תמונות בעמוד

事。百氏毛公彤奭召 о ◎尹虎公衞伯芮太乃論 王御臣師侯畢伯保同

3 ing on the gem-adorned bench. He then called for the Grandprotector Shih, the baron of Juy, the baron of T'ung, the duke of Peih, the prince of Wei, the duke of Maou, Sze, the master of the warders, the master of the guards, the Heads of the officers,—all the superintendents of affairs.

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ill is expressed by and, and his decease by and, because his ministers could not bear to name such things directly.' 2. 甲子:‘on the day Küă.

tsze.' But what day of the month this was cannot be determined. Hea Seen observes that 'the historians of Han conclude that it was the same day intended by in the 1st par., but it is to be presumed they are wrong. In the "Completion of the War,” p. 1, we read—

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(==), ‘to wash the face,' is sufficiently estab

-Дlished; and hence Ying-tă says it remains that

HE, where the day intended by be taken for 'to wash the hands.' Ma Yung

A is determined by its calendaric name

preceding. In the text here there is no such

name given, and we cannot say what day 甲子 was. See the 集說:On the con

clusion of the historians of Han, and the year

of king Ching's death, Gaubil says:-'Lew Hin,

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who lived some years B.C., and Pan Koo (six, and for each there was the appropriate oc

), the historian, who flourished 70 or 80 years after Christ, place the year of the death of king Ching in 1,079, B.C., and make him to have reigned 37 years; and they are followed in these points by the standard History

). They add that, on this year of Ching's death, the day, the 47th of the cycle, was new moon of the 4th month of the calendar of Chow, and that was the day of full moon ;-citing the text of this par. On the year B.C., 1,079, the day


the 28th February of the Julian year, but new

casion. See on the duties of the in the

Chow Le, Bk. XXI. The present was an extraordinary occasion, and no doubt his attendants settled on their principle of court etiquette the proper habit in which he should receive his ministers. The text determining nothing, however, on the point, critics are left to decide the questions which they raise, according to their several views. See Lin Che-k'e and

Keang Shing, in loc. We must leave in the same way the question undetermined of who

was or were.

The 太僕 and

the P
officers of his dept. are probably intended. See
the Chow Le, Bk. XXXI., in Ts'ae

would take the term more generally as ===

moon was several days after; the day, the supporters and assistants.'

was the 14th of March, and the full moon was not till several days after. Those two authors therefore make a false calculation, founded on their false principles of the motion of the sun and moon, and of the return of the period of seventysix years. The year 1,068 (or 1,069) B.C. was the year of the death of king Ching; the 16th of March was the day, and also the day



Lin Che-k'e ingeniously refers

to the practice of Confucius, Ana. X., xiii. 3,'When he was sick, and the prince came to visit him, he had his head placed to the east, made his court robes be placed over him, and drew his girdle across them. The sage would



命予言不彌日惟疾日 汝審嗣獲留臻幾大鳴 訓 慈誓恐既病漸呼

The king said, "Oh! my illness has greatly increased, and it will soon be over with me. The malady comes on daily with more violence and without interruption. I am afraid I may not find another opportunity to declare my wishes about my successor, and therefore I now lay my charge on you with special instructions.

not receive a visit from his prince in his undress, even though he was sick; and in the same spirit king Ching would be properly arrayed on the

-we are to

occasion in the text.憑玉几
conceive of the king seated on a mat, and leaning
forward in his weakness on the bench or stool
before him. The benches used at various im-

the 司几筵

perial ceremonies were of five kinds, of which
the 'gem-adorned' was the most honourable.
See the Chow Le, Bk. XX., on the duties of
Difft. accounts are given
of their size. They were all, acc. to Ma Yung,
3 feet long. Yuen Ch'in
says they
were '5 feet long, and 2 feet high.' 3. The
duke of Shaou, and the other five ministers
mentioned, were no doubt the six King of Bk.
XX. On the death of the duke of Chow, the
duke of Shaou had succeeded him as

the heads or chiefs of the various departments of officers;'-as frequently.

We may take, with Woo Ching, as officers mentioned. It is said that the king sent a general designation of all the ministers and a common summons' for them all to come to

his presence (). On common occasions the order to repair to the imperial presence was given to the six King,' who would 'lead on the officers belonging to their several departments' (see Bk. XX, p. 13); but on the present extraordinary occasion the order was sent directly to all, of whatever rank. Such at least is the explanation given of the phrase

4. The

Pp. 4-9. The king's charge. severity and dangerousness of his illness, rendering it

or prime minister, retaining also his dignity necessary for him to take that opportunity of making of 'Grand-Guardian.'

his wishes known to them. 疾大漸惟



is the general name for sickness or

When the sickness is severe, the

病 is used. 漸進,‘to advance, to

grow. is defined by or 'perilous.'

