תמונות בעמוד
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The order in which the several courses were to serve was determined by lot; and each course was, in all succeeding ages, called by the name of its original chief.

Walker's Ser. vol. i. ser. 3; South's Ser. vol. vii. sisted of three orders, the high priests, priests, r. 10, 11, and 12; Tillotson's Ser. ser. 147; and Levites. The priesthood was made herediurin's Ser. ser. 11. vol. i. Robinson's transla- tary in the family of Aaron; and the first-born of on; Bp. Hopkins on the Nature, Danger, and the oldest branch of that family, if he had no legal Cure of Presumptuous Sins. See his works. blemish, was always the high-priest. This divine Pride is inordinate and unreasonable self-appointment was observed with considerable acsteem, attended with insolence, and rude treat-curacy till the Jews fell under the dominion of ent of others. "It is sometimes," says a good the Romans, and had their faith corrupted by a riter, "confounded with vanity, and sometimes false philosophy. Then, indeed, the high-priestth dignity; but to the former passion it has no hood was sometimes set up to sale, and, instead semblance, and in many circumstances it differs of continuing for life, as it ought to have done, it m the latter. Vanity is the parent of loqua- seems from some passages in the New Testaous boasting; and the person subject to it, if ment, to have been nothing more than an annual is pretences be admitted, has no inclination to office. There is sufficient reason, however, to ult the company. The proud man, on the believe, that it was never disposed of but to some ther hand, is naturally silent, and, wrapt up in descendant of Aaron capable of filling it, had the is own importance, seldom speaks but to make older branches been extinct. [For the consecra 1s audience feel their inferiority." Pride is the tion and offices of the Jewish priesthood, we ich opinion that a poor little contracted soul en- refer our readers to the book of Moses.] In the tains of itself. Dignity consists in just, great, time of David, the inferior priests were divided nd uniform actions, and is the opposite to mean- into twenty-four companies, who were to serve -2. Pride manifests itself by praising our-in rotation, each company by itself for a week.— lves, adorning our persons, attempting to apear before others in a superior light to what we re: contempt and slander of others; envy at e excellencies others possess; anxiety to gain pplause; distress and rage when slighted; imence of contradiction, and opposition to God self.-3. The evil effects of pride are beyond putation. It has spread itself universally in nations, among all characters; and as it was e first sin, as some suppose, that entered into world, so it seems the last to be conquered. It ay be considered as the parent of discontent, gratitude, covetousness, poverty, presumption, assion, extravagance, bigotry, war, and persecuon. In fact, there is hardly an evil perpetrated at what pride is connected with it in a proximate remote sense.-4. To suppress this evil, we would consider what we are. If we could trace ir descents," says Seneca, "we should find all ves to come from princes, and all princes m slaves. To be proud of knowledge, is to be ind in the light; to be proud of virtue, is to poiin ourselves with the antidote; to be proud of thority is to make our rise our downfall." The perfection of our nature, our scanty knowledge, tracted powers, narrow conceptions, and momability, are strong motives to excite us to ility. We should consider, also, what punishats this sin has brought on mankind. See cases of Pharaoh, Haman, Nebuchadnezzar, rod, and others. How particularly it is proited, Prov. xvi. 18; 1 Pet. v. 5; James iv. 6; pov. xxix. 23; what a torment it is to its pos**r, Esther v. 13; how soon all things of a danary nature will end; how disgraceful it In the church of England, the word priest is nders us in the sight of God, angels, and retained to denote the second order in her hierar(a; what a barrier it is to our felicity and com-chy, but we believe with very different significarion with God; how fruitful it is of discord; tions, according to the different opinions enterit precludes our usefulness, and renders us tained of the Lord's Supper. Some few of her Lly contemptible. See HUMILITY. divines, of great learning, and of undoubted ProPRIEST, a person set apart for the perform-testantism, maintain that the Lord's Supper is ce of sacrifice, and other offices and ceremonies a commemorative and eucharistical sacrifice.— religion. Before the promulgation of the law These consider all who are authorized to admiMoses, the first-born of every family, the nister that sacrament as in the strictest sense rers, the princes, and the kings, were priests. priests. Others hold the Lord's Supper to be a Cain and Abel, Noah, Abraham, Mel-feast upon the one sacrifice, once offered on the der, Job, Isaac, and Jacob, offered them- cross; and these, too, must consider themselves ves their own sacrifices. Among the Israel- as clothed with some kind of priesthood. Great after their departure from Egypt, the numbers, however, of the English clergy, peresthood was confined to one tribe, and it con-haps the majority, agree with the church of Scot

