Brill's Companion to Sophocles

כריכה קדמית
Andreas Markantonatos
Brill, 2012 - 737 עמודים
Brill's Companion to Sophocles offers 32 specially commissioned essays from leading international scholars which give critical examinations of the progress and direction of numerous wide-ranging debates about various aspects of Sophoclean drama. Each chapter offers an authoritative and state-of-the-art survey of current thinking and research in a particular subject area, as well as covering a wide variety of thematic angles. Recent advances in scholarship have raised new questions about Sophocles and Greek tragedy, and have overturned some long-standing assumptions. Besides presenting a comprehensive and authoritative guide to understanding Sophocles, this companion provides scholars and students with compelling fresh perspectives upon a broad range of issues in the field of Sophoclean studies.

מהדורות אחרות - הצג הכל

מידע על המחבר (2012)

Andreas Markantonatos, Ph.D. (2001) in Classics, University of Oxford, teaches Greek at the University of Peloponnese. He has published extensively on Greek tragedy including Tragic Narrative: A Narratological Study of Sophocles' Oedipus at Colonus (2002) and Oedipus at Colonus: Sophocles, Athens, and the World (2007). Contributors: William Blake Tyrrell, Guido Avezzù, Patrick Finglass, Emma Griffiths, Josh Beer, David Carter, Bruce Heiden, Poulcheria Kyriakou, Jon Hesk, Alan Sommerstein, Bernd Seidensticker, John Davidson, Francis Dunn, Timothy Power, Rachel Kitzinger, Luigi Battezzato, Jocelyn Penny Small, Nancy Worman, Andreas Markantonatos, Rush Rehm, Jon Mikalson, Sarah Ferrario, Kurt Raaflaub, Judith Mossman, Bernhard Zimmermann, Justina Gregory, Emily Wilson, Michael Lloyd, Matthew Wright, Michael J. Anderson, Michael Walton, and Marianne McDonald.

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