תמונות בעמוד
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Inquisition, Friends in danger
thereof, but preserved, i. 223,
and at Dunkirk, 257--Two
women friends in the Inqui-
sition at Malta, ii. 3.
Ireland Friend's charity for the
relief of Friend's sufferers in
England, ii. 344.
Judge and Juries wrong pro-
ceedings in G. F.'s case, ii.
188, 189-a judge's base ex-
pression, 186-a judge in Hol-
land discoursed by G. F. 247.
Judging. The church of Christ

hath power and ability to
judge, &c. ii. 260, 261, 262,
263, 348 to 355, 411, 412.
Judgments of God on Derby, i.
136, upon a false accuser of
G. F's, 155—on a persecutor,
189-upon Adam Sands, 194,
-on two persecuting Justices
of Carlisle, 223-on conspi-
rators against G. F. 230-on
Capt. Drury, 241-on a
mocker of Friend's meetings,
454-on Preston's wife, 468,
-upon New England, 475—
an Independent Scottish Pas-
tor, 404-a soldier speaking
evil of the light, 413-upon
persecuting officers, &c. ii.
16-upon a persecutor in
Cornwall, 18, 20-in Lanca-
shire, 30-on Justice Flem-
ming, 40-on Major Wiggan,
40-on persecutors and bad
men, 68, 69-on Justices,

G. F.'s persecutors, 72-upon
a persecuting Justice, 75-
upon a common swearer in
Barbadoes, 128-on Justice
Simpson and on Justice Street,
190-on persecuting powers,
i. 451, 452.

Justices fair promises at Wor-
cester Assizes broken, ii. 177,
178 ensnaring questions,


Justices sitting about hiring ser-

vants, were admonished by
G. F. to justice, and the ser-
vants to do their duty, i. 94-
Courts of Justice warned by
G. F. to do justly, 104, 105.

Kent, Capt. his base carriage to
G. F. i. 289.

King Charles II. his coming in,
i. 444, 461, 464, 469, 472.
Old King's Judges executed, i.

491.-To the King and Coun-
cil, a declaration, 485, 489.
Kings of France and Spain, and
the Pope, to prove all things,
&c. in an Epistle of G. F.'s to
the Pope, and all Kings and
Rulers in Europe, i. 251.
King's Bench Bar. G. F. being
removed by Habeas Corpus,
had his trial there, i. 478, 479,
-ii. 181, 187, 195.
King's Evil-a Friend's daugh-
ter being healed of, ii. 197.
Kingdom of Christ has been set
up above sixteen hundred years
ago, in peace and righteous-
ness, i. 359-the heirs of the
kingdom of Christ, ii. 383 to

Landmark, those that remove it
were cursed, ii. 404.
Languages-see Tongues.
Law of God is perfect, i. 86 to
91-is written in the heart,
498, 564.

Lawyers must be reformed, and
brought into the law of God,
i. 96.

Liberty, by the ministry of Christ
and his teaching, i. 87.-An
intention of granting friends
liberty, 481-ii. 95-true li-
berty what puts down sin and
iniquity, 272-Liberty from
prison, 355, 377-false liber-
ty, 343.

Life eternal is in Christ, not in
the scriptures, ii. 389.
Light is not natural, i. 381 to
387, 101, 225, 239, 287, 294,
346, 363, 392.-Light and
grace, 402.-Light curst by
the Scotch priests, 403, 304 to
317. All are enlightened, ii.
40. The light to be in the
Indians, was denied by Dr.
Witty, 63-and a doctor in
Carolina denied it also, 158,
which Light gives the Light
of the knowledge, &c. 227,
379, 386, 419.
Little Ease, a prison, or hole,
wherein Richard Sale was
squeezed, that not long after
he died, i. 493.
Love of God, its Infiniteness, i.
85, 90-ii. 208. Love and
Charity's effects, 357-Love
and Unity is from the Spirit,


Magistrates must yield to truth,

i. 211, 212, 216, 383, 385,
386, 391-are to do justice,
447-stop prophaneness, 476,
499-their sword against evil-
doers, ii. 29-Magistrates of
Dantzic, their persecution,
242 to 259, 345, 346, 347,
408, 409, 410.
Marriages stated, i. 79-ii. 67,
72-settled, 83, 128, 130,
215-A case of marriage tried
at Nottingham Assizes, i. 505.