It has been much disputed, whether in the Christian church, there be any such officer as a priest, in the proper sense of the word. If the word priest be taken to denote a person commissioned by divine authority to offer up a real sacrifice to God, we may justly deny that there is a priest upon earth. Under the Gospel, there is but one priest, which is Christ: and but one sacrifice, that of the cross. The church of Rome, however, erroneously believe their prieste to be empowered to offer up to the Divine Majesty real proper sacrifice, as were the priests under the Old Testament. Ecclesiastical history informs us that, in the second century, some time after the reign of the emperor Adrian, when the Jews, by the second destruction of Jerusalem, were bereaved of all hopes of the restoration of their government to its former lustre, the notion that the ministers of the Christian church succeeded to the character and prerogatives of the Jewish priesthood was industriously propagated by the Christian doctors; and that, in conse quence, the bishops claimed a rank and character similar to that of the Jewish high-priest; the presbyters to that of the priests; and the deacons to that of the Levites. One of the pernicious effects of this groundless comparison and pretension seems to have been, the introduction of the idea of a real sacrifice in the Christian church, and of sacrificing priests.

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land, in maintaining that the Lord's Supper is a | by him, or was by the rest attributed to himrite of no other moral import than the mere com-4. There was no office above that of an apost's, memoration of the death of Christ. These can- known to the apostles or primitive church, Fr not consider themselves as priests in the rigid iv. 11; 1 Cor. xii. 28.-5. Our Lord himself be sense of the word, but only as presbyters, ofclared against this kind of primacy, prote which the word priest is a contraction, of the his apostles to affect, to seek, to assume, or a same import with elder. See LORD'S SUPPER.a superiority of power, one above another, Li PRIMACY, the highest post in the church. xxii. 14, 24; Mark ix. 35.-6. We do not f The Romanists contend that St. Peter, by our any peculiar administration committed to St. Lord's appointment, had a primacy or sovereign Peter, nor any privilege conferred on him whch authority and jurisdiction over the apostles. was not also granted to the other apostles, Ja This, however, is denied by the Protestants, and xx. 23; Mark xvi. 15.-7. In neither of Peters that upon just grounds. Dr. Barrow observes two catholic epistles, does there appear any it (Works, vol. i. p. 557,) that there are several mation or any pretence to this arch-apostatical sorts of primacy which may belong to a person power.-8. In all relations which occur in Sere in respect of others. 1. A primacy of worth or ture about controversies of doctrine or practice, personal excellence.-2. A primacy of reputa- there is no appeal made to St. Peter's judgman tion and esteem.-3. A primacy of order or bare or allegation of it as decisive, and no argument dignity and precedence.-4. A primacy of power built on his authority.-9. St. Peter no wher and jurisdiction. As for the first of these, a pri- appears intermeddling as a judge or gover ** macy of worth, we may well grant it to Peter, paramount in such cases; yet where he des admitting that probably he did exceed the rest himself deal with heretics and disorderly person, of his brethren in personal endowments and he proceeds not as a pope decreeing; but as v. capacities; particularly in quickness of appre- apostle, warning, arguing, and persuading agun hension, boldness of spirit, readiness of speech, them.-10. The consideration of the postcharity to our Lord, and zeal for his service.