תמונות בעמוד

must be an orphan, a widow abandoned by earth and heaven, if you have not a bouquet to send on the Assumption to some woman. In Paris, all women young and old are called Mary; all the little girls are Marys. This charming name, which perhaps no one ought to presume to bear, is not only a religious observance; it is a pretension. Formerly they gave children the most extraordinary names taken from the now extinct folio romances. They called them Coralie, Pamela, Palmyra, Clarissa, Zenobia, Clara, Clorinda, Aglaure, Aglaë, Amanda, Malvina. They looked out for a name not borne by every one: they would not have a young lady of birth having the same appellation as her waiting maid. This fashion has passed away indeed we do not regret it; but we attack the opposite exaggeration; the great pretension to simplicity, which induces every mother to give the same name to her daughter has its ridicul ous side. This last winter at a children's ball, we counted twentytwo Marys, you could hear nothing but Marie, Marie, come here, Marie, Marie;' and every time, twenty-two little ladies all ran where they heard the call. The abuse of the best things is so unpleasant, that we have begun to dislike this name so sweet in itself. Yes, at this moment we would welcome Calphurnia, Fatima, Ismenia. or Fredegonda. It would be at least less pretentious than the dear name Mary which perforce of becoming fashionable, has lost its distinctive charm.

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"To the family festivals have succeeded those of the colleges. The distribution of prizes has been one of the most interesting solemnities of the year. It is a joyful day for the parents, even though they be kings and queens. A mother has said, on learning that her son had obtained the prize for history, In his position it is the prize I would particularly wish for him.' This mother is the Queen of the French. M. the Duke D'Aumale has reason to be proud of his success, for according to general opinion, he deserved it. They say that M. the Duke de Montpensier was fly-fishing at Neuilly, when the news came of his acquiring the prize of Natural History. His joy was so great, that he dropped his rod; and the fish on the point of being pulled up, made his escape. This event proves that the glory of the great is occasionally favorable to the little-fishes in this instance.

"It was a good idea, that of the king's to give to his children an opportunity of sharing one of the most delightful enjoyments of boyhood, and himself to come down from the auxieties of his royal seat, to see his children crowned just as an honest citizen would do. The only distinction the young dukes enjoyed was that of being able to bring more than one of their family to witness their triumph, each private pupil having the enjoyment of one ticket only.

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Mothers commonly shed tears in abundance on these occasions. It is a physical effect useless to resist; the better scholar the child is, the more abundant the tears. If you see a woman bathed in tears and in a state bordering on despair, you may be certain that she is the mother of the youth who has been crowned three times. The emotions are respectively in proportion to the importance of the prizes. The prize for French declamation being given, she

wipes her eyes. At the prize for Latin translation, she covers her face with her handkerchief; Greek translation, she bursts into tears;-Cosmography, she sobs. Happily they pass to another class; she comes to herself, and the tears resume their empire with another woman. Tears like these are sweet. Such is woman's life: the tears which they are not ashamed to shed before the eyes of others are the recompense of those they must shed in secret."

Among the successful students are named O'Donnels and MacDonnels (A sister of Delphine's was married to an O'Donnel). In the evening the pupils were treated to the entertainments of the Tournament and the Indian races at Tivoli. What amused our fair looker-on better than these, was the address handed to the spectators by one whose position should have weaned him from such worldly speculations.



N.B. His spouse washes and mangles, Rue de Bussy, No. 6, opposite the Rue des Mauvais Garçons.

"It is pretty evident that it is a badly conducted household. How can a hermit and a washerwoman live together in comfort? If the wife has plenty of customers, adieu to solitude, our hermit will not have a moment to himself. On the other hand, if the hermit lives in absolute retirement, his wife will see no customers, and then adieu to business. The idea of this household has caused us considerable anxiety; but why should a mangle woman think of marrying a hermit at all!

"This hermet recalls to our minds a practical piece of pleasantry of which he was the accomplice. Some years since, a humorous and clever person being at Tivoli in grand company, borrowed the hermit's gown, wig, and long beard; and being thoroughly concealed by his disguise, he waited patiently to be consulted. A confederate seduced all the handsome women of their acquaintance who were at Tivoli, to come and visit him; and the false herinit amused himself by roguishly prophesying for every fair visitor, whatever he knew she was most anxious to obtain."

