תמונות בעמוד

商四政大杵後前罔若味 以徒有林爽

閭比 比舊乃戎比倒敵 敵會受 于于率






Shang, waiting for the gracious decision of Heaven. On the day këǎ-tsze, at early dawn, Show led forward his hosts like a forest, and assembled them in the wilderness of Muh. But they would offer no opposition to our army. Those in the front inverted their spears, and attacked those behind them, till they fled, and the blood flowed till it floated the pestles about. Thus did king Woo once don his arms, and the empire was greatly settled. He overthrew the existing government of Shang, and made it resume its old course. He delivered the count of Ke from prison, and raised a tumulus over the grave of Pe-kan. He bowed in his carriage at the gate of

tsin, so that they were able during the night to complete the order of battle. This view is at once far-fetched and shallow.

believing it. When the prince the most bene

volent was engaged against him who was the

most the opposite, how could such a thing be?'

It gives, no doubt, an exaggerated description

of the slaughter which took place. 杵


甲子昧 爽一 -see the 'Speech at Muh,' p. 1. 其旅 若林會于牧野-see the She King, the wooden pestles of the mortars, which the Pt. III, Bk. I. Ode II. 7,殷商之旅其 會如林矢于牧野


Ts'een says that Show's army amounted to 700,000 men, which is doubtless a great exag

geration. 敵于我師,the historian 以 北一北一奔, ‘to flee.' Ts'een gives a difft.

identifies himself with Woo's army.

account of the battle. At least he makes no mention of Show's troops falling upon one another, but says that Woo sent his general Shang-foo, with a hundred of the most daring warriors, to dash forward at the head of a large body. Show's army had no mind to fight, but really wished king Woo to penetrate their host. They therefore inverted their lances, and made way for his men. They in fact all revolted from Show, who fled at once to the "Stag tower." This account is not reconcileable, however, with the statement which follows about the blood flowing till it floated the pestles of the mortars.'

The remarks of Mencius on the passage

流漂杵 are well known. He attests (VII.

Pt. H., iii.) that the Completion of the War, contained such a passage, but protests against


need not suppose, as some do (see a note in e

soldiers carried with them to prepare their rice.

the 集傳 by 蔡清), that they were

the pestles used for pounding the earth in making the intrenchments. Maou K'e-ling

prefers the reading of 鹵, shields,' for 杵. Mei Tsuh (梅鷟) would save the credit of Mencius at the expense of the classic. If he

argues, it had appeared, as in the present text, that the slaughter was occasioned by Show's troops turning against one another, there would have been no occasion for the philosopher's remark. The forger of Tsin evidently constructed his text that king Woo might not appear chargeable with the bloodshedding, which Mencius supposed might be attributed to him! It is much more natural to believe that Mencius, in the impulse of his ardent nature, spoke as he did,-unadvisedly. 一戎衣tonce he

[ocr errors]

put on his martial garb.' See in the Doctrine of the Mean,’xvii., 2. Coinp. also on 殪戎

受: Bk. IX., P, 4. 反商政 he

turned back the govt. of Shang,' i.e., he took away the oppressive laws of Show, and then– the old govt.' i.e, the 由舊政‘followed



下報惇五位惟 列而粟之


爵萬 大財


供義食能官五悦于鉅 喪重惟分服四橋


Shang Yung's village. He dispersed the treasures of Luh-t'ae, and distributed the grain of Keu-k'eaou, thus conferring great gifts

throughout the empire, and all the people joyfully submitted. He arranged the orders of nobility into five, assigning the territories to them on a threefold scale. He gave offices only to the worthy, and employments only to the able. He attached great importance to the people's being taught the duties of the five relations of society, and to take care for food, for funeral ceremonies, and for sacrifices. He showed the reality of his truthfulness, and proved clearly his righteousness. He honoured virtue, and rewarded merit. Then he had only to let his robes fall down, and fold his hands, and the empire was orderly ruled.