- proceeding in the conversion of people, in e 2. As to a primacy of repute, which St. Paul foundation of churches, and in administration of means when he speaks of those who had a spe- their spiritual affairs, will exclude any re cial reputation, of those who seemed to be pil- bility of St. Peter's jurisdiction over them. Th lars, of the super-eminent apostles, Gal. ii. 6, 9; went about their business, not by order or horns 2 Cor. xi. 5; xii. 11, this advantage cannot be from St. Peter, but, according to special direct refused him, being a necessary consequence of of God's spirit.-11. The nature of the gy those eminent qualities resplendent in him, and tolical ministry, the apostles not being fixed z of the illustrious performances achieved by him one place of residence, but continually moving beyond the rest. This may be inferred from that about the world; the state of things at that t renown which he hath had from the beginning; and the manner of St. Peter's life, render i LE and likewise from his being so constantly ranked likely that he had such a jurisdiction over the in the first place before the rest of his brethren.- apostles as some assign him.-12. It was mos 3. As to a primacy of order or bare dignity, im- most requisite that every apostle should be porting that commonly, in all meetings and pro- a complete, absolute, independent authority ceedings, the other apostles did yield him the managing the duties and concerns of the ones precedence, there may be some question; for this that he might not any wise be obstructed in the does not seem suitable to the gravity of such per-discharge of them, not clogged with a nee sons, or their condition and circumstances, to stand upon ceremonies of respect; for our Lord's rules seem to exclude all semblance of ambition, all kind of inequality and distance between his apostles. But yet this primacy may be granted as probable upon divers accounts of use and convenience; it might be useful to preserve order, and to promote expedition, or to prevent confusion, distraction, and dilatory obstruction in the management of things.-4. As to a primacy importing a superiority in command, power, or jurisdiction, this we have great reason to deny upon the following considerations. 1. For such a power it was needful that a commission from God, its founder, should be granted in absolute and perspicuous terms; but no such commission is extant in Scripture.-2. If so illustrious an office was instituted by our Saviour, it is strange, that no where in the evangelical or apostolical history there should be any express mention of that institution.-3. If St. Peter had been instituted sovereign of the apostolical senate, his PRIMITIVE CHRISTIANS, those w office and state had been in nature and kind very lived in the first ages of Christianity, espe distinct from the common office of the other the apostles and immediate followers of our L apostles, as the office of a king from the office of PRINCIPLE, an essential truth from whi any subject; and probably would have been sig- others are derived; the ground or motive of 2 nified by some distinct name, as that of arch-tion. See DISPOSITION and DOCTRINE. apostle, arch-pastor, the vicar of Christ, or the like; but no such name or title was assumed nity to an abbot.

consult others, not hampered with orders for
those who were at a distance.-13. The
course and behaviour of St. Paul towards &
Peter, doth evidence that he did not ad
ledge any dependence on him, or any subje
to him, Gal. ii. 11-14. If St. Peter had been
appointed sovereign of the church, it seems thé
it should have been requisite that he should fa
outlived all the apostles; for otherwise, the cha
would have wanted a head, or there must
been an inextricable controversy who that be
was. But St. Peter died long before St. John
all agree, and perhaps before divers others o

From these arguments we must evidently a what little ground the church of Rome hath derive the supremacy of the pope from the s posed primacy of St. Peter.

PRIMATE, an archbishop who is inv with a jurisdiction over other bishops. See A BISHOP.

PRIOR, the head of a convent; next in de


PROCESSION PRISCILLIANISTS, the followers of Pris- | the Father, even the Spirit of Truth which pro

