תמונות בעמוד

But it must remain for the Historian to appreciate and to record in merited terms of commendation the conciliatory but undaunted conduct with you displayed in the embarrassing and dangerous discharge of your official duties during the last years of the late PeishIwa's Government; the essential assistance which you contributed, both by your presence and counsels, to the successful termination of the war in the Deccan; and the able measures which you adopted for rendering the unavoidaable extension of British power the source of unknown felicity to the inhabitants of the conquered territories.

Of the manner in which you have presided over the Government of the Presidency during the last eight years, it would not be come us to express circumstantial ly the opinion which we have formed; nor is it necessary, as we doubt not that it will receive from the proper authorities that distinguished approbation to which it is for many causes so justly entitled. But we may be allowed to observe, that during this period, commerce has been encouraged by the considerate attention and liberal support with which every suggestion for the convenience of the mercantile community has been at all times entertained. The Civil administration has been most materially improved in all its branches, and these improvements have been rendered of permanent utility by a revision of the Code of Civil Regulations, and by the zeal to acquire an acquaintance with the native languages, customs, and laws which your enlightened measures and discriminating patronage have excited in the Junior Civil Servants. Nor have the Military and Marine services benefited in a less degree, since in them likewise have been introduced important ameliorations in every department, and the comfort and accommodation of the troops

and seaman have been ensured by a judicious and unexampled liberality. In consequence also of the erection of Churches, the consideration evinced for the interests of religion, and the successful measures adopted for the education of the children of Europeans. Christianity has been enabled to diffuse most efficaciously through these territories its benign influence. To your wise and extended views, therefore, must be principally ascribed the increased prosperity of this presidency; and gratifying must it be to you to be convinced that you have not only thus materially contributed to render this portion of the British Dominions of so much greater importance to the mother country, but that you have also taught its Native subjects, from this result having been produced by essential amelioration in their condition, to appreciate and admire the unwonted benefits which they enjoy under the British Government.

We are at the same time persuaded that the recollection of none of the liberal and enlightened measures which you have originated and promoted, will afford you a more lasting gratification than those which have been adopted for the extension of moral and intellectual improvement amongst the Native inhabitants. For it may be confidently expected, from the prosperous commence ment of the endeavours now exerting for this purpose, that they will be ultimately crowned with success. Buthow unavailing would these efforts have proved, had it not been for the animating support with which you have so constantly encouraged and protected them! As however, the Native gentlemen have determined to testify, in a manner the most appropriate, the high respect and admiration with which they regard your character, and the grateful sense which they entertain of the


numerous and invaluable advantage which the Native subjects of this presidency have derived from your auspicious government, any further remarks on this point would be superfluous.

plate, which will be prepared and presented to you in England.

We have the honor to be,

Hon'ble Sir,

Your most obedient and most
Humble Servts.

Followed by about 200 signatures,

5th November, 1827.}



I receive the honor conferred on me with gratitude proportioned to my respect for the intelligent and enlightened community from which it comes.

It is with mingled feelings of pleasure and regret that we now address to you these few expressions of our unfeigned and heartfelt respect, esteem, and admiration. We rejoice that after an absence of thirty years, and after displaying the highest and most important situations those private MR. ELPHINSTONE'S REPLY TO THE virtues and public qualifications with which you are so peculiarly distinguished, you are about to be restored to your home and your friends and to that country on which you reflect so much lustre, and which, we trust, may still be nefit by your pre-eminent abilities; but we lament the privation, of that affable, pleasing, and instructive intercourse which has afforded us so much gratification, of that animating and discriminating encouragement which has excited zeal in all ranks, and of those commanding abilities which have promoted with such success the welfare and prosperity of this Presidency. Under such impressions we can only alleviate the profound regret occasioned by your departure, by uniting in sincere and earnest wishes that you may long enjoy uninterrupted health and happiness by assuring you that our breasts will ever be inspired by these sentiments which our words have so inadequately conveyed.

