תמונות בעמוד


ken up; and were then just going to draw lots who fhould die next for a farther fupply.

The little town of Garton in Mecklenburg was unfortunately burnt to ashes by the carelefsness of a poor woman, who, having a fove under her, as the cufiom is in that counAtry, which the haftily quitted, and left it near a quantity of flax that he had been employed in picking, the sparks from it fet fire to the flax; the ax to the house; and the house to the whole town.

MEMORABLE OCCURRENCES. Very extraordinary relation has lately been given to the governor of SouthCarina by a friendly Indian, who had been fent out against the enemy Ind.ans, and was taken prifoner by them. He fays, that the night before he was to be committed to the flames, he made his escape; that while he was in captivity he faw a great French warrior come among the enemy, fent for and affembled many different nations of Indiam, and diftributed among them guns, powder, Aints, knives, and tomahawks, which he defired they might use against the English and their allies, encouraging them, at the fame time, to g make fure work with the enemy, and to fpare none of them that fell in their power. He adds, that this officer was to go down the ri ver to other Indian fettlements, it is fuppofed, upon the fame errand.

The Dictionaire philofopbique portatif, a book which has been publicly burnt in France, and ondemned in other countries, having been generally attributed to M de Voltaire, that gentleman has thought fit to make the fol lowing declaration :

⚫ Being advertised that for fome years paft the foreign bookfellers have printed under my name writings which I knew nothing ⚫ of, nor ever read, I am obliged to declare, that I have no correfpondence with any beokleller in Europe; that whoever makes ufe of my name is guilty of forgery; and ID refer it to the magiftrate to reprefs fo fcan⚫dalous a practice.' Cafile of Ferner, Dec 23.1654.



Gentleman of the bed-chamber to the king. The late overflowing of the Tyber, and the impetuofity of the current, has washed a-fhore a great number of ancient curiofities, which probably had be-n depofited in the bottom of the river many ages. Among them are two brazen flatues in miniature, of exquifite workmanship, one reprefenting Cleopatra, miftrefs of Mark Antony, and Queen of Egypt, and the other the heathen god Æfculapius.


A gold coaft negroe has made a difcovery, which, if founded on truth, may prove Advan- p tageous. He fays, that feveral years ago he was taken prifoner to a great battle between a neighbouring nation and his own, and foon after, finding an opportunity to escape, he fled a long way to the South-Weft; in which course he croffed a foreft within view of the fea, where he affirms there lay elephants teeth in quantities fufficient to load an hundred hips. The negroe was naturally induced to Speak on this fubject, by having been employed to unload a veffel which had a quantity of ivory on board.


The crew of the Eagle, Capt. Hutton, being in the most deplorable condition, was taken up at fea by a fchoones from North Carolina to St Kitts. The Eagle overfet, and the crew (IT in number) remained 11 hours on H the ship's bottom before the boat came up from under water, in which boat they continued nine days before they discovered any veffel. The capenter died the 3d-day, and on him they fubfifted till the day they were ca(Gent. Mag. JAN. 1765)

Two young women, one of whom courted the other, and after fome time was married to her, were lately fent to prifon in France. The impoftor who perfonated the man has fince been tried at Lyons, and fentenced to be whipt, branded. and tranfported, her male habit to be previously torn from her back by the common executioner. This marriage, it feems, has fubfifted three years, the fear of ridienle having pevented the deluded girl from expofing the treachery,-Other accounts fay, that the impoftor was an Hermaphrodite and that her Confeffor advised her to affume the male character, as that of a woman would not fuit her fo well.

The plague is again broke out in Dalmatia on the confines of the Venetiau territories to the no ímall terror of that mercantile state.

A Turki merchant having bought a girl of 15 years of her inhuman parents at Vienna, for the fum of 100 ducats (for which both the father and mother are committed to prifon) was overtaken on the road to Belgrade with his precious merchandize, which he was forced to restore, to his great mortification, as he expected to have made a fine bargain, by difpofing of her to fome feraglio. The girl is faid to be a moft exquifite beauty.

A child, about nine years old, having taken fome powders of an apothecary at ShiptonMallet, for a violent gnawing pain in the bel-, ly, voided an animal like an evet, about three inches long, with four legs, and feemingly two heads, one at each end: 1 lived about three days, and is preferved in fpirits for the infpection of the curious.

