תמונות בעמוד

Third year.



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未滕子原卒 夫人士弔大夫送葬足以昭禮命

叔弓如滕 將來質不唯此行也張載日善載吾得開此数也然自今子其無事矣臂如


五月葬膝成公 滕成公 夫妻子大叔告人日張超有知其猶在君子之後乎

丁未 膝子原卒同盟故書名

小邾子來朝 平齊侯使晏嬰請繼室於晉日宜君使嬰日寡人願事君朝夕不倦將素質

幣以無失時則國家多難是以不不腆先君之適以備內官焜 人之


燕伯欸出奔 以未敢請君有辱命惠莫大焉若惠顧敵邑擁有晉國賜之內主豈唯寡君

舉羣臣實受其貺其自唐叔以下實寵嘉之旣成昏晏子受禮叔向從之宴 相與語叔向日齊其何如晏子日此季世也吾弗知齊其爲陳氏矣公棄其

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民而歸於陳氏齊舊四量豆區釜鍾四升爲豆各自其四以登於釜釜十則鍾陳氏三量皆登一焉鍾乃大矣 家量貸而以公量收之山木如市弗加於山魚鹽蜃蛤弗加於海民參其力二八於公而衣食其一公聚朽 蠹而三老凍餒國之諸市屨賤踊貴民人痛疾而或烘伏之其愛之如父母而歸之如流水欲無獲民將焉牌 之箕伯直柄處遂伯戲其相胡公大姬已在齊矣叔向日然雖吾公室今亦季世也戎馬不駕卿無軍 卿無軍行公乘 無人卒列無長庶民罷敝而宮室滋侈道殣相望而女富溢尤民聞公命如逃寇讐欒郤胥原狐續慶 政在家門民無所依君日不傻以樂惱憂公室之卑其何日之有讒鼎之銘日味亘丕顯後世猶怠况 悛其能久乎晏子日子將若何叔向日晉之公族盡矣肸聞之公室将卑其宗族枝葉先落則公從之肸之 宗十一族唯羊舌氏在而已肸又無子公室無度幸而得死豈其獲祀初景公欲更晏子之宅日子之宅近市 湫隘囂塵不可以居請史諸爽場者辭曰君之先臣容焉臣不足以嗣之於臣侈矣且小人近市朝夕得所求 小人之利也敢煩里旅公笑日子近市識貴賤乎對日既利之敢不識乎公日何貴何賤於是景公繁於刑 鬻踊者故對日踊貴賤既己告於君故與叔向語而稱之景公爲是省於刑君子日仁人之言其利博哉晏 子一言而齊侯省刑詩曰君子如祉亂庶遄已其是之謂乎及晏子如晉公更其宅反則成矣既拜乃毁之而 爲里室皆如其舊則使宅人反之且諺曰非宅是卜唯鄰是卜二三子先卜鄰矣違卜不祥君子不犯非禮小 人不犯不祥古之制也吾敢違諸乎卒復其舊宅公弗許因陳桓子以請乃許之

今夏四月鄭伯如晉公孫段相甚敬而卑禮無違者晉侯嘉焉授之以策日子豐有勞於晉國余聞而弗忘賜 汝州田以胙乃舊勳伯石再拜稽首受策以出君子曰禮其人之急也乎伯石之汰也一爲禮於晉猶

况以禮終始乎詩曰人而無禮胡不過死其是之謂乎初州縣欒豹之邑也反欒氏亡范宣子趙文子韓宣子 皆欲之文子日温吾縣也二宣子日自郤稱以别三傳矣晉之別縣不唯州誰獲治之文子病之乃舍之二子



日吾不可以正議而自與也皆舍之及文子爲政趙幾日可以取州矣文子日退二子之言義也違義禍也余 不能治余縣乂焉用州其以徼禍也君子日弗知實難知而弗從禍莫大焉有言州必死豐氏故主韓氏伯石 之獲州也韓宣子爲之請之爲其復取之之故

五月叔弓如滕葬滕成公子服椒爲介及郊遇懿伯之忌敬子不入惠伯日公事有公利無私忌椒請先入ㄞˋ 先受館敬子從之


苟思盟寡君乃知免於戾矣君若 寡君雖朝夕辱於做邑寡君 君實有心何辱命焉君其往也苟

小邾穆公來朝季武子欲卑之穆叔日不可曹 滕二邾實不忘我好敬以逆之猶懼其貳又卑一睦焉逆羣好

⊕齊侯田於莒盧蒲娶見沆且請日余髮如此種種余奚能爲公日諾吾告二子歸而告之子尾欲復之子雅 不可日彼其髮短而心甚長其或寢處我矣九月子雅放盧蒲於北燕


其弱競將族不日子晏卒之王產吉楚如田也。 爽始弱免惜雅子司齊夢以乃日子楚干

.个猶昌,矣,始也,矣,日,馬公 田具旣享子月, 江田享、之、產鄭

焉可二而哉子晏又竈孫 姜叉惠嬀姜旗子喪見竈


III. 1 In the [duke's] third year, in spring, in the king's first month, on Ting-we, Yuen, viscount of Tăng, died.

2 In summer, Shuh Kung went to Tăng.

3 In the fifth month, there was the burial of duke Ch'ing of Tăng.

4 In autumn, the viscount of Little Choo came to the court



[of Loo].