A baron of Juy is mentioned in the prefatory notice to one of the lost Books, as having made the Ch'aou Ming), by order of king Woo. The one in the text may be the same, or a son of his. Juy is referred to the pres. dis. of Chaou-yih(), dep. of Se-ngan, Shen-se. The baron of Juy was minister of In- gives, it wants only struction. The baron of Tung was probably

the minister of Religion. His principality of

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The ‘Daily Explanation,' however, for

a little to the extinction of my breath.'

Tung was in the sub. dep. of Hwa (華州),臻至,‘to come on’一盒 ‘to in

dep. of Tung-chow.

"The duke of Peih,'-see Bk. XXIV. Chin Sze-k'ae says that he succeeded to the duke of Chow as chief of all the princes of the east, and in the office of GrandTutor. He was minister of War. "The prince of Wei,'—see on the name of Bk. IX. He or his son was now the minister of Crime.

"The duke of Maou must have been the minister of Works.

He is supposed to be called Kung or 'duke' here
from having been appointed Grand-Assistant.
Where Maou was is not certainly known.
-see on Bk. II., p. 2.

we are to understand the 虎賁 of Bk.

XIX., p. 1,-the


of the Chow Le,


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am afraid I shall not find the

opportunity to speak solemnly and publicly about the succession.' This is the simplest way of construing this clause, and is that adopted by Woo Ching and Keang Shing. Gan-kwo's method, followed by Ts'ae, is over ingenious:

恐遂死不得誓言以嗣續 我志 (Iam afraid I shall forthwith die, and

not be able to make a public declaration to

develop continuously what I have in my mind.'

詳審發訓, (with careful

exercise of thought I issue instructions.







逾 天威艺天用則光

訓嗣侗命。克 克肄食武

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5 The former sovereigns, king Wăn and king Woo, displayed in succession their equal glory, making sure provision for the support of the people, and setting forth their instructions. The people accorded a practical submission; they did so without any opposition, so that their influence extended to Yin, and the great 6 appointment of Heaven was secured. After them, I, the stupid one, received with reverence the dread decree of Heaven, and continued to keep the great instructions of Wan and Woo, not daring blindly to transgress them.

The brilliant and swecessful rule of Wǎn and Woo. | There is no difficulty in this way with 不違 昔君=先王, the former kings.’昔 Këang Shing also takes this view, and attributes is used as an adj. 宣重光‘pub

the repetition of to the gasping utterance

of the dying king. This is not necessary. The lished—manifested—their doubled light,'-repetition of the character gives emphasis to its

繼而能明其德 as Chin Ya-yen| meaning. Iput no comma after the 1st 肄 as is generally done. 用克達殷一

expresses it, continued one the other, and could make their virtue illustrious.' This is much

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'thereby they could reach to all Yin,' i.e., the

whole empire came under their influence.

6. Low king Ching had endeavoured to discharge

heavenly bodies combined together, and that his kingly duties.

重光is merely a figurative description of the virtue of Wan and Woo, as like the bright

ness of the sun and moon.


–comp. Bk. XVIII, p. 5 I take 鹿 in the

same way as there. The various views of its

meaning taken by the critics all re-appear on this passage.

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stupid one who was after them. So Ching designates himself. Gan-kwo and Woo Ching

find in侗 the idea of 'youth' as well as of

stupidity (佩幼而未有知也;

but there is no such idea in the term in Ana.,

VI., xvi. Këang Shing, on the authority of

則肄不違-肄 the 說文, and partly also of Ma Yung,

is found with the meanings of 習, to practise, edits-在夏后之調 from which he

and of 勞, to toil. Gan-kwǔ takes the latter endeavours to force out the meaning of 承文

meaning,and understands the characters of 武之業在中夏為諸侯之 共主,‘receiving the possession of Wăn

Wăn and Woo, ' thus they toiled; and though

they toiled, they did nothing contrary to what

was right'(文武勤勞,雖勞而 不違道). So, Lin Che-k'e, as far as regards the meaning of 肄. The other meaning, however, is preferable. It was approved by Choo He, and adopted by Tsae. Acc. to it, 民, the people,' is understood as the subject of

the common lord of all the princes !"

and Woo, and being in the Central Great Land

天威‘I reverently met (=set my

self to receive) the dread decree of Heaven.'

By 天威 is meant, no doubt, the 大命 of last par.,--the appointment to the empire, enforced by the dread requirements of Heaven

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if I

"Now Heaven has laid affliction on me, and it seems as should not again rise or be myself. Do you take clear note of my words, and in accordance with them watch reverently over my eldest son, Ch'aou, and greatly assist him in the difficulties of his 8 position. Be kind to those who are far off, and help those who are near. Promote the tranquillity of the States, small and great, and encourage them to well-doing.

