תמונות בעמוד

I believe, my Lord Mayor, every one will concur with me in the perfect truth of every word of that resolution (hear, hear); for all must confess that during the fifty years, nearly, of O'Connell's political life every act of his, from the time when he first raised his voice against the contemplated Act of Union to the period of his death, was intended for the welfare of his country, to promote the interests of her people, and to secure religious liberty and equality to us all. We all know, my lord, that in'the language of this resolution, O'Connell's immense abilities opened to him the highest honors of the State. There was nothing that he might not have acquired for himself he might not only have founded a great fortune and bequeathed it to his family, but he neglected to do so in his efforts to secure the welfare of Ireland (applause). One may say too, of my dear friend, John O'Connell, that during his political life he in that sane way neglected his personal interest (hear, hear.) He thought not of it. I can say of my own knowledge, with perfect truth, that high office would have been opened to him at an early period of his political career if he had chosen to direct his efforts that way (hear, hear). I can also say this, that when he recently accepted a comparatively humble office, it was only when driven to it by the narrowness of his circumstances, and I believe if it had not been for this John O'Connell would never have thought of accepting office (cries of hear, hear.) During the whole of his political life his attention was directed entirely to the interest of his country, and now that he is gone, leaving his family unprovided for, I understand this meeting to have been called suddenly with the view of devising preliminary steps to enable us to record substantially the feelings we entertain towards him and his family, and of testifying in the best manner their great respect for the memory of the Liberator (applause). I have said there should be but little speaking upon the occasion of this preliminary meeting, and I have to apologise for the observations I have made (applause).

The Very Rev. Monsignore Yore said-My Lord Mayor, I will not detain the meeting long. I quite concur in the just and eloquent observations made by my friend John David Fitzgerald. I need not, I believe, express to my countrymen my deep feeling for the great O'Connell (hear, hear), and how I revered the character of him who has now departed from amongst us I need not dwell on the virtues he possessed. You are all aware of them. He was before you every day, and you were intimately acquainted with him. But there is one thing that gratified me this day beyond measure, and it is that the spirit of O'Connell is yet alive in Dublin (applause.) I believe I may say, when I hear that cheer, that I am speaking to Ireland generally (hear hear, and applause). I am confidant that the same spirit reigns throughout the land (hear, hear); and I am also confident that all classes will come forward, in the best manner they possibly can, to testify their respect and gratitude to the memory of the Liberator, by contributing to the support of the family of his best beloved son. I have great pleasure indeed, in seconding the resolution. (applause).

The Lord Mayor then put the resolution from the chair, and it was adopted unanimously.

Sir James Power said- My Lord Mayor and gentlemen, I felt it was my duty to be present on this melancholy occasion, and to take part in the proceedings of to-day. I beg to propose this resolution:

Resolved, that John O'Connell, whose obsequies we have attended this day, to whom our Liberator, his father, was tenderly attached, and of whose merits and devotion to his country so many sincere evidences have been given, has passed away, leaving a young and numerous family with means too slender and inadequate for the future support of their position in life.

Sergeant Deasy, Q.C., said My Lord Mayor and gentlemen, in seconding the resolution that has been proposed by my friend, Sir James Power, I cannot avoid expressing my deep regret for the loss of him whose obsequies we have attended this day. I feel the more peculiarly called on to do so, because I have been intimately associated with him in the outset of his career, which I had hoped would be-as it promised to have been-both long and prosperous. Students of the same college-aspirants to the same profession-we were brought into intimate and close relationship with each other, and I was able at that early period to appreciate those qualities of head and heart, which won for him while living, such universal regard, and to which such abundant testimony has been borne by the almost unprecedented assemblage which has followed his remains to their last resting place within this Cemetery. The last sad duties to the dead have been discharged to-day; but there still remains our duty to the livingand that duty, my Lord, we commence the fulfilment of by assem bling here to-day (hear, hear). We cannot hope to fill the blank which has been created by his sudden departure from this life. We cannot supply the place of the husband-the father-the friend; but we can make some attempt to compensate for the pecuniary loss which has been inflicted on them by their sudden and cruel bereavement (hear, hear). And, Sir, it is not merely a personal claim to sympathy, which we are met here to give expression to. There are strong public grounds for appeal to the people of Ireland at large, to make the compensation which we seek (hear, hear). I have mentioned that my lamented friend and I were at one time aspirants to the same profession, and I can state, that if he devoted himself to that profession, there is scarcely one here who would have filled a higher position in it (applause). Not merely his name, but his great abilities, his untiring industry, his grasp of mind, his devotion to business, would, if he had persevered in devoting himself to the pursuit of that profession, have won for him as high a rank as any one who hears me now. But, my Lord Mayor, he thought that there were higher than mere personal considerations to be regarded --he thought there was something else to be worked for in life besides personal aggrandisement, and that regarding the family from which he was sprung, there was a duty imposed upon him in reference to his country-and he discharged that duty, sacrificing all personal considerations, and giving up all the prospects of advancement, which he might fairly have looked forward to, and which certainly would have been realised. His motto was "through good or ill be Ireland's still; and he acted up to that motto to the last day of his existence (applause).-Some may differ as to the policy of the

