תמונות בעמוד

forming vice into purity, and folly into wisdom, dissipating the chains of ignorance, trampling on the necks of superstition and idolatry, and every where rerenewing on the face of desolated nature some image of ancient happiness and primeval paradise.

mons resolved, by an unanimous vote, that in a question of humanity, we are in to present an addrsss to his Royal High- the heart of the continent. Let that ness the Prince Regent, requesting, that, spirit of benevolence which has already in the expected convention between the achieved such wonders, now go forth states of Europe, the universal Aboli- with new strength, and renovated ardor. tion of the Slave Trade may form a dis-Let it rush, in the fulness of its blessings tinct article. And in alluding to that from one extremity of the world to the subject, how can I refrain from express-other, kindling in its course all the eleing my satisfaction, that he who first ments of moral action, elevating the decommenced the glorious work of Afri-pressed, consoling the wretched, transcan emancipation, has lived to carry it on to this glorious issue! But it is in strict consonance with that vote of the House of Commons, it is the just sequel of that resolution, that this society should now multiply its efforts and enlarge the circle of its operations. If we are resolved that the world shall be "Indeed, my Lord, I know not why I free, it becomes this great, imperial, and may not be allowed to anticipate the apChristian nation, to provide that this proach of a period, not perhaps far disfreedom be not a worthless or a perni- tant-at least if we may judge from the cious boon. It becomes us to elevate past-when, in these our annual meetthose, on whom we are about to conferings, instead of welcoming the inhabisuch a gift, to a capacity of knowing its tants of a few countries only, we may value, of enjoying its benefits, and of ap-hail the union of natives of every quarpreciating the many blessings with which ter of the globe; when even from distant it is stored. realms the delegates of a thousand sister "For this purpose, from distant quar-societies may hasten to pay homage to ters of Great Britain, and even from for-the Parent Society; to announce the eign lands, we are now united. To you progressive triumphs of this cause; to my Lord, and to your associates in this tell of kindred institutions starting up, mighty enterprise, we look for advice, on the banks of remote rivers, and in for direction, for example. Lead on the depths of hidden valleys; to prothen, and we are prepared to follow :- claim the diffusion of these celestial eart and hand we pledge ourselves to treasures over regions as yet unknown, this sacred cause. Let our past success as yet unvisited by ambition or avarice, only urge us to those fresh exertions to and first explored by the dauntless spirit which we are so powerfully invited by of British benevolence. At that period, the present circumstances of mankind. my Lord, with what transport will the Let Europe, let the World know what||records of this society be retraced! what resources of compassion are treasured up blessings will be poured on the hour of in the hearts of a free people. Let them its birth; on the nation which gave it see with astonishment, that at the close being; on the names of those who have of a long war, accompanied by many watched over its infancy, and contribut sacrifices, the resources of Great Britain ed to its success! And surely, in the are still inexhaustible; that her philan long list of its distinguished supporters, thropy is unwearied as her courage; that a peculiar gratitude will rest on those the energies of her mercy are commen-who, placed in the highest rank and stasurate with the efforts of her power.- tion, have thought it no dishonor to asLet them learn, that however insulated sociate their greatness with such an obwe may be in our situation, however in-ject; and who, with no iess justness of salated in our laws and manners, howev-taste than of feeling, have perceived, er insulated, if you please, in our opin- that in rallying round this standard they ions and prejudices, there is yet one sa- are rallying round that which is not oncred subject on which we acknowledge ly the best security of social order, the no insular, no exclusive feeling; and best guard of social happiness, but is

also the pledge and promise of a felicity || considerably increased.
above the warmest conceptions of the
human imagination.

