תמונות בעמוד

Dar nella rete, to fall into a Snare...
Dar le carte, to deal, or give the Cards.
Dar' animo, to give courage, or to incourage.
Darfi l' animo, to have Courage.

Dar fede, to believe.

Dar' ad intendere, to make one believe.
Dar' in nulla, not to fucceed.

Darfil incenfo,, to praise one's felf,

Dar in luce, to publish.

Darfi a fare, to let one self about a Thing.
Dar nel roffo, to be a little on the Red.
Darf penfiere, to care for.

Dar del fignore, to call one a Gentleman.
Dar del furfante, to call one a Rogue.
Dar parola, to promise.

Dar ne' ladri, to fall into the Hands of Thieves.

Dar la burla, to laugh at a Perfon.

Dar leva, to provoke.

Dar' in prestito, to lend.

Dar fuoco, to burn, or set on fire.

Dar ficurtà, to Bail.

Dar nel matto, to play the fool.

Dar la caccia, to put to flight.

Dar principio, or fine, to begin, or end.

Dar conto, to give an account.

Darfi allo ftudio, to apply one's felf to Study. Dar calci al vento, e pugni all' aria, to fight with one's Shadow.

Dar di bocca d'ap pertutto, to concern one's felf with every Man's Bufinefs..

Dar da ridere, da parlare, to make one Laugh, to make one Speak.

Darfi bel tempo, to divert one's felf.

Dar addietro, to give back.


Dar adito, to give access to.

Dar alla mano, to Bribe.

Dar a vedere, to give one to understand.

Dar campo, to give Liberty.

Dar capo, to come to the end of a Matter.
Dar copimento, to finish.

Dar da bere, to give one Drink.

Dar da dormire, to give one a Night's Lodging.
Dar de' gl' ingoffi, to give a good box o'th' Ear.
Dar il batefimo, to baptize.

Dar il buon anno, to with a merry New-year.
Dar un buon giorno, to bid one Good Morrow.
Dar il buon viaggio, to with one a good Journey.
Dar il buon arriva, to bid one Welcome.
Dar il grande Addio, to bid the World Adieu.
Dar il vifo, to turn one's Eyes on any Thing.
Dar in Terra, to run aground.

Dar la ben-venuta, to bid one friendly welcome.
Dar la buona mano, to wifh one good Luck.
Dar l'anello, to marry.

Dar la voce, to raise a Report.

Dar l'ultimo crollo, to fall down stark dead.

Dar la vinta, to yield the Victory.

Darf to apply one's felf to.

Darf pace, to live quietly.

FARE, to do, &t.

Far animo, to give Courage.
Farfi animo, to take Courage.

Fare a propofito, to be proper, or fit.
Far motto, to make a Sign.
Far il brave, to fet up for a Bully.
Fare feelta, to chufe.

For pompa, to boast.


Far' il grugno, to pout at one.
Far danari, to heap up Money.
Far gente, or foldati, to raise Soldiers.
Far di mestieri, to be neceffary.
Farfi innanzi, to come forward.
Farfi in quà, to approach, or advance.
Fárfi in là, to go at a distance.

Farfi in dietro, to retire.

Far a fepere, to let one know.

Far a tacei, to throw or fight with Stones.
Far avanzo, to thrive.

Far baco baco, to play Bo-peep.

Far broglio, to make a hurley-burley.

Far buona vicinanza, to keep fair with one's Neighbours.

Far com lo fperaviere, to live from Hand to Mouth,
Ear cofe di fuoco, to do wonderful Things.
Far del grande, to take State upon one.
Far del vezzofo, to play the wanton.
Far di capello, to pull of one's Hat.

Far d' una lancia un fufo, to bring a Noble to nine pence.

Far faccia, to fet a good Face on Things.

Far fagotto, to pack up one's Awls and be gone.
Far Figliuoli, to begat and bear Children.

Far gala, to be gay and Merry.

Far gofoviglia, to throw the House out at the Wing dow.

Far greppo, to make up a Mouth.

Fare i fatti fuoi, to follow his own Affairs.

Fare il balordo, to play the Ninny.

Far il diavolo, to play the Devil.

Far il gattone, to make as if one saw or knew not. For le fpece, to bear one's Charges.


STARE, to ftand, &c.

Stare in piedi, to stand upright.
Star fu to rife;

Star giù to fit down.

Star per ufcire, to be just going out.
Star ben a cavallo, to fit well on Horseback.
Star' in cafa, to stay at home.

Star lefto, to be upon one's Guard.
Star ju le burle, to jeft, to banter.
Star faldo, to hold out ftoutly, or faft
Star per cadere, to be ready to fall.
Star per morire, to be like to die.
Star in dubbio, to be in doubt.
Star' a vedere, to expect the Iffue.

Star colle mani a cintola, or a cintura, to stand idle,

or with one's hands in one's Pocket.

quefto vi ftà bene, that becomes you well.

quefto non mi ftà bene, that does not become me well. Star' a becco, to out-face.

Star' a bottega, to mind one's Shop.

Star' a crepa cuore, to live at Heart's Eafe.

Star' in difagio, to live in Sorrow.

Star a dormire, to lye Sleeping.

Star' a fronte, to out-face.

Star' a gala, to float.

Star' al detto, to rely on a Man's Word.

Star' allegro, to live, or be merry.

Star' al mondo, to live in the World.

Star' a pollo pesto, to be at the Point of Death.

Star' a fegno to ftand near the Mark.
Star' in fperanza, to live in Hopes,
Star' aftento, to live in forrow.

Star tù per tù, to be Hail Fellow well met
Star' a uno, to depend upon one.

Star' innamorato, to be in Love.

Star' in letto, to be abed.

Star in molle, to lye asleep.

Star' in orechio, to hearken.

Star' in rischio, to be in Danger.

Star' in fe, to be pofitive.

Star' in zurlo, to ftand in Amaze.

Star' maggiefe, to live Idle.

Star fopra di fe, to prefume too much on one's felf.
Star punta per punta, to be always at Variance,
Star fano, to be in Health.

Star fu'l avifo, to be prepar❜d.

Star trà'l sì'el no, to be between yes and no.

AVERE, to have.

Aver dell' huomo da bene, to look like an honeft Man.
Aver del miracolo, to look on't as a Maricle.

Aver caro, aver da caro, to be well pleas'd.
Aver a bene, to approve of.

Aver per bene, to like or consent to.

Aver per male, to disapprove of.

Aver a male, to dislike.

Aver a cuore, to have at Heart.

Aver il capo altrove, to think of other Things.

Aver de fare, to be bufie.

Aver in pregio, in iftima, to esteem.

Aver a capitale, to esteem much.
Aver a difpetto, to have in defpite.
Aver agio, to be at ease.

Aver bel Tempo, to live a merry Life.
Aver buona voce, to be well spoken of.

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