תמונות בעמוד
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Preterit, or Definite Tenfe.

Sing. Io hebbi havuto, tu havefti havuto, egli hebbe havuto,

Plur. noi havemmo havuto, voi havefte havuto,

egiino hebbero bavuto,


Sing. Io haverò havuto, tu baverái havuto, egli haverà bavuto,

Plur. noi haverémo havuto, voi haveréte havuto, eglino haverà havuto,

I have had.
thou hadft had.
he had had.

we had had.
ye had had.
they had had.


I fhall have had. thou fhalt have had. he fhall have had.

we shall have had. ye fhall have had. they fhall have had.

Optative, or Subjunctive Mood.

Present Tense.

Sing. Ch' io habbia havuto, ch' tu habbia havuto, ch' egli habbia havuto,

that I have had. that thou haft had. that he has had.


Plur. ch' noi habbiamo havuto, that we have had. ch' voi habbiate havuto, that ye have had. ch'eglino habbiano bavuto, that they have had.

Imperfect Tenfe.

Sing. Io haverei havuto,
tu baveréfti havuto, ·

egli haverebbe havuto,

Plur. noi haverémmo havuto, voi haveréfti havuto,

I fhould have had. thou should't have had.

he should have had.

we should have had. ye fhould have had.

eglino haverébbero havuto, they should have had.

Preterit, or Definite Tense.

Sing. S' io havéli havuto,
se tu haveffi bavuto,
s' egli havéffe havuto,

Plur. se noi havéffimo havuto,
se voi havefte havuto,
s' eglino havé fero havuto,

If I had had.

it thou hadst had.
if he had.

if we had had.
if ye had had.
if they had had.

Infinitive Mood.

Havere havuto, to have had.


Havendo havuto, having had.

E 3


The Conjugation of the Auxiliary Verb ESSERE, to be.

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fiáte voi,

be ye.

fiáno,or síeno eglino, let them be.

Optative, or Subjunctive Mood.

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che voi fiáte,

That I may be.

that thou may'st be.

that he may be.

that we may


that ye may be.

ch'eglino fiano, or fieno, that they may be.

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Participle Active, or Common.

Stato Mafc. ftatá Fem. Been.


Effendo, Being.

The COMPOUND Tenfes of this Verb Effere, to be; are formed by a repetition of its own Tenfes, with the Participle Comman ftato Mafc. or stata Fem. as follows.


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