תמונות בעמוד

the fifth book concerning the reason of the law of punishing children for the crimes of their parents. I hold it therefore not sufficient barely to reply, Moses omitted it, that his law might thereby remain throughout all ages un invincible monument of the truth of his pretences; but proceed to explain the great and principal reason of the omission. And now, ventum ad VERUM est. This leads me into one general view of the whole course of God's universal economy from Adam to Christ, ending in a dissertation on the true nature and genius of the CHRISTIAN FAITH, and so adding new and irresistible force to the CONCLUSIONS of both my syllogisms. With this the ninth book, or third part of the last volume, concludes,

This I purpose to give the Public without delay *: not for any pressing necessity my argument has of it, for I left it not, as was insinuated, naked and supportless; but, as the reader now sees, surrounded with various outworks, and standing strongly on its conclusion; but, principally, that I may be at liberty to address myself to a much larger work-A full Defence of Revelation in general and of the Christian Faith in particular, against Unbelievers of alt Denominations A work long projected, and which my Christian profession, and still more solemn engagements in the service of religion, persuaded me was my duty, with the good leave of my brethren, to devote myself unto-Not to speak at present of the high encouragement to all attempts of this nature from the felicity of the times, which is, or would be, always urging me on, in the words of the Poet:

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Va pâlir sur la Bible;

Va marquer les écucils de cette mer terrible: Perce la sainte horreur de ce Livre divin: "Confons dans un Ouvrage et Tindal et Collin: "Débrouille des vieux tems les querelles célèbres Eclairci des Rabins les savantes ténèbres: ' *Afin qu'en ta vieillesse, un livre en maroquin "Aille offrir ton travail à quelque heureux Faquin, "Qui; pour digne lofer de la Bible éclaircie, "Te paie en Facceptant d'un JE VOUS RÉMERCIE.” BOILEAU,

See Note (*) p. 144. vól. vi.





That a future State of Rewards and Punishments was not taught to the People of the Jews by the Law and Religion of MOSES.

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GROTIUS." Moses in Religionis Judaicæ Institutione, si diserta Legis respicimus, nihil promisit supra hujus vitæ bona, terram, uberem, penum copiosum, "victoriam de hostibus, longam & valentem senectutem, posteros cum bona spe superstites. Nam, SI QUID EST ULTRA, in umbris obtegitur, aut sapienti ac DIFFICILI "ratiocinatione colligendum est."

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EPISCOPIUS.-"In tota Lege Mosaica nullum "vitæ æternæ præmium, ac ne æterni quidem præmii INDICIUM VEL VESTIGIUM extat: quicquid nunc "Judæi multum de futuro seculo, de resurrectione mor "tuorum, de vita æterna loquantur, & ex Legis verbislea "extorquere potius quam ostendere conentur, NE LEGEM "MOSIS IMPERFECTAM ESSE cogantur agnoscere cam "Sadducæis; quos olim (&, uti observa ex scriptis "Rabbinorum, hodieque) vitam futuri sæculi Lege Mosis "nec promitti nec contineri adfirmasse, quum tamen Judæi essent, certissimum est. Nempe non nisi per "Cabalam sive Traditionem, quam illi in universuin rejiciebant, opinionem sive fidem illam irrepsisse asserepant. Et sane opinionum, quæ inter Judæos erat, circa vitam futuri sæculi discrepantia, arguit promis "siones Lege factas tales esse ut ex iis certi quid devita "futuri sæculi non possit colligi. Quod & Servator noster non obscure innuit, cum resurrectionem mor

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"tuorum colligit Matt. xx11. non ex promisso aliquo Legi addito, sed ex generali tantum illo promisso Dei, quo se Deum Abrahami, Isaaci, & Jacobi futurum spoponderat: quæ tamen illa collectio magis nititur "cognitione intentionis divinæ sub generalibus istis verbis "occultatæ aut comprehensie, de qua Christo certo con"stabat, quàm necessaria consequentia sive verborum vi ac virtute manifestà, qualis nunc & in verbis Novi "Testamenti, ubi vita æterna & resurrectio inortuorum proram & puppim faciunt totius Religionis Christianæ, & tam clarè ac disertè promittuntur ut ne hiscere "quidem contra quis possit." Instit. Theol. lib. iii.



sect. I. c. 2.


