תמונות בעמוד

us. May we learn again to find happiness and contentment in simple things; that our hearts may be moved and excited by the wonders of the world, that we might rejoice as though discovering the world again, or for the very first time. Perhaps, O God, we can even learn, through the simple faith and trust of the child the secret of living one day at a time; the secret of life that is free from worry and anxiety.

And we thank you, O Lord, for the bounty and blessings that are ours. Give us such an awareness of what we have, and of what so many lack in this world, that we may never take for granted all the good things we do enjoy.

This we ask in Jesus' name. Amen.



O God, we bow in your presence recognizing that we are always in need of your forgiveness and love. When we examine our lives, we know ourselves to be creatures in whom strength and weakness, virtue and vice are strangely mixed. Often, we find ourselves declaring with the Apostle Paul, "the good that I would, I do not; and the evil that I would not is what I do." We have done things we ought not to have done; spoken things better left unsaid, harbored thoughts better forgotten. And we have left undone things which conscience has told us we should have done.

But also with Paul, we would give thanks for your Son Jesus. For the forgiveness and acceptance; for the challenging teachings, for his forthright courage, we are grateful. Give us strength, O God, as we worship and as we serve, that we may steadily be made new in his image and by his grace.



O Lord, as Joshua stood before the children of Israel and challenged them to make their choice, we

too are compelled to choose; not just once, but time and time again. Forgive our divided loyalties, our halfhearted commitments. May we find in you the peace that comes in giving ourselves completely and freely. In His name who showed unswerving devotion. Amen.



O God, in your saving love you called the sons of Levi to be a priesthood for the people of Israel. You called Aaron to serve you before the alter. And in the fullness of time, you sent your Son to become our own high priest. Lay across our shoulders, in this place and in this time, the mantle of service, as we consecrate our time, our strength, and our creativity to Him who first served us. Amen.



Almighty God, you see inside the hearts of everyone of us, and our vision is blurred. You understand the minute complexities of your creation, and our knowledge is limited. You know the dreams that we have not dared to act upon, and we are timid, afraid of the possibilities.

As we worship, give us eyes to see inwardly, for there is much about ourselves that we would like to know. Give us understanding, not merely of facts and figures, but of wholeness and integrity. And give us courage, Lord, to dare; to risk making our dreams come true. Through Christ, who dared all for His dreams. Amen.



Eternal God, who chooses His home in the hearts of men and women, we thank you for the vision and message of the prophets. May we, like them, tune our hearts to the inspiration and leadership of your Spirit.

Make us slow to accept things just the way they are. And make us eager, not merely to speak loudly enough to be heard, but to temper our judgments with compassion and action. Through Him who judges every motive and every deed. Amen.



The years fly on, O God, and you alone remain constant and unchanging. By your word life is given, and by your grace, life is sustained. One season melts into the next, and clocks on mantels strike off the hours. Free us from guilt about the past, that those things which cannot be undone may not shackle us today. Free us from anxiety about the future, that tomorrow may not come as a threat, but as a promise, and a chance to begin again. In that name which has survived victorious over all the rigors of time. Amen.



We thank you, O God, for new beginnings, for truly our lives are full of them. For new friendships, new opportunities to serve, and new challenges, we are grateful. For that Spirit which draws us into a family of faith, always creating and re-creating, we are equally thankful.

Keep us always open to the leadership of that Spirit, O Lord, that where there is opportunity to grow and learn, we may not shrink from it; that where there is reason to celebrate, we may rejoice and give thanks; that where there is need to reach out in love, we may not turn away; that where there is occasion to bear witness to the truth, the truth may be upon our lips and within our hearts.

And grant to us, Lord, that because of our worship here together, we may walk in closer fellowship with you, and more deeply committed with each other. This we ask in Jesus' name. Amen.



O Lord our God, we know that we must come to you exactly as we are, but knowing also that we dare not go away just as we came. We come confessing our need for you, and acknowledging that we have not always lived up to the best within us. We have done and said things we ought not; have left undone things which might have made a difference in someone's life.

We remember the words of the Apostle Paul, "If anyone be in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away; behold, the new has come." Give us strength, O God, as we daily strive to discipline ourselves in newness of life. For all the old habits, and fears, and behavior that gives offense to others, forgive us. And help us to search for the kinds of attitudes that uplift and inspire, that can bring hope and encouragement into the lives of the people around us.

We offer our prayers on this Lord's Day for all who are in need, for those who have lost loved ones, for those who are ill, or shut-in, or lonely, for those whose lives are filled with hardships or handicaps. We offer our prayers for our community and nation, for those who must make difficult decisions, and for those who bear the burdens of great responsibility. And we do not pray, O God, never to have burdens, or flee from difficulty or responsibility; but that we may be strong in heart, and full of faith for the challenges of each new day. We pray especially for our loved ones and friends back home, may they see your hand in their lives. May they be blessed abundantly in all that they do. Help them to realize my love for them remains steadfast and abiding. This we ask, through Christ, who bore the burden of the cross for our sakes. Amen.




Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Amen.

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Hail, Mary, full of grace! the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

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The Rosary is the prayer most pleasing to our blessed Lady. It is the layman's breviary. Let no day pass without saying it, or at least part of it.

Although the complete Rosary consists of 15 decades, we usually mean the five decades when we speak of the Rosary.

How to say it: Begin with the sign of the Cross, say the Apostles' Creed, the Our Father, and three Hail Marys for an increase of faith, hope, and charity, and a Glory be to the Father. Then say the Our Father, ten Hail Marys, and one Glory be to the Father, for each of the five decades. While saying these prayers try to picture to yourself the various scenes of our Lord's life, as they are recalled in the mysteries.


1. The Annunciation.

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