תמונות בעמוד
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LL Perfonal Pronouns are put before the Verb in the Affirmative; and if there be a Negative, Non is put before the Pronoun: And note, the fecond Perfon Plural is ufed, though speaking to a single Perfon. *

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Ex. I give it you, velo dò, or, lo dò à V. S. or, le lo do..

I do not lend it you, non velo presto, or, non le lo prefto.

For greater Civility, and to render the Speech more agreeable, the Italians frequently turn the Expreffion, and use the third Perfon Singular of the Verb inftead of the fecond, with Voffignoria, which is always wrote by V. S. As, You are in the right of it, V. S. ba ragione, and not havete ragione. And to avoid the frequent Repetition of VS. the Perfonal Pronouns ella or lei are made ufe of in all their Cafes, viz. Nom. elle, ella, Gen. delle, di lei, Dat. à lui, le, Acc. elle, lei, la. Abl. d'elle, da lei; and in the Plura! Number, le fignorie loro, delle fignorte loro, alle fignorie loro, dalle fignorie


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Personal Pronouns are put after the Verb in the Imperative and Infinitive Moods, alfo with a Participle; but if the Imperative Mood be a Negative, the Pronoun is put before the Verb, and the Negative non begins the Sentence: And note, the last Vowel of the Infinitive Mood is taken away before Pronouns...

Ex. Shew it me, mostrate me lo, or, mostri melo

For to give it you, per darvelo.
Having feen it, havendo lo veduto.
Do not tell it me,
non melo dite.

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In a Question, if there be but one Perfonal Pronoun, it is feldom expreffed, and the Sound of the Voice rather fhews the Question.

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In a Question, It, and the Pronouns which are put before the Verb in French, are in the like manner put before the Verb in Italian; and the Pronoun after the Verb is not expreffed if there be a Negative, non is put at the Begin ning.


Ex. Does he fend it me? me lo invia?
Does he not lend it me? non melo prefta

A Rehearsal of the foregoing Rules.

Ilend it you, velo presto,

I do not give it you, non vele de

Sdo I lend it you? velo prefto? 42do not you lend it me? non melo preftate?


Sgive it me, date melo.

2 do not give it me, non me dates!

fdoes he go? và egli ?

3. Lis he or he gone?

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andato ? M. andata ? F.

I come to see you, vengo à ́vedervi, or, vederla, having feen him, havendo lo veduto.


When the Participle Common denotes the Time paft, it is always put the laft of the Sentence, except it be an Adverb.

Ex. I have never feen him, non l' hò mai veduto. I have known him very well, I hè cognofcuito beniffimo.


The Participle Common bearing Relation to a Noun before mentioned, and alfo coming after


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