It is now certain that the Spaniards are in poffeffion of New-Orleans, which is mention ed in a letter from the King of France to the governor of the above place. It was ceded to Spain in the year 1762. In confequence of which, notice had been given to the inbabitants that those of them who were inclined to remain under a Spanish government, were at liberty to stay; and any who had a mind to remove, veffels fhould be got ready to carry them off.

The governor of New Orleans has issued a proclamation, by order of his mafter the. French king, notifying that the island and city of New Orleans, &c. are ceded to his moft catholic Majefty. So that now we may congratulate the true friends of their country on the expulfion of the French from all North America,

A very learned venerable Jew Rabbi is lately arrived here from Palestine, to make collection among the Jews for rebuilding feveral fynagogues, which were deftroyed by an earthquake a few years fince, in the Holy Land.

In the island of Cyprus belonging to the Turks, an infurrection has lately happened, which has coft the governor his life. Heavy complain's having been made to the Porte against this governor, a commiffary was at length fent to examine into the truth of them; A

but the governor, inffead of obeying the cita-
tion of the commiffary, fummoned him to
appear before him; this brought a great con-
courfe of people together, and while the Divan
was fitting, the hall gave way, and many
people were buried in the ruins. The gover
nor himself escaped unhurt, but the people ta-
king it for granted that this was a fratagem
of the governor's to deftroy the commiffary, B
the revolt enfued. The mob immediately
forced their way into the feraglio, maffacred
the governor, ravished the women, fet fire to
their apartments, and committed the most fa-
vage brutalities wherever they met with op-
pofition. The Porte has fent a proper force
to terminate thefe diforders, and a new go-
vernor has been appointed.

By a formal proclamation lately iffued at Peterfburg, the Czarina has restored to favour the regiment of Smollenski infantry, of which the famous Merovitz was an officer; a wretch, fays her imperial majefty, who being upon duty with part of a detachment from that corps in the caftle of Sebluffulburgh, rendered himself culpable by the blacket treason a gain his fovereign and his country. Neverthelefs, as the crime of one man ought not to be imputed to a multitude who had no part in it, we defire to manifeft our imperial juftice to the whole world by taking under our protection a regiment who has diftinguished itfelf upon all occafions, wiʼn bravery and ex. act military duty; we therefore strictly for.. bid all our fubjects of what quality foever they may be to reproach or upbraid, the regiment of Smolenski under pain of incurring our royal indignation, and of drawing on themfelves the effects of our just refentment.

A German has lately written a treatise on the incredible increase of a fingle barleycorn; which, whether true or false, can no otherwife be determined here but by repeated experiments. A grain of barley, fays he, was planted laft fpring was twelvemonth in a garden well dunged; it quickly fhot forth a tuft compofed of feveral talks, which the gardener feparated from the main root, and tranfplanted fingly. Each of these branches. formed a new tuft as at firft, which were feparated and planted as before; and these plants thus tranfplanted produced new fhoots, which beu g multiplied in this manner fucceffively for fixteen or eighteen months, one fingle grain was found to produce above fifteen thousand ears.

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yards and the ships in ordinary; in conse-
quence of which firict orders have benn given
to let no ftranger enter either the yards or the
hips, and a French veffel has been feized at
the latter port; but though he was strictly
famous defign has been yet found.
fearched, nothing to give light into this in-

Mr Simon Spurret of Ifleworth, has receiv ed a premium of 100l. from the fociety of arts for discovering a method of dying cotton, yarn, &c. of a durable Turkey red.

