תמונות בעמוד

II. Ta ming.

方。使天不 天赫明






1 The illustration of illustrious [virtue] is required below,

And the dread majesty is on high.

Heaven is not readily to be relied on;

It is not easy to be king.

Yin's rightful heir to the heavenly seat
Was not permitted to possess the kingdom.

en,' i, e., from the point of view of Heaven ;-
seeing how Yin's fall was brought about by
Heaven, in consequence of the disobedience of
its kings, and their neglect of their duties. See
11.5,6, in the Doctrine of the Mean,' XXIII. 6.
If the doings of Heaven be thus, how can they
be studied and known? The answer is in 11.7,8.
King Wăn might be considered as an embodi-
ment of the virtue of Heaven, and he could be
studied and imitated. -, to resemble;'
刑法‘a pattern.’儀刑文王=
***E-as in the trans-

the same effect in a measure is the view of Yen

Ts'an. He says, 'The first two lines contain a general sentiment), expressing the principle that governs the relation between Heaven and men. Acc. to 1. 1, the good or evil of a ruler cannot be concealed; acc. to 1. 2, Heaven, in giving its favour or taking it away, acts with strict decision. When below there is the illustrious illustration of virtue, that reaches up

on high. When above there is the awful ma-as in the trans- jesty, that exercises a survey below. The relation between Heaven and men ought to excite

lation. =信,‘to believe' 作字

'will arise and repose confidence in you.

The rhymes are—in st. 1,,, cat. 12, t. 1;,, cat. 1, t. 2: in 2, E, F, ib.; ,, cat. 15, t. 3: in 3,,, cat. 3, t. 3;,,, cat. 11: in 4, E, F, cat.1, t. 2; «, ib., t. 3: in 5,,, cat.

10;晏,祖,cat.5,t. 2 : in 6,德*,福 *) 帝*,易

cat. 1, t. 3;.,, cat. 16, t. 3: in 7,

(prop. cat. 9), F, cat. 12, t. 1; 臭字 *

3, t. 1.




See on the title of II.v. I.

our awe.' I believe that Yen-she has appreciated the sentiment of the lines; but it is dif

ficult to bring it out in the brevity of a translation. Maou refers the lines, erroneously, to

the virtue of king Wăn, which was displayed among men below, and gloriously seen by Heaven. In 11.3-6 we have the same sentiment of the changing of Heaven's favour, and the same illustration of it, that run through the Part.

Ode 1.忱=信,‘to be trusted’斯 is

the final particle. L. 4='He who has not an easy position is the king.' The idea is not that of gaining the throne, but of retaining it. The heavenly seat' is the throne, the seat given by Heaven to him who is called 'its son.'

一殷之適嗣 the legitimate heir of

Yin;'-referring to Show, the last sovereign of

that dynasty. 挾=有‘to possess.’四

St. 1. L1.1,2 are certainly enigmatical, Choo, the middle State and all the feudal says that is, the bril- States of the four quarters, the kingdom. We liance of virtue,' and 赫赫命之顯, must bring down 天 from 1.3 as the subject of

'the manifestation of the will of Heaven. To


囘。 懷翼。此王任季

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王。 身·德

厥上小 生之乃于自 茈行,及周。彼


2 Jin, the second of the princesses of Che,

From [the domain of] Yin-shang,

Came to be married to the prince of Chow,

And became his wife in his capital.

Both she and king Ke

Were entirely virtuous.

[Then] T'ae-jin became pregnant,

And gave birth to our king Wăn.

3 This king Wăn,

Watchfully and reverently,

With entire intelligence served God,

And so secured the great blessing.

His virtue was without deflection;

And in consequence he received [the allegiance of] the States

from all quarters.

St. 2 refers to the father, and especially the

mother of king Wăn. She was a Jin, the second

[blocks in formation]

daughter of the prince of Che. As Maou gives was their conduct.' It makes the descripthe first line,−摯國任姓之中|tive of the 德 Ta'e-jin is the honorary name 女: The 氏 belongs to 任, and precedes it ofthe lady. 身=懷孕,‘pregnancy.' Chi

by the inexorable law of the rhyme. Where Che was has not been ascertained; but we may presume from 1.2 that it was within the royal domain of Yin. The critics, at least, say that this is intended by the combination of Yinshang, the two names of the Yin or Shang dynas

☆ (摯商畿內國也)周 is best

nese writers celebrate Ta'e-jin in the highest terms. 'When she was pregnant with king Wăn,' says Lëw Hëang, 'her eyes looked on no improper sight, her ears listened to no licentious sound, and her lips uttered no word of pride. When the king was born, he was intelligent and

sage, so that when his mother taught him one

thing, he learned a hundred things; and in the

taken as in the translation. is the particle. end he became the founder of the Chow dynas

嬪=婦to become wife to;'–as in the Shoo, I. 12. 京 is the‘capital’of Chow; 80

ty. The superior man will say that T'ae-jin

could commence the instruction of her child

while he was yet in the womb.'