illian, in the fourth century. It appears from ceedeth from the Father, He shall testify of me." uthentic records, that the difference between The procession of the Holy Ghost, it is said, is eir doctrine and that of the Manicheans was not expressly taught by Christ, in very strong terms, ery considerable; for they denied the reality of in this text. This procession, it is alleged, is here Christ's birth and incarnation; maintained that evidently distinguished from his mission; for it is he visible universe was not the production of said, "Whom I will send to you from the Father, he Supreme Deity, but of some dæmon or ma- even the Spirit of Truth, which proceeds from nant principle; adopted the doctrine of æons, the Father." If his mission and proceeding were temanations from the divine nature; consider the same thing, there would be a tautology in the human bodies as prisons formed by the author words, his mission, according to that interpretaevil to enslave celestial minds; condemned tion, being mentioned twice in the same verse. mrriage, and disbelieved the resurrection of the Dr. Watts, however, observes, that the procesdy. Their rule of life and manners was rigid sion of the Holy Ghost from the Father, respects nd severe; the accounts, therefore, which many not his nature or substance, but his mission only; ave given of their lasciviousness and intemper- and that no distinct and clear ideas can be formed ace deserve not the least credit, as they are totally of this procession; consequently it must be given stitute of evidence and authority. That the up as popish, scholastic, inconceivable, and inderiscillianists were guilty of dissimulation upon fensible. But, it is answered, what clear idea can me occasions, and deceived their adversaries by be given us of the originate, self-existent, eternal anning stratagems, is true; but that they held being of the Father? Shall we, therefore, deny as a maxim, that lying and perjury were law-him to be without beginning or end, and to be l, is a most notorious falsehood, without even self-existent, because we know not how he is so? e least shadow of probability. If not, why must we give up the procession of PROBITY, honesty, sincerity, or veracity.- the Spirit, because we know not the mode of it? It consists in the habit of actions useful to so- We can no more explain the manner how the ety, and in the constant observance of the laws Spirit proceeds from the Father, than we can hich justice and conscience impose upon us. explain the eternal generation and hypostatical The man who obeys all the laws of society with an union of the two natures of the Son. We may say at punctuality is not, therefore, a man of pro- to the objector, as Gregory Nazianzen formerly ty; laws can only respect the external and defi- did to his adversary, "Do you tell me how the e parts of human conduct: but probity re- Father is unbegotten, and I will attempt to tell you ects our more private actions, and such as it is how the Son is begotten, and the Spirit proceeds." possible in all cases to define; and it appears be in morals what charity is in religion. Proty teaches us to perform in society those actions hich no external power can oblige us to perrm, and is that quality in the human mind on which we claim the performance of the gits commonly called imperfect."

PROCESSION, a ceremony in the Romish urch, consisting of a formal march of the clergy d people, putting up prayers, &c., and in this anner visiting some church, &c. They have ocessions of the host or sacrament; of our Saour to mount Calvary; of the Rosary, &c. Processions are said to be of pagan original. be Romans, when the empire was distressed, after some victory, used constantly to order ocessions, for several days together, to be made the temples, to beg the assistance of the gods, to return them thanks.

The clearest and fullest account of this procession, next to that in the above-mentioned text, is that in 1 Cor. ii. 12. "The Spirit which is of God;" that is (say the advocates for this doctrine,) the Spirit which is the same in nature and essence with the Father, and so is said to be of him, or out of him, not as to local separation, but with respect to identity of nature.

About the eighth and ninth centuries there was a very warm dispute between the Greek and Latin churches, whether the Spirit proceeded from the Father only, or from the Father and the Son; and the controversy arose to such a height, that they charged one another with heresy and schism, when neither side well understood what they contended for. The Latin church, however, has not scrupled to say that the Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son; but the Greek church chooses to express it thus: the Spirit proceeds from the Father by or through the Son, or he receives of the Son, Gal. iv. 6. See HOLY GHOST; Bishop Pearson on the Creed, p. 324; Watts's Works, 8vo. ed. vol. v. p. 199; Hurrion on the Holy Spirit, p. 204; Ridgley's Div. qu. 11; Dr. Lightfoot's Works, vol. i. p. 482.