A very genteel woman, who for fome years paft has lived by her wits, lately applied to a farmer at Hadleigh in Hampfire, as a perfon in fome distreis; the farmer believing her story, treated her with tenderness and took her into his houfe; where in every respect fhe behaved with decency, and feemingly with undiffembled thankfulness; and when the time came that she was to take her leave, the just let fall fome diftant hint that the was akin to a confiderable eftate, which the fhould one day inherit, and when that time came, the fhould not fail to teftify her gratitude. The farmer preffed her to flay longer, to which after much intreating the consented; and the matter was then fo managed that a match was brought about between the farmer's fon, a led of 18, and the fair firanger, who was now reported to be heiress to a fortune of 90.0ool Money, however, for the prefent must be railed to make a figure; the new-married couple must appear at court, and the lady by means of her intereft there is to procure her husband a commiffiou in the army. The farmer who pleafed himself with golden dreams, raifed what money he could upon a little eftate, which, by a life of induftry he had formerly purchased, and in every refpect complied with the directions of his new daughter in law; who, as foon aa things were ready fet out for London, and took up ber refidence with her husbaad, at the Bear Inn in the Borough, from whence the every day went out in a carriage to pay her court to her great friends, and every night returned with chearfulness and gay hopes; not many weeks however paffed, before the perceived that flock began to run low; and, then taking an opportunity as ufual. to pay her compliments abroad, the very decently withdrew, leaving her difconfolate husband the dupe of his own credulity.

On a falfe report being spread of an act being paffed in the diet of Poland, prohibiting the Jezus from marrying under thirty years of age, G all the Jews were in fuch a hurry to marry their children before the breaking up of the diet, that even the children at the breaft were not permitted to be undifpofed of.

The French at their illande are entering largely into the manufactory of distilling molaffes, the better to enable them to carry on the African trade; by which means they can be fupplied with their flaves at a much cheap

His excellency Lord Clive having loft his paige to India by letting out too late. and being obliged to put into the Brafils, will occafion the men of war and land forces, deflin- H ed for the company's fettlements, to fet outer rate than they can be imported into any much fooner than was intended; as alfo the appointment of fome more General Officers to embark on the government's account.

An alarm has fome time prevailed at Hertfmour and Plymouth, of the French forming a fcheme to burn the ftorchon és the dock-.

of the English islands. This undertaking carried into execution, muft foon open the eyes of the English planters in the Weft Indier and will very fenfibly injure the trade of Liverpoa le..

The French

e has agreed to pay 130000

immediately, in part of the 670,000!. on account of the French prifoners; and the remainder at 40,000/ a quarter.

The work intitled Lettres ecrites de la Montogne, par J. J. Rouleau, has been condemned at the Hague, as containing impious and fcandalous expreffions, and licentious remarks. The ftates of Holland and West Friesland have condemned it to be torn and burnt by the common executioner.

The province of Mende has offered a reward of a thousand crowns for killing the ferocious animal of which so much has been faid. (See Vol. xxxiv. p. 597.) But no perfon has yet been able to find an opportunity of attacking it.


There is now growing in a wood, calle the Mill-Wood, in the parish of Chaddefley Corbett, an oak tree in full leaf, and as green and fresh as in the midft of fummer; what is very remarkable, is, that the leaves have fprung out fince the last autumn.

A fociety has lately been formed at New York, on the plan of the fociety of arts in London, by the name of the fociety for promoting of arts, agriculture, and œconomy in the province of New York, in North America; and they have entreated all lovers of their country, whofe fituation furnishes them with an opportunity to devote fome part of their time in making ufeful experiments, and communicating their observations.

Hiftorical Chronicle, Jan. 1765.

SATURDAY, Dec. 15.

INCE the firft of this month, all the flaughter houfes in Paris, have been removed to the Ifles des Cignes, below the capital. From time immemorial to that day, the butchers used to flay and prepare their meat on the Quay des Gefures, one of the most populous quarters of the city, and the regulation now affected, has been near a century in agitation.

The Rbine in paffing through the Dutchy of Cleves, rofe eight feet perpendicular height in 24 hours, and laid the village of Herwen and feveral others half under water to the unpeaakble terror of the inhabitants. About the fame time the Tyber overflowed its banks, and did incredible damage in the ecclefiaftical Late


The transports with the French troops on board arrived at Buftia, the chief feaport in Corfica; and hoftilities have already commenced between the malecontents and them, notwithstanding their pacific declarations. FRIDAY 21.

A large pike was caught in the river Oufe, which weighed upwards of 28 pounds, and was fold to a gentleman in the neighbourhood of Littlepont for a guinea; as the cook maid was gutting the fish, the found a watch with a black ribbon and two steel feals in the body of the pike; makers name to the watch Tbo. Cranefield, Burnham, Norfolk. Upon enquiry it appears, that the watch was fold to a gentleman's fervant, who was unfortunately drowned about fix weeks ago, in his way to Cambridge.


