תמונות בעמוד

GREEN. It is a very interesting document, and contains twenty-six illustrations, ten of which are photographs of interesting portions of the great Park. Two maps of the Park are also included, one showing the locations of all the drives, rides, paths, lakes, tunnels, transverse roads, gates, etc.; the other represents Manhattan Island above 155th Street, including Harlem River and Spuyten Duyvil Creek, and indicating the sites of all the buildings and other objects of note within those limits. The Commissioners continue to deserve-as they will continue to receive-the warmest thanks of all New Yorkers who are justly proud of their beautiful Park.

SILVER WINGS. A New Sunday-school Music Book. Small quarto; pp. 128. Price, 50 cents. Boston and N. Y.: Oliver Ditson & Co. Its appearance is timely, for since the death of the lamented Bradbury there has been a drouth of really good and appropriate Sabbath-school books. "Silver Wings" is a fit companion for his "Golden Chain." We cordially commend it to the notice of every friend of the Sunday-school.


By G.

de la Motte. One vol. ; quarto; pp. 122; boards; tinted paper. Price $250. Lee & Shepard. These enterprising Boston publishers have broken out in a new field. Oliver Optic and his brood of juveniles was not enough. But are they not now treading on the ground of Oliver Ditson & Co. by publishing musical books? We will suppose that a mutual understanding exists between the competitors. This work, however, will be acceptable to all who play the piano.

MENTAL ARITHMETIC; Combining a complete System of Rapid Computations, with correct Logic of the Solutions of Problems, and the Analysis of Processes. By John H. French, LL.D. 12mo; pp. 180; board. Price, 50 cents. New York: Harper & Brothers.

Here are "exercises" to puzzle and develop the minds of little folks. If these lessons were given out in the way of evening entertainments, they would prove vastly more useful to children than fairy tales, romances, and exciting stories. This mental arithmetic will prove a source of profitable instruction where adopted.

A SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES, from the discovery of America to the year 1870. By David R. Scott. Illustrated with Maps and Engravings. 12mo; pp. 425; cloth; with leather back and marbled edge. Price, $1 50. New York: Harper & Brothers.

A capital hand-book, giving an epitome of our history from the discovery to date. Every important event is noted, and the numerous small maps and illustrative engravings bring vividly to view many times and events which "tried men's souls."

ROY'S SEARCH; or, Lost in the Cars. By Helen C. Pearson. 12mo; cloth. Price, $1 25. New York: Nat. Temperance Society. Very interesting; well calculated to instruct and leave a good impression on the mind.

HOPEDALE TAVERN. And What it Wrought. By J. William Van Namee. 12mo; pp. 252; cloth. Price, $1. New York: National Temperance Society.

A tale of temptation and woe. Oh, the weakness of poor human nature, that can not say No, when silly woman puts wine to its lips! Let every child read "Hopedale Tavern," and be resolved. NAST'S ILLUSTRATED ALMANAC FOR 1871. Octavo; pp. 72; pamphlet. Price, 25 cents. New York: McLoughlin Bros.

Our American Doré, Mr. Thomas Nast, has made an illustrated almanac which takes the lead of any comic effort before attempted in this country. Those addicted to fits of melancholy should invest twenty-five cents in this laughter-provoking affair. MICHAEL RUDOLPH, The Bravest of the Brave." By Miss Eliza Dupuy, anthor of "Planter's Daughter," "Was He Guilty? or, The Warning Voice," etc. One vol.; 12mo; pp. 481; cloth. Price, $1 75, or in paper $1 50. Philadelphia: T. B. Peterson & Brothers. Cheap stories for the million, by popular authors, are constantly flowing from the teeming presses of these publishers.

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LITTLE FOLKS ASTRAY. By Sophie May, author of "Little Prudy Stories," Dotty Dimple Stories," etc. Illustrated. 12mo; pp. 203; cloth. Price, 75 cents. Lee & Shepard. All about children, and for children. Good counsels are given in such familiar manner that all can understand.


Rhymes for Children. With Twenty-eight Illustrations. By Theophile Schuler. One vol.; 12mo; pp. 228; cloth. Price, $1 25. Boston: Lee & Shepard.

Beautiful type, paper, and pictures. Here is entertainment for little four, six, and ten-year-old boys and girls. Just the thing for a present.


Stolen Child. By Madame De Stolm. Translated from the French by Miss E. F. Adams. With Twenty Illustrations from Designs by Emile Bayard. One vol.; 12mo; pp. 304; cloth. Price, $1 25. Boston: Lee and Shepard.

A truly French story book, full of striking pictures; printed in the most exquisite style; worthy a place in all young people's library-a holiday book. NELLY'S DARK DAYS. By the Author of "Jessica's First Prayer," etc. One vol.; 12mo; pp. 144. Price, 75 cents. New York: Dodd & Mead.

This pretty little book for children contains:

A Street Corner; Locked Out; Morning Fears; Only a Doll; Violets; the Price of a Dram; Half Measures; A Sorrowful Fact; Found Drowned; Deeper Still; The Only Refuge; Faithful to a Promise; Dead, and Alive Again.

ZELL'S ENCYCLOPEDIA and Universal Dictionary. Nos. 41, 42, and 43, from Monticule to Ophiuroids, have been published, and the work is pushing on rapidly toward completion. It is sold at 50 cents a number.




THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE. As a Family Newspaper

The Paper of the People.

Now is the time to Subscribe for the


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Contains the important Editorials published in the DAILY TRIBUNE, Literary and Scientific Intelligence; Reviews of New Books; letters from our Correspondents; latest news by Cable from all parts of the world; a summary of all important inintelligence; a Synopsis of the Proceedings of Congress and State Legislature; Foreign News by Cable and Steamer; full Reports of the Farmers' Club of the American Institute; Fruit; Stock, Financial, Cattle, Dry Goods, and General Market Reports.

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The New-York Semi-Weekly Tribune

is published every TUESDAY and FRIDAY, and being printed twice a week, we, of course, print all that appears in our weekly edition, including everything on the subject of Agriculture, and can add much interesting and valuable matter, for which there is not sufficient room in THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE. THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE also gives, in the course of a year, THREE or FOUK of the Best and Latest Popular Novels, | Terms of the Semi-Weekly Tribune.

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