תמונות בעמוד

hundred head, with store of Corne-land in tillage, it consists of about seventy families, the soules in Church fellowship are about an hundred, the teaching Elders of this Congregation have carried it very lovingly toward their people, permitting of them to assist in admitting of persons into Church-society, and in Church-censures, so long as they Act regularly, but in case of their male-administration, they assume the power wholly to themselves, their godly life and conversation hath hitherto been very amiable, and their paines and care over their flock not inferiour to many others, and being bound together in a more stricter band of love then ordinary with prom ise to spend their dayes together (if the Lord please) and therefore shall not be disunited in the following Verse:

Loe here Loves twinnes by Christ are sent to Preach
In wildernesse his little flock among,

Though Christs Church-way you fully cannot reach;
So far hold fast as you in's word are strong.
Parker thy paines with Pen, and Preaching hath
Roomes buildings left in Prelacy cast downe,
Though 'gainst her thou defer Gods finall wrath;
Keepe warring still, and sure thou shalt have crowne.
Thy Brother thou oh Noise hast holpe to gvide:
Christ tender Lambs within his fold to gather,
From East to West thou dost Christs Warrier bide;
Faint not at last, increase thy fighting rather.

CHAP. XXXII. Of good supply, and seasonable helpes the Lord Christ was pleased to send to further his Wildernesse worke, and particular for his Churches of Charles Towne, and Ipswich, and Dorchester.

YET farther for the incouragement of the people of Christ in these their weak beginnings, he daily brings them in fresh supplies, adding this yeare also the reverend and painfull Minister of his Gospell Mr. Zachary *Simmes, who was invited soone after his comming over to assist in planting of another Church of Christ, but the place being remote from the pretious servants of Christ already setled, he chose rather to joyne with some Church among them, and in a short space after hee was called to Symmes. VOL. 3.


the Office of a Teaching Elder in the Church of Christ at Charles Towne, together with Mr. James, who was then their Pastor, as you have formerly heard. Among all the godly Women that came through the perilous Seas to war their warfare, the wife of this zealous Teacher, Mrs. Sarah Simmes shall not be omitted, nor any other, but to avoid tediousnesse, the vertuous Woman, indued by Christ with graces fit for a Wildernesse condition, her courage exceeding her stature, with much cheerfulnesse did undergoe all the difficulties of these times of straites, her God through Faith in Christ supplying all her wants with great industry, nurturing up her young Children in the feare of the Lord, their number being ten both Sons and Daughters, a certaine signe of the Lord's intent to people this vast Wildernesse : God grant they may be valiant in Faith against Sin, Satan and all the enemies of Christs Kingdome, following the example of their Father, and Grandfather, who have both suffered for the same, in remembrance of whom these following lines are placed.

Come Zachary, thou must reedifie,

Christ Churches in this Desart Land of his,

With Moses zeale stampt unto dust defie

All crooked wayes that Christ true worship misse.

With spirits sword and armor girt about :

Thou lay'st on load proud Prelats crowne to crack,

And wilt not suffer Wolfes thy flock to rout;

Though close they creepe, with sheepe skins on their back.

Thy Fathers spirit doubled is upon

Thee Simmes, then war, thy Father fighting died,

In prayer then prove thou like Champion;

Hold out till death, and Christ will crown provide.

After these poore people had welcomed with great joy their newcome Guests, all of a sudden they spy two tall Ships, whose colours shewed them to be some forrein Nation, at which time this little handfull of people began to be much troubled, deeming them to be Rovers, they gathered together such forces as their present condition would afford, very ill-fitted as then to rescue an enemy, but their Lord and Master Christ Jesus would

• receive?

not suffer any such to come, and instead of enemies brought in friends, even Dutchmen to furnish them with farther necessary Provision.

For the yeare 1635, the honoured Mr. Iohn *Haines was chosen Governour, and the honoured Mr. Richard Bellingham Deputy Governour, the number of Free-men added to this little Common-wealth, were about one hundred forty and five. The time now approaching, wherein the Lord Christ would have his people come from the Flaile to the Fan, threshing out much this yeare, increasing the number of his Troopes, and valiant Leaders, the Ships came thicker and faster filled with many worthy personages; Insomuch that the former people began to forget their Poverty, and verily †Cold, Purity, Peace and Plenty run all in one channell, Gods people here should sure have met with none other, but the still waters of Peace and Plenty for back and belly soone contract much mudde, as you shall hear (God willing) in the following History: this yeare came in the honoured Sir. Henry Vaine, who aboad not long in this worthy worke, yet mind him I will in the following Lines,

Sir Henry Vaine once Governour of the English People in New i England.