govt. of Tang and the other good sovereigns | Jo-keu absurdly says that this is different from

who succeeded him. 釋箕子囚封
–see the concluding note to the
• Viscount of Wei. 式商容間一式,

see Con. Ana.. X., xvi., 3. Shang Yung must
have been some worthy in disgrace with Show,
and living retired in his village. Ying-ti quotes
some account of him from Hwang-p'oo Meih's

the account of Mencius. It is different, how

ever, from the account which we find in the

Chow Le, Bk. IX., (地官,大司徒) the orders of nobility are five, as in MenThere

cius, but the divisions of territory are also five. To the Kung, it is said, there were assigned 500 le square; to the How, 400; to the Pih, 300;to the Tsze, 200; and to the Nan, 100. I don't see how the two accounts are to be reconciled. If it be said that the five-fold territorial division was made by the duke of Chow at a subsequent

帝王世記, but it is the production of a 散鹿臺之財發鉅 period, which is the view of Kang-shing, why

later age.

橋之粟-of the (Stag tower’we have

did not Mencius advert to it? If it be said, that the larger dimensions arose from the usur

spoken. Keu-k'eaou was in the north east of pations of the States among themselves, which

the pres. dis. of Keuh-chow (曲周), dep. of Kwang-ping (廣平). Chih-le, where Show

had collected great stores of grain. These two measures were directed to the benefit of the

masses of the people, impoverished by the exactions of the tyrant.

is the view of Ying-tă, how is it that they have

any place in the Chow Le? 建官惟賢 位事惟能-the historian proceeds to

Woo's provisions for the officers about his court. His object was to have none in office but men of talents and virtue, and that each man's duties

P. 10. 列爵惟五分土惟三, should be those for which he was specially able.

--this agrees with the account of the arrangement of dignities and emoluments determined by the House of Chow, given by Mencius, Book


Gan-kwo explained the former of these clauses

V., Pt. II, ii. The orders of nobility were the by inserting an ii between 民 and 五教

Kung, How, Pih, Tsze and Nan, to the two first of which were assigned a hundred le square of territory, each, while the Pih had 70, and the Tsze and the Nan only 50 le square each. Yen

-'he attached importance to the people, and to the inculcation of the five duties.' This is not

so good as to take to be under the regimen

of. The force of

difft. terms in the second clause, and

extends to the representative of the House of Yin to the territory of Sung' (; the pres. dis. of Shangkew(), dep. of Kwei-tih, Ho-nan). These appointments were given, not because of services rendered to the new dynasty, as many others were, but from respect to the memories of the great men represented, that the sacrifices to their spirits might not fall into disuse.

is used as a connective particle. Lin Che-k'e compares its use here with the same in the Tribute of Yu,' Pt. i., pp. 44 and 51. It is said that Woo gave effect to this solicitude for the instruction of the people by establishing schools,-educational institutions of various kinds; and to make good the provision of food, he enacted the hundred mow allotment and the share system' (see Mencius, III., Pt. I., iii.).


——, ‘to make solid, or real.' The or 'truthfulness' belonged, the critics say, to all his governmental orders, and the fidelity with which they were kept, and the


'righteousness,' to all his actions. We have in

the 'Daily Explanation: - -凡出 必守之以信而始終不渝 凡行一事必裁之以義而 動無過舉 垂拱=垂衣拱

, 'to let the robes hang down, and fold his hands ceremoniously before his breast. The meaning is, that by the excellence of his institutions and example, there was superseded the necessity of any further laborious measures or efforts. The good order of the government followed as a matter of course.

CONCLUDING NOTES. [i]. On the investitures granted by king Woo. The 歴代

under the year B.C. 1121, gives a list of the principal States into which the empire was divided in the dynasty of Chow;-viz.

