תמונות בעמוד

* fuch a general Amazement amongst those "of the Calvinian Party, that they began to fear the fad Confequences of it.

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Therefore, that the Author and the "Book might be crufh'd together, it was "thought fit, that Yates and Ward, two "of the Lecturers, or Preachers in Ipfwich, fhould gather out of his Boook fome "efpecial Points tending to POPERY and Arminianifm, (as they conceived) "to be prefented to the Cenfure of the "following Parliament. And, certainly, "had he not been a Man of a mighty Spirit, and one that easily could contemn the Cry and Clamours which were raised againft him for fo doing, she could not but have funk remedilefly "under the Burden of Difgrace, and the "Fears of Ruin, which that Performance "drew upon him." Thus was this Good and moft Learned Gentleman reviled and perfecuted as a Papift, by the Calviniftical, Presbyterian Faction, (which was at that Time very powerful) even for writing against Popery, and endeavouring to preferve the Flock committed to his Charge from being feduced by Popish Priests and Jefuites, only because he would not defend our Church upon Geneva and Dutch Principles, but would expound Her DoArines by the Scriptures, and Catholick Fathers

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Fathers of the Primitive Church, which Archbishop Laud and he encouraged all Divines to study, and not by Modern Outlandish Systems. And if we examine what were the Points which Tates and Ward picked out of Mountague's Book, and reckoned as Popish Tenets, we fhall find, amongst others, fome of the very fame for which I also have been accused as a Papift. Such as Confeffion and Sacerdotal Abfolution, the Neceffity of Epifcopal Ordination, and the Euchariftical Sacrifice and Altar. For, as Heylyn (who lived in that Age, and is therefore a good Evidence in this Cafe) obferves; Such was

the Temper of thofe Times, that who"foever held any of the Points aforefaid,

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or any other controverted with the "Church of Rome, contrary to the Senfe "of Calvin, muft presently be accused of

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Popery. He that adhered to the Ten"dries of the Ancient Fathers, in fuch "Particulars as the Church was pleased CC to leave undetermined; or bound him"felf in Matters publickly refolved on, to vindicate this Church to Her Genuine Tenents, was prefently made fubject to all thofe Clamours and Reproaches, "which the Tongues and Pens of that predominating Faction could either raise upon him, or afperfe him with. " I

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fhall only obferve farther on this Occafion, that when thefe Doctrines, which Mountague so strenuously maintained, fell, the Church of England fell with them, and not only Calvinism or Presbytery rode Triumphant, but all other Sects, as Independents, Anabaptifts, Quakers, Muggletonians, Socinians, Deifts, Atheists, &c. broke in upon this Nation, and overturn'd the Conftitution both in Church and State: Every one of them pretending to refine upon the other, and to make a farther Remove from Popery, till at last for Fear of being Papifts, they came to renounce and reject all Sacraments, the Divinity of Chrift, Revealed Religion, nay the very Being of GOD Himfelf, because these are Points owned and profeffed by the Papifts, which is more than can be faid of the Doctrines which I am called a Papift for maintaining) and we fhould have a Care of believing any Thing which the Church of Rome believes. Thus if Men will allow nothing to be true Religion, but as it bears no Relation to Popery, they must run not only into Socinianifm and Deifm, but even into Atheifm itself: And whether many have not done fo, I must leave others to judge.


Ir is not improbable, but the Faction will fill continue to call me Papift, notwithftanding I have here, in as Publick a Manner as I can, not only declared my Abhorrence of Popery in general, but have alfo renounced every Article of it in particular: And it is not unlikely that this very Vindication may be charged with Popery, as Bishop Mountague's Anfwer to the Popish Gagger was. Perhaps, my Old Friend, Mr. Lewis of Margate, may, according to Custom, think it neceffary to write Tomething, which he may call an Anfwer to this Vindication, and endeavour, as in his laft Piece against me, to overthrow the Divine Right of Epifcopacy and the Neceffity of an Epifcopal Commiffion to the Valid Adminiftration of the Sacraments; but I must acquaint him before-hand, that except he brings fome better Arguments for that Purpofe, than he has hitherto done, I fhall anfwer him no otherwife than I have been wont to do, with Silence and Contempt, as others have done. What is here written will, I truft, be fufficient for my Vindication with all honest Men, and true Sons of the Church of England, of which, Sir, Iknow you to be One; and for others, I am very indifferent whether they are fatisfied or not: And I fhall be no more concerned

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concerned at any one's calling me Papift, or a News-Writer's telling the World fo, (knowing myfelf to be innocent of the Charge) than I fhould be, if they fhould tell the World I am an Atheist, Deift, Hobbift, or Latitudinarian, or Freethinker of any Sect or Sort: All they will get by calling me fo, will be only to let the World know that they can call Names; and That the Faction has been very Good at, ever fince the Days of Martin Mar-Prelate And they have not yet loft the Talent. In fhort, I care not what the World says of me, provided no Chriftian Doctrines be ftruck at through my Side; and it is, as I faid at the Beginning, for the Sake of thofe Doctrines, that I have been induced to fend you this long Letter, which I fhall now conclude, and fubfcribe myself, äs. I am,

Fuly 18th,


Honourable Sir,

Your most obliged,

and most humble Servant,



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