תמונות בעמוד

§ 4. (2) We must take all Opportunities we poffibly can, to inftruct them how to attain Salvation. If the Perfon be ignorant, labour to make him understand the chief Happinefs of Man, how far he was once poffelfed of it; the Covenant God then made with him; b w he broke it; what Penalty he incurred; and what Mifery be brought himself into: Teach him his Need of a Redeemer; how Chrift did mercifully interpofe, and bear the Penalty; what the New Covenant is; how Men are drawn to Chrift; and what are the Riches and Priviledges which Believers have in him. If he is not moved by thefe Things, then fhew him the Excellency of the Glory he neglects; the Extremity and Eternity of the Torments of the Damned; the fuftice of enduring them for wilfully refufing Grace; the Certainty, Nearness, and Terrors of Death and Judgment; the Vanity of all Things below; the Sinfulness of Sin; the Precioufefs of Chrill; the Neceffity if Regeneration, Faith, and Holinefs; and the true Nature of them If after all, you find him entertaining falfe Hopes, then urge him to examine his State; fhew him the Neceffy of doing jo; help him in it; nor leave him till you have convinced him of Lis Mifery and Remedy. Shew him how vain and deftructive it is to join Chrift and kis Duties, to compose his juflifing Righteousness. Yet be jure to draw him to the Use of all Means; fuch as hearing and r.ading the Word, calling upon God, and affeciating with the Godly: Perfuade him to frfake Sin, avoid all Temptations to Sin, efpecially evil Companions, and to wait patiently on God in the Use of Means, as the Way in which God will bo fs d.

$5 Bur because the Manner of performing this Work is of great Moment, obferve therefore thefe Rules. Enter upon it with right Intentions. Aim at the Glory of God in the Perfon's Salvation. Do it not to get a Name, or Eileem to thy felf, or to

bring Men to depend upon thee, or to get thee Followers, but in Obedience to Chrift, in Imitation of him, and tender Love to Men's Souls. Do not as as thofe, who labour to reform their Children or Servants from fuch Things as are against their own Profit or Humour, but never feek to fave their Souls in the Way which God hath appointed. Do it Speedily. As you would not have them delay their Return, don't you delay to feek their Return. While you are purpofing to teach and help him, the Man goes deeper in Debt; Wrath is heaping up; Sin taking Root; Cuftom faftens him; Temptations to Sin multiply; Confcience grows feared; the Heart hardened; the Devil rules; Chrift is fhut out; the Spirit is refifled; God is daily difhonoured; His Law violated; He is without a Servant, and that Service from him which He fhould have; Time runs on; Death and Judgment are at the Door; and what if the Man die, and drop into Hell, while you are purpofing to prevent it? If in the Cafe of his bodily Diftrefs, you must not jay to him, go, and come again, and To-mo I will give, when thou hast it by thee (a); how much lefs may you delay the Succour of his Soul? That Phyfician is no better than a Murderer, who negli. gently delayeth till his Patient be dead or paft Cure. Lay by Excufes then, and all leffer Business, and exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; left any be hardened through the Deceitfulness of Sin (b) Let your Exhortation proceed from Compaffion and Love. To jeer and fcoff, to rail and vilify, is not a likely Way to reform Men, or convert them to God. Go to poor Sinners with Tears in your Eyes, that they may fee you believe them to be miferable, and that you unfeignedly pity their Cafe. Deal with them. with earnest humble Intreatings. Let them perceive

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it is the Defire of your Hearts to do them good; that you have no other End but their everlasting Happinefs; and that it is your Senfe of their Danger, and your Love to their Souls that forceth you to fpeak; even because you know the Terrors of the Lord, and for Fear you fhould fee them in eternal Torments. Say to them," Friend, you know I feek no Advan66 tage of my own: The Method to please you, and "keep your Friendship, were to footh you in your "Way, or let you alone; but Love will not fuffer "me to fee you perifh, and be filent. I feek nothing "at your Hands, but that which is neceflary to your "own Happinefs. It is yourfelf that will have the "Gain and Comfort, if you come to Chrift," If we were thus to go to every ignorant, wicked Neighbour, what bleffed Fruit fhould we quickly fee!