Loo (魯),Wei(衛), Tsae(蔡), Tsin (晉), Ts'aou (H), Ching Woo (哭),Yen (燕), (陳), (宋), ), Chin (), Sung (), Tse


Ts'oo (†), and Ts'in (). I will not here enter into particulars on each of those principalities, as I shall have to speak of most of them in connection with one or other of the following Books. I will now only refer to what is in the Bk., of the Le Ke, Part iii., par. 19,that king Woo, on the overthrow of the Shang dynasty, before he descended from his chariot, invested the representative of Iwang-te with the territory of Ke; the pres. dis. of Ta-hing, [] in the dep. of Shun-t‘een); the representative of Yaou with Chuh ; the pres. dia. of Ch'ang-ts'ing[], in the dep. of Tse-nan); the representative of Shun with Chin

; the name remains in that of the dep. Chin-chow, Ho-nan); and when he had descended from his chariot,-i.e., subsequently, he invested the representative of Yu with Ke ; this name also remains in that of the dis. of K'e, in the dep. of K'ae-fung); and he sent the

[ii]. On the specifications of time in this and the two preceding Books. King Woo proceeded from his capital to the attack of Show on the 3rd day of the 1st month of what is called his 13th year, B.c. 1121 (Gaubil, 1122); and in the 28th day of that month in the spring' (according to the 'Great Speech,' Pt. i., p. 1), he crossed the Ho at Măng-tsin. Ts'ae Ch'in supposes that the year intended was that of Hea, which has been that of all the dynasties of China since the Han. Now the first month of the present Chinese year began on the 18th of our February, and the cycle name of the day was mow-shin(). If we multiply 2984 solar years, which have elapsed since the 13th of from that time up to the end of last ors Woo's reign, by 365.24224, we obtain the number Chinese year, - 1,089,882.84416, or 18164 cycles of days and 42 days more. But it will be found, on calculation, that the first day of new moon in February, 2984 years ago, occurred three days earlier that in the present year. Reckoning back therefore 18,164 cycles and 46 days more from mow-shin of the present year, we come to jinseuh (壬戌), as the first day of the Hen year


in the 13th of Woo's reign; and the view of Ts'ae cannot be sustained.

Reckoning back other 30 days from

we come to the day jin shin (), as the first day of the first month in the year of Shang; and according to the view of Fan Sze-lin, ap

proved of rather by the editors of Yung-ching's

Shoo, this is the day intended in the classic as the first day of the first month spoken of. It is only one day after sin-maou. It would thus appear that not only is Ts'ae in error in saying that we are to understand that the months in the text other commentators are equally mistaken in are the months of the year of Hea, but that the referring them to the year of Chow. They are those of the year of Shang, beginning with the last month of winter. This conclusion lightens somewhat the difficulty occasioned by the menpar. 1. This is spoken with reference to the tion of "the spring," in the "Great Speech," day mow-woo, which certainly was close upon the spring. If it be thought that the whole of the first month is intended to be described as in the spring,' we must believe that in consequence of deficient intercalation, an error of one whole lunation had crept into the calendar by the time of the rise of the Chow dynasty. On suggesting that this might be the case to a very intelligent Chinese scholar, he replied, How can you think that the sages could have blundered so?' But it will be found, from what will be seen in the prolegomena on the subject of the astronomy and chronology of the ancient Chinese, that this was probably the case.



鹿由流水 流有甲午尙遏淵暴周天,步惟 姓臺舊 敵子師克亂戴殄王后自 之釋杵于昧逾相畧子天發土、周、月、 乃 服財箕一我爽孟子華小物將所于壬 偃○發子戎師受津以夏子害有過征辰 武鉅囚衣前率癸濟蜜既虐大名伐旁 修四橋封天徒其亥兆貓獲 正山 商。 月之比下倒旅陳民仁

于大 魄,


大戈若于無不人, 不人,為商川底 ,底越成 大墓定攻林商作 率敢 商翼 乃于會郊神俾,祇 反後于俟羞。惟承逋王有罪癸







In the first month, the day jin-shin immediately followed the end of the moon's waning. The next day was kwei-ke, when the king in the morning marched from Chow to attack and punish Shang.

