תמונות בעמוד

"Inasmuch as men after death are in the interior memory, which appertains to their rational principle, it follows as a consequence, that they who have been distinguished in the world for their skill in languages, are not able to call forth into utterance a single expression of those languages; and that they who have been distinguished for their skill in the sciences, are not able to recollect any thing of scientifics, and that these latter are sometimes more stupid than others: Nevertheless, whatsoever either by languages or by sciences hath been so imbibed, as to enter into and form the rational principle, this is brought forth for use in another life; the rational principle thence procured, is that from which spirits think and speak; such as have imbibed false principles by languages and sciences, and have confirmed themselves therein, reason only from false principles, but they who have imbibed truths, reason and speak from true principles; the affection is what giveth life, the affection of evil what giveth life to falses, and the affection of good what giveth life to truths, for every one thinks from affection, and no one without affection.

"I have been instructed that the exterior memory, considered in itself, is nothing else but a certain organized [part or principle] formed of the objects of the senses, especially of the sight and hearing, in substances which are the principles of fibres, and that according to impressions received from those objects, variations of form are effected, which are reproduced, and that those forms are varied and changed according to changes of the state of affections and persuasions. Also that the interior memory is in like manner an organized [part or principle,] but purer and more perfect, formed from the objects of interior vision, which objects are disposed into regular series, in an incomprehensible order.

"With the interior memory the case is this, that there are retained therein not only all and singular the things, which man at any time from his infancy hath seen, and heard, and thought, and spoke, and done, but also those things which in another life he sees and hears, and which he thinks, speaks, and acts; but this is with a difference; they who are principled in the persuasion of what is false, and in the lust of what is evil, imbibe and retain all things which agree with such persuasion and lust, for they enter as water into a sponge; other things indeed also approach, but they make such a slight impression, that it is scarce known to be an impression: But they who are principled in the faith of truth, and in the affection of good, retain all things which are true and good, and hereby are continually perfected! hence it is that they are capable of being instructed, and are instructed in another life.

[To be continuel.]


NEW JERUSALEM TEMPLE, WATERLOO ROAD, LONDON. THE REV. T. Goyder, Minister of the above-named Temple, has announced his intention of commencing a course of Lectures on the second Sunday in the present month, March, 1826. The Lectures are to be delivered in the evenings, Divine Service to begin at half past 6 o'clock. The following are the subjects of

the course :


March 12. On the perfect unity of God: showing the utter impossibility of a Divine Being existing in a plurality of forms.


March 19. On the Doctrine of a Divine Trinity. In this Lecture it will be shown, that the idea of a Trinity of persons is not only anti-Scriptural : but also incompatible with the Doctrine of a "Trinity in Unity." To 'conclude with an explanation of the great Doctrine of a Trinity as the same is set forth in the volume of Truth.


March 26. An answer to the question "Who is the Lord? in which the supreme Divinity of Jesus Christ will be demonstrated by rational and conclusive evidence, drawn from the Sacred Scriptures; and in which it will be shown, that the Jehovah of the Old Testament did manifest himself to mankind, in the person of Jesus Christ, and that consequently he became the IMMANUEL; or GOD WITH US, and accomplished, by such manifestation, human redemption.


April 2. On the superlative excellence and eternal Immutability of the Divine Being showing that all changes and variations are attributable only to created existences.


April 9. An inquiry into the dogma of Original Sin, as generally taught and believed, with observations upon the nature and general tendeney of the Doctrine, proving it to be utterly destitute of truth, and that it has no foundation either in Scripture or reason.


April 16. On the Divine Love and Goodness: showing the impartiality of the Divine action or operation, and that all mankind of whatever country, religion, or persuasion were created for heaven and its joys; and that consequently the Doctrines of Reprobation, Predestination to misery, and partial election to happines, are absurd, irrational, unscriptural and wicked.


April 23. On Divine Providence: showing that the Lord, in all the various trials and vicissitudes of human life, however severe and heartrending they may appear to be, regards eternal ends, and the final state of man, and that afflictions, and temptations of every sort, do work out, for the sincere Christian, an eternal weight of glory.