In order, also, to perpetuate by ostensible memorials the remembrance of these sentiments and of the causes which have produced them, permit us to request that you would allow your statue to be sculptured in marble, in order that it may be erected in a suitable place in Bombay, and to solicit your acceptance of a service of

My long acquaintance with this establishment, while it renders your kindness particularly grateful to my feelings, enables me also to ap preciate the value of your opinion, and renders the present an occasion of pride and gratification of which I shall never lose the impression. Qualified as you are from your cha racter and situation to judge of my public measures, the approbation you have conferred on them is the highest reward I could receive.

Nor in this avowal of the satisfaction which I derive from your applause, do I forget how small a share I can individually claim in the proceedings that have called it forth. Much is due to the able and estimable colleagues with whom I have been associated in the Government, and much to the circumstances under which I entered on my duties.

Placed at the head of an establishment which was rapidly rais ing in importance and increasing in extent, I found an impulse in all classes that must, under any guid ance, have led to striking improve ment. In the Civil Service I found

an enlarged and liberal inclination to adapt our institutions to the peculiarity of our situation, and to conciliate even the prejudices of a people unaccustomed to our rule, and averse to many of our most favorite maxims of Government. I found the army characterized by a spirit of discipline, order and forbearance calculated beyond all other means to gain the affections of the countries which its valor had subdued. In all branches of the service, and in all members of the British Community, I met with the same zeal for the honor of the Nation, and the same expanded wish to promote the welfare of the people with whom our conquest had connected us.

In enumerating the different im

from a body of whose applause I may well be proud, and from individuals for whom I shall retain while I live the sincerest sentiments of respect and of attachment.

I accept with a due sense of honor the splendid testimonials by which you propose to perpetuate the recollection of the sentiments which you have expressed. I cannot but set the highest value on a distinction which serves to com memorate my connexion with this establishment, and to record the honorable judgment which you have passed on my services.




phinstone, &c.

provements that have taken place To the Honorable Mountstuart Elsince I have been in the Government, you strongly recal my obligations to the gentlemen by whose talents, industry and ability those measures have been brought forward and matured, and who owe little to me but for an anxious desire to encourage their labours, and to profit by the light that resulted from their enquiries and experience.

Interested as I am in the success of those institutions, and in the prosperity of this Presidency, I cannot but feel the liveliest pleasure when I reflect on the hands to which both are now committed. The versatile talents and solid judgment of my successor, his varied experience, his thorough knowledge of the natives and of mankind, combined as they are with a kindness and benevolence that cannot be surpassed, afford a certainty of rapid advance and improve ment to every part of an establishment, in which I shall never cease to take the deepest and most anxious interest.

I should be devoid of all feeling if I were insensible to the expression of personal esteem which you have added to your commendation of my official conduct. It comes

We the Archdeacon and Clergy of the established Church of England and Ireland in the Presidency of Bombay, beg leave to offer to your Excellency the testimony of our unfeigned respect and attachment, and to express the regret which we feel in the anticipation of your intended return to Europe.

It is not because we do not cordially participate in those feelings which must naturally prompt the desire of revisiting the land of our birth, that we view your approaching departure with regret it is, that while the eminent stations which you have successively filled and particularly that of the Government of Bombay, have served to display a character which has excited our admiration and gained our esteem, we are thus rendered more sensibly alive to the loss which we shall sustain.

Our more peculiar province on this occasion is to offer our sincere thanks for the kind attention which you have uniformly shewn towards the interests of the Church and its establishments, as well as to the cause of general education. When

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the nature of European Society, and from the effect which their demeanour must have in communicating an impression of our faith to the innumerable natives by whom they are every where surrounded.

In circumstances so arduous as these, it must reflect honour on the Clergy of this establishment, that their conduct commands the highest respect of the community, and that their influence has an undoubted tendency to raise the character of the nation, and to maintain the dignity of our religion.

From persons so justly estimable, the favourable terms which you have been pleased to apply to me, cannot but afford me the utmost gratification.