Do it with all poffible Plainnefs and Faithfulness. Don't make their Sins less than they are, nor encourage them in a falfe Hope. If you fee the Cafe dangerous, speak plainly; "Neighbour, I am afraid God hath "not yet renewed your Soul; I doubt you are not yet recovered from the Power of Satan to God; I "doubt you have not chosen Christ above all, nor unfeignedly taken him for your fovereign Lord. If 66 you had, furely you durft not so easily disobey him, "nor neglect his Worship in your Family, and in "publick: You could not fo eagerly follow the "World, and talk of nothing but the Things of the "World. If you were in Chrift, you would be a "new Creature; old Things would be paffed away, " and all Things would become new: You would have new Thoughts, new Talk, new Company, new "Endeavours, and a new Converfation: Certainly "without these you can never be faved: You may "think otherwife, and hope better as long as you will, but your Hopes will all deceive you, and I

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"perifh with you." Thus muft you deal faithfully with Men, if ever you intend to do them good. It is not in curing Men's Souls, as in curing their Bodies, where they muft not know their Danger, left it hinder the Cure. They are here Agents in their own Cure, and if they know not their Mifery, they will never bewail it, nor know their Need of a Saviour.Do it af firicufy, zealously, and effectually. Labour to make Men know, that Heaven and Hell are not Matters to be played with, or paffed over with a few carelets Thoughts. "Is it moft certain, that one of "these Days thou shalt be in everlasting Joy or Tor"ment; and doth it not awaken thee? Are there fo "few that find the Way of Life? So many that go "the Way of Death? Is it fo hard to escape? So caly "to mifcarry? And yet do you fit ftill and trifle? "What do you mean? The World is paffing away; "Its Pleafures, Honours, and Profits are fading and "leaving you: Eternity is a little before God


is juft and jealous; His Threatnings are true: The "Great Day will be terrible: Time runs on: Your "Life is uncertain: You are far behind Hand: Your

Cafe is dangerous: If you die To-morrow, how "unready are you! With what Terror will your "Souls go out of your Bodies! And do you yet "loiter? Confider, God is all this while waiting 66 your Leifure: His Patience beareth: His Long"fuffering forbeareth: His Mercy intreateth you: "Chrift offers you his Blood and Merits: The Spirit "is perfuading: Confcience is accufing: Satan waits "to have you: This is your Time; Now or Never. "Had you rather burn in Hell, than repent on Earth? "have Devils your Tormentors, than Chrift your "Governor? Will you renounce your Part in God "and Glory, rather than renounce your Sins? O "Friends, what do you think of thefe Things? "God

"God hath made you Men; do not renounce your "Reafon where you fhould chiefly ufe it." Alas, it is not a few dull Words between jeft and earnest, between fleep and awake, that will rouze a deadhearted Sinner. If a House be on fire, you will not make a cold Oration on the Nature and Danger of Fire; but will run, and cry, Fire, Fire. To tell a Man of his Sins, as foftly as Eli did his Sons; or reprove him, as gently as Jehoshaphat did Ahab, Let not the King fay fo, ufually doth as much Harm as Good. Lothness to displease Men, makes us undo them.

§ 6. YET left you run into Extremes, I advise you to do it with Prudence and Difcretion.Chufe the fitteft Seajon. Deal not with Men when they are in a Paffion, or where they will take it for a Difgrace. When the Earth is foft, the Plough will enter. Take a Man when he is under Affliction, or newly im-' preffed under a Sermon. Chriftian Faithfulness requires us, not only to do Good when it falls in our Way, but to watch for Opportunities.- -Suit yourfelf alfo to the Quality and Temper of the Perfon. You muft deal with the Ingenious, more by Argument than Perfuafion. There is need of both to the Ignorant. The Affections of the Convinced fhould be chiefly excited. The Obftinate must be sharply reproved. The Timorous must be dealt with tenderly. Love, and Plainnefs, and Serioufnefs, take with all; but Words of Terror fome can scarce bear. Ufe alfo the aptest Expreffions. Unfeemly Language makes the Hearers loath the Food they fhould live by; especially if they be Men of curious Ears, and carnal Hearts. Let all your Reproofs and Exhortations be backed with the Authority of God. Let Sinners be convinced that you fpeak not of your own Head. Turn them to the very Chapter and Verfe where their Sin is condemned,

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