St. 3 is all occupied with the virtue of king

denominated from the fortunes of the family Wan, which made him the object of God's fa

when the ode was written. The 乃及 in 1.5

shows that the mother of king Wan is still the

main subject of the stanza. 王季 is the

title conferred by the duke of Chow on his great

grandfather;-see the 'Doctrine of the Mean,'

vour. Choo explains 1. 2 as 恭慎之貌

'the app. of reverence and carefulness,'-the

same as the 敬 in ode I. 4. 昭 is defined by 明,‘brightly;’–the meaning appears to be

XVIII. 3. The best way of dealing with the | what I have given.聿 is the particle. 懷

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厥天大有王在合初命天 載。旣監

祥之邦子嘉渭 止。








4 Heaven surveyed this lower world;

And its appointment lighted [on king Wǎn].

In his early years,

It made for him a mate;

On the north of the Heah;

On the banks of the Wei.

When king Wan would wive,

There was the lady in a large State.

5 In a large State was the lady,

Like a fair denizen of Heaven.

The ceremonies determined the auspiciousness [of the union],

And in person he met her on the Wei.

follows Choo in preference to the old explana

is defined by來, to make to come. 回= line is as I have given it. Even Yen Ts'an here 邪,‘crooked,’‘perverse.'受方國=受 邪 crooked, perverse' 受方國一受 四方侯國之歸, as in the translation. –as in the translation.

St. 4 introduces the queen of king Wăn, as specially provided for him by Heaven. Ll. 1, 2 refer to Wăn, as singled out by Heaven to occupy the throne. It was hardly necessary to put‘on king Wan,' in brackets, as they are

tion of the term as meaning ‘admired. The great State is Sin (莘), to which the young lady belonged.

In st. 5 we have the marriage of Wan and this lady. It would be hard to say what specific idea the writer had in his mind in the 2d line, descriptive of the grace and other attri

merely brought up from i3. 集=就‘to butes of the lady. 倪一臂, to be compared come to,’‘to settle or light on. 載一年; to Han Ying read, which has the same 初載= =‘in his early years. Thus his bride meaning. 妹‘a younger sister;" but here would be about the same age as himself. 合 simply=少女, 'a young lady. L. 3 is de

——'a mate.' Hëah is the name of a river, scriptive of the preliminary formalities; is

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on the north of which lay the capital of the defined by 禮, ceremonies; and 祥by吉

State held by the father of T'ae-sze. The Shwoh-wăn quotes the line with; and Maou was added |

originally had 合 alone. The 水

in the Han dynasty. The river is supposed to

'lucky,' 'fortunate.' Yen Ts'an says, "The tor-
toise-shell was consulted, and gave a favourable
Then they determined by the cere-
monial observances that the thing was fortunate,

and presented the bridal gifts (卜而得吉

have been in the pres. dia. of Hoh yang (郃|則以禮文定其吉祥而納

陽), in Tung Chow (同州), Shen-se. 幣焉). All things being ready, the young

,—as in I. vi. VII. 2, et al. In 1. 7, Choo de

ines 嘉by婚禮, the marriage ceremony;'一

prince went in person to meet the bride, and

made a bridge of boats for her to cross the Wei

by. The boats were moored across the stream,

certainly marriage is one of what are denomi- and then planks were laid upon them, so that

nated theor ceremonies: and we may the lady might walk over. Morrison, under the

adopt Choo's view, so that the meaning of the | char.俱 gives the stanza thus:一


林商商。右行女王命其 命篤維于自






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Over it he made a bridge of boats;

The glory [of the occasion] was illustrious.

6 The favouring appointment was from Heaven,

Giving the throne to our king Wăn,

In the capital of Chow.

The lady-successor was from Sin,

Its eldest daughter, who came to marry him.

She was blessed to give birth to king Woo,

Who was preserved, and helped, and received also the appointment,

And in accordance with it smote the great Shang.