It would give me great satisfaction to think that it had ever been in my power to forward the interest or facilitate the duties of a body so well entitled to the acknowledgments of the government, for its zeal and exertions in promoting moral and religious improvement, and for the discretion with which it avoids all offence to the Natives in the earnest discharge of duties, which its particular situation render as delicate as they are important.

I accept, with respect and gratitude, the warm and benevolent wishes which you have expressed

MR. ELPHINSTONE'S REPLY TO THE in my favour. I beg you to be


Ven. Sir & Rev. Gentlemen,

The honour which you have just conferred on me is rendered doubly valuable by the hands from which it came.

The reverence which we are accustomed to pay to the Clergy in our own country is due to the members of the Church in India, on additions and peculiar grounds. The difficulties, privations and obstructions, with which they have to contend are multiplied by many causes, while the importance of their example is increased from

lieve that I cordially and sincerely return them, and it will ever afford me the greatest pleasure to hear of your individual happiness, and of the prosperity of the establishment.



On Wednesday evening last, the Society of Bombay gave a splen did entertainment to the Hon. M. Elphinstone on the eve of his departure for England. The spot chosen for this fete was the elegant bungalow of Mr. Newnham, the use

of which he had most kindly and readily accorded. Various and extensive additions were, however, made on the occasion in order to afford accommodation to the great number of persons assembled, and to make the entertainment every way wortby the excellent and exalted individual whom all delighted to honor.

In the front of the premises on which the bungalow is situated, a triumphant arch was erected and splendidly illuminated. In the centre was a transparency of the arms of Mr. Elphinstone, surmounted by the words "Farewell Elphinstone." At the base of the arch were the words "6 Literary Society and " Educatian Society in variegated lamps, reminding the spectator, if such were necessary, how greatly those two institutions were indebted to Mr. Elphinstone for their prosperity and consequence. At the sides of the arch, raised on the same base, were two pyramids of lamps, in the middle of each of which " Assye" and "Kirkee" appeared in transparencies. The whole edifice was terminated at either end by Corin thian pillars, likewise in variegat

ed lamps.

The spacious apartment in the centre of the bungalow was appropriated to dancing, and accordingly niches at the sides of the room were formed for the reception of the several bands engaged on the occasion.

At the back of the bungalow a splendid marquee was pitched, and carpets, whose softness rivalled were spread the richest velvet, Ottomans, couches, throughout. &c. were here disposed for the accommodation of persons retiring from the ball-room, and of the numerous highly respectable Natives who were invited to the féte; whilst dancing girls, accompanied by native minstrels, occasionably entertained the guests with a Nautch.

On the left of the entrance to the bungalow, a magnificent saloon, supported by pillars, and decorated with pink and white mus lin festoons, was erected, and bere a sumptuous supper was laid out for nearly 400 persons. At the bottom of this saloon was a transparency representing Fame crowning a bust of Mr. Elphinstone with a laurel wreath; and on the pedestal supporting the bust were inscribed the various scenes of Mr. Elphinstone's principal political and military achievements. At the lower end of the saloon, above the entrance, the following lines, in letters of gold, met the eye:

We saw him rising in the East
In all his energetic glows,
We see him setting in the West
More glorious than he rose.

About nine o'clock the company began to assemble, and at ten Mr. Elphinstone arrived and entered the ball-room, accompanied by Sir John Malcolm, in his full uniform and decorated with his orders, Sir Thomas Bradford, Mr. and Mrs. Lushington, and several other distinguished individuals.


sisting solely of quadrilles, and Dancing then commenced, conwas kept up with great spirit until considerably past eleven, when a brilliant display of artificial fireworks took place. At the conclusion of this part of the enter tainment supper was announced, and accordingly in a few minutes afterward the saloon was filled. The tables covered with every delicacy that the place affords, and abundance of excellent hock, champaigne and claret freely circulated. Towards the termination of supper. His Excellency the Commander in Chief, who kindly presided at the entertainment, rose, and addressing a few words tothe company, proposed "the Health of Mr. Elphinstone," which was received with loud applause, a band playing The Garb of Old Gaul, Mr. Elphinstone


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