In the Feuilleton of 21st October, 1837, Mme. de Girardin examines the different systems of those who divide their fellow

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Your porters, and small shopkeepers in Paris would not say, 'my wife' for any earthly crowns' (see Miss Miggs passim). It is only Dukes, peers, and ordinary gentlemen who can afford to use the expression. Ourselves have seen undoubted gentry cordially salute their dependants and humble acquaintance in public, but never beheld a green grocer, second hand bookseller, or working carpenter, hailed by a grand shopkeeper of the streets called Grafton, Sackville, or Westmoreland.

creatures into classes. The article is longer than our lessening space can accommodate, but we give some extracts, though at the risk of spoiling the general effect.

"Some philosophers have made a division of the human race according to nations, calling them Egyptian, Greek, Slavonic, &c. According to the characters they recognise in these people, they class every one of their acquaintance. A savant of this persuasion would never marry a wife having the visible marks of such and such a race ;-would not on any consideration take a servant of the Greek species. All the Greeks according to him are intelligent, but they are gluttons and thieves. By Greeks he did not absolutely mean natives of the Peloponnesus, but persons having a certain shape of head, foot, jaw, &c. 'Thief and glutton,' said he, the Greek would eat up all my sugar.' He selected an attendant of a race less intelligent, but honest and devoted; and the chosen one being an oaf, let all the plate be stolen. See the ends to which we are conducted by science.

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"The physicians have another system of classification, viz.-physical constitution; and they arrange your place at first view. You are not Mons. So and So, you are not man or woman, you are a Bilious, a Sanguine, a Nervous, or a Lymphatic.' We have heard a friend of ours thus express himself Ah! that person has wit and understanding-that Bilious who was here yesterday.' That is M..Ah! I was formerly acquainted with his mother, a very amiable Sanguine.' If you scold the chamber-maid for her laziness or neglect before him, he mutters, Lymphatic.' If a fine child comes in his way he will embrace it with much tenderness, exclaiming, beautiful organization,-Nervo-Sanguine.' However, this does not prevent him from treating all his patients, bilious, nervous, and lymphatic in the same manner, and killing all with the most conscientious impartiality.

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"The philosophers have invented moral classifications: their system having more particular reference to the state of society. two great divisions are the Meneurs and the Menées, (leaders and led), these, the masters everywhere, those, waiting for the direction of the others before they move ;-objects and their reflections, shepherds and sheep, Orestes and Pylades. The art of good government, they say, entirely consists in the proper application of this discovery, the Meneurs acting the governors to the great advantage of the state, the Menées filling subordinate offices, and carrying out the others' instructions. Let the Meneurs create, organise, put the great engines in movement; then the Menèes come in to keep the machine going, and the wheels in the appointed grooves. The first have genius, courage, and energy, the others, patience, and order, qualities as serviceable as any. The grand secret is to select the right man for the right place. The cause of all the disorders in France, is the selection of the Menées for the proper office of the Meneurs; for working under the influence of these latter without being aware of it, they act for the private advantage of the Meneurs,

not for the general weal. Probably the number of the Menées is rather small with us; and it may be well supposed that it is a difficult task to conduct a whole population of Meneurs.

"A woman of understanding thus accounts in her peculiar sense for all the revolutions that have taken place amongst us :—' There are in the world two classes that wage incessant war on each other, who hate and despite, and will hate and despise each other for ever ; and these are the people who wash, and the people who do not wash their hands. You will never succeed in reconciling these parties: they will never live together in peace, for there is one thing that cannot be overcome disgust; another thing that can't be endured -humiliation; and in this quarrel, disgust clings to one side, humiliation falls to the other. You can never induce a dandy to lodge with a rag-picker, no more than you can induce an ugly woman to surround herself with beautiful ones. Neither will you ever persuade people who wash their hands to live on good terms with those who do not wash their hands.'

