תמונות בעמוד

母議酒無載龙之子。乃 詒無食儀無弄之地載生 罹父是唯非之裼載寢女

9 Daughters shall be born to him:

They will be put to sleep on the ground;

They will be clothed with wrappers;

They will have tiles to play with.

It will be theirs neither to do wrong nor to do good.

Only about the spirits and the food will they have to think,

And to cause no sorrow to their parents.

VI. Woo yang.

澂思爾十無誰百無誰 其羊其牛謂雜羊謂 爾角來椁九爾群。三爾

1 Who can say that you have no sheep?

There are three hundred in [each] herd.

Who says that you have no cattle?

There are ninety, which are black-lipped.
Your sheep come,

Horned, but all agreeing.

(皇=煌煌) in the red apron of the king,


occasion sorrow to her parents..罹憂

or of the princes of a State. 室家 is here a 'sorrow,' 'grief.'

The rhymes are–in st. 1, 干, 山, cat.14;

designation for a State or the kingdom (國與苞茂...好... 猶, cnt.3, t. 2: in. 2, 祖 天下之通稱). One of the sons would

be 王, king; the others could be 君 lords of堵戶處 語, cat. 5, t. 2: in 3, 閣

States:–in either case they could call all the cat.5,t.3;除去, cat. 5, t. 1: in 4,

'Houses and clans' in their dominions their own. 棘革 *, cat. 1, t. 3; 飛膺 cat. 15, t. 1: in

Very different is the future of the daughters, as


sketched out in st.9. 儀一善‘good, in ā,庭楹正冥寜 cat.11: in 6,簟 contrast with 非.Morrison, however, greatly 寢ent. 7,t.1;興夢, cat.6; 何羆 *) errs and exaggerates, when he translates 1.5 by ., cat. 17: in 7, L., b.; TË TË, 熊 be obedient comprises the whole duty of woman. cat. 10: in 8, 牀裳璋喤皇王b.: in 9, 地裼 (prop. cat.16).

She is incapable either of evil or good.' To

She ought not in the family to take the initiative. As Choo says, 'If a daughter do no

thing wrong (無非),that is enough. That

she should be distinguished for what is good,

(有善) is not an auspicious thing to be desired

for her.' She has her duties of housewifery, which are expressed in 1.6, and she must not


*, Cat.17.


儀 *議 *,


[blocks in formation]

2 Some are descending among the mounds;


Some are drinking at the pools;

Some are lying down, some are moving about.

Your herdsmen come,

Bearing their rain-coats and bamboo-hats,

Or carrying on their backs their provisions.

In thirties are the creatures arranged according to their colour;
For your victims there is abundant provision.

Your herdsmen come,

With their large faggots, and smaller branches,
And with their prey of birds and beasts.
Your sheep come,
Vigorous and strong,

in the language to make us refer the piece to
king Seuen; but it suits the early period of his
reign well enough, and shows how under him
prosperity was again revisiting all the depart-
ments of the kingdom's wealth.

St. 1. It might have been said in some pre- |

vious reigns that the king had no flocks and herds; it could not be said now. There were

300 sheep in a lock, and we are left to suppose (

there were many such flocks. There were 90

black-lipped (黃牛黑脣日


tle, and we are left to suppose there were many more that could be otherwise described. L. describes the sheep as not butting one another with their horns. The Shwoh-wăn defines tseihtseih by 1, 'harmonious.' Shih-shih is explained as in the translation, the motion of the ears being indicative of health.

pleasure, moving about as their inclination prompted them, not driven about or thwarted by their keepers; and herein was the secret of their good condition. The next three introduce the herdsmen, at their ease as much as their

charges. The rain cloak (蓑), made of bam

boo or palm leaves, and the hat made of splints

still meet us everywhere in China. 何 笠), =根‘to carry in the hand.'物



iii. III. 2. We must suppose that here is a case of-the arrangement of the animals according to their colour. is a victim for sacrifice. This use of the sheep and cattle is specified merely as one of the various uses for which they served.

St. 3. Here the herdsmen are mentioned first.

St. 2. 訛 = 動, ‘to move.' The first three They had leisure, through their wise manage

lines show us the flocks left to follow their own

ment of their charge, to collect firewood for themselves, and to snare or shoot birds and ani



實之旟 維牧升,以騫


年。 人施


None injured, no infection in the herd.

At the wave of the [herdsman's] arm,

All come, all go up [into the foid].

4 Your herdsmen shall dream,一

Of multitudes and then of fishes;





Of the tortoise-and-serpent; and then of the falcon banners.

The chief diviner will divine the dreams,

How the multitudes dissolving into fishes,

Betoken plentiful years;

How the tortoise-and-serpent dissolving into the falcon banners,

Betoken the increasing population of the kingdom.

VII. Tsëeh nan shan.


爾民師赫巖維南節可 瞻具尹赫巖石山,彼

[ocr errors]


1 Lofty is that southern hill,
With its masses of rocks!

Awe-inspiring are you, O [Grand-] master Yin,
And the people all look to you!

mals. andare distinguished, as in the
translation. Yen Ts'an interprets 1.3 of the
work of the shepherds in dividing the males
and females of their charge, and numbering
them, but it stands in too close a connection
with 1.2 to admit of such a view. 以=取,‘to
take,' to bring. 雌雄,‘females and males;"
often used for 禽獸, birds, and beasts of
chase.' L.6. 騫 is defined by 虧, ‘failure,'
“deficiency,' ‘injury;’and 崩 by 羣疾

'sickness of the herd.' This meaning is not given in the dictionary. The word properly means a mountain falling or slipping,' and is

mous with 畢,‘all. 一入牢,一as in

the translation.

St. 4. Choo says he does not understand the interpretation of the dreams here given, but gives on other authority than his own that which I have followed. 巧,-as in the prec. ode. 泉 is taken of ‘multitudes' of men, which gradually give way (維) to swarms of fishes. The chaou (see i. VIII. 2, 3) was used, it is said,

to collect the people in the suburbs and the country; the yu (see I.iv.IX.2), those in the more thickly inhabited parts; so that the former dissolving into the latter gave the idea of in

here applied to ‘a flock going to ruin.’肱 creasing uumbers. 室家,一as in st. 8 of last here denotes the whole arm. 旣-synony-ode. 溱溱the

-'the app. of multitudes.'

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