תמונות בעמוד
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莫祿 祿。入 旣怨 爾 奏。


6 The musicians all go in to perform,

And give their soothing aid at the second blessing.
Your viands are set forth;

There is no dissatisfaction, but all feel happy.

They drink to the full, and eat to the full;
Great and small, they bow their heads, [saying],
"The Spirits enjoyed your spirits and viands,
And will cause you to live long.

Your sacrifices, all in their seasons,

Are completely discharged by you.

May your sons and your grandsons

Never fail to perpetuate these services!'

VI. Sin nan shan.



1 Yes, [all about] that southern hill

Was made manageable by Yu.

Its plains and marshes being opened up,

It was made into fields by the distant descendant.

言 has the force of 也 and 焉, terminating | here he addresses him directly.

with a pause the first member of the line.

St. 6. The feast was given in the apartment of the temple behind the hall where the sacrifice had been performed, so that the musicians are represented as entering-going in-to continue at the feast the music which they had discours


將一進 ‘to send forward,' or 行, ‘to go round.’

-'to rejoice,' 'be happy.' Ll. 9, 10 are descriptive of the sacrifice that had been offered, and of all others of the same kind in the same temple, so that the Head of the family discharged

ed at the sacrifice. In 1.2 the feast is called 後 them(盡之一盡其禮), in great accordance with the statutes (惠順), and with 替一廢,‘to discon

'an after happiness,' i. e., a blessing and

privilege following on the sacrifice. They had drunk then; now they were both to eat and drink. The爾 in 1.3 cannot be got rid of, as

in st. 2. We must, I think, come to the con

clusion that the ode was written in compliment

to the sacrificer-the king, probably-by one

of the relatives who shared in the feast; and so

the seasons for them.

tinue;’引‘to lead out,'–to prolong. 之

refers to the sacrifices.

The rhymes are in st. 1,棘稷翼億 食侑, a, cat. 1, t. 3: in 2, 蹌


生旣旣之雪天東疆 我霑優以 同其我


We define their boundaries, we form their smaller divisions,

And make the acres lie, here to the south, there to the east.

2 The heavens over head are one arch of clouds,

Snowing in multitudinous flakes.

There is superadded the drizzling rain.

When [the land] has received the moistening,

Soaking influence abundantly,

It produces all our kinds of grain.

**?....,,writer makes mention of it. As Yen Ts'an


says, he does not mean to confine the work of

,, cat. 10: in 3, 6, Yu to that part of the country; but on the other hand there is nothing in the language to

庶客.錯度獲*格 *酢 * cat.

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afford a confirmation of the statements of the

Shoo about that hero's achievements. 甸一

A 'to regulate,'' to reduce to order. Ll. 8,4.

cat. 1, t. 3: in 5, (prop. cat. 3), - the app. of being

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Ode 6. Narrative. HUSBANDRY TRACED TO ITS FIRST AUTHOR; DETAILS ABOUT IT, GOING ON TO THE SUBJECT OF SACRIFICES TO ANCESTORS. There is a close connection between this ode and the last, and the critics suppose that they proceeded from the same writer; this one being fuller on the subject of husbandry and more concise on that of sacrifice. The Preface refers it to the time of king Yew, and thinks that the author wrote it under an impression of grief that that monarch had ceased to pay regard to the statutes of king Ching, under whom the political and land systems of the Chow dynasty were first fully organized. But there is nothing in the ode to suggest to us the idea either of Yew or of Ching.

denotes the use of the plough, and

the opened up for cultivation.' Ying-tah says that clearing away of the wild natural growth of the ground. Whom are we to understand by會

The old interpreters all say-king Ching. Choo says, the principal in the sacrifice; who is with him, as in the last piece, some great landed proprietor. Technically, the terms denote the great-grandson;' but they are used, more generally, for any remote descendant. Í agree with Choo in referring them to the principal in the sacrifices, which the poet had in his mind; but those royal, I think; and some one of

the kings of Chow is intended. 田之一 'fielded them.'

