תמונות בעמוד

than that flender pillar of the light within: which, when he pleases to explain at large, he will, without all question, meet with the encouragement he deferves.

But it is time to return from whence we fet out; and make one defperate effort more, with this feeble inftrument of REASON, even there, where, at best, she never did much, I mean, against AUTHORITY.



Wherein my Lord Bishop of London's account of the particular end and defign of the Jewish Law is confidered; and fhewn to be inconfiftent with the nature of a preparatory religion, and also with feveral paffages of the New Testament, as well as with bis Lordship's fermons and difcourfes on prophecy, P. 225.


Containing an enquiry, how far the doctrine advanced in my Lord Bishop's fixth fermon, affects the argument of the DIVINE LEGATION; how far it tends to establish the credit of MOSES, and the PROPHETS and bow far it is confiftent with the other parts of his Lordship's theological fyftem,


P. 264.

P. 361.





Shewing that the commonly received Syftem concerning the natures of the two Difpenfations, as far as refpects a future ftate, is inconfiftent with the hiftory of the Old Teftament, and with the doctrine of the New.

T is generally fuppofed by the advocates of the common Syftem, that the great and leading principles of the Gospel were revealed by Mofes and the Prophets to the ancient Jewish people, and that the doctrine of life and immortality was as much the foundation and fupport of the one as of the other: For that no difpenfation of religion, of which this doctrine was not a fundamental and effential part, would have been able to fubfift in any age or period of the world.


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world. We are commonly told, that not only future rewards and punishments, but even the refurrection of the body, was a popular and common notion, taught and publickly cultivated in the earlieft ages of the Jewish church. However, a very eminent writer, and chief fupport of the common System, seems to be of opinion, that the hypothefis is pushed much too far; and contents himself with only afferting, that the ancient Revelations afforded a good proof of a future ftate, without extending it to the refurrection; which was referved to be revealed by Jefus Chrift.

We may reasonably prefume, the common System has now received all the advantage and improvement of which it is capable, after having been revised and re-touched by the hand of fo great a mafter. How far it may be able, as it is now qualified, to withstand the attacks of the celebrated writer, who had fo fuccessfully expofed it, or how far the learned Prelate has fucceeded in his attempts to restore and re-establish its finking credit, will appear from the following sheets.

I, who am a bare looker-on, and abfolutely difengaged from all that bias of affection which is fo wont to warp the followers of an Bishop of London's fermons, vol. i. fermon 6th.


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