Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism: Community and Identity in FormationCambridge University Press, 17 ביוני 2021 - 350 עמודים In this book, Ari Mermelstein examines the mutually-reinforcing relationship between power and emotion in ancient Judaism. Ancient Jewish writers in both Palestine and the diaspora contended that Jewish identity entails not simply allegiance to God and performance of the commandments but also the acquisition of specific emotional norms. These rules regarding feeling were both shaped by and responses to networks of power - God, the foreign empire, and other groups of Jews - which threatened Jews' sense of agency. According to these writers, emotional communities that felt Jewish would succeed in neutralizing the power wielded over them by others and, depending on the circumstances, restore their power to acculturate, maintain their Jewish identity, and achieve redemption. An important contribution to the history of emotions, this book argues that power relations are the basis for historical changes in emotion discourse. |
Power and Emotion in Ancient Judaism Emotion | 1 |
Feeling Rules | 62 |
Emotional Stereotypes | 99 |
jewish emotion discourse in response | 113 |
Grief in 4 Ezra | 132 |
the dead sea sect as emotional | 151 |
Strategic Manipulation of Fear in | 183 |
Sectarian Ritual and the Cultivation of | 221 |
Conclusion | 258 |
Bibliography | 268 |
300 | |
310 | |
מהדורות אחרות - הצג הכל
מונחים וביטויים נפוצים
1QHa 1QpHab according Antiochus argued Asen associated audience Belial belief Biblical Literature Bilhah Brill Cambridge University Press chapter Christian context contrast counter-discourse courage covenantal Dead Sea Scrolls discourse of emotion divine power-over domination embodied thoughts emotion discourse emotional habitus emotional practice emotional resistance empathy experience expression Ezra Ezra's fear feeling rules form of power Foucault gender gentile God’s Greco-Roman grief Hasmonean Hebrew Bible History hodayah Hodayot human insincere sectarian Israel Jewish Jewish emotion Jews Joseph and Aseneth Judaism king Kittim Leiden love and hate Macc Maccabees martyrs Maskil Mattathias Michel Foucault Oxford pain Pesher Habakkuk pesherist philanthropia Philo pity political power and emotion power relations power-to powerlessness Ptolemy Ptolemy’s purification Qumran relationship righteous ritual ablutions ritual actor role Roman salvation Second Temple sect sect’s sectarian Seleucid Seleucid anger shame and disgust social Society of Biblical speaker STDJ Studies Teacher Hymns Teacher of Righteousness texts Uriel virtue