April 30. An examination into Pilate's Question, "What is Truth?" In this Lecture it will be shown that truth is immutable-that it is a perfect One that it does not contain a variety of shades, or different degrees of splendour: but that in itself it is incapable of the smallest variation. All degrees of truth will be found to arise from the modes of its reception by



THE Rev. J. Bradley, Minister of the New Jerusalem Temple, Percy Street, is, we understand, now engaged in delivering, on Sunday evenings, Lectures on the "Ten commandments." The following subjects will finish the course ;


March 5. On the spiritual obligations implied in the Commandment, "Thou shalt not steal."


March 12 and 19. On the odious nature of false Witness, not only in Courts appointed for the public Administration of Justice, but in all lying and slanderous speaking, originating in uncharitableness, and in the teaching of false Doctrines.

XX. XXI. and XXII.

March 26. April 2 and 9. That the great Design of the Commandments is to effect that change in man indispensable to his admission into the Kingdom of Heaven; as from the covetousness of his natural selfishness he inclines to the commission of every evil against his neighbour.


We have have been informed by one of our correspondents that a worthy member of the Jewish Church, near Liverpool, has received the heavenly doctrines of the New Jerusalem, and that he is now employed in translating the writings ef Swedenborg into Hebrew. We are very glad to hear this; for we are convinced that it is the New Church doctrines alone which can emancipate the Jews from their present state of darkness.


FROM a letter sent to the Rev. T. Goyder of London, and dated Edinburgh, January 30th 1826, we have been permitted to make the following extract:

"I have much pleasure in informing you that a learned and respectable Gentleman has lately embraced the doctrines here, a Doctor Pool, who many years ago had the doctrine of the Lord from Mr. Parker, which I believe had made some impression on his mind, and which impression has providentially been revived... through the instrumentality of the London Printing Society. That: Society sent a donation of books to him for the use of the Edinburgh Subscription Library, of which he is the Librarian. You will, I think, readily admit the sincerity with which he has embraced the doctrines of the New Church, when you are informed, that he communicated his sentiments to the Elders, and was finally excommunicated from the society called Glassites or Sandemanians; a strict sect, of which he had been many years a member."

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At a meeting of the French Academy of Sciences, on the 19th Dec. M. Jomard announced the death of the intrepid African traveller M. de Beaufort. He stated that, resolved to penetrate farther than had yet been achieved, M. de B. had taken the course of the High Senegal, and was directing his route towards Timbuctoo when he fell, another victim to this fatal clime.


We notice in the Edinburgh Courant newspaper some remarks on the demolition of Salisbury Crags, which it seems is now carrying on for the purposes of building and paving. Every visitor to the Scottish capital has been delighted by the picturesque beauties of these rocks, which form so striking a feature to the city, that their destruction is too Gothic to be believed of a people who claim the possesion of taste and feeling.


A collection of the recent discoveries of M. Angelo Mai, in the Vatican Library, is proposed for publication. They consist of copious extracts from Polybius, Diodorus, Dio Cassius, Deseppus, Ennassius, Menander the historian, and Perseus, preserved in those hitherto-lost volumes of the eclogue of Constantinus Porphyrogenitus. These fragments are said to be very valuable.


The White Shark is particularly numerous in the Atlantic Ocean. It weighs sometimes as much as 10,000 lbs. and even whole horses have been found in its stomach. It has six rows of teeth in the jaws, which as is the case with most Sharks, are not fixed in the bone, but connected with it by a kind of joint. The front row is that which is actually employed in biting. The hinder ones, at least in the young animal, are directed backwards, forming a reserve, from which accidental losses in the front row are supplied as occasion requires.


The eyes of Insects are particularly remarkable, and with respect to their structure are of two kinds.The first are large hemispheres, mostly composed of thousands of facets, but in some instances of numerous

conical points, and covered on the inner surface with a layer sometimes glittering, sometimes variegated. Such are found in most winged Insects, but also in many Aptera, as the lobster, &c -Those of the second kind are simple, small, and vary as well in number as position. Eyes of the first kind seem calculated for seeing at a distance; of the second, for looking at near objects; at least it may be supposed so, as we find that butterflies, in their winged perfect state, have such large compound, telescopic eyes, whilst as caterpillars, they have small myopic ones. Only a few Insects, Crabs, for instance, can move their eyes.


Although Insects stand in need of the exchange of carbon of oxygen to effect the continuance of life, there are but few, as crabs, grasshoppers, many Cicade and chafers, in which a motion resembling respiration can be observed.