He noticed the liberality displayed towards the German sufferers; and that the sums "Impressed with these sentiments, were nearly equal, which had been colmy Lord, I cordially concur in the res lected for both purposes, during the past olution of the right Rev. Prelate." year; proving, that while we were conLord Teignmouth here read a com-cerned for the souls of our fellow creamunication from the Duke of Glouces-tures, we were not inattentive to their ter, apologizing for his absence. bodily wants. He then mentioned, how His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent, much the Society was indebted to the in acknowledging the vote of thanks, labours and exertions of the Secretaries; observed, that the absence of his Royal it was to them, perhaps, more than to aHighness the Duke of Sussex was sole-ny other cause, that so many associations ly occasioned by his ill health. They had been formed. He then moved would consider his own thanks as the thanks to them for their exertions. thanks of the other branches of the family, whose names had been mentioned. The support which he had given to this Institution arose from a conviction which he felt, that it was the most effectual method of rendering real service to the poorer classes of Society. Nothing could be so beneficial as to put the word of God into their hands. He most cordially united in the zeal and gratitude which this meeting had manifested; and he hoped that in every year, so long as he lived; and was in this country, he should attend and behold an assembly as respectable as upon the present oc


The Earl of Northesk proposed a vote of thanks to the committee, which was seconded by the Rev. Dr. Romeyn, from New-York.

Rev. Dr. Blackburne, Warden of Manchester, proposed thanks to the treasurer, which was seconded by John Poynter, Esq.

Rev. Dr. Thorpe, of Dublin, observed, that in Ireland, the cause of the British and Foreign Bible Society was greatly improving. The branches of the Hibernian Bible Society, last year, were 37; but now they have increased to 53. They have circulated more than 50,000 copies of the Bible during the past year. In that country the clergy were united upon this subject.They had three archbishops at their head, with the whole bench of bishops, without a single exception. Nor was their patronage nominal. The Lord Primate had remitted, in various ways, three hundred pounds. He was a warın friend of the institution. The poor in Ireland were anxious to receive the Bible. Females would part with articles of dress to procure a copy. A poor man, who came to a village to purchase two shirts, having heard that a Bible could be purchased, and which he had never possessed, purchased one shirt, and with the remainder of his money a Bible, saying he would rather have one shirt and a Bible, than two shirts without one-He could give many instances of the good effects of the Bible upon the minds of the poor in Ireland. would mention one. A person travelling in Ireland, met with a poor woman who declared the good effects which a New-Testament had produced upon the mind of herself and son. She said, that since she had read the Bible, she had become acquainted with her guilt as a sinner, and the necessity of a


Henry Thornton, Esq. rose to acKnowledge the vote of thanks. He was grateful for the honor conferred upon kim, and he could assure them, that he still felt disposed with zeal to serve in this cause. He mentioned the signal advantages which arose to the funds of the institution from Bible associations. He could give testimony to their beneficial tendency, even in the promotion of other benevolent objects. He had seen this particularly exempliñed in the borough of Southwark, a district with which he stood most intimately connected.He pressed this upon the clergy in par-Saviour. The gentleman asked her, if ticular; for it was by their aid that the funds of the Southwark Society had so

she had nothing to fear from the priest : she said, that here she found some

to the Presbytery of Glasgow for their an nual collection, and to all other congregations and bodies who had contributed to the funds of the Society.

Lord Gambier seconded the motion.

The Rev. W. Dealtry moved the thanks of the meeting to all the Auxiliary Socicties and Bible Associations throughout the world. It had been his intention to remain on this occasion a mere spectator, and to indulge in silence those feelings of admiration and delight, which an anniversary in his mind, so long as his heart should like the present could not fail to awaken