Declaring the crimes of Shang, he announced to great Heaven and the sovereign Earth, to the famous hill and the great river, by which he passed, saying, 1, Fa, the principled, king of Chow, by a long descent, am about to have a great righting with Shang. Show, the king of Shang, is without principle, cruel and destructive to the creatures of Heaven, injurious and tyrannical to the multitudes of the people, chief of the vagabonds of the empire, who collect about him as fish in the deep, and beasts in the prairie. I, who am but a little child, having obtained the help of virtuous men, presume reverently to comply with the will of God, to make an end of his disorderly ways. The great and flowery region, and the wild tribes of the south and north, equally follow and consent with me. And now, ye spirits, grant me your aid, that I may relieve the millions of the people, and nothing turn out to your shame!"

On the day mow-woo the army crossed the ford of Măng; on the day kwei-hae it was drawn up in array in the borders of Shang, waiting for the gracious decision of Heaven. On the day këǎtsze, at early dawn, Show led forward his hosts like a forest, and assembled them in the wilerness of Muh. But they would offer no opposition to our army. Those in the front inverted their spears, and attacked those behind them, till they fled, and the blood flowed till it floated the pestles about. Thus did king Woo once don his arms, and the empire was greatly settled. He overthrew the existing government of Shang, and made it resume its old course. He delivered the count of Ke from prison, and raised a tumulus over the grave of Pe-kan. He bowed in his carriage at the gate of Shang Yung's village. He dispersed the treasures of Luh-t'ae, and distributed the grain of Keu-keaou, thus conferring great gifts throughout the empire; and all the people joyfully submitted.

In the fourth month, at the first appearance of the moon, the king came from Shang to Fung, when he hushed all the movements of war, and attended to the cultivations of peace. He sent back his horses to the south of mount Hwa, and let loose his oxen in the open country of Taoulin, showing the empire that he would not use them again.

拱喪賢列天其成集小天我王啟若日甸命旣 祭位爵休士命予我命文肇土日庚侯于

惇事惟震女肆小懷以考基公鳴戌衞,周。魄, 下信惟五動予子其 王劉呼柴駿〇庶

治。明能分用東其德方王迹克羣奔丁邦 義重土附征承惟夏克王篤后大走未 崇民惟我黄綏厥 九大 大成季前惟告執君 德五三大昭志。年 其烈先武豆于性 報教建邑我士○大


功惟官周周女恭統其誕王于建○越廟工、 垂食惟○王惟天未力膺家太邦王三邦受

After the moon began to wane, the hereditary princes of the various States, and all the officers, received their appointments from Chow.

On the day ting-we he sacrificed in the ancestral temple of Chow, when the chiefs of the imperial domain, and of the teen, how, and wei domains, all hurried about, carrying the dishes. Three days after, he presented a burnt-offering to Heaven, and worshipped towards the mountains and rivers, solemnly announcing the successful completion of the war.

The king spake to the following effect:-"Oh! ye host of princes, the first of our kings founded the State and commenced our territory. The duke Lew was able to consolidate the merits of his predecessor. But it was the king T'ae who laid the foundations of the imperial inheritance. Then king Ke was diligent for the royal House; and my deceased father, king Wăn, completed his merit, and received the great decree of Heaven to soothe the regions of the great bright land. The great States feared his strength; the small States cherished his virtue. In nine years, however, the whole empire was not collected under his rule, and it fell to me, who am but a little child, to carry out his will. Reverently obeying the determinate counsel of Heaven, I pursued my punitive work to the east, to give tranquillity to its men and women. Its men and women brought their baskets full of azure and yellow silks, to show forth the virtue of us the kings of Chow. Heaven's favours stirred them up, so that they came with their allegiance to our great State of Chow.

He arranged the orders of nobility into five, assigning, the territories to them on a threefold scale. He gave offices only to the worthy and employments only to the able. He attached great importance to the people's being taught the duties of the five relations of society, and took care for food, for funeral ceremonies, and for sacrifices. He showed the reality of his truthfulness, and proved clearly his righteousness. He honoured virtue, and rewarded merit. Then he had only to let his robes fall down, and fold his hands and the empire was orderly ruled.

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