The first processions mentioned in ecclesiastical story are those set on foot at Constantinople, by . Chrysostom. The Arians of that city, being red to hold their meetings without the town, at thither night and morning, singing anthems. arysostom, to prevent their perverting the Caics, set up counter-processions, in which the rzy and people marched by night, singing ivers and hymns, and carrying crosses and inbeaux. From this period the custom of prosions was introduced among the Greeks, and erwards among the Latins; but they have subLed longer, and been more frequently used in Western than in the Eastern church. PROCESSION OF THE HOLY GHOST, erin made use of in reference to the Holy lost, as proceeding from the Father, or from the her and the Son. It seems to be founded on it passage in John xv. 26: "When the Com-meekness. ter is come, whom I will send unto you from PROFESSOR, a term commonly used in the

PROFANE, a term used in opposition to holy; and in general is applied to all persons who have not the sacred character, and to things which do not belong to the service of religion.

PROFESSION, among the Romanists, denotes the entering into a religious order, whereby a person offers himself to God by a vow of inviolably observing obedience, chastity, and poverty.

Christians are required to make a profession of their faith, 1. Boldly, Rom. i. 16.-2. Explicitly, Matt. v. 16.-3. Constantly, Heb. x. 23.4. Yet not ostentatiously, but with humility and


religious world, to denote any person who makes an open acknowledgment of the religion of Christ, or who outwardly manifests his attachment to Christianity. All real Christians are professors, but all professors are not real Christians. In this, as in all other things of worth and importance, we find counterfeits. There are many who become professors, not from principle, from investigation, from love to the truth; but from interested motives, prejudice of education, custom, influence of connexions, novelty, &c. as Saul, Jehu, Judas, Demas, the foolish virgins, &c. See article CHRISTIAN. Jay's Sermons, ser. 9; Mead's Almost Christian; Bellamy's True Religion delineated; Shepherd's Sincere Concert, and on the Parable of the Ten Virgins; Secker's Nonsuch Professor.

PROMISE is a solemn asseveration, by which one pledges his veracity that he shall perform, or cause to be performed, the thing which he men


The obligation of promises arises from the necessity of the well-being and existence of society. "Virtue requires," as Dr. Doddridge observes, "that promises be fulfilled. The promisce, i. e. the person to whom the promise is made, acquires a property in virtue of the promise. The uncertainty of property would evidently be attended with great inconvenience. By failing to fulfil my promise, I either show that I was not sincere in making it, or that I have little constancy or resolution, and either way injure my character, and consequently my usefulness in life. Promises, however, are not binding, I. If they were made by us before we came to such exercise of reason as to be fit to transact affairs of moment; or if, by any distemper or sudden surprise, we are deprived of the exercise of our reason at the time when the promise is made.2. If the promise was made on a false presumption, in which the promiser, after the most diligent inquiry, was imposed upon, especially if he were deceived by the fraud of the promisee.— 3. If the thing itself be vicious; for virtue cannot require that vice should be committed.-4. If the accomplishment of the promise be so hard and intolerable, that there is reason to believe that, had it been foreseen, it would have been an excepted case.-5. If the promise be not accepted, or if it depend on conditions not performed." See Doddridge's Lect. lec. 69; Grot. de Jure, lib. ii. cap. 11; Paley's Mor. Phil. ch. 5, vol. i.; Grove's Mor. Phil. vol. ii. p. 2, c. 12; Watts's Serm. ser. 20.


"A knowledge and manifestation of secret thing
which a man knows not from his own sagt.
nor from the relation of others, but by an ext
ordinary revelation of God from heaven." In the
Old and New Testaments the word is not was
confined to the foretelling of future events E
several instances it is of the same import
preaching, and denotes the faculty of imag
and applying to present practical purposes t
doctrines of prior revelation. Thus, in Nebe
it is said, "Thou hast appointed prophets t
preach," ch. vi. ver. 7; and whoever spe
unto men to edification, and exhortation,
comfort, is by St. Paul called a prophet, 1 Cr
xiv. 3. Hence it was that there were schools a
prophets in Israel, where young men were to
structed in the truths of religion, and fitted to
hort and comfort the people. It is prophe
however, according to the first definition g
above, we shall here consider.

