Deconstructing Zionism: A Critique of Political MetaphysicsGianni Vattimo, Michael Marder Bloomsbury Publishing USA, 21 בנוב׳ 2013 - 240 עמודים This volume in the Political Theory and Contemporary Philosophy series provides a political and philosophical critique of Zionism. While other nationalisms seem to have adapted to twenty-first century realities and shifting notions of state and nation, Zionism has largely remained tethered to a nineteenth century mentality, including the glorification of the state as the only means of expressing the spirit of the people. These essays, contributed by eminent international thinkers including Slavoj Zizek, Luce Irigaray, Judith Butler, Gianni Vattimo, Walter Mignolo, Marc Ellis, and others, deconstruct the political-metaphysical myths that are the framework for the existence of Israel.Collectively, they offer a multifaceted critique of the metaphysical, theological, and onto-political grounds of the Zionist project and the economic, geopolitical, and cultural outcomes of these foundations. A significant contribution to the debates surrounding the state of Israel today, this groundbreaking work will appeal to anyone interested in political theory, philosophy, Jewish thought, and the Middle East conflict. |
1 | |
2 How to Become an AntiZionist Gianni Vattimo | 15 |
3 Is Judaism Zionism? Or Arendt and the Critique of the NationState Judith Butler | 23 |
Zionism in the Colonial Horizon of Modernity Walter D Mignolo | 57 |
Political Theology as a Critique Artemy Magun | 75 |
6 Notes on the Prophetic Instability of Zionism Marc H Ellis | 99 |
Derrida Ruah and the Purloined Birthright Christopher Wise | 113 |
8 Rex or the Negation of Wandering Ranjana Khanna | 133 |
Being Discharged at the Margins of Political Zionism Santiago Zabala | 147 |
10 The Zionist Synecdoche Michael Marder | 155 |
Towards Peaceful Coexistence in Difference Luce Irigaray | 169 |
181 | |
מהדורות אחרות - הצג הכל
Deconstructing Zionism: A Critique of Political Metaphysics <span dir=ltr>Gianni Vattimo</span> אין תצוגה מקדימה זמינה - 2013 |
מונחים וביטויים נפוצים
Abrahamic abstract Africa anti-Semitism Arab argument asylum Bauer become belonging blind Buber Carl Schmitt century Chicago Chofshi Christianity citizens civil claims coexistence cohabitation colonial concept condition conflict constitute contemporary context criticism critique cultural deconstruct Zionism deconstruction democracy democratic diaspora dispossession Egyptian Eichmann in Jerusalem emerged ethnic Europe European exile existence fact Feuerbach form nation-state German Hannah Arendt Hegel Heidegger hermeneutics Holocaust theology human rights Ibid ideology Israel Israeli Jacques Derrida Jewish identity Jewish question Jews Judaic Judaism justice land language liberal live Martin Buber Marx means Messianic metaphysical modern Muslims nation nation-state Nazi opposed Origins of Totalitarianism Palestine Palestinians philosophy plurality political theology political Zionism population problem prophetic protection relation religion religious rhetoric ruah Scholem secular sense sexuate social solution sovereignty spirit stateless stateless persons synecdoche territory tradition University Press violence West Bank Western writes York Zion Zionism