Insects in general breathe, not by the mouth, but by many spiracula. The greater number of them can live in a vacuum much longer than red blooded animals, and many in mephitic atmospheres so fatal to others, and in which animal and vegetable substances become putrid.


The Kanguroo is, in New Holland, mouse grey. When sitting upright is as high as a man, and weighs 1401b; lives together in herds of fifty or more; is altogether herbivorous; moves by leaps of full 12 feet at a time. The female has an abdominal pouch; produces but a single young one at a time, which, when born, is scarce half so large as a mouse, but is carried in the mother's pouch three quarters of a year, until it weighs nearly 14lb.


Serpents have not any external organs of motion, but merely a long cylindrical body, which they move in an undulating manner, and which is covered with scales, plates, or rings. Many live in water, in which they can easily swim, on account of their very long and bladder-like lungs; others on the ground; and others principally on trees. Their eggs are commonly connected together; their jaws are not, as in other animals, articu

Tench, 383,000; in the Flounder, upwards of a million.


lated with each other, but are unsuited for chewing, since they admit of being very widely separated, so that serpents are enabled to swallow en- Insects which undergo metamortire animals much larger than them- phosis are called Larvæ, whilst in the selves. Their slender, and, for the state in which they escape from the most part, cloven tongue, serves them egg. They are mostly very small on for tasting. Many are provided with their first appearance, so that a full an active venom, contained in little grown caterpillar of the willow-moth, bags, on the front of the upper jaw, for instance, is 72,000 times heavier secreted by particular glands, and than when it issues from the egg. conveyed into the wound made in On the other hand, they grow with biting, by means of isolated teeth, great rapidity, so that as an example, which are tubular, with a longitudinal the maggot of the meal-fly, at the opening at the point. These poison end of twenty-four hours, is 155 teeth, placed on the anterior edge of times heavier than at its birth. Some the upper jaw, with the correspond- Larvæ have feet as Caterpillars and ing increase in the size of the latter, the Grubs of Chafers, others have not, afford the most certain means of dis- as Maggots; none have wings. In tinguishing the venomous serpents this state also they are incapable of from those which are not so, as in propagating; they merely feed, inthe latter, the whole of the outer edge crease, and change their covering of the upper jaw is furnished with several times. teeth even to the very back part. Serpents of all kinds agree in having a double row of small teeth in the palate.


The Rattle Snake, in the warmer parts of North America, grows to the length of six feet, and the thickness of a man's arm. The Species of this genus are distinguished from all other Serpents, and indeed from all animals in the creation, by the singular, horny, articulated rattle at the end of the tail. The number of pieces in this wonderful and anomalous organ, increases with the age of the animal, and in old ones, may amount to forty. We are assured by credible eye-witnesses, that squirrels, small birds, &c, fall from the trees on which they stand, as it were spontaneously, into the throat of the Rattle-snake below; the circumstance is, however, not by any means confined to this genus, as it has been remarked in many other Serpents of both the old and new worlds.


The increase in the numbers of most fishes is wonderfully great, so that although the ova are in most irstances proportionally much smaller than in any other class of animals, the ovaria of many are larger than the whole of the body. Thus, in the Herring, there have been counted from 20,000; to 37,000 ova; in the Carp, upwards of 200,000; in the


Most Insects lay eggs, which the Mother, by a truly wonderful instinct, always deposits precisely in the situations best adapted for the future progeny. Many, for instanco, lay their eggs in the bodies of living insects of other kinds, as in Caterpillars, Pupæ &c; or even in the eggs of other kinds of Insects. The eggs of Insects are occasionly, particularly among Butterflies, of various and remarkable form and appearance, and when deposited by the mother in the open air, are covered with a kind of varnish, protecting them from the destructive influence of rain and other accidents.


The White Ant is found in the East Indies and Guinea. They construct conical habitations of clay, generally with several points, arched internally, often ten or twelve feet high, and occasionally in such numbers, as at a distance to have the appearance of a village. In time, these Ant-hills become overgrown with grass, and so firm as to be capable of bearing the weight of several men, although the walls are perforated by large wide passages, sometimes more than a foot in diameter. Incessant changes are made in these buildings, old cells being broken up, new ones formed, others enlarged, and so on. The cells of the King and Queen, of which there is but one couple in each hill,

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