man's Sight and Senfe; (for when the Law enters, Sin abounds) and to close up this, as there are many Sins now difcovered unto fuch a Soul, which lay hid before, the Light having fbined in upon the Darkness, and above all, the defperate Wickedness of the Heart is presented; fo there is no Sin known and difcerned, but there is an equal impartial Sorrow for it, and Indignation against it. As a Believer bath Refpect to all God's Commands, and loves to obey them, fo the penitent Soul hath an impartial Hatred of all Sin, even the dearest and most beloved Idol, and defires unfeignedly to be rid of it. Hence your ufual publick Confeffions of Sin, are wipt out of the Number of true and fincere Confeffions, because you pretend to repent of one Sin, and in the mean Time, neither do ye know a Multitude of other Sins that prevail over you, nor do you mourn for them, nor forfake them. Nay, you do not examine yourselves that Way, to find out the Temper of your Hearts, or Tenor and Course of your Ways. You pretend to repent for Drunkenness, or fuch like, and yet you are ordinary Curfers, Swearers, Liars, Railers, Neglecters of Prayer, Prophaners of the Sabbath, and fuch like, and thefe you do not withal mourn for: In fum, he that mourns only for the Sin that Men cenfure, he knoweth and confeffeth no Sin fincerely; if you would indeed return unto God from fome grofs Evils, you must be divorced in your Affections from all Sin.

Then this Confeffion fhould be perpetuated and continued, as long as we are in this Life, for that is imported by comparing this Verfe with thefe it ftands between. If we fay we bave no Sin, if we fay at any Time, while we are in this Life, if we imagine or dream of any fuch Perfection here, we lie. Now, what should we do then, fince Sin is always lodging in our mortal Bodies, during this Time of neceffary Abode befide an ill Neighbour? What fhould be our Exercife? even this, Confefs your Sins, confefs, I fay, as long as you have them, draw out this the length of that: Be continually groaning to him under that Body of Death, and mourning under your daily Infirmities and Failings; that Stream of Corruption runs continually, let the Stream of your Contrition and Confeffion run as unceffantly; and there is another Stream of Cbrift's Blood, that runs conftantly too to cleanse you. Now, herein is the Discovery of the Vanity and Deceitfulness of many of your Confeffions, publick and private; the Current of them foon dries up, there is no Perpetuity or Conftancy in them, no daily humbling or abafing yourselves, but all that is, is by Fits and Starts, upon fome tranfient Convictions, or outward Cen-fures and Rebukes: And thus Men quickly cover and bury their Sins in Oblivion and Security, and forget what Manner of Perfons they were; they are not under a daily impartial Examination of their Ways, take Notice of nothing but fome folemn and grofs Escapes, and these are but a fhort Time under their View.

Now, let me apply a little to the Encouragement of poor Souls, who being inwardly burdened with the Weight of their own Guiltinefs, exoner themselves. by Confeffion in his Bofom; as you


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