About eight in the morning, the bed of the River Ayre in Scotland was perceived to be quite dry for more than half a mile; and feveral gentlemen out of curiofity walked in

and the boys caught the little fishes that had not made their escape; on the return of the tide, the waters rofe to the ufual height and the river has ever fince continued to flow without any remarkable alteration.


Divine fervice was performed for the first time in the new chapel erected at Sleights.

intended to fupply the place of a very an'ient ftructure in Ebda'efide near Whitby. This chapel is built in the old Gothic form of atchitecture at the expence of Robert Bower, Efq; Mrs Bower, and Mrs Burdett; and is every where within ornamented and finished in fo fuperb a manner, especially in the altar part, reading defk, and pulpit, that it is thought to be equal, if ne fuperior, to any thing of the kind in this kingdom.

The following letter was placed under the door of Mr Mufgrave's room, at Oriel college. "Sir Thele are to enforme yoo that yoo are a grete blak for teakin awa the parkafites of poor folks and thof you are fkroob ennf yourfelf not to give powr enduftriou trademen there dus you ar a damd rafkal for maken other genelmen as grete blaks, as your felv who alwas befor this eer gave Kriftmes boxes thefe therefor ar too ack wain you that if you dont doe as others doe and give powr pepol their rits that you will fome dark nite be knock'd dawn and ftripped kwit naked and whipet throw all the ftreets till you are near ded fo no moor at prefent from your himble fervant." Mr Mufgrove has offered a reward of ten guineas for the difcovery of the offender.


Being new-years day, the ode written by W. Weitebead Efq; poet laureat, (See p. 39) was performed before their mjewy's and the royal family at the chapel royal at St James's.

The Bp of Sodor & Man, and the fociety for promoting Chriftian Knowledge, have received large fubfcriptions for the promulgation of the gospel in the Isle of Man; and for diftributing books of devotion among the inhabitants in their own language, there being, as it is computed, more than 20,000 men women and children, very few of whom understand English.

An exprefs was fent to Plymouth with failing orders for the Edgar, the crew of which, by lying 15 weeks in the found, was exceeding fickly. The Edgar is to fail in company with the Shannon and Hound to the crait of Guinea, as it is faid, to demolish a fort called Abralca, which the French have erected oppofive to ours in the front Gambi


SUNDAY, 6. The beadle of Hampftead obferving a furdy fellow in the church-yard with a chain about his leg, took occafion to afk some questions; upon which the man made no more to do, but drew an iron bar from under his coat and made a blow at his head, which he providentially evaded; and calling fome people to his affifance, feized the man, and carried him before a magiftrate, where he confeffed that he had just broke out of Bethlem, and that the iron bar was the bar of a window which he had wrenched out in order to eftape.

"The affiftance your humble petitioners pray for; is, that you would this feffion of parliament, grant a general prohibition of foreign wrought-filks."

"And your petitioners shall ever pray.”


Both houfes of convocation met in the
Jerufalem chamber, Weflminster Abbey," and
further adjourned to Friday the 15th of March.

An infurrection on board an outward bound Indiaman among the new recruits for B the company's 'fervice, was happily quelled by a captain's command of marines from Chatbam, who fecured the ring leaders, and conducted them fafe to Maidstone goal, but not without some lives loft & much blood-hed. TUESDAY 8. 1

Being twelfth day was obferved at court as a high feftival, and their majeflies proceeded by the heralds, went to the chapel royal, and C after divine Service, made the customary offering of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

At a meeting of the clergy a Sion College it was unanimously agreed to form themselves into a fociety for the relief of widows and / orphans of deceased clergymen within the

bills of mortelity, and the county of Middlefex; and a committee, confifting of 21, was D appointed to carry the fame into execution.

A Dutch fhip from Alicant, with raw filk on board, was run down in the river Thames, by an outward-bound Eaft Indiamen, and funk. The owners have fince been allowed damages to the amount of 3000 pounds.


