How to Be a Pyrrhonist: The Practice and Significance of Pyrrhonian SkepticismCambridge University Press, 21 במרץ 2019 - 263 עמודים What was it like to be a practitioner of Pyrrhonist skepticism? This important volume brings together for the first time a selection of Richard Bett's essays on ancient Pyrrhonism, allowing readers a better understanding of the key aspects of this school of thought. The volume examines Pyrrhonism's manner of self-presentation, including its methods of writing, its desire to show how special it is, and its use of humor; it considers Pyrrhonism's argumentative procedures regarding specific topics, such as signs, space, or the Modes; and it explores what it meant in practice to live as a Pyrrhonist, including the kind of ethical outlook which Pyrrhonism might allow and, in general, the character of a skeptical life - and how far these might strike us as feasible or desirable. It also shows how Pyrrhonism often raises questions that matter to us today, both in our everyday lives and in our philosophical reflection. |
Why Care Whether Skepticism Is Different from | 24 |
Humor as Philosophical Subversion Especially in the Skeptics | 46 |
The Sign in the Pyrrhonian Tradition | 69 |
Aenesidemus the AntiPhysicist | 89 |
Theory and Practice | 108 |
What Kind of Self Can a Greek Skeptic Have? | 133 |
How Ethical Can an Ancient Skeptic Be? | 151 |
Living as a Skeptic | 168 |
Can an Ancient Greek Skeptic Be Eudaimôn or Happy? | 189 |
On Pyrrhonism Stances and Believing What You Want | 209 |
Can We Be Ancient Skeptics? | 226 |
244 | |
255 | |
262 | |
מהדורות אחרות - הצג הכל
How to Be a Pyrrhonist: The Practice and Significance of Pyrrhonian Skepticism <span dir=ltr>Richard Bett</span> אין תצוגה מקדימה זמינה - 2021 |
How to Be a Pyrrhonist: The Practice and Significance of Pyrrhonian Skepticism <span dir=ltr>Richard Bett</span> אין תצוגה מקדימה זמינה - 2019 |
מונחים וביטויים נפוצים
Academics Aenesidemus ancient Greek Annas and Barnes appears Arcesilaus argued Aristotle ataraxia attitude beliefs Bett Burnyeat Carneades chapter claim clear clearly commemorative sign commitment conception concerning conclusion consistent context course criterion definite Democritus Diogenes Laertius dogmatic dogmatists earlier equal strength ethical Ethicists eudaimonia example fact Favorinus Five Modes follows goal Greek skeptic happiness Heraclitus human humor Hypothesis idea indicative signs Infinite Regress interpretation issue katalêpsis kind least Logicians looks matter means nature of things non-skeptical notion objects one’s opposition ordinary Outlines of Pyrrhonism outlook passage perhaps person philosophers Photius phrase Physicists physics Plato position possible precisely Protagoras Pyrrhonian Pyrrhonist tradition question rationality reason Reciprocal reference seems sense Sextus Empiricus Sextus says Silloi simply Socrates someone specific stances Stoics suggests supposed suspend judgment suspension of judgment telos term theories thought Timon topic tranquility truth voluntarism Webster-self word Xenophanes