Prophecy (with the power of working many
cles) may be considered as the highest evi
that can be given of a supernatural cone ca
with the Deity. Hence, among the profess
almost every religious system, there have be
numberless pretenders to the gift of propheer -
Pagans had their oracles, augurs, and soothes
modern idolaters their necromancers and davis
and the Jews, Christians, and Mahometans, Charm
prophets. The pretensions of Pagans and
tors, have, however, been justly exposed;
the Jewish and Christian prophecies carry a
them evident marks of their validity. Here
Peter observes, "We have a more sure wer
prophecy, whereunto we do well to take bees
unto a light that shineth in a dark place; for
prophecy came not in old time by the will of 192
but holy men of God spake as they were
by the Holy Ghost," 2 Pet. ii. 19, 21. Scr.
prophecy, therefore, hath God for its or
did not arise from the genius of the mind
temperament of the body, the influence
stars, &c. but from the sovereign will of tax
The ways by which the Deity made know
mind were various; such as by dreams, v
angels, symbolic representations, impulses
mind, Numb. xii. 6; Jer. xxxi 26; Dan -
16, 17.

As to the language of prophecy; "Itis"@" Mr. Gray, "remarkable for its magnificence — Each prophetic writer is distinguished for liar beauties; but their style in general ma characterized as strong, animated, and impres Its ornaments are derived not from accum of epithet, or laboured harmony; but fro real grandeur of its images, and the majestet of its expressions. It is varied with strikr priety, and enlivened with quick but easy tz.

PROMISES OF GOD are the kind declarations of his word, in which he hath assured us he will bestow blessings upon his people. The promises contained in the sacred Scriptures may be considered, 1. Divine as to their origin.-tions. Its sudden bursts of eloquence, its or 2. Suitable as to their nature.-3. Abundant as to their number.-4. Clear as to their expression.5. Certain as to their accomplishment. The consideration of them should, 1. Prove an antidote to despair.-2. A motive to patience.-3. A call for prayer.-4. A spur to perseverance. See Clark on the Promises, a book that Dr. Watts says, "he could dare put into the hands of every | Christian, among all their divided sects and parties in the world." Buck's Serm. ser. xi.

PROPHECY, a word derived from pe and in its original import signifies the prediction of future events. It is thus defined by Witsius:

warmth, its affecting exhortations ani a **
afford very interesting proofs of that liv
pression, and of that inspired conviction -
which the prophets wrote; and which e
them, among a people not distinguished i ́-
nius, to surpass, in every variety of compe
the most admired productions of Pagan ant
If the imagery employed by the sacred **
appear sometimes to partake of a coarse a
licate cast, it must be recollected that the
manners and languages required the most
representations; and that the mascula
dignant spirit of the prophets led them to 3



"3. It contributed to keep up devotion and true religion, the religion of the heart, which consists partly in entertaining just and honourable notions of God, and of his perfections, and which is a more rational and a more acceptable service than rites and ceremonies.

"4. It excited men to rely upon God, and to love him who condescended to hold this mutual intercourse with his creatures, and to permit them to consult him, as one friend asks advice of another.

"It was intended to keep the people, to whom God revealed himself, from idolatry; a sin to which the Jews would be inclined, both from the disposition to it which they had acquired in Egypt, and from the contagion of bad example,