Thy Parents Vaine, of worthy fame, in Christ and thou for him : Through Ocean wide in new World trid a while his warrier bin. With small defeat thou didst retreat to Brittaine ground againe, There stand thou stout, for Christ hold out, Christs Champion ay remaine.

Also at this time Christ sent over the much honoured and upright hearted servant of his Richard (Saltingstall Esquire, Son to the before-named Sir Richard Saltingstall, who being weary of this Wildernesse worke, returned home again not long before, and now his Son being chose to the Office of a Magistrate, continued for some good space of time, helping on the affaires of this little Common wealth, to the honour of Christ, who hath called him both Father and Son are here remembred. 4 Vane.

• Haynes,

+ Gold?


Thou worthy Knight, Saltingstall hight, *her's gaine doth gold exceed
Then trifle not, its to be got, if thou can'st see thy neede.
Why wilt thou back, and leave as wreck, this worthy worke begun.
Art thou back-bore, Christ will send more, and raise instead thy son.
His Fathers gon, young Richard on here valiantly doth War,

For Christ his truth, to their great Ruth, Heathens opposers are: To study thou, thy mind dost bow, and daily good promote,

Saltingstall why, then dost thou fly, let all Gods people note. That thou wilt stand,in thy owu Land, Christ there then strengthen thee With grace thee heate, that thy retreate, may for his glory be : At ending day, he thee array, with Glory will not faile,

Breaking graves bands, with his strong hands, and free dust from death's goale.

Among these Troopes of Christs Souldiers, came at this time, the godly servant of Christ Mr. Roger Harlackenden, a young Gentleman valiant in Faith, and appointed by Christ to assist his people in this Desart, he was chose to the Office of a Magistrate, as also to be a choise Leader of their Military Forces, which as yet were but in a strange posture; And therefore till the yeare 1644, (at which time the Countrey was really placed in a posture of War, to be in a readinesse at all times) there shall not be any thing spoken concerning their Military Discipline, the continuance of this Souldier of Christ was but short, the Lord taking him to rest with himselfe.

Harlackenden, among these men of note Christ hath thee seated: In warlike way Christ thee aray, with zeal and love well heated. As generall belov'd of all, Christ Souldiers honour thee:

In thy young yeares, courage appeares, and kinde benignity. Short are thy days, spent to his praise, whose Church work thou must aid,

His work shall bide, silver tride, but thine by death is staid.

The number of Ministers that came over this yeare was about eleaven, and many other like faithfull servants of Christ, among whom arrived those two Reverend and laborious servants of his Mr. Norton, and Mr. Shepheard, of whose narrow escape you have heard the last yeare: Mr. Norton, was called to the Office of a Teaching Elder at the Towne of Ipswich to the Church of Christ there, where Mr. Warde as yet remained in Office. Alsp t gaol ?

• here's ?

the learned labours of this Souldier of Christ are obvious to our Countreymen, hee Preaching there, the blessing of God hath not onely built up many in the Knowledge of Christ, but also been the meanes of converting diverse soules, turning them from the power of Satan to Faith in Christ, whom the Lord long continue; you shall further hear of Christs gratious assisting of him in the first and last Synod holden here at Cambridge, and in the meane time let no man be offended that the Author quickens up his own dull affections, in telling how largely the Lord hath bestowed his Graces upon these Instruments of his, although sinfull dust and ashes.

Thou Noble Norton, who art honoured by
Thy Christ, with learned Arguments doth fill
Thy mouth with might new errors to destroy;
And force deceivers silently to yeild.

Weake dust waite on thy Christ for further strength :
Who doth his Davids make as Angels bright,
To trample down his enemies at length;

All breake or bow unto his kingdomes might.
Illettered Men and Women that doe love,

Preheminence, condemne thy learned skill,
But Christ hath given his blessing from above
Unto thy workes the World with light to fill.
Christs faithfull servants met in Synod, take
Thee for their Pen-men Scriptures light to cleere,
With Scripture shew what Government Christ gave;
To's Churches till himselfe againe appeare.

Here my indeared Reader, I must mind thee of the industrious servant of Christ Mr. John Wilson, who this yeare landed the third time upon this American shore from his Native Country, where now againe by the Divine Providence of Christ, hee narrowly escaped the Hunters hands, being cloathed in a Country-mans habit, passing from place to place, declared to the people of God what great Workes Christ had already done for his people in New England, which made many Christian soules long to see these admirable Acts of Christ, although it were not to be injoyed, but by passing through an Ocean of troubles, Voyaging night and day upon the

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