course he pursued in public life, but none can entertain any difference of opinion as to the motives which actuated him (hear). None can question his sincerity-none doubt his zeal-none can dispute the ability and the untiring industry with which, from his first entrance into public life, until by circumstances, he was forced to quit it, he devoted himself to what he believed to be the cause of Ireland; and now it remains for Ireland to show that she appreciates his services and sacrifices alike, and I do much mistake the nature of my countrymen, if they would be wanting in that quality in which Irishmen have never been deficient, and in which I trust they never will be deficient—that is, a sense of the duty they owe to the living who have deserved well of them, and a sense of gratitude to the dead, if they did not abundantly respond to the appeal made here this day, (loud applause).

The Lord Mayor then put the resolution which was adopted.

Mr. Francis W. Brady proposed the next resolution as follows:

That it becomes our country, to whose material and intellectual developement were consecrated the genius and labours of O'Connell, to manifest its gratitude and veneration for the name, by a resolve to raise, by public subscription, a fund to be added respectfully to any means already existing for the education and advancement of the family of John O'Connell.

The solemn occasion, he said, which had brought them together that morning, necessarily forced upon their minds a recollection of the many great services which the father of the man whose remains they had just followed to the grave, rendered to his country (hear). Amongst all those services the greatest of all was the establishing firmly the principle of religious liberty amongst all classes and creeds, and for that reason, if for no other, all Irishmen owed a deep debt of gratitude to Daniel O'Connell, which they would but feebly attempt to discharge in endeavouring to provide for the children of his favorite son, who were now left comparatively unprovided for. He considered it would be unnecessary for him (Mr. Brady) to add another word in support of the resolution (hear, hear).

Mr. Carew O'Dwyer said he hoped it would be permitted to him, who, for many long years, served in the same ranks with John O'Connell, and co-operated with his father, to express on the present occasion his entire concurrence in the objects of the meeting (hear, bear). He was anxious that this appeal-he thought he might say, for they were all fading away-the last appeal that would ever be made on behalf of this family, to that country which they so nobly served should be successful (hear, hear). It was to him most gratifying that this resolution should have been proposed by a Protestant gentleman of the station and worth of his honorable friend, who had Just addressed them, and it was fit that the sentiments to which he had given utterance, with respect to the achievement of the liberty of our peculiar altars should find response in that assembly, and in every other assembly of Irishmen; for it was a remarkable fact, that in the whole course of O'Connell's protracted career, during which he addressed more public assemblies than any other individual ever did before, or ever again would, it was impossible to find in the records of his speeches one trace of intolerance-one word that did

not breathe the largest toleration, Christian charity, and respect for the opinions, on all religions subjects, of those who entirely differed from him (hear, hear). They needed no sermons, standing where they were, to remind them of their mortality, but it was a sad and remarkable precedent that no later than that day fortnight the man whom they had now laid in the earth, accompanied one of the best and purest of our fellow-citizens to select a grave for a beloved child, and he was now lying there himself. But let the prayers of his countrymen ascend with his pure spirit to plead to God for his salva. tion; and let his countrymen, of all classes, go to his grave and learn from his mild and tolerant character the course which all Irishmen should pursue (applause). He (Mr. O'Dwyer) entirely concurred in the resolution, and he felt extremely obliged for the patience with which the meeting had listened to the expression by him of sentiments which were too warmly felt to be calmly expressed (applause). Mr. O'Dwyer concluded by seconding the resolution.

The Lord Mayor then put the resolution, which was unanimously adopted.