-A marriage in Rhode Is-
land, ii. 147-Friend's care
therein, 324.- -Marrying,
meats, and drinks, i. 88, 353.
Major General of Northampton-

shire, an old persecutor, sharp-
ly reproved by G. F. i. 347.
Meetings. G. F. meeting with
some friendly people in Derby-
shire, &c. i. 81, 82-at
Broughton, 89-of friends set
up, 175—at F. Lepers, 186-
Arnside, 199.-At London,
243.-Near Acton, 245.-
Near London, Friends abused,
314.-Monthly and Quarterly
Men and Women's Meetings
set up in London and in the
nation, ii. 77 to 82, 89-in
the power of God, 204 to 210,

-are of God's ordering, 360,
-being set up in the wisdom
of God, 432.-Women's Meet-
ings set up, 171, 212, 213,
214.-Yearly Meetings, 1657,
1658, in Bedfordshire, i. 420,
428 at Balby (Boultbie,
Yorkshire) 462.-York, ii.
412. - At London (1670,)
124.-Meeting for Sufferings
at Skipton, i. 464.-Powerful
meetings in Ireland, ii. 97,


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Ministers went forth, i. 199, 219,
from the North Country over
England, 224, into Scotland,
244, and beyond the Seas,
255.-Truth spreading in Eng-
land, 318.-True Ministers
trial, 252,-exercising their
gift, 420, 430, and sounding
abroad their trumpets, ii. 100.
Ministry of Christ, i. 80, 83, 88,
—ii. 64, 204—takes no hire,

Miracles wrought by the power
of God, i. 276, 277. She that
was ready to die, raised up
again, 281. The lame made

whole, 199. The diseased re- | New England professors pro-

stored, ii. 197. A distracted
woman healed, i. 107, 108.
(See trouble of Mind.) A
great man given over by phy-
sicians, restored, 111. ii. 11.
G. F. prays for a woman rea-
dy to die, and for a distracted
woman at Chichester, i. 282.
Restores John Jay's neck broke
(as the people said) by a fall
from an horse in East Jersey,
ii. 151. Speaks to a sick man
in Maryland, who was raised
up by the power of the Lord,
154, and prays the Lord to
rebuke J. C's infirmity, and the
Lord by his power, soon gave
him ease, &c. 305.
Monk, General, his order, re-

quiring all officers and soldiers
to forbear to disturb the Quak-
er's meetings, &c. i. 461, 480,
which are not seditious, 490.
yet disturbed, 494. ii. 81, 82,
Mountebank's vanity, i. 104.
Their ignorance, 372.
Montague, Judge, G. F. discours-

ing him about tithes, ii. 286.
Muggletonians, i. 502.
Musketos in America, (little flies
or gnats) ii. 149.

Music and singing, i. 102. 104.

Names are given to things ac-

cording to their nature, i. 95.
Natures of creatures outward to
be read within man, i. 89, 98,
173. That all things come
by Nature refuted, 93.
Naylor, James, is warned by
G. F. i. 342-his recovery,
342, 356-his followers, 373.
Nebuchaduezzar's Dream of
Christ's kingdom, which is not
of this world, i. 128, 502.
Negroes and Family meetings re-
commended, ii. 426. (See

claiming a fast, i. 439, soon
after put four of our friends to
death, and became bloody per-
secutors, 495. G. F. charged
their magistrates with murder-
ing them, 498, who felt God's
judgments for their wicked-
ness, ii. 253, 294, 416.
Oath or engagement to Oliver
Cromwell, i. 223. Swear not
at all, 231, 293. Oath of
Abjuration, 272, tendered to
G. F. 288. His paper against
swearing read in court, 293,
299. Oaths and swearing, 480

ii. 415, refused by G. F.
being unlawful, 65.
Oath of Allegiance and Supre-
macy, i. 506.-ii. 8, 10, 192.
Oaths taken falsely against
Friends, 16, 30, 38. Oath
tendered to G. F. 48, 53, 178.
Allegiance, wherein it consists
63, 87, what G. F. could say
instead of it, 178, and of Su-
premacy, 182, 188.
Offering, the true and the false,
ii. 369, 376, 389, 393, 422.
Old Cause. The setting up there-
of was for themselves, i. 452.
Oldenburgh Magistrates and Peo-
ple, a warning to them, ii. 434,
435, 436, 437.
Openings of G. F's, i. 77, 80, 84,
85, 86, 90, 91, 94, of the
things of the creation, 95, of
physic, divinity, and law, 96,
97, 98, 99, 100.—ii. 401, 416.
Opposers of the faithful come to

nought, ii. 432, 433.
Order of Bodmin sessions for the
prisoners case, i. 301. Order
and discipline in the church
of Christ maintained, ii. 340,
is of the Spirit, 365.
Oxford and Cambridge-teachers,
cannot make ministers of
Christ,i. 80, 83. Oxford Scho-
lars rudeness, 262, 263, 381.

Papists, their superstition of
consecrated bread and wine, i.
430. Images, crosses, and
relicks, 429. ii. 40, pray by
beads, i. 502.-ii. 100, 373,
and sprinkle children, 92,
their pugatory, 92, and mo-
ther-church pretended, 94. A
warning to them, i. 251, 252,
and their murdering false doc-
trine confuted, ii. 62, 63, 64.
Pardon being offered by the
king to G. F. he could not
take it, ii. 193, 194, and was
fairly freed without it, 195.
Parliament-men discoursing G. F.
in prison, ii. 64.
Parnel, James, convinced (1653)
i. 209, was at a dispute of
G. F's against eight priests,
&c. at Drayton, on an hill,
(1654) 234. Imprisoned in
Colchester castle (1655) 209.
is visited by G. F. in prison,
and the jailer's wife threatened
to have his blood, 259. died
by a fall from a ladder going
up to his prison, and of whom
professors, to cover their cru-
elty, said he fasted himself to
death, 210.

