תמונות בעמוד

in God's eyes, then slavery is to be done away with wherever it is met with; and in the same way democratic life and principles are furthered because in God's eyes one man's opinion is as valuable as another's. But, what is very important, there has meanwhile grown up a splendid bulk of Christian customs and a saving Christian sentiment which demands that a moral tone shall pervade every community; that there shall be great honor given to women, that little children shall be kept from all that is debasing, and out of hearing of all that is coarse and lewd, that men shall be open and above board to their friends and to their opponents, and that a spirit of co-operation shall hold sway among the many individuals and classes of society.

Of course, the secret of Christian morality has as yet not been touched; but yet without a large measure of the true Christian motive at work in the world, Christian morality can not stand the wear and tear of the world's life. And that secret is that the Christian is moral and wishes to live sinless, not because he fears a brimstone hereafter in case he lives immorally, but because out of his love and loyalty to Christ he renounces the animal

inclinations within him and lives morally instead because he knows that he owes a pure, honest, upright life to Christ as an act of love and adoration. That is the basis of Christian morality.

If in the beginning the human race had its great but limited thinkers who dimly foresaw the needs of a moral life for the race, it no less needs them to-day, only it needs them in profusion. The hope of American and Western civilization lies not so much in the mere education of its people, but in the moral education of its educated people. Thus even in the lower grades of our common schools, and especially in our higher institutions of public instruction, courses and instruction in ethics ought to be given an emphatic place.

It is never too early to instruct children and young people in the meaning and power of the conscience, or the control and proper direction of the animal impulses, or the proper direction of the social virtues, honesty, purity, justice, democracy, or the deep responsibility laid on each boy and girl for the sound character and good name of their communities.

The Christian Triumph.

That conqueror of the visible physical evil, death, is only so because He was first conqueror of the invisible evil, sin.-DUBOSE.

When the question is asked, "What is the resurrection?" a careful thinker must reply, "I don't know"; or he will soon entangle himself in vague speculation. Many do not hesitate to speak definitely and finally upon the subject, describing exactly what the resurrection is and the nature of the resurrected life that awaits human beings in the next world; but the fact remains that such information is, and is bound to be, mere guess work.

There are many subjects-and the resurrection is one of them-in which the human mind must admit its limitations, that it cannot fully understand or explain even though it may be able to work intelligently in such fields. Electricity is one such. We do not yet know the exact nature and the why and wherefore of electric energythat is a problem which is still engaging the attention of the greatest physicists to-day; but yet we have learned enough of the way electric energy

may be controlled and utilized to make it one of the most important forces in civilization. Life itself is as great a mystery as it ever has been in spite of the earnest research of brilliant men; but no one is going to give up living on that account. We can admit that we do not understand the kernel of the phenomenon; but that does not make life any less real or prevent its largest use and development.

With the nature of life as it is found in the world still a baffling puzzle, it is no wonder that the resurrection, or the transformation of that life into something different, should also baffle the understanding. And this problem is even more complex than the former, for it involves not only the understanding of the nature of ordinary physical life such as is common to animals and plants but the conscious, self directing, intelligent life of personality as well; and there again we are halted by the limits of our understanding. However, just as we may give up the problem that electricity presents but yet make use of that force, or may pass over the enigma of life, and yet continue to develope the powers of life, so we may admit ignorance of the nature of the resurrection and yet proceed to live on the basis of it.

To take such a stand is of course to assume that the resurrection of Jesus is a fact even though a mysterious one. But why not? From the New Testament records it is clear that the apostles were sure of it, and that thousands of people of all kinds and classes from all over the world of that day were equally convinced of it. And from subsequent history it is just as sure that an ever increasing army of people for nineteen hundred years, has believed it to be true both on the witness of the past and because of personal experience of its reality in their own lives. It was the starting point of the Church and has been its foundation stone ever since, for Christianity is essentially the religion of the resurrection.

St. Peter's sermon on the day of Pentecost, which brought the first three thousand into the Church, was the resurrection pure and simple, and as St. Paul said later, "If Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain." The qualification for apostleship was being a witness of the resurrection (Acts 1:22) and the observance of the first day of the week, the Lord's Day, rather than the Sabbath, is but another evidence of the leading part which the resurrection has

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