תמונות בעמוד

them, 109, is the master of mau and
things, eod. and 111, its fluid forms
the shapeless empyrean, 113, not
moved by the sighs of ten thousand
people, eod., does not reprimand a
sovereign, nor kill malefactors, 126,
Heaven's spontaneity and inaction
preclude wisdom and sensations,
127, Heaven does not speak, 128, the
words of the wise are the words
of Heaven, eod., anthropomorphisms
of the Shiking and the Shuking, eod.;
the heart of Heaven in the bosom
of the Sages, 129, Heaven's decree,
130, 132, 408, Heaven is spontane-
ous, 133, human qualities ascribed
to it, 134, wealth and honour come
from Heaven, 136 seq., 404, its body,
183, Heaven does not speak nor
hear, its nature is non-interference,
184; 227, Heaven's ways difficult
to understand, 242; Chap. XIX, the
pure elements formed heaven, the
impure ones earth, 252, heaven is
not air, but has a body, 257, its
distance from earth, eod., its circum-
ference 365 degrees, eod., not raised
in summer, nor depressed in winter,
260, not high in the south, nor low
in the north, eod., not shaped like
a reclining umbrella, 261, looks like
a bowl turned upside down, eod.,
is as level as earth, 262, heaven
makes a circumvolution of 365 de-

quity is the leaven of to-day, 471,
Heaven is a body like the Earth,
509, Heaven the master of the
hundred spirits, 526, virtues are its
principles eod.

Heaven and Earth, by the
fusion of their fluids all things are

produced, 92, are like husband and
wife, 93, 99, 287, 322, are inactive,
97, cannot act, are devoid of know-
ledge, 101, do not create man on
purpose, 103, their fluids mixing,
things grow naturally and spontane-
ously, 104, the great man equals
them in virtue, 129, believed to
punish the wicked, 164, cannot be
interrogated by diviners, 182, do
not respond, 184; have a body, eod.;
set in order, 193, contain air, 252,
act in spontaneous harmony, 277,
their nature is spontaneity, 280,
father and mother of mankind,
287, like a great furnace filled
with Yang (fire) and Yin (water),
294, 320, 330, are both bodies,
337, were not born and do not
die, 349, conjointly produce all
things, 471, their size many ten
thousand Li, 510, the emperor
treats Heaven like his father and
Earth like his mother, 517, in man
the mind of Heaven and Earth
reach their highest development,


grees = 730,000 Li every day, 266, Heavenly fluid, 110, 138.
heaven's movement the spontaneous

stars, 138, 227.

emission of fluid, 268, its distance Heavenly officials, the
from earth upwards of 60,000 Li,
275, its principle spontaneity, 283,
Heaven's anger, 286, the dark blue

Hill sacrifice, Feng-shan,


sky, eod., Heaven humanised, eod.; Homeopathetic treatment

all beings to Heaven like children,
289, Heaven does not write, 295,
emits its fluid into Earth, 322, min-
ister of Heaven, 421, Mencius on
Heaven, 422, the Heaven of anti-


; cold cured by cold, and

fever by fire, 299.


Hook Star Mercury, 127.

Hot Water Abyss see T'any-ku.

House, constellation, 112, Magpies, know the future,
118, 127.


Ignorance, blissful of primitive
times, 100.
Immortality, drug of 1, 335,
aimed at by Taoists, 336, 343.
Inaction 無為,92.

Incidents, definition, 143.
Intoxication, the virtuous believed
not to become intoxicated, 487.


Killing animals see animals.