In the eighth month, there was a grand sacrifice for rain.
In winter there was a great fall of hail.

7 K'wan, earl of North Yen, fled from his State to Ts'c.

said to his people, "Chang Teih is wise, but his place is notwithstanding, I apprehend, in the rear of superior men."]

Tso-she says, "The viscount of Tăng had been associated in covenants (with the duke [Seang] of Loo), and therefore the text gives his name.'

to be allowed to supply a successor in the harem
[to the young Këang]:—“My ruler has sent me
to say, I wish to serve your lordship, morning
and evening without tiring, and would bring my
presents and offerings so as never to lose a
season; but there have been many difficulties in
my State, so that I have not been able [to come
myself]. The poor daughter of my father [was
sent] to complete the offices in your harem, and
shed a blaze [of glory] upon my hopes; but she
was unfortunate and died an early death, to the
disappointment of my hope. If your lordship,
not forgetful of the friendship between our
former rulers, will kindly regard the State of
Ts'e, and condescend to accept me so that I may
seek the blessing of the Great duke and duke
Ting, sending brightness down upon my State,
protecting and comforting its altars, then there
are still so many of the daughters of my father
by his proper wife, and of his sisters who remain.
If your lordship, not casting off my poor State,
will send some one to judge and select among
them those who may complete the ladies of your
bed-chamber, this will satisfy my hope.'"

[The Chuen gives here the following narrative, which comes in before the death of the viscount of Tăng:-'In the 1st month of this year, Yew Keih of Ching went to Tsin, to attend the funeral of the young Keang, and was visited by Leang Ping and Chang Teih. The former said to him, "It is [too much] that you should have come here on this account." [Tso-she introduces here the following long Tsze-t'ae-shuh (Yew Keih) replied, "Could I narrative:-1st. The marquis of Ts'e sent Gan have stopped away? Formerly, under the pre-Ying to Tsin with the following speech, begging sidency of Wăn and Sëang, they made it their object not to trouble the States [too much], ordering the princes once in three years to send a complimentary visit, once in five years to appear in person at their court, to meet when there was business [to be done], and to covenant when there were cases of discordant [States to be dealt with]. When a ruler died, a great officer [was sent to present condolences, and a minister to assist at the burial. When a ruler's wife died, a [simple] officer presented condolences, and a great officer attended the funeral. These rules were sufficient to illustrate the ceremonial observances, for orders as to what business was to be done, and to take measures in reference to the shortcomings [of States]. Nothing more was required; no extraordinary commands were given. But now, on the death of [this] favourite lady, we must not presume to regulate our services by her rank, but they must be the same as are due to a wife, the keeper [of the harem]. We are only afraid of being found offenders, and dare not shrink from any trouble. But as this young Keang found favour, and has died [thus soon], Ts'e is sure to propose a successor to her; and then on that occasion I shall come again to offer our congratulations, and shall not have had this journey only." Chang Teih said, "Good! I have heard your statement; but after this you will have nothing to do. This case may be illustrated by [the star] ho, according to the culmination of which the cold or the heat retires. Now the case has come to an extreme; -must there not be a recession? Tsin will lose the States. Though it seek to trouble them, it will not be able to do so." On this the two great officers withdrew; and Tsze t'ae-shuh

'Han Seuen-tsze made Shuh-hëang return a reply, saying, "It is the desire of our ruler. He is not able to discharge alone the duties to his altars; but being now in mourning, he has not ventured to prefer a request [for a successor to the young Keang]. No kindness could be greater than the message which your lordship has condescended to send. If you will kindly regard our poor State, and comfort Tsin by giving a mistress to its harem, not our ruler only, but all his ministers as well, will receive the benefit of your gift. Yea. from Tang-shuh downwards, [our former rulers] will feel the favour and admire it."

