תמונות בעמוד

27 Thou oughteft therefore to have put changers,and then at my coming I should

my money to the ex

have received mine own with ufury.

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when I came home I might have received my own with increafe? Thus wicked Men at the Day of Judgment fhall be filenced and con demned, because though they knew that God expected they should imploy and improve his Gifts to his Honour, and to their own and others advan tage, yet they were flothful and did it not.

28, 29,


30. Take away therefore from this flothful Servant his one Talent, and give it to him that has Ten, that he may increase more and more; and cast the unprofitable Servant out of doors into Darkness and mifery: Thus God, to thofe Who improve his Gifts and Graces, does in this prefent time add continually more and more affiftance, and finally rewards them with Eternal Life; But from thofe, who improve not his Grace and Affiftance, he in this present time withdraws even what he had already given, and

and finally condemns them to everlasting punishment. 31. Now the manner in which Chrift fhall judge the World, is this. He fhall appear in the Glory and Majefty of God, ac companied with a numberlefs Retinue of Angels, and shall fit upon a Glorious and Magnificent Throne.

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32. And all Mankind fhall be Summoned before him,Princes and mean Perfons, Rich and Poor, Jews and Gentiles, Good Men and Bad; fo that nothing fhall excufe any one from appearing And he fhall judge them with an impartial and unerring Judgment; and fhall feparate the Good from the Bad, as a Shepherd feparateth the Goats from the Sheep. 133.And the Good he fhall place by themselves on the one hand, and the Bad by themselves on the other. 34. Then, Mankind being thus feparated into Two forts, He as a Juft

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my Father, inherit red for you from the foundation of the

the kingdom prepa


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35 For I was an hungred,and ye gave me meat: I was thir


fty, and ye gave me drink: I was a ftranger, and ye took me 36 Naked, and ye fick, and ye vifited me: I was in prifon, and ye came unto

clothed me: I was


37 Then shall the



and Impartial Judge fhall pass Sentence upon both, declaring at the fame time the Reaton and Equity of his Sentence. And firft, turning himself to the Good on his Right-hand, he fhall fay; Come ye Bleffed Children of God: Enter now into the Poffeffion of that Heavenly Kingdom which God, who foreknoweth all things, defigned and provided for you from the beginning of the World: 735636. For feeing, when I was in want and neceffity, ye liberally communicated to me in all the Offices of Charity and Kindness; God has in recompence appointed, that I should now communicate to you of all the Glory and Happiness of my Kingdom.

37, 38, 39. Then the Righteous fhall An

him, faying, Lord, fwer; Lord, we never faw when faw we thee

an hungred, and fed thee? or thirfty, and 38 When faw we thee a ftranger, and

thee drink?


took thee in? or na

thee in want or neceffity, nor ever had opportunity of miniftring to thee in any of the Offices of Cha

ked and clothed fity and Kindness, that

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thou shouldest now re

39 Or when faw we thee fick, or in

compence it with fuch a Prifon, and came un


40. But Chrift will Reply, faying: 'tis true, ye never had opportunity of doing these things to me in my own Perfon; Never theless fince ye have done it to fome of these my Servants, in Obedience to my Commands, I judge it as done unto my felf, and will reward you accordingly.

41. After this, turning himself to the Bad on his Left-hand, he fhall pass Sentence likewise on them, faying; Depart from me, ye Curfed, into that unquenchable Fire, which being at first prepared for the punishment of Apoftate Angels, is now allotted to you also, because ye have chofen to comply with their Temptations,inOppofition to the Commands of God. 42 & 43. For when I was in neceffity and in want, ye refafed to affift me with any charitable Offices; and purfued only the Vanity and

to thee?

40 And the King fhall answer, and say

unto them, Verily i fay unto you, In as done it unto one of much as ye have the leaft of these my brethren, ye have

done it unto me.

41 Then fhall he

fay also unto them on the left hand,Depart from me, ye curfed, into everlafting fire, vil and his angels. prepared for the de

42 For I was an me no meat: I was hungred,and ye gave thirfty, and ye gave me no drink

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43 I

43 I was a franger, and ye took me clothed me not: fick, and in prifon, and ye

not in: naked,and ye

vifited me not.

Pleafures of the World, without regard to the End and Defign, for which God endued you with Several

44 Then fhall theyGifts and Abilities.

alfo answer him, faying, Lord, when faw we thee an hungred, or athirft,or a ftran ger,or naked,or fick,

or in prifon, and did not minifter unto thee?

45 Then fhall he

anfwer them, faying, Verily I fay unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the leaft of these, ye did it not to me.

44. Then the Wicked likewife fhall Answer; Lord, we never faw thee in Want or Neceffity, nor ever had opportunity of miniftring to thee in any Office of Charity, that thou shouldest now punish our Neglect of this Du ty with so severe a Sen



45.But Chrift will Reply, faying; 'Tis true, ye never did indeed any uncha ritable action to me in own Perfon, because ye never faw me: Neverthelefs fince ye have been cruel and uncharitable to some of these my Servants, in Difobedience to the Commands of God; I look upon it as if you had been fo to my felf, and will punish you accordingly.

46. And

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