Human Emperors, mythical Man, born from Heaven and Earth
rulers of remotest antiquity, 193,
and endowed with the heavenly
fluid, 97, why active, eod.; his in-
significance, when compared with
Heaven and Earth, 109, filled with
the heavenly fluid, 111, a tiny crea-
ture, 112, imbibing the heavenly
fluid man is born, 138, man a pigmy,
183, before his birth and after death
man is part of the primogenial fluid,
194, he is born and kept alive by
the Yin and the Yang, 249, a crea-
ture like others, 289, the noblest of
the productions of Heaven and
Earth, 320, 352, like lice, 322, is
born by propagation, eod., never
metamorphosed, 327, not different
from other creatures, 335, first
among naked creatures, 353, 528,
endowed with a spontaneous mind
and a uniform dispositiou, 386, aver-
age people and people above and
below the average, 386, 391, endow-
ed with the nature of Heaven and
Earth, 390, with the Five Qualities,
eod., the most intelligent of the ten
thousand creatures, 528.
Marriage, age of, 472.
Matriarchate, 473.
Mechanisms:—a flying kite, a wood-
en carriage and horses, made by
Me Tse and Lu Pan, 499.
Medicine, liquid and pills, 282, min-
eral drugs 藥石,252.
Meteors, 230, 271, 274 seq.,

Land division in Wei, 382.
Language, different in ancient and
modern times and in different parts
of the empire, 72.
Life ; the Taoists endeavour to
prolong life by quietism and dis-
passionateness, 346, its proper length
a hundred years, 314, 472. Long
life, the shortest 70 years, medium
80 years, longest 90 years, 452.
Life and death

depend on

Destiny, 136 seq.
Literati, 250, 252, 257, 265,
304, 332, 338. 434, 447, 473, 490.

Luan, bird inferior to the phoenix,


Luck, definition, 141.
Lumbago (sciatica) or, said
to be caused by devils flogging the
patient, 299, cured with honey and

cinnabar, eod.


Madness 狂癡, a disturbance of

the vital force, 240, of nature 380.

[blocks in formation]


Naked People 舺國.407.
Nature, natural E, concomitant
Bi, adverse, 140, human nature
affected by its environment, 375, by
instruction, 382, different views on
original nature, Chap. XXXII.
Natural feelings and natural dis-
position, the basis of human
activity, 384, said to correspond to
the Yin and the Yang, 389.

Nine Continents 九州, 253.
Nine Heavens 九垓,339.
Nine Provinces (Circuits)

China, 253, 390.

[ocr errors]

Nine Relations, ascendants
and descendants, 492.

Nine Streams 九川,261.

Nine Tripods, of the Chou

dynasty, disappeared, 218, auspi-

cious, 505, their history, 506.

Nine Wild Tribes of the East


Notes, musical, 121.

Original fluid, see Primogenial


Orphan of Chao 趙孤,177.

Parrots 鸚鵡


can talk, 358.
Pearls, genuine ones in fishes, 273,
and shells, 378.

Pearl-tree in the farthest south-
west 珠樹,273.

Perfect man, 134.

Phantoms consist of the solar
fluid, 245, emit poison, 247.
Phoenix, Chap. XXX, a holy
bird, huge with a variegated plum-
age, 359, accompanied by thousands
of birds, 363, phoenix and unicorn
signs of universal peace, 364, as
big as a horse; 5 feet high, 366,
did not come at Confucius' time, 405.

Phenomenalists 孌復之家,

scholars who explained calamities

and other natural phenomena by
moral causes, 127, 128, 281, 283.
Physiognomy see Anthroposcopy.
have divided

Noxious influences, Chap. XLIII. Physiognomists,

Nursing of children, 314.


Odes of the Shiking 詩.91.
Omens (Portents), Chap. XIII,

different kinds, 173, 183, the lucky
meet with lucky omens by chance,
186, omens and signs are always
true, 190, shaped like man, 230,
indicate future happiness or mis-
fortune, 245, correspond to some-
thing good, 368, happen spontane-
ously, eod., during the Han epoch,
372, 406, under Ming Ti, 479, under
Kuang Wu Ti, 480.
Ominous creatures, have
no species, are born by accident,
365, from a propitious fluid, 366.

human features into more than

seventy classes, 72.
Pillar of Heaven

lun, 89, 250.



Plan of the Yellow River,

95, 238, 294, 405, 454.
Plum, may grow on a cherry-tree, 102.
Poison, Chap. XXIII, the hot
air of the sun, 298, bad men filled
with a poisonous fluid, 300, poison
of glib-tongued people, 303.
Pole of heaven 天極255.
Polar star, 260,, 263.
Polygamy, its drawbacks, 141.
Portents see Omens.
Posthumous titles, 162, 208, 333.
Pregnant women, what they are
to avoid, while with child, 141.

