Noscendi Nilum Cupido: Imagining Egypt from Lucan to PhilostratusWalter de Gruyter, 6 בדצמ׳ 2012 - 390 עמודים What significations did Egypt have for the Romans a century after Actium and afterwards? How did Greek imperial authors respond to the Roman fascination with the Nile? This book explores Egypt's aftermath beyond the hostility of Augustan rhetoric, and Greek and Roman topoi of Egyptian "barbarism." Set against history and material culture, Julio-Claudian, Flavian, Antonine, and Severan authors reveal a multivalent Egypt that defines Rome's increasingly diffuse identity while remaining a tertium quid between Roman Selfhood and foreign Otherness. |
מתוך הספר
תוצאות 1-5 מתוך 85
... political needs. (Str. 1.1.16) Imagining Egypt Roman Egypt is a vast topic, with a chronological range of at least five centuries (from the Late Republic to the Early Church) and many crit- ical modes: literature, art, architecture ...
... political , moral , and aesthetic principles on an idealized Nile of his own making . My work summarizes widely known , formative texts as background to Lucan ( Chapter 1 ) and opens new interpretative paths through less fa- miliar ...
... political ' in the narrow sense of ' pertaining to the government ' and , more generally , as ' socio - political ' and ' socio - cultural ' . A multi - authored negotiation of politics and political in Latin authors is the 2009 volume ...
... political pedagogy and imperial authority ; the ability and validity of human desire to master the unknowable ; the humanocentric person- ification of the natural world ; the immanent presence of the divine ; the transience of humans ...
... political , social and cultural attitudes toward Egypt that evolve between the mid - first and the early third century ; third , they are a site of contesting , affirming and reflecting on the broadening meaning of Roman identity as it ...
43 | |
Flavian Rome | 119 |
The Antonine and Severan Periods | 221 |
Afterword | 309 |
Texts and Translations Used | 313 |
Bibliography | 315 |
General Index | 351 |
Index of Ancient Texts | 361 |
מהדורות אחרות - הצג הכל
Noscendi Nilum Cupido: Imagining Egypt from Lucan to Philostratus <span dir=ltr>Eleni Manolaraki</span> אין תצוגה מקדימה זמינה - 2013 |
Noscendi Nilum Cupido: Imagining Egypt from Lucan to Philostratus <span dir=ltr>Eleni Manolaraki</span> אין תצוגה מקדימה זמינה - 2012 |