Bounded Integration: The Religion-State Relationship and Democratic Performance in Turkey and IsraelState University of New York Press, 1 בדצמ׳ 2020 - 324 עמודים In this comparative study of the religion-state relationship in Turkey and Israel in the modern era, Bounded Integration reveals the influence this dynamic interaction has had on democratic performance in both countries. In societies where a dominant religion serves as an important component of individual and collective identity, the imposition of secular policies from above may not facilitate democratization but may rather impede the embedding of democracy in society. Moreover, the inclusion or exclusion of religion following statehood may facilitate a certain type of path-dependent political culture, one with long-term political consequences. Aviad Rubin's refreshing analytical approach comparing and contrasting the region's only two longstanding democratic entities and the dynamics of religion and the state in two different religions, Islam and Judaism, facilitates generalizable lessons for emergent political regimes in the post–Arab Spring Middle East. |
Religion and State in Turkeys Prerepublican | i |
Turkeys Authoritarian Laicism 19231950 | xviii |
Religion and Democracy under Kemalist Hegemony 19502000 | xxxiv |
Religion Democracy and the Prevalence of Hegemonic Tendencies 20002017 | lviii |
Zionism and Religion before Independence | lxxvi |
An Era of Constructive Collaboration 19481967 | xciii |
A Period of Transition 1960s1980s | cxiv |
Mounting Challenges Successful Containment 1980s2017 | cxxx |
Conclusions and Lessons for Emergent Arab Regimes | cliii |
Notes | 6 |
Bibliography | 26 |
Index | 21 |
מהדורות אחרות - הצג הכל
מונחים וביטויים נפוצים
Abdülhamid II agenda Agudat Israel AKP’s anti-Zionist Arab Atatürk authoritarian Aviv behavior camp challenges chapter civil society coalition constitutional court cultural Cumhuriyet decades democratic governance democratic performance democratic regime edited elections electoral elite emergence Erdoğan Gush Emunim Haredi Haredi parties identity ideology institutions integration interaction Islamic Islamist Israeli politics Jerusalem Jewish Jewish religion Jews Judaism Kemal Knesset Kurdish land of Israel leaders leadership liberal Likud Mafdal Mapai Middle East Middle Eastern military Milliyet Mizrahi modernization Muslim nationalist Ottoman Empire Palestine Palestinian participation party’s percent perspective policies principles public sphere Rabbi Recep Tayyip Erdoğan recognition reforms religion in politics religious actors religious content religious groups religious parties religious population Religious Zionism religious-Zionist republic role of religion sector settlers Shabbat Sharia Shas social state-religion relationship Tanzimat Territories Turkey Turkey’s Turkish politics Turkish society Turks ultraorthodox vote Western worldview Yediot Ahronot Yishuv