תמונות בעמוד

XXXVI. Topography and History of Wareham


XXXVII. Addenda to several articles on towns in Plymouth



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Being a Relation of the first planting in New England, in the Yeare,


[Continued from p. 161 of the third volume, second series.]


CHAP. XXXVIII. Of the placing down of many Souldiers of Christ, and gathering the Church of Christ at Sandwitch in Plimouth patten, and further supply for the Churches of Ipswich and Linne.

THIS yeare 1636. Sir Henry *Vaine, was chosen Governour, and John Winthrope Esquire Deputy Governour, the number of Freemen added were about eighty three. This yeare came over the much honoured Mr. Fenwick, a godly and able instrument to assist in helping to uphold the civill Government of the second, and third Colonies here planted, by the Divine Providence of the most high God, hee having purchased the Plantation of Saybrooke Fort, became a good incourager to the Church of Christ at Hartford, where the reverend Mr. Hooker, and Mr. Stone were Officers. In remembrance of whom a few lines take here.

Fenwick among this Christian throng, to wildernesse doth flee:

There learn'd hast thou, yet further how, Christ should advanced be. Who for that end, doth back thee send, their Senator to sit;

In native soile, for him still toile, while thou hast season fit, His Churches peace, do thou not cease, with their increase to bring, That they and thee, in lasting Glee, may Hallelujah sing.

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The beginning of this yeare was spent in accommodating these new come Guests in the former yeare, whose numbers was neer about three thousand, and now they began to be perswaded they should be a setled people, not minding the present dangers they were in, as you shall hear anon, onely in the meane time take notice of further supply the Lord Christ was pleased to send before the cattell increased to its strength, among whom the aged, and long continued Souldiers of Christ Jesus Mr. *Partrich, as also Mr. Nathaniel Rogers an able disputant, whose mouth the Lord was pleased to fill with many arguments for the defence of his truth, Mr. Samuel Whiting, who hath also, with keeping to the patterne of sound and wholesome Doctrine, much stopped the spreading Leaven of the Pharises, Mr. Partrich was called to Office at a Towne then named Dukes Berry in Plimoth Government, scituated upon the Sea Coast, where the people of Christ being gathered into a Church, Ordained him to be their Pastor.

In thine owne soile well rooted in the truth,

Thou didst stand fast by Prelates power unbow'd,
But Laude layes load on Gods folke to his Ruth,
By whom thou mayst, no longer, be alow'd.
Then Partrich thou thy wings begins to spread

Of Faith and Love to flie these long Seas o're,
To wildernesse where thou Christs Lambes hast fed;
With's sincere Milke this fourteene yeare and more.
But now with age thy Almon Tree doth flourish,

Yet spreading like the Palme Tree dost thou stand,
I'th house of God Christ Roote thy Boughs do nourish;
And for thy head he hath a Crowne in's hand.

Mr. Nathaniel Rogers being landed, after a long and tedious Voyage at Sea, was welcomed by the Church of Christ at Ipswitch, where the Reverend and Judicious Mr. Nathaniel Ward, although a very able Preacher, and much desired, yet for some naturall infirmity (himselfe being best privy unto ) desired to be unbound of his ingagement with his people in point of Office: that being left to his liberty, hee might Preach more seldom, in whose stead the Church called to Office this Reverend

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and Holy Man of God Mr. Nathaniel Rogers, whose la-
bours in this Westerne World, have been very much : a
very sweet heavenly minded man, of whom the Author
is bold to say as followeth :

Through boystrous Seas thy brittle frame of Man
It safely is in Christ's sweet armes infold,
No wonder then thou weake dust stotly can

Preach Christs in's truths, why he doth thee uphold?
Why Rogers he thee over Sea hath fett

Against the day of Battell, now at hand,
No sooner are thy feet one those shores set
But Leaders do Christ truth withstand.
Undaunted thou these Westerne Fields dost enter,
Filld with the spirits ready sword at hand,
Ingage thou wilt thy selfe, 'mongst hardships venter;
Valiant thou foughtst under thy Christ's command.
And yet with all men wouldst have peace thy aime,
If deepe to wound, and sweetly then to say,
Come to my Christ, hee'l heale your wounds againe;
Canst but submit hee'l never say thee nay.
With learned Method thou Gods Word divides:
Long labouring that each soule may take his part,
Thy gratious speech with grave impression bides;
Thus Christ by thee is pleas'd to win the heart.
My Muse lament, Nathaniel is decaying:

He lived until 3 July 16556

Why dost thou grutch him Heaven, such toile hath had,
In Christ his Vineyard rather be thou praying;

That in Christs armes he resting may be glad.

Mr. Samuel Whiting was well welcomed by the Church of Christ at *Cawgust, which Towne, being now of age to receive an English name, was called Linne, where this Reverend man now hath his aboade.

Thy ardent Love, the countlesse Oceans measure
Quench cannot, for thy love on him is set,
Who of true love hath aie the depthlesse Treasure,
Doth thine increase, least thou should'st, his forget.
Love Christ in's truths my Whiting thou hast done;
Thou wilt not suffer with their leaven sower,
False Doctrines 'mongst thy tender flock to run;
Timely cut off wilt thou all those devour.
Samuel mourne not thy strength in Desart's spent:
Rather rejoyce thy Christ makes use of thee
Soules to convert, his Kingdomes large extent
From East to West shall shortly setled be.

* Saugus,

Thine Eyes and Eares have seen and heard great things
Done by thy Christ, shewes he thy toile accepts,
Through thy weake flesh weaker to dust hee'l bring;
Thy quickned spirit increast in his joy leaps.

CHAP. XXXIX. Of the first appearing in the Field, of the enemies of Christs people in point of Reformation.

AND now to follow our first simile of a Souldier, the Lord Christ having safely landed many a valiant Souldier of his on these Westerne shores, drawes hither also the common enemies to Reformation, both in Doctrine and Discipline; But it was for like end, as the Lord sometime drew Sisera the Captaine of Jabins army to the River Kishon for their destruction, onely herein was a wide difference; there Sisera was delivered into the hands of a Woman, and here Sisera was a woman; their weapons and warre was carnall, these spirituall; there Jabin was but a man, here Jabin was the common enemy of mans salvation.

In the yeare 1636. the Angels of the several Churches of Christ in N. England sounding forth their silver Trumpets, heard ever and anon the jarring sound of ratling Drums in their eares, striking up an alarum to the battell, it being a frequent thing publikely to oppose the pure and perfect truths of Christ (delivered by the mouth of his Ministers) and that by way of question as the Pharises, Sadduces and Herodians did Christ. But to bring this disorderly worke of theirs into some order, for assuredly could the Author come up to relate the full of the matter in hand, it would through the mercy of Christ make much for the good of Gods people the World throughout, and helpe to discover the last (I hope) but most subtile practises of Satan to hinder the Restauration of the purity of Christs Ordinances in his Churches in all places; As also used by him and his instruments to divert the hands of those, to whom it belongs, from pulling downe Antichrist, to which end he stirreth up some of his instruments (well educated in the Masking schoole of Hippocrisy) to take upon them this long Voyage, giv ing them in charge by all meanes to carry it more close,

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