difficulty; that" since she had confessed her sins to God, she had less desire to confess them to man." She mentioned likewise that her little boy, every Sunday afternoon, assembled the womea in her neighborhood in her cabin, and there read to them the New-Testament, instead of their going to mass.— We need not go as far as Iceland in order to perceive the want of the bible.Ireland was equally necessitous; there were two or three millions in that country who never possessed a Bible. Upbeat, and the life's-blood should flow in his on this subject he did not despair: it veins. A motion however had been comwas not the characteristic of the Iris'r to mitted to him, and he scarcely felt at libdespair. The Catholics in many places erty to decline it;-it was one which had were very desirous of our assistance never, he believed, been proposed at any and in one of the branch societies a public meeting, since the corner-stone of Priest was among the most forward of the world was laid :--it was one which the members of the Committee. The ent times; and even on this day, he would never could be proposed before the presvery opposition of others excited inqui- scarcely have ventured to make it, were he ry. In one parish, where opposition not well persuaded that the report and the was manifested, 12 Testaments were addresses to which they had listened with left, and notwithstanding the prohibition such earnest attention, had expanded their of the priest, they were speedily render-hearts and elevated their feelings to the ed illegible by constant perusal. They would always act, if possible, in concert with the Roman Catholic priest hood; but if they would not afford their assistance, even their opposition excited attention to the Scriptures.

full measure and magnitude of this incomparable cause. If in offering our congrat could be influenced by a spirit of party, ulations to these kindred societies, we upon a subject which knows no party, which rises infinitely above all the sordid passions and jealousies of man, he would The Rev. Mr. Pinkerton, from Mos- still thank them for proving, as far as concow, gave a most pleasing account of current and independent testimony can the establishment of a Bible Society in prove it, that the principle on which we that place. The population of the na-proceed is not a principle of trick, and artitive Russians, he observed, exceeded 30 that it is one which appeals to who ever is fice, and chicane, but of simplicity & truth; millions. The first object of the Society generous and exalted in our common nawas to distribute Bibles in the prisons &ture, wherever civilization has led the way. hospitals and then in Siberia, among the If he should look at the subject merely poor unfortunate exiles. He had pos-as a patriot and an Englishman, he would sessed opportunities of recommending thank them for the honor which they pay to this institution among the Calmucks the land we live in: he would thank them and Tartars. Already 3000 of the New-for turning, as if instinctively, to this hapTestament had been printed in the Tar-Py spot, as the grand depository of knowltar language, chiefly at the expense of this institution, and were now circulaBut it was not on such grounds that he ting with rapidity. The Mongul tribes would recommend the motion before them. of Asia, of which the Calinuck is one, He would take a higher stand. It had had not been neglected. The Calmuck been the great object of this blessed instiNew-Testament is in progress, and the tution to do good, and to do it extensively. Society was proceeding to procure a Our interest was the general interest of translation in the language of Thibet. mankind; the end of our labor is the hapHe concluded with reading the transla-ulate these Societies upon their hearty piness of the world: and he would congrattion of an Ukase, which had been re-participation in so glorious a work. He cently read in all the churches of Russia. would say to them," We consider the The Bishop of Norwich moved thanks poor and destitute of a is as belon

the citadel of holy truth.
edge and religion, the temple of charity,

ing to the same family with ourselves, and But the clouds are now breaking; the in doing good, forasmuch as ye have done moral darkness is clearing away; the landit unto one of the least of these our breth- scape is widening and extending; maren, ye have done it unto us. We want ny worshippers are seen advancing to the no honors, we ask for no praise; if per-courts of the Lord; many sanctuaries mitted to rejoice in your joy, we are well gladden the prospect; many harps of Zion contented only let the blessings of them fling to the passing breeze their sweet and that are ready to perish come largely up-varied melody. The nations appear to be on you, and they shall be mingled and com-animated with a new life; and the inhabibined with ours.' 99 tants of the farthest East as well as of the

Western world, are turning their steps to the City of God.