Were executed at Tyburn, John Wefket, for robbing the house of the earl of Harrington; Jobn Moreton and Thomas Ssone, for fealing 600 pounds of indigo; William Whitton, for Bealing wearing apparel; George Mitchell, for Acaling a mare; and John Watkins for housebreaking. They all behaved penitently. Wefket was genteéily dreffed in blue, with a white cockade in his hat. (See p. 16,) THURSDAY 10.

This day his Majefty, went in ftate to the Houfe of Peers, and opened the feffions with a moft gracious fpeech. (See p. 32)

Some thousands of weavers went in a body and prefented the following petition to both boufes of parliament:

"Lords and Gentlemen,



The bumble petition of the journeymen filk-
weavers, on behalf of themfelves, and G
great numbers of poor people of the fame


"That through the badnefs of trade,
many hundreds of your humble petitioners
are actually without work; others dread
fhortly to undergo the fame fate: Our wives,
fons, and daughters, are modly without em- H
ploy, and confequently many of us are in the
tmoft poverty and want! It is these thoughts

throw us almoft into despair, and induce
throw curselves at your feet, humbly
your affistance in this our lamentable

The Hon. Houfe of Commons waited upon his najefty at St James's with their addrefs of thanks for his moft gracious speech from the throne.


Two butchers in Leadenball market, convicted before the Lord Mayor for felling meat with falle ballances, were fentenced to fuffer imprisonment in Newgate, one of them two months, and the other one month. ! TUESDAY 15.

Came on at Guildball, the election of a chamberlain in the room of the late Sir Tha

mus Harrifon. The candidates were, Mr alderman Jaren Mr alderman Turner, Mr Bonus, Mr deuy Elis. Mr Freeman, Mr deputy Long and Mr Till; and upon holding up of hands the sheriff's declared the majo rity to be in favour of Alderman Janffer:

This day the Albion an outward bound Indiaman, was loft on the fands of the Northof Foreland, and not one man loft. All the filver on board has fince been recovered except › one chest. Numbers of boats are employed about the wreck; and a good deal of plunder has been fold to Jews, and other peddiing dealers at very low prices. The boat men employed by the fufferers are faid to work in the day for their mailers, and in the night for themselves; much, by this means, may probably be faved; but more muft unavoidably be buried in the fea. The Albion lyffered fhipwreck by her conftruction; the wai longer confiderably in the keel than any ship in the fervice, and narrower in the waift, by which means, when the tailed in veering, her length trained her, and the could never again recover her way.


Being obferved as her Majesty's birth-day, there was a moft fplendid appearance of no bility, foreign minifters, &c. to pay their compliments to their M jefties at St James's, The ball at night was very brilliant and nu merous. It was opened by his R H. the Duke of York, and Prancefs Caroline Matilda SATURDAY 19.

A most villanous attempt was made to fet fire to the ship-yard of Mr Fletcher at Wap ping, by which, had it fuckeeued, a whole neighbourhood must inevitably have been defroyed; fome things having been loft out of the yard the night before, and the dog barking violently as in the th ef was returned, alarmed the family, who upon fearching the yard, difcovered a tub of combuftibles, with a link cut in pieces, and lighted, bid among fome havings and dears just ready to break out in a flame It appears to have been done by a malicious neighbour, who having had fome talling out, took this dreadful method of leeking revenge,

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This day the feffions ended at the Old Bailey, when seven felons received fentence of death, Richard Dealt for horse flealing; Jobm Ward for robbery; John Sullivan for private. ly ftealing two guineas in a dwelling house, near Berkley Square; Mathew James for forgery, (he was drefied in a fuit of blue and A gold, and was the feffions before tried for the like affeace,) Edward Williams for robbing the houfe of earl Verney, of filver plate; John Rowfen for burglary; and John Robinson for a crime of the like kind.


While the court of King's Bench was fitting at Guildball, on the trial of a diffenting minifter, charged with an attempt of a deteft-B able nature, the floor gave way, but was prevented from falling entirely down by fome goods which were flowed in the cellar underneath it, and happily no perfon received any other hurt than being greatly frightened In the confufion in getting out of the hall, many lost their hats and wigs. The court adjourn ed to the huftings in the Common Hall, to faith the business of the day. On the above trial, which laßted eight hours, the jury brought in their verdict, not guilty.


