תמונות בעמוד


"And whoever believeth not all this shall be damned."


THE Members of Opposition are all equally poor-YET the poor ones are wholly maintained. by the rich.

Notwithstanding the above is their only support-YET their only means of living arises at the gaming table.

Though these poor dogs win so much money at BROOKES'S YET the Members of BROOKES's are all equally indigent..

OPPOSITION cannot raise a shilling-YET they maintain an army of scribblers, merely to injure an immaculate Minister, whom it is not in their power to burt.

They are too contemptible and infamous to obtain a moment's attention from any gentleman or man of sense, and the people at large hold them in general detestationYET the gentlemen and men of sense, who conduct the Ministerial papers, are daily employed to attack these infamous wretches, and in endeavouring to convince people who are already all of one mind.

Their characters are so notorious that no person can be found to give them credit for a shilling-YET they are constantly running in debt with their tradesmen.

They are obliged to sponge for a dinner, or else must go without-YET they indulge themselves in every species of debauchery and dissipation.

Their prose is as devoid of argument as their verse is of wit-YET whole troops of ministerial writers are daily employed in answering the one and criticising the other:

Their speeches are laughed at and despised by the whole nation-YET these laughable and despicable speeches were so artfully framed, as alone to raise a clamour that destroyed the wisest of all possible plans, THE IRISH PROPOSITIONS.

They have traiterously raised a flame in IRELAND-YET the IRISH are too enlightened to attend to the barkings of a degraded faction.

Their ROLLIADS and ODES are stark nonsense-YET the sale has been so extensive as to bave new clothed the whole BLUE AND BUFF


They are possessed of palaces purchased out of the public plunder-YET they have not a bole to hide their heads in.

The infernal arts of this accursed faction, and not his measures, have rendered Mr.

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PITT unpopular YET is Mr. PITT much more popular than ever.

In short, OPPOSITION are the most unpopular, popular; poor, rich; artless, artful; incapable, capable; senseless, sensible ; neglectful, industrious; witless, witty; starving, pampered; lazy, indefatigable; extravagant, penurious; bold, timid; hypocritical, unguarded; set of designing, blundering; low-minded, highminded; dishonest, honest; knaves, as were ever honoured with the notice of the MINISTERIAL NEWSPAPERS.




October, 1787.

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TOLD the Chairman the Company had long been in want of four regiments of King's forces said it was the first he had heard of it-told him he must require them as absolutely necessary for the safety of India-the man appeared staggered; reminded me of my usual caution; grumbled out something

about recruits being cheaper; muttered that I expected too much from him, and talked of preserving appearances.-Called him a fool, and ordered him to do as he was bid.

October, November, December, January-Employed in disputes with those damned fellows the Directors--would not have my regiments

told them they must-swore they would not believe the Chairman manages very badly-threatened to provide transports, to carry out the troops at the Company's expence-found afterwards I had no rightordered PITT to bring in a Declaratory Bill !

February 25th.- -Bill brought in-badly drawn-turn away RUSSEL, and get another Attorney-General-could not make MULGRAVE speak-don't see what use he's of.

March 3d.-Bill read a second time-SHERIDAN very troublesome-much talk about the constitution-wish PITT would not let people wander so from the question.

March 5th.-Bill in a Committee-Members begin to smell mischief-don't like it-PITT took fright and shammed sick-was obliged to speak myself-resolved to do it once for all-spoke four hours-so have done my duty, and let PITT now get out of the scrape as well as he can.

March 7th. PITT moved to recommit the bill-talked about checks and the constitue tion-believe he's mad. Got into a damned scrape about cotton-second time I've been detected won't speak any more.-N. B. Not to let BARING come into the Direction again. -Fox spoke-PITT could not answer him, and told the House he was too hoarse-forgot at the time to disguise his voice.

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March 9th.-Got THURLOW to dine, with us at Wimbledon-gave him my best Burgundy and Blasphemy, to put him into good humour. After a brace of bottles, ventured to drop a hint of business-THURLOW damned me, and asked PITT for a sentiment-PITT looked foolish-GRENVILLE wise-MULGRAVE stared-SYDNEY'S chin lengthenedtried the effects of another bottle.-PITT began a long speech about the subject of our meeting-SYDNEY fell asleep by the fireMULGRAVE and GRENVILLE retired to the old game of the board, and played push-pin for ensigncies in the new corps-GRENVILLE won three.-Mem.-To punish their presumption, will not let either of them have


THURLOW Very queer.-He swore the bill is absurd, and my correspondence with those cursed Directors damned stupid. However,

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