Ll. 5, 6. is used as in the last piece. The writer would be a cadet of the royal House, and identifies himself with its services. denotes the larger divisions of the country into fields;

St.1. In 11. 1,2, there is a recognition of the, the divisions of the fields into smaller porwork of the great Yu, as the real founder of tions by paths and ditches. The last line simthe kingdom of China, extending the territory ply expresses the direction of the fields according of former elective chiefs, and opening up the to the course of the channels and the nature of country. This merit was universally attributed the ground. See Medhurst's dictionary on the to him, and the writer acknowledges it. character.

信乎,‘True it is!” 南山-as in iv.V. 1,

et al. This hill bounded the prospect to the south from the capital of Chow, and hence the

St. 2 describes the influences that operate in winter and spring to prepare the ground for the labours of the husbandman. is under

牡祭天皇瓜中考酒或疆 田萬食 會 年







者。從 執以

其 騂


菹 疆








3 The boundaries and smaller divisions are nicely adjusted,

And the millets yield abundant crops,

The harvest of the distant descendant.

We proceed to make therewith spirits and food,

To supply our representatives of the dead, and our guests;

To obtain long life, extending over myriads of years.

4 In the midst of the fields are the huts,

And along the bounding divisions are gourds.

The fruit is sliced and pickled,

To be presented to our great ancestors,

That their distant descendant may have long life,

And receive the blessing of Heaven.

5 We sacrifice [first] with pure spirits, And then follow with a red bull;

Offering them to our ancestors.

atood by Choo of the clouds all one colour ( abundant app. of the grain.' L.3 ascribes the rich harvest all to the virtue of the king. Ll. 4

色)雨 is the verb. Fun-fun denotes the 6,–as in the last ode. L.6 specially applies

app. of the falling snow;' mih-muh, that of 'drizzling rains of spring.' Ll. 4, 5 describe the

ground after receiving plenty () of the rain, moistening it (), soaking into it (chen), all in sufficient measure(足).

St. 3 describes the abundant harvest in consequence, and the devoting of a portion of it to

to the king.

St. 4. The hundred mow in the centre of a tsing were devoted to the govt., and in the

middle of them again were 20 mow, assigned to the eight families cultivating the space; and on them were erected the huts in which they lived, while they were actively engaged in their agri

cultural labours. 菹‘pickled vegetables.

The term here denotes both the process of pick

sacrificial purposes. L. 1. Ho Këne (何楷; ling and the result. 利 is not only to peel the

Ming dyn.) says, Keang and yih are both the

names of the boundaries of the fields; the former | skin off, but also to elice the fruit. 祜一福 of those marking off the space of a tsing (井),

cultivated by 8 families, and the latter the sub


St. 5. 清酒‘clear spirits' The critica

divisions of this assigned to each family.' have much to say on the preparation of these, on which we need not enter, excepting that they denotes the well defined adjustment of were flavoured and made fragrant by various those divisions' L.2. Yuh-yuh denotes ( the | admixtures. The pouring out of them com




疆 ̧福。皇明。芬。享。

[Our lord] holds the knife with tinkling bells,

To lay open the hair of the victim,

And takes its flesh and fat.

6 Then we present, then we offer;

All round the fragrance is diffused.


Complete and brilliant is the sacrificial service;

Grandly come our ancestors.



They will reward [their descendant] with great blessing,

Long life, years without end.

VII. P'oo t'een.



1 Bright are those extensive fields,

A tenth of whose produce is annually levied.

I take the old stores,

And with them feed the husbandmen.