He would thank them for the spirit which they infused into this institution.It had sometimes been said, that we "I would thank them, lastly, for adding should presently droop and die ! that there so many links to that golden chain of chawere marvellous symptoms of decline up-rity, which ere long will encircle the whole on us already! We ought to blush at the family of man. It reaches even now from very thought of it. "What! shall we, Moscow to Massachusetts, from Calcutta who have gone forth in the van of the ar- to Labrador: and the address, mentioned mies, sink and be dismayed, when auxilia-by his honorable friend (Mr. Grant), as ries like these are pouring into the field? having last night passed unanimously in Shall our nerves be unstrung, when Ethio- the lower house of Parliament, gave reapia is stretching out her hands unto God? son to hope that it would soon be extendShall our hearts be frozen, when Finlanded to Africa. Christian harmony and chrisand Siberia are melting? Shall we slum-tian fellowship flourish and abound, whereber, when Russia and India are awaking? ever the influence of this society is felt. Can we faint when the world is rising? Its auxiliaries may be removed from each "I would thank them, also, for the other, but their views and their hopes, and cheering prospects which are now present-their spirit are the same. They are to be ed to us. We seem at once to have emerg-considered, not as the scattered fragments ed into a different climate. "The win-of a structure which is tumbling into ruins, ter is past; the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come; and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land.' It was but as yesterday, that we seemed to be placed upon the brow of a mountain, from which we beheld the moral world below us in clouds and commotion;wherever we turned,

We view'd a vast immeasurable abyss,
Outrageous as a sea, dark, wasteful, wild."

or as detached portions of a fabric which can exist only in the imagination, but as the solid pillars and magnificent arches of a building fitly framed together, and growing unto a holy temple in the Lord." This motion was seconded by the Rev. Dr. Macbride.


The business of the day closed with a vote of thanks to the President for his conduct in the chair.

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The perpetuity and the change of the

No. 5.

"And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because that in it he had rested from all his work, which God It obviously results from the divine created and made. Now if this solemn appointment of the Sabbath in Paradise, consecration of one seventh part of that it must be obligatory upon the time imposed an obligation upon our whole human family to the end of time; first parents to keep that part of time hos unless it can be made to appear, either, ly, it obviously imposes the same oblifirst, that the law respecting it has ex-gation upon all their posterity; no intipired by its own limitations, or second-mation whatever being given, that the ly, that it has been formally repealed by observance of the sacred institution was God himself: These two being the only intended to be confined to a part of manways, in which any of his institutions kind, in the first ages, or to any limited can either be set aside, or lose the period of time. The law then, still resmallest degree of their original bind mains in full force, and will so remain, ing force. When men impiously pre-through all succeeding generations, unsuine to make void the law by their tra-less God has seen fit, or shall hereafter ditions, they do it at their peril. No see fit, to repeal it. This I will venture human authority may ever interfere with to observe, secondly, he has not done.the appointments of Jehovah. It would Let those who think he has, point out be infinitely less daring and absurd, for the repealing act. It will be easy for the meanest subject of the greatest earth-them to show that the Jews immediately potentate to declare the fundamentally after the resurrection of Christ, were laws of his empire null and void, than released from their obligations to keep for man, who is a worm, to rise up the seventh day of the week. But this against his Maker, and attempt to set a- does not touch the question. They side his sacred institutions. The cere-may prove, too, that the Jewish Sabbath monial law of the Jews, commonly call-was never binding upon Gentile coned the law of Moses, was in its nature verts to Christianity. But neither is limited and temporary. No other nå-this at all to their purpose. It is incumtion was ever bound by it, and even to the Jews themselves it was only a shad ow of good things to come. When the Messiah, who was prefigured in its costly rites and ceremonies, came, it had begun to wax old and soon after vanish

ed away.

bent on them to point us to the chapter and verse, where the institution of the holy rest of one seventh part of time, which was originally enjoined, is explicitly annulled.

It has been said, as I am well aware, that the repealing act is recorded in two Not so the law of the holy rest or places: Rom xiv, 5, 6, and Col. ii, 16, dained in Paradise. It is a law of uni-17. Let these passages be examined, versal and perpetual obligation, for, not as detached independent texts, but first, it never can expire by its own lim-as connected parts of the epistles, in itations. The reason is, it contains no which they occur. "One man, saith limitations. The terms, in which it is the inspired writer to the Romans," promulgated, are general and indefinite. teemeth one day above another; anoth

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