Cosmography and the Idea of Hyperborea in Ancient Greece: A Philology of WorldsCambridge University Press, 22 באפר׳ 2021 - 568 עמודים Cosmography is defined here as the rhetoric of cosmology: the art of composing worlds. The mirage of Hyperborea, which played a substantial role in Greek religion and culture throughout Antiquity, offers a remarkable window into the practice of composing and reading worlds. This book follows Hyperborea across genres and centuries, both as an exploration of the extraordinary record of Greek thought on that further North and as a case study of ancient cosmography and the anthropological philology that tracks ancient cosmography. Trajectories through the many forms of Greek thought on Hyperborea shed light on key aspects of the cosmography of cult and the cosmography of literature. The philology of worlds pursued in this book ranges from Archaic hymns to Hellenistic and Imperial reconfigurations of Hyperborea. A thousand years of cosmography is thus surveyed through the rewritings of one idea. This is a book on the art of reading worlds slowly. |
Cosmography | 1 |
Hyperborea between Cult and Song | 83 |
Cosmography and Epiphany | 139 |
Archaic Travel Narrative | 203 |
Impossible Worlds? Hellenistic Reconfigurations | 320 |
Further Trajectories | 387 |
Glossary | 413 |
Bibliography | 419 |
521 | |
538 | |
מהדורות אחרות - הצג הכל
מונחים וביטויים נפוצים
Abaris Alcaeus ancient Apollo Archaic archive Arimaspeia Arimaspians Aristeas Artemis Athenian Athens Boreas Bravo Burkert Callimachus century BCE Chapter cosmography cult culture Delian Delos Delphi Detienne dialogue Diodorus Siculus divine echoes edge Eileithyia FGrHist figure fragments furthest geography gods Greek Hecataeus Herakles Herodotus Homeric Hymn Hymn to Delos Hyperborean Hyperborean nexus island Issedones knowledge land Leto linked Maximus of Tyre metopes myth narrative North northern oikoumenē Olbia Olen olive tree Olympian paean passage Pausanias Pindar Plutarch poem poet poetic Proconnesus Pythian reference representation Rhipaean Mountains ritual sanctuary Scythians song space Strabo temple tradition trajectory Trans vision Zeus ἀπὸ γὰρ δὲ δὲ καὶ εἶναι εἰς ἐκ ἐν ἐξ ἐπὶ ἐς καὶ κατὰ μὲν οἱ οὐ παρὰ περὶ πρὸς τὰ τὰς ταῦτα τε καὶ τῇ τὴν τῆς τὸ τοῖς τὸν τοῦ τοὺς τῷ τῶν Ὑπερβορέων ὑπὸ ὡς