From of old we have had good years,

menced the services, being intended to bring


St. 6. 烝 is taken by some as the name of

the Spirits down (降神). The libations were the winter sacrifice; but it is evidently synony

followed by the sacrifice of a red bull (騂= mous here with 享, and is to be taken as 一 赤), red being the colour in the victims slain|進, to bring or send forward;The‘Complete under the Chow dynasty. 祖考=先祖 Digest’gives 由是, from this,' 'then,' for scribe the action of the principal in the sacrifice the simple 是. L1. 2–6,–as in the last ode. himself (執者主人親執也); Yen The rhymes are–in st. 1,甸,田, cat.12, Ts'an, that such action was delegated to a high t.I;理畝, cat. 1, t. 2: in 2, 雲雰

in st. 2 of last ode. Choo says that 11.4–6 de

official. The text does not enable us to come

3, 3,


to a decision in the matter. 彎刀-small 13:霈渥足穀, cat 3. t. 3: in 3. 翼 bells were somehow attached to the handle of 彧,穡食 cat. 1, t.3: 賓年 0

the knife so as to give a tinkling sound during

open the hair, and declare that it was of the


the operations. The first operation was to lav t. 1: in 4, 廬瓜 菹 cat. 5, t. 1; 祖祜 proper colour, that the victim was without ib. t. : in 5,««, cat. 3, t. 2; JĮ, epot'膋脂膏the fat.' The burning

of the fat was the second step in inviting the 毛, cat. 2: in 6, 享 ., 明● 皇疆

descent of the Spirits.

cat. 10.


或 南有 髦攸薨






And now I go to the south-lying acres,


Where some are weeding, and some gather the earth about

the roots.

The millets look luxuriant;

And in a spacious resting place,

I collect and encourage the men of greater promise.

2 With my vessels full of bright millet,

And my pure victim-rams,

We sacrificed to [the Spirits of] the land, and to [those of] the four quarters.

Ode 7. Narrative. PICTURES OF HUSBANDRY | By


THEIR SUPERIORS. Here, again, we must reject
any reference to kings Yew and Ching. Who
the 'I' in the piece is, it is difficult to say, but
evidently he and the 'distant descendant' are
different persons; and not one, as Choo makes
them out to be. I suppose he may have been
an officer of the king, who had the charge of the
farms, as we may call them, in the royal domain.
That the piece describes what was taking place
under his observation, and not the state of
things in any former reign, is plain from the
'now (4),' in st.1, 1.6.

St. 1. LL 1, 2. 倬‘bright-looking’甫

-, 'large,' 'extensive.' Maou says that 甫田

means ‘all the fields under heaven,' i.e.,

we can only understand the writer or speaker in the piece. When Yen Ts'an takes it of the husbandmen, as if they were speaking in their own persons, he overturns all rules of exegesis., 'to feed,' may be extended so as to embrace all the duty which was anciently held to devolve on a ruler;-see Men. II. Pt. ii. IV. 5.

In L. 7, 耘=除草(to take away the grass, to weed;' tsze= 雝本 'to cover up the roots.' How this last operation was done is a disputed point, on which we need not enter. L. 8. E-e describes the luxuriant appearance' of the springing millets. L1.9, 10. Ch'ing takes


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舍 and 廬舍, the huts,'–those

mentioned in st. 4 of last ode; but why introduce here a new meaning of the term? Choo gives


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all the fields of the kingdom; but evidently the, which is better; but the meaning of

poet is speaking of what came under his eye. L. 2 tells the revenue from the produce which was

paid to the crown,—a tenth (†); the 10th

of every hundred, and the 1000th part of every ten thousand. Maou seems to have attached no definite idea to the and, and says that they designate the largeness () of the revenue;-in which he is quite in error. Choo, after Ching, takes the two characters as= 10,000, and makes the revenue to have been a ninth;-see Yen Ts'an on the passage. I have followed Yen's view;-had come to it, indeed, before I examined his Work.

is not in介.攸=所, the place which

-, 'to advance,' but the meaning is here more to encourage.', 'of superior character."'

The general rule was that the sons of husbandmen should continue husbandmen; but their superior might select those among them in whom he saw promising abilities, and facilitate their advancement to the higher grade of offi


We are not to suppose that he did so in the case mentioned in the text, but his easy condescension and familiar intercourse with them would keep ambition alive in the aspiring

Ll. 3, 4. the old grain,' arising from the abundance of former harvests, mentioned in 1.5='years of plenty"). | youth among them.

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