תמונות בעמוד

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小 柔。不

下 小 敷 絿之 國球


龍。駿大是不休綴大 震敷魇共邇。優剛不旒球。

4 He received the rank-tokens [of the States], small and large, Which depended on him, like the pendants of a banner;

So did he receive the blessing of Heaven.

He was neither violent nor remiss,

Neither hard nor soft.

Gently he spread his instructions abroad,

And all dignities and riches were concentrated in him.

5 He received the tribute [of the States], large and small, And he supported them as a strong steed [does its burden];So did he receive the favour of Heaven.

He displayed everywhere his valour,

Unshaken, unmoved,

St. 4. Tang appeare now as sovereign of the | collected.’百祿‘all the dignities and

kingdom. L1.1, 2. Choo does not understand their emoluments.’

1. 1. 球 is explained as 美玉, ‘an admirable
kind of jade.' We must give it the same mean-
ing as, in the Shoo, II. i. 7, the jade-tokens
of rank;-the of the Chow dynasty, varying
in shape and size, according to the rank of the
princes. They received them from the king in
the first place, and they brought them to the

Court, when they appeared there, as the tokens of
their dignity. will be the
小球 大球
tokens belonging to small and to great States

respectively. The princes now rendered them

to T'ang, acknowledging his sovereignty. L.2

expresses his sovereignty in another way. 旒

denotes the tassels or pendants attached to a

banner. 怒‘to be connected' To T'ang

St. 5. Ll. 1, 2 are both in themselves unintelligible to Choo. Taking as in the sense of contributions, and keeping in mind the analogy of 1. in last st. 1, we get the meaning of 1.1 which I have here given. Other explanations have been tried, but I need not dwell upon them. L. 2 is more perplexing. 駿, indeed, has commonly the meaning of 大, ‘great;’ but

seems to baffle critical ingenuity. Maou explains it by, and Ying-tah gives the meaning ag

為卞國大厚謂成其志性 is very unsatis使大純厚也;which

factory. Evidently this stanza and the last are of similar structure, and as the 2d line there con

tained a comparison, so ought the line before us to

all the States were now attached as the pendants do. Now, the Ts'e copy of the She read here

the Urh-ya, the Yuh-p'een, and the Shih-wăn,

to a banner (言為天子而為諸侯 a character which K'ang-he's dictionary 所係屬如旗之糝為旒所 does not acknowledge, but which is found in 綴著也).L.3.何=荷‘to bear'‘to meaning a horse, with characteristice variously sustain? Ll. 4–7, describe the manner of T'ang | defined (See in the 皇清解解,ch. 1,408.) in his governinent. 一緩 to be slow or I must adopt this reading, and then the line remisa' 優優 is expressive of gentleness may be translated as I have done (是喩湯 and magnanimity. L. 29. 一聚,to be 有力量能負重致遠之意




截莫我鉞武祿 不








昆 有三

吾家 「蘗。莫秉

Unterrified, unscared:

All dignities were united in him.

6 The martial king displayed his banner,

And with reverence grasped his axe.

It was like [the case of] a blazing fire,

Which no one can repress.

The root, with its three shoots,

Could make no progress, no growth.

The nine regions were effectually secured by him.

Having smitten [the princes of] Wei and Koo


He dealt with [the prince of]Keun-woo, and with Këeh of Hëa.

7 Formerly in the middle of the period [before T'ang],

There was a time of shaking and peril,

下國皆於我乎負載也). L.3. 何,一as in last stanza. 龍寵 as often. L. 6-大進其武功,grandly exhibited his warlike merit. L. 8. 難 and 竦 are of kindred meaning=恐or 懼, to be afraid.) 1. 9. 總‘to be together;' 一迴 in last stan



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St. 6 details the military achievements by which T'ang made himself imaster of the king

dom. Ll.1,2. 旆 is a streamer attached to a

flag; but it is here used for the flag itself, and with a verbal force,' he raised his banner

way of describing Këch the last king of Hös,

and his three principal adherents. He was the

root(苞一本); they were the shoots springing from it. L. 6. 莫遂莫達

are to

be explained with reference to the figure in 1.5. As Ho Këne says, 皆從蘗字生 出L.7 九有 as in last ode. 有截一 .L.7as

as in the translation. L1.8,9. The three great helpers of Keeh were the princes of Wei (or Ch'e

| wei豕韋), Koo, and Keun-woo; but the exact

site of those principalities I have not been able to make out. Their chiefs are represented as descended from Chuh-yung, a son of the ancient

載 is the particle. 有虞‘reverently. Chuen-hëuh We must repeat the 伐 at the

T'ang had no wish to dethrone Këeh, but it was

a duty which he owed to Heaven to take the

commencement of 1. 9.

St. 7. 葉一世,‘age;’中葉,‘the mid

course he did. Ll. 3,4.-here, i. q., to dle age; i. e., some time between Seang-too and

repress,' ‘to check’我 had better be trans- T'ang. As Ho Këne says, 此詩前言相 lated in the 3d person. L. 5 is a metaphorical|土,後成湯所謂中葉者

商左衡維士予子也業。 王右實阿實卿降天允

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But truly did Heaven [then] deal with him as its son,

And sent him down a minister,

Namely A-hăng,

Who gave his assistance to the king of Shang.

