Litigation and Cooperation: Supporting Speakers in the Courts of Classical AthensFranz Steiner Verlag, 2000 - 296 עמודים Syn goroi are widely known in Athenian law to have served as supporting speakers and aids to the main prosecutors within a courtroom. Lene Rubinstein argues that these people were an important part of court practice and social and political litigation, though largely ignored in many previous studies of Athenian politics. Her study draws extensively on the speeches of syn goroi , revealing their multi-functionality as witnesses, as co-speakers alongside the main prosecutor and as part of a collaborative legal team. |
Preface | 9 |
Synêgoroi in the dikastêria the evidence | 24 |
Sharing risks | 76 |
The rôles of Athenian synêgoroi | 123 |
Synêgoria in a democratic context | 185 |
Catalogue of teambased prosecutions | 234 |
Tables | 257 |
מהדורות אחרות - הצג הכל
מונחים וביטויים נפוצים
addressed the court agônes Aisch Aischines Andokides Androtion Anytos Apollodoros apophasis appear argued argument argument from silence Aristogeiton Aristophanes Assembly Athenian Athenian litigation Athens atimia attested bêma Blass boulê brought Chapter citizens claim decree defence synêgoroi defendant defendant's Demosthenes dikai dikê Diodoros discussion eisangelia elected prosecutors Euboulos Euktemon Euxenippos evidence fourth century graphai graphê paranomôn Hansen Hypereides individual initiated interpretation Isaios Isokr judges katêgoroi Ktesiphon Lavency legal action legal responsibility Leptines LGPN II s.v. Lipsius logographer Lykourgos main litigant main prosecutor Neaira opponents participation passage pleading polis political Polyeuktos private actions procedure prooimion prosecution team pseudomartyriôn public actions referred rhetorical risk rôle scholars speaker of Lys speeches delivered sthenes suggests supporting prosecutors supporting speakers sykophant syndikoi synêgoria Theomnestos topos trial witnesses ἂν γὰρ δὲ εἰ ἐν καὶ μὲν περὶ τὰ τὴν τῆς τὸ τὸν τοῦ τοὺς τῷ τῶν ὑπὲρ
הפניות לספר זה
The Bad Citizen in Classical Athens <span dir=ltr>Matthew Robert Christ</span> אין תצוגה מקדימה זמינה - 2006 |
Cicero the Advocate <span dir=ltr>J. G. F. Powell</span>,<span dir=ltr>Jeremy Paterson</span> אין תצוגה מקדימה זמינה - 2004 |