Being the first day of term, Mr Kearfly, and Mr Williams were brought to the court of King's Bench to receive fentence; the former for publishing the North Briton, No 45, in theets, and the later for re-publishing the D fame in volumes, when, after feveral learned debates on the merits of their affidavits, L. C. J. Mansfield, in reply to Mr Kearly's, admitted that part ftrongly in Mr Kearsley's fa vour which mentions the Right Hon. Lords Halifax and Egremont's promife to him, that E if he would give up the author he should pot be profecuted;" from this and many other favourable circumstances, Lord Mansfield, to afe his lordship's own words, declared, that be thought it the most just and honourable method to acquaint his Majefty with the promife of his fecretaries of state; and recommended the attorney general, thro' the fecretaries of ftate, to lay Mr Kearley's cafe before his Majefty, and submit to his Royal pleasure. In parfuance of which, his Majafty was pleased to order him to be discharg ed on his own recognizance.

Mr. Justice Wilms then proceeded to pals fentence on Mr Williams, which was as follows: To pay a fine of 10cl. fix months imprisonment in the King's Beach, to ftand once on the pillory in Old Palace-Yard, and to give fecurity in the fum of 1000l, for his G good behaviour for seven years.

The attorney general moved the court of King's Bench, for a writ of attachment against Mr Almon, the publisher of the pamphlet on juries, libels, &c.

A large mob affembled at Braintree, on account of the dearness of corn, which fold from 13 to 13 guineas a load, and did confiderable mischief.

THURSDAY 24. At Guildball, the sheriffs reported to the court of aldermen, the numbers of the poil chamberlain to be as follow

For Ald. Jaren 1316 | For Dep. Ellis 229
Ald. Turner 1202. Mr Freeman 183


Mr Till Whereupon Mr. Alderman Jassen was declared duly elected.

Mr alderman Janffen made a very genteel fpeech to the Livery, returning them thanks for the great honour conferred on him.

A very curious procefs for rendering feawater freth, was exhibited at Salter's Hall, by Meff. Dove and Dilly: There was a large af femby prefent, among whom were feveral perfons of diftinction, many eminent mer. chants, phyficians, &c. and fome capital dif tillers, that attended the whole experiment. Every perfon prefent acknowledged the water to be very fresh, and extremely soft and pleafant.

At the general court of the Sourb Sea Company, a dividend of one three fourths was declared for the last half year.

At a court of alcermen at Guildball, a petition having been drawn up and agreed to be prefented to the honourable Houfe of Commons, on occafion of the hardships the poor labour under from the prefent dearness of bread, and the likelihood of its beingmuch deerer, if the expertation of corn fhould continue, the fheriff's of this city went from Guildball about twelve o'clock, and prefented the faid petition to that bonourable houfe. SATURDAY 26.

A quarrel happened at the Star and Garter tavern in Pall mall, between Lord B-r-x and Mr Charworth of Nottinghamshire, which terminated in a duel, in which the latter loft his life. The coroner's inqueft fat upon the body and brought in their verdict manЛlaughter. Mr Chaworth was fenfible to the laft, made his will, and wrote a letter to his mother in the country, informing her of the un fortunate accident. He was of a moft ami: able character, about 40 years of age, and batchelor.


His Majefty attended by the Right Hon. the Earl of Denbigb, and Lord Cadogan, went in ftate to the House of Peers, and gave the royal affent to the bill for the importation of Irish provifions.

The beft wheat fell at the corn-market in Mark-lane, from 46s. to 44s. the quarter. TUESDAY 29.

This day Mr Alderman fanffen was fworn into the office of chamberlain, and gave fecurity in the fum of 60,000l. to the Lord Mayor and court of Aldermen.

Lift of BIRTHS for the Year 1765.


Ady of the E. of Donegal,-a daughter. of Sir Jn Sinclair in Scotland,-a fon. Jan. 24. Countefs of Dartmouth,-of a son, 25. Lady of Sir Tyril, Bt-a daughter. Lift of MARRIAGES in the Year 1765.




Hwhich to Miss Lee of


Sir John Cathcart of Carleton, Scotland, Bt. to Mifs Hamilton of Bourtree-hill.

Jan. 1. Sir E. Deering, Bt. mem.for NewRomney, to Mifs Winchester of Pall-mall. 7. Joha

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