Mr. Patrick O'Brien, M.P., said My Lord Mayor, in coming forward to move the resolution which I hold in my hand, I can alone attribute the circumstances of my being intrusted with it, to the fact that I am one who owes the position that 1 at present occupy to the exertions of the man whose son we have deposited in this cemetery (hear, hear). It was, perhaps, from a feeling of that character that I have been put forward here to do what I believe is the duty of every man in Ireland-to express my gratitude on this occasion for the benefits which we have all received, and, I trust, will all acknowledge (hear, hear). The statements made by the previous speakers renders it unnecessary for me to eulogise the man whose remains we have just deposited in their last resting place; but I can testify to this, if it were necessary, but it is not necessary, for the large num bers that have attended here to-day, irrespective of religious or poli tical opinions, testify fully that we have interred to-day, not only the patriot, but that we have also interred the man of private worth and good feeling, who had identified himself not alone with Catholics, but with every man who could appreciate kindly feeling, thorough sentiment, and the best possible social disposition. After what has been already said, I will content myself with moving the resolution:

That a subscription be accordingly commenced with this object, and that Sir James Power, Bart., and Denis Moylan, Esq., Alderman, be the treasurers of this fund, and that a Committee, with power to add to their numbers, be appointed to take charge of the sum to be raised, and to vest it in such a manner as shall insure its proper application, and carry out the object of this meeting; and that the Committee be requested to open communications with the various localities in Ireland and elsewhere, likely to assist, so as to produce a general concurrence in this national design.

Sir E. McDonnell briefly seconded the resolution.

Mr. T. M. Ray said My Lord Mayor, may I be permitted the melancholy gratification of supporting the resolution and observing that this spontaneous outburst of sympathy for my ever dear, departed friend, John O'Connell, is most creditable to the Irish people. I had the high honour to be his associate in his triumphs and his trials. I

knew him well, and I know that every impulse of his kind heart beat most fervently for his beloved country (cheers). After what has been said, and so well said, by the gentlemen who preceded me, it would be presumption in me to add more (hear).

The resolution was then put from the chair and passed.

Edmund J. Smithwick, Esq. (Kilkenny), said a resolution had been placed in his hands, which he begged leave to move, and in doing so he desired to say that he esteemed it a high honor to be permitted to take part in the proceedings. He was sure they were all, as Irishmen, grateful to the memory of the great man who had rendered such inestimable services to his country; and he felt it was a duty they owed to their country to take part in the proceedings, and afterwards to endeavour to promote the object in view (hear). He had much pleasure in moving that the list which he held in his hand constitute the Committee.

Mr. O'Dwyer said, before the resolution was put he would read the list of the Committee proposed to be appointed under the resolution. He then read the following list:

The movers and seconders of the foregoing resolutions:-The Right Hon. the Lord Chief Baron; Very Rev. Monsignore Yore, P.P., V.G.; Right Hon. Sir Thomas Esmonde, Bart.; Mr. Sergeant Howley; Henry George Hughes, Q.C.; Edmund J. Smithwick, Esq., J.P.; Francis William Brady, Esq.; Alderman John D'Arcy; A. Carew O'Dwyer, Esq.; John H. Talbot, Esq.; Walter Sweetman, Esq.; P.V. Fitzpatrick, Esq., Charles Bianconi Esq., Richard Kelly, Esq., T.C.; James Kennedy, Esq.; Right Worshipful the Mayor of Cork; the Right Worshipful the Mayor of Waterford; the Right Worshipful the Mayor of Kilkenny; the Mayor of Wexford; the Mayor of Drogheda; Sir Colman O'Loghlen, Bart., Q.C.; Edward Clements, Esq.; Patrick Nolan, Esq.; John N. Farrell, Esq.; John Leahy, Esq.; C. N. Duff, Esq.; Robert Johnston, Esq., Barrister; J. Kennedy, Esq.; and Thaddeus Murphy, Esq.

Mr. O'Dwyer, having finished the reading of the list, said-If any gentleman present wishes to have his name added to the Committee let him say so, and we will have it moved and seconded. After a

pause, Mr. O'Dwyer moved that Dr. Gray's name be added to the list.

Dr. Gray expressed a hope that the Lord Mayor and the meeting would not imagine that he had acted on the suggestion of Mr. O'Dwyer and requested his name to be added to the Committee. However anxious he was to forward the objects of the meeting, he wished to assure the Lord Mayor that he would not be guilty of that indelicacy hear, hear), and begged that the resolution would not be put.

Mr. O'Dwyer said he did not wish to convey that Dr. Gray had suggested the addition of his name. It was suggested to him (Mr. O'Dwyer) by several gentlemen around him.

The resolution was then adopted.

The Lord Mayor then announced that the subscription list was opened, and he would be happy to hear the names of gentlemen handed in for subscriptions.

The Right Hon. J. D. Fitzgerald—I beg my name to be put down for 501. Cloud cheers).

Mr. O'Dwyer then proceeded to announce the subscriptions:-Sir

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