7 The troops of Yin-shang

Were collected like a forest,

And marshalled in the wilderness of Muh.

"Of a great nation there is a daughter, Comparable to the angelic sisters of heaven.

The elegant presents have determined his bliss;

struction of them. 纘一繼, to continue.

T'ae-sze is called 'the continuing lady,' as the successor to T'ae-jin, whose praises were declared

In person he meets her, on the banks of the Wei. in st.2. 維莘 plainly means was from

Build the boats; make a bridge;
Spare nought to illustrate his glory.'

Translating at random as Morrison did, for the purposes of his dictionary, it was not to be expected that he would give the verses correctly, according to the tenses they must have in their

connection with others. It became a statute of

as in the trans

Sin' Choo takes 行-嫁
lation. Maou would connect it with the 1, in
st. 2. Yen Ts'an agrees with Choo, referring
to the use of the term, in I. iii. XIV. 2. It is
difficult to give or to understand the force of
篤 ‘real,’‘sincere,' ‘to give importance to,' in

Chow that a royal bride should be brought 1.6. Choo takes it as I have done,一天又篤

across a stream on a bridge of boats, king Wăn. The E, thus understood, must be having thus set the example. 不顯

in I. 1.

-as brought on as the subject of the verbs in 1. 7.

St. 6 carries on the narrative to the birth of

右一助, to assist. The

cannot be taken

king Woo, Wăn's son, who was to wrest the as the pronoun of the 2d person;-we must re

sovereignty from Yin. L.3. 于周于京gard it as a final particle, or as =

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in Chow, in the capital,'-in his Chow capital, 'harmoniously;'-we must suppose here

(于周之京) L1.4,5 must be taken in harmony with the will of Heaven. closely together, in order to make any con- says, 順天命


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We rose [to the crisis]; —

'God is with you,' [said Shang-foo to the king],

‘Have no doubts in your heart.’

8 The wilderness of Muh spread out extensive;

Bright shone the chariots of sandal;

The teams of bays, black-maned and white-bellied, galloped along;

The grand-master Shang-foo

Was like an eagle on the wing,

Assisting king Woo,

Who at one onset smote the great Shang.

That morning's encounter was followed by a clear bright [day].

Stt. 7, 8 are occupied with the decisive battle,

which issued in the overthrow of the dyn. of

ix. VI. -see I. xii. V. 1.

-is de

fined as 'a bay-horse, black-maned, with a white

Shang, and gave the throne to king Woo. In belly (騮馬白腹)彭彭as in II.

at. 7, 1.1,殷商 ,一as in st. 2; 旅一師,‘mul

vi. I.3. 尙交 –seen on the title of I.viii.

titudes.' L. 2. Comp. the Shoo, V. iii. 9. L. 3. 師一大師,‘grand-master. 時一是,(he 矢-陳‘to be displayed' to be mar

shalled. 牧野

– see on the Shoo, V. ii. 1.


line as saying, 'We of Chow and the princes on

was.' -to assist;' as if it were


which the line is quoted in the Books of Han

In 1. 3, Choo takes 侯 as the particle 維 (王莽傳). Maou explains 肆 by 疾 that the meaning is, as I have given it (我之 rapidly; Choo, by 縱兵, (let go his wea 師為有興起之勢). Ching refers pons’會朝-‘the morning of the meeting,' the 侯 to Woo, here called marquis from | i.e, of the battle. 清明而天下清 Shang's point of view ;which is very unlikely.明, and all under heaven was clear and bright. Köang Ping-chang and many others take the The rhymes are–in st. 1, 上, 王方, cat. our side arose 子周以諸侯興起 10: in 2.商京行王, b. in 3, 翼 而陳於牧野之地) L1.5.6 are 福國, cat. 1, t. 3: in 4, 集合, cat. 7,t well taken by Këang as spoken to king Woo by 3;涘止子, cat. 1, t. 2: in5,妹渭 cat Shang-foo, who commanded on the side of Chow. 15, t. 3; 梁光, cat. 10: in 6,天莘, cat. 12, 臨女:‘has come to you;'mis with you. t.1;王京行王商,cat. 10: in 7, 林典(prop. cat.6), 心, cat. 7, t.1;旅 野,女, cat.5,t. 2: in 8, 写, 女, cat. 5, t. 2: in 8, 洋煌彭.楊 王商明, cat. 10.

-'to doubt.'

Inst. 8, 洋洋廣大之貌 the app. of being wide and large.' 檀車 - see on I.

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