the most energetic and descriptive expressions. | actions of creatures, and the things which as yet No style is, perhaps, so highly figurative as that were not. How could a man hope to hide any of the prophets. Every object of nature and of counsel, any design or thought from such a art which could furnish allusions is explored with Being? industry; every scene of creation, and every page of science, seems to have unfolded its rich varieties to the sacred writers, who, in the spirit of Eastern poetry, delight in every kind of metaphoreal embellishment. Thus, by way of illustration, it is obvious to remark, that earthly dignities and powers are symbolized by the celestial bodies; the effects of moral evil are shown under the storms and convulsions of nature; the pollutions of sin are represented by external impurities; and the beneficial influence of righteousness is depicted by the serenity and confidence of peaceut life. This allegorical language, being founded in ideas universally prevalent, and adhered to with invariable relation and regular analogy, has furnished great ornament and elegance to the sacred writings. Sometimes, however, the inspired "The people of Israel were strictly forbidden penmen drew their allusions from local and tem- to consult the diviners and the gods of other najorary sources of metaphor; from the peculiar tions, and to use any enchantments and wicked scenery of their country; from the idolatries of arts; and that they might have no temptation to heathen nations; from their own history and cir-it, God permitted them to apply to him and to rumstances; from the service of their temple, and the ceremonies of their religion; from manners that have faded, and customs that have Hapsed. Hence many appropriate beauties have vanished. Many descriptions and many representations, that must have had a solemn importance among the Jews, are now considered, from a change of circumstances, in a degraded point of view. Hence, likewise, here and there a shade As it respects us, prophecy connected with of obscurity. In general, however, the language miracles affords a considerable evidence of the of Scripture, though highly sublime and beauti- truth of revelation, as well as of a superintendul, is easy and intelligible to all capacities." ing Providence. This evidence, too, is a grow2. Of the use and intent of prophecy. ing evidence. "The divine design, uniformly As prophecy is so striking a proof of a super-pursued through a series of successive generanatural communion with the Deity, and is of so tions, opens with a greater degree of clearness, in arly a date, we may rest assured it was given proportion to the lapse of time and the number of or wise and important ends. "It cannot be sup- events. An increase of age is addition to its osed," says bishop Sherlock, "that God deliver- strength; and the nearer we approach the point d prophecies only to satisfy or employ the curi- towards which the dispensations of God unvaryity of the inquisitive, or that he gave his Spirit ingly tend, the more clearly shall we discern the omen merely to enable them to give forth pre-wonderful regularity, consistency, and beauty of bctions for the amusement and entertainment this stupendous plan for universal good. Of the of the world: there must be some end worthy of great use of prophecies which have been fulfilled, The author." Now, what end could this be, but as a direct and strong argument to convert unbeo keep alive in the minds of those to whom it lievers to Christianity, and to establish Christians was given, a sense of religion, and a hope of fu-in the faith, we have the most ample proofs. Our ure deliverance from the curse of the fall through Jesus Christ? "The uses of prophecy," says r. Jortin, "besides gradually opening and unolding the things relating to the Messiah, and he blessings which by him should be conferred pon mankind, are many, great, and manifest.

"1. It served to secure the belief of a God, and a providence.

his prophets, even upon small occasions; and he raised up amongst them a succession of prophets, to whom they might have recourse for advice and direction. These prophets were reverenced abroad as well as at home, and consulted by foreign princes; and, in times of the captivity, they were honoured by great kings, and advanced to high stations."

Lord himself made very frequent appeals to prophecy, as evidence of his divine mission: he referred the Jews to their own Scriptures, as most fully and clearly bearing witness of himself. Upon them he grounded the necessity of his sufferings; upon them he settled the faith of the disciples at Emmaus, and of the apostles at Jerusalem. The same source supplied the eloquence "As God is invisible and spiritual, there was of St. Peter and St. Paul, and the means with use to fear, that, in the first and ruder ages of which Apollos mightily convinced the Jews.' he world, when men were busier in cultivating the This was a powerful instrument of persuasion in arth than in cultivating arts and sciences, and the succeeding ages of the church, when used by seeking the necessaries of life than in the the primitive apologists. Upon this topic were udy of morality, they might forget their Creator, employed the zeal and diligence, not only of Jusnd Governor; and, therefore, God maintained tin Martyr, but Tertullian, Cyprian, and Auongst them the great article of faith in him, by gustin. It would never have been so frequently amfestations of himself; by sending angels to employed, if it had not been well adapted to the eclare his will; by miracles, and by prophecies. desired end; and that it did most completely an2. It was intended to give men the profound-swer this end, by the conversion of unbelievers, is st veneration for that amazing knowledge from evident from the accounts of Scripture, and the hich nothing was concealed, not even the future records of the primitive church.

« הקודםהמשך »