Primitive life, 474, happy without

virtue and knowledge, 100.
Primogenial fluid, vague,
diffuse, and unconscious, the human
fluid a part of it, 194, genuine and
harmonious; all people filled with
it, 471.

Primordial generation of fish and
grass, 368.

Propriety and righteousnous up-
held against Han Fei Tse, 434 seq. i
Public instruction and criminal law

what for, 380.

Punishments meted out in autumn
and winter, 148, 280, 291.

Purple boletus 紫芝 a felicitous

sacrifices, eod., sacrifices to the
Seasons, to Heat and Cold, the Sun,
the Moon, the Stars, the Four Car-
dinal Points, to Water and Drought,
517, to Earth, at the meals, 523, to
the Five Emperors and Three
Rulers, 516, to Mountains, Gates,
and Doors, 536, of an ox, 514, of
wood, a calf, a sheep, 516 seq., of
millet, rice-cake, and soup offered
to Earth, 510, the meaning of sacri-
fices, 509, 535, motives of sacri-
fices:-gratitude and ancestor wor-
ship, 517, they are not enjoyed by
ghosts or spirits, but merely sym-
bolical, 522, of no avail, 537.

plant, 132, eaten by Taoists, 339. Sages, endued with the harmonious

Quipos, 473.



Rain, portended by insects, by
the expansion of chords, and by
chronic diseases, 109, its origin, 277,
becomes dew and frost, eod.; a fluid

fluid, 316, not imbued with a special
fluid, 322, credited with the gift of
prophecy, 353, produced by Heaven
every 500 years, 424.

Sage birds and animals, 371.
Scarlet Bird, the southern
quadrant of solar mansions, 106.
Schools, founded from olden
times, 434.

emitted by heaven, 289, the Rain Scroll of the Lo, 95, 238,
God 雨師, 511, 521.

294, 455.

Rat, a skin-disease cured by Secretary falcon, poisonous, 301.
eating a cat, 158.

Sensations, how caused by the

Raven, three-legged, can- | mental fluid, 239.

[blocks in formation]

Six Domestic Animals
the horse, the ox, the goat, the
pig, the dog, and the fowl, 193.

Six Honoured ones 大宗,516.

Six Institutions of the Chou dyn-
asty, administration, in-
struction, rites, police, jurisdiction,
public welfare, 455.

536, can soar, eod., what is vague
and unsubstantial has the nature of
a spirit, 353, it seems as if the
spirits helped the happy and caused
the misfortune of the miserable, 144,
160, clothes, 5-6 inches long, offered
to spirits, 515.

Spirit bird 神雀,364.

Six Passions-cheerful- Spirit of Earth, propitiated
ness, anger, grief, joy, love, and
hatred, 110.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

after the building of a house, 535.
Spirit of Heaven, repri-
manding a sovereign, 119, imper-
sonated by a man, 232, angry, 287,
like a king in his residence, 290,
352, changing his mind, 408.
Spirit of Rain 雨師,222.
Spirit of Sickness 疫鬼,534.

Solstices in summer and winter, Spirit of the Wind 1, 222.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Spiritism by means of mediums in
a trance, 196.

Spontaneity, Chap. III,
means absence of purpose, 283.
Spontaneous fluid,
101, 130.

Spontaneous harmony of heaven
and earth, when it rains, 277.
Spook, Chap. XVII.
Spring and Autumn, work
of Confucius, 414, 447, 451, 452.
Spring and Autumn period, 722 to
480 B.C., 116, 210, 269, 271, 274,
354, 362, 363, 451.
Stars, their effluence gives
wealth and honour, 138, produces
and develops things on earth, 241,
stars are not round, 271, their size
a hundred Li, 275, are attached to
heaven, 511.

Struggle for existence, 105 seq.
Style, 70 et seq.
Sun, ten suns in Yao's time, 89,
271, the sun came back, 89, reverted
to the meridian, eod., and 116, en-
circled by a white halo, when Ching

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