"I think how a man has to govern himself in dignity and with decorum :-do not you allow Ch'aou to proceed heedlessly on the impulse of improper motives."

from those who held it. 7, 8. The general | 勸小大衆國安之使國得

duties which the ministers would have to perform

for his son and successor.


悟-Teae puts a comma at 疾, and joins


quillize them, making the States feel in a condi

tion of tranquil safety; encourage them, mak

with the words that follow, as an adverb, ing them emulate one another in well-doing.'

=‘probably,' 'it is to be feared that' Gan-|遠邇and大小庶邦 are composite

kwŏ and Keang Shing put the comma after designations for the whole empire.

, and make it an adj., descriptive of the

sickness. I prefer the former construction.

弗悟;' will not awake,' ie., to a

conscious ability for my duties. 元子 剑-Ching thus declares his eldest son as

his successor. Ch'aou was the son's name. He

is known in history by his honorary title of Kang (康). I have not been able to ascertain how old he was at his accession. 弘濟于 艱難no

-no particular hardships and difficulties are meant, in which the new emperor might

be involved, but those of his position generally. As the‘Daily Explanation' has it:一宗 社之重基業之大付之一人 可謂艱難矣 柔遠能通

-see the 'Can. of Shun,' p. 16.


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Special charge to them to watch over the character

of his son. 思夫人夫人, this man,''men' generally, or 'any man.' 自 亂(治)于威儀-for威儀

on(The Doctrine of the Mean,' xxvii., 3.


貢=進,‘to advance.. 非幾一

improper springs,' i.e, of action. Choo He was asked the meaning of this phrase by one

of his disciples, who said that most crities took in the sense of 危‘perilous,' but that

he thought it should be taken as simply —

事, and 非幾=非所當為之 事,‘things which ought not to be done. The master answered that 幾 meant 'the small beginnings or springs of 之微,

things.’Ching had in view, no doubt, the mind of his son, as the spring and regulator of all

his conduct.



○八 入於賁伋毛保乙衣

Immediately on receiving this charge, the officers retired. The tent was then carried out into the court; and on the next day, being Yih-ch'ow, the king died.

II. The Grand-protector then ordered Chung Hwan and Nankeung Maou to instruct Leu Keih, the prince of Ts'e, with two shield-and-spearmen and a hundred guards, to meet the prince Ch'aou outside the south gate, and conduct him to one of the wing apartments near to that where the king lay, there to be as chief


10. The king's death.

charge; and that ceremony over, it was now

carried out into the court. Into what court?

This question will be best answered, and the

兹既受命 環(read seuen),一兹 is to be taken adverbially,一是時,‘then.’We must understand 羣臣,‘all the ministers,' 'all the ministers,' as the subject of 受命 還一退,‘retired,' ie, from the courts of the high officers throughout the

the apartment where they had received the charge. Gan-kwy, as amplified by Ying-tă, makes the meaning to be that they retired from around the king to the ceremonial places in the apartment appropriate to their different ranks. In this way the interpreter only gives himself trouble. I prefer the simpler view. -we are obliged to seek a meaning for here quite difft. from that assigned to it in Bk. XIX., p. 1, where it denotes the keeper of the robes.' K'ang


student prepared to understand the next chapter, if I refer to the form of the imperial palace in the time of Chow. It will easily be conceived by any one who has studied the architecture of empire at the present day.

The palace was much more long or deep than wide, consisting of five series of buildings, continued one after another, so that, if it had been according to etiquette, and all the gates had been thrown open, one might have walked in a direct line from the first gate to the last. The difft. buildings were separated by courts partially open and embracing a large space of ground. The gates of the different divisions, had their particular names. The first or outer gate, fronting the south,

was called 臬門; the second was called shing would make the to mean the grave 雉門; the third, 庫門; the fourth, 應 clothes,' and綴衣= 'they made the grave | 門; and the fifth 路門, called also 畢門 clothes' (連綴小殮大殮之衣) and 虎門. Outside the second gate–the But this view, though defended by Ming-shing,雉門一 held the outer levee,’(外朝)


may safely be pronounced absurd. If it were when the sovereign received the princes and

to be admitted, we should have to find a third officers generally. Outside the 5th gate-the

meaning for the phrase on its recurrence in P.

14. Ts'ae is right in defining it here, after Gan

kwǔ, by幄帳, a kind of ‘tent,’or curtains and canopy, set up over the emperor, when he held audiences. This had been prepared when he sent for his ministers to give them his last

路門— -was held the 'audience of govern

ment’(治朝), when the king met his ministers, to consult with them on the business of the State. Inside this gate were the buildings which formed the private apartments, called

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