[blocks in formation]

1 Rapid was the warlike energy of [our king of] Yin, And vigorously did he attack King-ts'oo.

Boldly he entered its dangerous passes,

And brought the multitudes of King together,

其世數居於相土成湯之 中者也. L. 2 describes the state of Shang during that period of decadence. 業一危


AND THE GENERAL HAPPINESS AND VIRTUE OF HIS REIGN;-MADE, PROBABLY, WHEN A SPECIAL AND PERMANENT TEMPLE WAS BUILT FOR HIM ' to be in a perilous condition.’L. 3. Choo takes AS THE HIGH AND HONOURED' KING OF SHANG. this line as meaning-' But truly did he-Tang The Preface merely says that this was made on -prove himself the Son of Heaven.' I much occasion of a sacrifice to Woo-ting. The conprefer the view of Ch'ing, which is followed including stanza indicates further that it was the ‘Flower and Essence,' taking 子 as in i. [i.] made on the occasion which I have indicated in VIII. 天子-天愛湯而子之

'Heaven loved T'ang, and made him its son.' Ll. 4—6. Heaven showed its favour for Tang, by raising up () and giving him the famous E Yin, who became his principal minister and director. See on him the note in the Shoo on the title of IV.iv; and on 阿衡, his name, or

the name of his office, under IV. v.1.

Choo and the critics generally resume in regard to this ode the arrangement of the lines in

stanzas, which seems to me to show that it is

not a Sung piece.

the argument. After his death his Spirit-tablet


be shrined in the ancestral temple of ould

Shang, and he would have his share in the elapse before there was any necessity for making seasonal sacrifices; but several reigns would any other arrangement, so that his tablet should

not be removed and his share in the sacrifices not be discontinued. Hence Keang refers the com

position of the piece to the reign of Te-yih (帝乙), the last but one of the sovereigns of


St. 1. L.1. 撻疾貌‘rapid-looking. 殷武一殷王之武,一as in the translation. L.2. In荆楚 we have two names of

the same State combined together, just as we have so often the combination Yin-shang as the name of the Shang or Yin dynasty in II. iii. I. But

The rhymes are in st. 1,商祥芒方 疆長將商,cnt.10: in2,撥達, 達越發烈截cat.15,t.8: in3.違 ALFLM, ib., t. 1: in 4, Eplexing. Both the names of Yin and Shang ,遲

th t ik z &, cat. 8, t. 1: in 5,

cat. 15, t. 3 : in 7, 葉··業 cat. 8, t. 3;
士,cat. 1, t2;衡王,cat.10.


the combination here is more strange and per

were in common use in the time of king Wăn,

who uses them combined in III. iii. I.; but we

should say, but for this ode, that the name of

Ts'oo was not in use at all till long after the Tsew several times in the annals of duke hui

Shang dynasty. The name King appears in the

Chwang, and then it gives place to the name T'soo in the 1st year of duke He, and subsequently disappears itself altogether. The common

是來享莫自昔居雞湯有 常。王莫敢彼有國女孫截 敢不成南之其 商不來羌湯.鄕楚緒,所

Till the country was reduced under complete restraint:

Such was the fitting achievement of the descendant of T'ang.

2 'Ye people,' [he said], 'of King-ts'oo

Dwell in the southern part of my kingdom.

Formerly, in the time of T'ang the Successful,
Even from the Këang of Te,

They dared not but come with their offerings;

[Their chiefs] dared not but come to seek acknowledgment:Such is the regular rule of Shang.'

use about the beginning of duke He's rule of

five centuries after the overthrow of Shang. If

this piece to the time of duke Seang of Sung;→

rather inclines in favour of that view. I in

opinion is that the name of Tsfoo first came into | 為證謂天下有道則荆楚首 Loo, i.e, about B. C. 358,–between four and 善非也夫文王之化及于江 the ode before us be genuine, that opinion of 漢之間,乃德化之成非雍像 course is incorrect. Han Ying, however, referred 後而江漢轉先也蓋楚最難 and I must say that the balance of the argument 服,天下視為向背責一不享 troduce here a long note from Keung on this 之楚而天下莫敢不享責一 point, and King-te'oo, or King and Tsoo, gener- 不王之楚而天下莫敢不王 ally: 楚雄南服立國在江漢 平荆楚者平天下之大機也 之間,其强最久,周以前世系 L.3. Maou defines 采by架, deeply; Choo, 無所考,武王封熊釋為楚子, after Ching by 冒, daringly, Either meaning 春秋莊公之世楚皆書至 suite the connection. 阻=險阻, in 僖元年乃書楚人伐鄭嚴氏 the translation. L. 4. 裒一聚, ‘to collect;" 日解頤新語疑商時未有荆旅=衆,‘multitudes.) Perhaps the ‘Essence 楚乃欲假此實韓詩宋襄 and Flower of the She' is correct in understand公時作商頌之說殊不思禹 of King-te'oo prisoners (荆州之眾資 貢及衡陽為荆州乃在南固不服者聚而俘虜之 卽荆楚也,荆岐既旅至于荆t.. 其所, their places;一meaning the 山乃在西雍州之也,詩人 whole territory. 有截一as in last ode. L. 以有二故荆楚別荆岐 6.緒=功,‘meritorious achievement; but 耳孰謂周時始有荆楚哉李 it also indicates that the merit was a sequence 樗日荆楚在商周之時,為可 St. 2 contains an address which we are to 狄之國世亂則先世治則 Suppose Woo-ting to have spoken to the people 後服當湯之時,不敢抗衡及 ‘place,' so that 南鄉 simply= 鄉by所 商中微為中國患此高宗所 'the south' or 'the southern parts. Woo-ting's 以討之也,按郝氏敬二南 he might very well speak thus of King-te'oo,

ing the line of the king's making all the people

of that of T'ang and other sovereigns.

or chiefs of King-ts'oo. L. 2. Maou explains

capital being in the north of the present Ho-nan,

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