Noscendi Nilum Cupido: Imagining Egypt from Lucan to PhilostratusWalter de Gruyter, 6 בדצמ׳ 2012 - 390 עמודים What significations did Egypt have for the Romans a century after Actium and afterwards? How did Greek imperial authors respond to the Roman fascination with the Nile? This book explores Egypt's aftermath beyond the hostility of Augustan rhetoric, and Greek and Roman topoi of Egyptian "barbarism." Set against history and material culture, Julio-Claudian, Flavian, Antonine, and Severan authors reveal a multivalent Egypt that defines Rome's increasingly diffuse identity while remaining a tertium quid between Roman Selfhood and foreign Otherness. |
מתוך הספר
תוצאות 1-5 מתוך 62
... Nilotic Other , however , the Nile probes the unstable nature and in- terpenetration of both . As Rome gradually absorbs Egypt and opens to Egypt's seductive exoticism , authors exploit the capacious symbolism of the Nile to articulate ...
... Nilotic investigations . Only the last chapter ( Die literari- sche Funktion des Nil bei den griechischen und römischen Autoren ) ( about the metaliterary connotations of the Nile in Apuleius ' Metamorphoses ) ; Schrijvers 2007 ( on the ...
... Nilotic Scenes and the Roman Views of Egypt ( 2002 ) , Leiden archaeologist Miguel John Versluys renews the conver- sation on the Nile and illustrates its centrality in Roman discourses of Egypt . With a focus on wall paintings ...
... Nilotic features in Nero's Domus Aurea and his ar- chitectural overhaul of Rome . In particular , throughout his epic Lucan juxtaposes two contesting identities of the Nile , as a politicized site and as a timeless cosmic pan- orama ...
... Nilotic typologies.31 While these crit- ics make the case for visual Nilescapes , a parallel decline of Nile narra- tives obtains for the textual record after 200 CE , concomitant with the emergent Christianization of the motif . In ...
43 | |
Flavian Rome | 119 |
The Antonine and Severan Periods | 221 |
Afterword | 309 |
Texts and Translations Used | 313 |
Bibliography | 315 |
General Index | 351 |
Index of Ancient Texts | 361 |
מהדורות אחרות - הצג הכל
Noscendi Nilum Cupido: Imagining Egypt from Lucan to Philostratus <span dir=ltr>Eleni Manolaraki</span> אין תצוגה מקדימה זמינה - 2013 |
Noscendi Nilum Cupido: Imagining Egypt from Lucan to Philostratus <span dir=ltr>Eleni Manolaraki</span> אין תצוגה מקדימה זמינה - 2012 |