'When the marriage was settled, Gan-tsze received the courtesy [of an entertainment], from which Shuh-heang followed him to the feast. When they conversed together, Shuhheang asked about the state of affairs in Ts'e, and Gan-tsze replied, "This is its last age. I know nothing but this,-that Ts'e will become the possession of the Ch'in family. The duke is throwing away his people, and they are turning to the Chin. Ts'e from of old has had four measures, the tow, the gow, the foo, and the chung. Four shing make a tow, and up to the foo, each measure is four times the preceding; and then ten foo make a chung. The Ch'in family makes each of the [first] three measures once again greater, so that the chung is [very] large, lending according to their own measure, and receiving back again according to the public measure. The wood on their hills and that in the markets is charged the same price, so that it costs no more in the market than on the hill. Their fish, salt, and frogs cost the same [in the market as at the water]. The produce of the people's strength is divided into three parts, two of which are paid to the State, while only one is [left to them] for food and clothes. The [grain in the] ducal stores rots and is eaten by insects, while the three [classes of the] old are cold and starving. In all the markets of the State, [ordinary] shoes are cheap, while those for criminals whose toes have been cut off are dear. The common people and others groan bitterly [for all this], and there is one who shows an ardent sympathy for them. He loves them as a parent, and they go to him as a flowing stream. Though he wished not to win them to himself, how shall he escape doing so? There were Ke-pih, Chihping, Yu-suy, and Pih-he, whose help was given to duke Hoo and Tae-ke, and [now, in their spiritual influence,] they are [all] in Ts'e."

'Shuh-hëang said, "Yes; and even with our ducal House, this also is the last age. The warhorses are not yoked; the ministers never take the field. There are no men over the duke's chariots, no [proper] officers over the soldiers. The multitudes of the people are weary and worn, while the duke's mansions are multiplied and most costly. The people [feel], when they hear the duke's commands, as if they must escape from robbers and enemies. The Lwan, the Këoh, the Seu, the Yuen, the Hoo, the Suh, the King, and the Pih, are reduced to the position of menials. The government is ordered by the Heads of the clans. The people have none on whom to rely. The ruler goes on from day to day without stop, burying all sorrow in pleasure. No future day need be waited for the humiliation of the ducal House. The inscription on the tripod of Ch'an says, 'You may get up early in the morning and become greatly distinguished, but in future generations [your descendants] will still become idle.' Much more may we say that he who holds on [an evil course] from day to day without stopping cannot continue long." Gan-tsze then asked him what would become of himself, and Shuh-heang replied, "The ducal clans of Tsin are at an end. I have heard that when the ducal House is about to be brought low, its clan-branches first fall to the ground, and that then the duke follows them. Of the same ducal ancestry with me were eleven clans, and only the Yang-sheh remains. I moreover have no


In the lawless course of the ducal House, I shall be fortunate if I die a natural death, for I shall have none to sacrifice to nie."

'Before this, duke King had wished to change the residence of Gan-tsze, saying, "Your house is near the market, low, small, noisy, and dusty. You should not live in it. Let me change it for you for one bright and lofty." The officer, however, declined the offer, saying, "Your lordship's former minister, [my father], could bear it. I am not fit to be his successor; [the change which you propose] would be extravagance in me. And besides, a small man like me, living near the market, can get what I desire morning and evening, which is a benefit." I dare not trouble the people of the neighbourhood. The duke laughed and asked him whether, through his nearness to the market, he knew what things were cheap and what dear. "Since it is to my advantage to do so," was the reply, "should I dare not to know that ?" "What things then are cheap, and what dear ?” pursued the marquis. Now duke King punished so many that there were people who sold shoes for those whose toes had been cut off. Gan-tsze therefore answered, “Shoes for people whose toes have been cut off are dear, and [other] shoes are cheap." As he had told this to his ruler, he mentioned it in his conversation with Shuh-hëang.

'In consequence of this remark, duke King more rarely inflicted punishments. The superior man may say, "How widely extends the benefit of a benevolent man's words! By one word of Gan-tsze the marquis of Ts'e was led to reduce the number of his punishments;-an illustration of the words of the ode (She, II. v. ode IV. 2),

'If he were to rejoice [in the words of the wise],

The disorder perhaps would disappear.""

'When Gan-tsze [on this occasion] went to Tsin, the duke changed his house into a new one, so that it was completed on his return. After he had made his acknowledgments, however, [for the kindness], he pulled the house down, rebuilt the dwellings in the neighbourhood as they had been before, and sent to the old residents to return to them. [When they declined to do so], he said, "There is the common saying, 'It is not about the house that the tortoise-shell is consulted, but about the neighbours.' My friends, the tortoise-shell was formerly consulted about this neighbourhood. To go against the divination is inauspicious; and that the superior man do not violate the rules of propriety, while smaller men do not incur the risk of what is inauspicious, is an old regulation;-shall I dare to disobey it ?" In the end, he brought them back to their old houses. The duke refused his sanction, but he granted it, when Gan-tsze got Ch'in Hwan-tsze to intercede with him.'

2d. In summer, in the 4th month, the earl of Ching went to Tsin, when Kung-sun Twan was in attendance on him, and behaved so very respectfully and humbly, violating in nothing the proper rules, that the marquis commended him, and gave him a tablet [of investiture], saying, "Tsze-fung (Twan's father) did hard service for the State of Tsin. I have heard of it, and do not forget it, and [now] bestow on

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