People flew like chaff before the
dreadful power of God, i. 112,
172. People trembled and
shook in Carlisle steeple-house,
206. See Shaking.
Perfection, a Priest discourses

G. F. about it, ii. 185.-Per-
fection in Christ is above
Adam's, 132, 135, 353.-Im-
perfection pleaded for by pro-
fessors, i. 118, 217.
Persecution Judged, i. 188, 190,

192, 194,-testified against,
and persecutors warned, 306
to 317,-they being blinded,
329, 330, 347, 394, 395,-
and not knowing what spirit
they are of, 475.-Persecutors

to blood, ii. 87, 88.-Perse-
cutors restrained, 73, 74, 78,
79, 99, 100.- Persecution
violent at London meetings,
118,-Testimonies against it,
255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 280,
281, 282, 283, 284, 297, 299,
445, 446, 451, 452.-Four
Friends in New England
hanged, i. 499.

Physic and letting blood, a
priest's remedy against a trou-
bled mind, i. 79.
Physicians must be in the wis-
dom of God, i. 96, 111, 500.
Pleasure and vain delights de-

nied, i. 322, 339, 340, 342.
Plots and Fightings, Friends de-
claration against, i. 483, 485
to 490-ii. 23, 182, 280, and
denied, 29, 32, 68.
Poland's exiled Protestants, i.
305, 306--King of Poland,
ii. 253.-Two letters to him
from G. F. 254 to 259, 345 to

Powers of the Earth, i. 428.
Prayer, in sighs and groans, i.

398.-How to pray, ii. 373.
Preachers congregational, at a

meeting with G. F. i. 380.
Premunire of G. F. ii. 57, 60—
of two Friends in Devonshire,
87.-Counsellor Corbet's plea
for G. F. in court, 195.
Presbyterian Meetings stuffed
with bread and cheese, &c. ii.

Press-masters on board G. F.'s

vessel, ii. 125, 168.
Pride in apparel, i. 248, 249,


Priests sell the Scripture, i. 105,

-pray by form, 236, 237,—
their spirit, 105,-they are
hirelings, 202, 235. Tithe-
takers, 351,-robbers of the
people, and not ministers of
the gospel, ii. 58, 106,-plead

for sin and imperfection, i.
113, 118, 136,- are confound-
ed, 145, 146, 217,-dreaded
the man in leather breeches,
146. A priest trembles, 157,
-hides himself from G. F.
169,-are miserable comfort-
ers, 127,-reproved by Judge
Fell, &c. at sessions, 182,-
reproved in the streets, 182,
183.-Eight priests dispute
against G. F. 234,-are false
prophets and antichrists, 202,
-ii. 364. One pleads for
One beats
adultery, 180.
Friends, i. 145, 146,-ii. 97,
-are choaked by a parsonage,

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enter into the kingdom of
God, ii. 383, 384, 385, 386,

i. 111,—and love a fat bene-Regeneration must be known, to
fice, 276,-ii. 64,-so much a
year, i. 460.-The devils law-
yers and counsellors, 397.-
Oppressors, ii. 59.-Persecu-
tors, i. 455-ii. 74, 75, 118,


Prophecy of R. Jones vain, i.
228, 229.-Of Browne's, see
Brown. A woman's prophe-
cy of the kings coming in,
444.-Prophecy of priests and
professors against the Quakers
vain, 220.-False prophecies
and prophets, 222.
Prison of G. F. its hardness, ii.
48, 54, 57, 60, and that of
Scarborough castle, 61.-Pri-
son-keeper struck with terror,
i. 118, 119. Prisoners many,
439.-Friends offer their bo-
dies one for another, 439,-
died prisoners, 442,-ii. 1, 32,
34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 68, 87.
Prisoners set at liberty by the
king, i. 480-ii. 355.
Pyrates, ii. 125, 142.

Religion, the reformed by tra-

dition, i. 435.-The true one
is the life and power of God,
474-ii. 227. The Pope's, i.
435. See Papist.
Repentance of some that had run
out, ii. 77.-Repentance goes
before the gospel, 380.
Reports raised of G. F. falsely,
i. 370, 371-at Nailsworth, ii.
104.-Of G. F. and friends at
Barbadoes, 134, 135, 139.
Restitution made of wrong done,
i. 106, 107.
Restoration out of the fall, into
the state that never fell, ii.

Revelation of John is a sealed
up book, (said the priests to
G. F.) i. 81.-By Revelation
God is known, 83.
Righteous men are preserved
from destruction, ii. 367, 368,

Quakers, first so called, i. 119.-Rude people at meetings and

Quaker's love to all men, ii.
74.-A Quaker's upright ver-
dict, being upon a Jury, com-
mended by the Judge in court,

inns, i. 370, 371, in Wales,
382, at Manchester, 390, in
Scotland, 405.-Rude fellows
by the way-side, 410.-Rude-

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