"Now for the latest classification. 'We resemble the irrational animals, or they resemble us, more or less. You sir, perhaps resemble the eagle-Monsieur, the jackall-Madame, the marten-Mademoiselle, the squirrel.' A friend of ours has laid down the law in this matter, thus: Human kind consists of two great races, namely, dogs and cats.' He does not mean to say that we lead a cat and dog life; on the contrary we agree well enough together; we are dif. ferent but we are not unfriendly. The individual of the canine race has all the good qualities of that animal, good-nature, courage, fidelity, and frankness, but he is also encumbered with his defects, credulity, improvidence, and bonhommie*—woe the day! for though it be a virtue of the heart, it is a defect in the character. The canine man (properly so called) is full of good, solid qualities, but he wants address. He is very rarely a seducer: he is destined to serious employments where courage, probity, and frankness are required. He makes a good soldier, a good husband, a sincere friend, the best of servants-he is a good comrade, a sublime dupe. The dog-men furnish heroes, poets, philanthropists, faithful notaries, model grocers, commissionnaires, water-carriers, cashiers, bank-clerks, and lettercarriers in fine, they always select such offices as leave them free to remain honest men.

"But the brave Dog, though adapted to feel love, seldom has his affection returned. He married some one who has seduced him :-He lends money to young play-wrights, who notwithstanding will not send him a pit ticket:-His wife whom he adores, is a coquet, and he is ruined by his children. Socrates, Regulus, Epaminondas, and Washington belong to this devoted class.

The Cat man on the contrary has none of the good qualities of the Dog man, but he reaps all their attendant advantages. He is egotis tical, avaricious, ambitious and envious, jealous and perfidious; but

This quality including good-nature united to weakness of character, not having an exact equivalent in English, we retain the original.

he is prudent, adroit, agreeable, gracious, persuasive, gifted with intelligence, management, and seduction. He posseses an infused experience; he makes a shrewd guess when knowledge fails; he finds out what they wish to conceal from him; he absorbs with impunity everything calculated to injure him. The Cat man never cultivates useless virtues, but he easily acquires all profitable ones. This race furnishes great diplomatists, prime ministers, K- -s but we will not give offence. It supplies seducers, and generally all those who women call perfidious. Ulysses and Hannibal, Pericles and the Maréchal de Richelieu, belong to the Feline race. We are indebted to it for most of our fashionable beaux and many statesmen, for instance M. de— but we will not be guilty of flattery.

"This ingenious system admits all the nice shades which education can produce. Thus a Dog man brought up among the Cats, often acquires some of their profitable defects, and gets rid of his own pernicious good qualities. He becomes mistrustful; he preserves his natural goodness, but he repulses all those who desire to abuse it. He acquires many bad gifts which perfect his character. A Canine man, brought up in Normandy, becomes a finished prefect, a ditto banker a ditto manufacturer, or à ditto speculator. lle is a man of honor who knows the world, no more a dupe than a cheat.

"But the finest specimen of all is the Cut reared up among the noble race of Dogs, for instance in Brittany. He becomes the irresistible being, the superior man. He preserves his address and profound intelligence, his infallible instinct, his finesse, his grace; and he acquires all the good properties of his patrons. He even exhibits among his Dog friends an extra amount of goodness, for it is difficult to preserve a just medium in circumstances not of habit, nor natural. A converted Cat is much more generous than a Dog. He is deter. mined to surpass every one. Buonaparte was a Cat brought up among the Dogs. He was a Corsican whose dreams were of glory not of revenge.

27th October, 1837. "The other day we were guilty of a great imprudence, though the dog and cat division was well enough received. It was a pleasure to see the Cuts coming forward and humbly avow themselves to belong to the canine division, while a great Newfoundland cunningly confessed in a low voice, I was frightened by the article, for I had some doubts about being considered a cat.' The Meneurs and Menées came off very fairly too: it was a serious idea (not one of ours), and offended no one, as who may not reckon himself among the Meneurs! Weakness of character is full of selfdeceit, and uses all sorts of misnomers to disguise itself. Obstinacy, which is a weakness of the first order, gives its name to those with whom it abides as strength of opinion;' indecision calls itself ‘prudence;' stupidity is constancy of opinion;' and laziness, force of inertia. Thus the feeble-minded not recognising themselves among the Menées, have made no complaint; but how could the unwashed be deceived or propitiated! People may believe themselves good when they are evil, intelligent when they are silly, or charming when they are ugly but no one can suppose that his hands are clean unless they have been washed. The water is there to give the lie.



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