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BULL." Primo quæritur an in Vet. Testamento "nullum omnino extet vitæ æternæ promissum? de eo "enim a nonnullis dubitatur. Resp. Huic quæstioni “optimè mihi videtur respondere Augustinus, distinguens ❝ nomen Veteris Testamenti; nam co intelligi ait aut pactum illud, quod in monte Sinai factum est, aut "omnia, quæ in Mose, Hagiographis, ac Prophetis con"tinentur. Si Vetus Testamentum posteriori sensu accipiatur, concedi FORSITAN possit, esse in eo nonuulla "futuræ vitæ non obscura indicia; præsertim in libro Psalmorum, Daniele, & Ezekiele: quanquam vel in his Libris clarum ac disertum æternæ vitæ promissum VIX AC NE VIX quidem reperias. Sed hæc qualiacunque “erant, non erant nisi præludia & anticipationes gratiæ Evangelicæ, AD LEGEM NON PERTINEBANT. Lex enim promissa babuit terrena, & terrena TANTUM. “Si quis contra sentiat ejus est locum dare, ubi æternæ "vitæ promissio extat; QUOD CERTE IMPOSSIBILE EST. -Sub his autem verbis legis ipsius Dei intentione comprehensam fuisse vitam æternam, ex interpretationé "ipsius Christi ejusque Apostolorum manifestum est. "Verùm hæc non sufficiunt ut dicamus vitam æternam "in Fœdere Mosaico promissam fuisse. Nam primo promissa, præsertim Foederi annexa, debent esse clara "ac diserta, & ejusmodi, ut ab utráque parte stipulante "intelligi possint. Promissa autem hæc typica & gene"ralia, non additá aliunde interpretatione, PENE IMPÓS

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Harmonia Apostolica, Dissert. poster. c. x. sect. viii. p. 474. inter Op. Om. Ed. 1721.

1. Thus these three great ornaments of the Protestant Religion. And what more has been said or done by the Author of the Divine Legation? Only this, he has shewn, that the absence or omission of a future state of rewards and punishments in the Mosaic religion is a certain mark of its divinity. Forgive me this wrong. It has indeed been objected that Bishop Bull talked very differently in an English posthumous sermon.

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All that

I can say to this is, that, if he did so, it was not by my direction; who hold it to be unlawful to say one thing to the people, and another to their pastors. But Bishop Bull, it seems, might say what he pleased. He might, to support his opinion, say without censure, nay, with commendation, that the doctrine of a future state was amongst the Arcana of the Jews: that there was a twofold manner of teaching amongst them, one suited to vulgar apprehensions, the other to those who had made some proficiency in knowledge*. But if I venture to say so, a legion of bigots are in arms. And do I say any other, in affirming, that during the early ages of the Jewish republic a future state was not a national doctrine, but known only to some few of their leaders? Thus can the Writer quoted above abuse me, throughout a whole pamphlet, for holding the very same thing for which Bishop Bull merited his commendation; and this in an outrageous manner too, as if I had said something most derogatory to the honour and áttributes of God. But this is the hocus pocus of controversy. When the Bishop and I have paid him in the same coin, that, from the Bishop's pocket, shall be true orthodox sterling; which, from mine, comes out clipt, washt, and counterfeit. But the man's a bungler; and neither understands clean conveyance, nor has assurance enough to outface the fraud. For, conscious, as it were, of an ill-played trick, he patches up the cheat in this slovenly manner, Surely, (says he) there is a great difference between industricusly keeping a thing out of sight, and industriously

An Examination of Mr. Warburton's Second Proposition, &c. in an epistolary dissertation addressed to the Author, p. 125, just Bow come to my hands.



propagating it amongst all who WERE ABLE AND WILLING TO RECEIVE IT. p. 125. Illustrious distinguisher! Does not the BISHOP's industriously propagating it amongst all who are able and willing to receive it, imply the keeping it out of sight from the rest? And does not MY industriously keeping it out of sight from the rest, imply the propagating it amongst all who were able and willing to receive it? But, in this case, I have done more than by implication; I have said over and over again, that it was cominunicated to the few able to receive it. I did not indeed add willing. That discovery was reserved for the wonderful penetration of our Author. I had no conception but that every Jew was willing enough to receive not only the promise of the life that now is, but of that which is to come: but it is a reasonable question whether they were as able; and would not then have quitted both the school and school-master that was to bring them to Christ long before the good time, he had appointed. But these are matters above our Author's comprehension. He will needs know why God acted thus mysteriously. I will tell him when he inforins me (and perhaps before) why America for so many ages was debarred the light of the Gospel. Were not these his offspring as well as the sons of Abraham? But this is the advantage that he and his fellows take with the ignorant. They cry out, What! a religion from God without a future state? No. Rather than this, any thing. They will go a text-hunting, lie at catch for an ambiguity, divorce the sentence from its context, strip it naked; and if, after all this violence, it does but squint their way, see here, say they, as clear a proof of it as from the preaching of Jesus. Yet let these texts but speak for themselves, or without any other prompter than the context, and we shall soon see that there is not one of all they have ever produced, in the period in question, that can by any rules of good criticism be made to signify the least notice of a future state, otherwise than in a secondary and spiritual sense. In the mean time let no good man be scandalized with their clamour. All such shall soon see this tempest of malice and bigotry dispersed, and the Scripture of God at last vindicated even from its worst and most fatal mischief;

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