תמונות בעמוד

Index of Names

Apthorpe, East (1753-1816), Letters on
the Prevalence of Christianity, 308
Arblay, Alexandre G. P. d', 63, 261

Frances Burney, Madame d' (1752–
1840), 46, 63 ff. (main entry), 135, 150,
254, 259 ff. (main entry), 267
Camilla, 64, 66, 261
Cecilia, 63, 64, 66

Diary and Letters, 63, 65, 260, 261
Early Diary, 260
Evelina, 15, 64 ff., 259
Wanderer, The, 63, 64, 66

Arbury, Warwickshire, 113
Arcadia, 179

Ardagh, 197

Arden of Feversham, 73

Arianism, 360, 362, 371, 372, 377 ff.,

384 ff.

[blocks in formation]

Bacon, Anthony, 295

Francis, Essays, 206
Badenoch, 230, 232


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Bonhill, 36

Bonstetten, Charles-Victor de, 134
Bonwicke, Ambrose (1652-1722), ▲ Pat-
tern for Young Students, 356

Booby, lady, in Fielding's Joseph An-
drews, 24

squire, in Fielding's Joseph An-
drews, 24

Booth, in Fielding's Amelia, 23, 33
Barton, 21

Boswell, Alexander, 192

James (1740-1795), 157, 158, 161,
164, 167, 168, 172, 174, 176, 181 ff.,
187, 189 ff. (main entry), 200, 207,
213, 215, 216, 259, 263, 312, 482
Account of Corsica, 192
Boswelliana, 193

British Essays in favour of the Brave
Corsicans, 192

Critical Strictures on Malloch's Elvira
(by Boswell, Erskine, and Dempster),

Cub at Newmarket, The, 191

Dorando, 191

Elegy on the death of an amiable
young lady, 191

Essence of the Douglas Cause, 191
Hypochrondriack, The, 192

Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides,

Life of Johnson, 181, 184, 186, 189,
190, 193, 194, 260, 267, 289, 291
'Memoirs (in The European Maga-
zine), 193

No Abolition of Slavery, 193
Ode to Tragedy, 191, 193

On the Alarming Attempt to infringe
the Articles of the Union, 193
On the present state of the Nation, 193
Songs in the Justiciary Opera, 192

Index of Names

[blocks in formation]

Brett, Thomas (1667-1744), 356, 515
Bridgnorth academy, 385, 387
Brigden, Mrs, 61

Briggs, Mr, in Burney's Cecilia, 64
Brine, head of Bristol academy, 387
Brisk, Fastidious, in Every Man out of
his Humour, 50

Bristol, 165, 236, 237, 268, 269, 822,
353, 362; academy, 887; Colston's
hospital, 287; St Mary Redcliffe, 236
Britannia, in Thomson's Castle of In-
dolence, 107

British Magazine, The, 41, 205
'British shell,' 143
Briton, The, 390 ff.

Broadley, A. M., and Seccombe, T.,
Doctor Johnson and Mrs Thrale, 157
Brockett, Lawrence, 131, 133
Brooke, Frances (1724-1789), 426

Henry (1703?-1783), 46, 55, 58 ff.
(main entry)
Farmer's Letters, 58

Fool of Quality, The, 15, 49, 58 ff.
Gustavus Vasa, 165

Juliet Grenville, 60

Brough, Westmorland, 133

Brown, John (1715-1766), 426; The
Estimate, 133, 136

lady, 126

P. Hume, History of Scotland, 281
Browne, Sir Thomas, Christian Morals,

[blocks in formation]

Bullen, A. H., 161


Bunbury, Henry William, 215
Bunyan, John, 1, 9, 20, 26, 383; Pil-
grim's Progress, 2

Burchell, Mr, in Vicar of Wakefield,


Burgersdyck, F., 198

Burgh, William (1741-1808), Enquiry,
308; Political Disquisitions, 308
Burke, Edmund, 63, 64, 207, 215, 262,
264 ff., 306, 316, 317, 405 ff.
On the Sublime, 202
Reflections, 251, 344

Short Account of a Short Administra-
tion, 399

Thoughts on the Present Discontents,

Burmann, Peter, 164

Burnet, Gilbert, 115, 117, 854, 373, 379
Burnett, James, Lord Monboddo (1714–
1799), 518

Burney, Charles, 63, 260, 268

Burney, Frances. See Arblay, Madame d'.
Burnham, 117

Burns, Robert, 224, 226

Burrhus, in Racine's Britannicus, 119
Burton, John Hill, Life of Hume, 283,
284, 289, 293, 321, 323

Robert, 50

Bury, Arthur (1624-1713), The Naked
Gospel, 878

J. B., 313 ff., 318
Busy Body, The, 205

Bute, John Stuart, 3rd earl of, 41, 181,
390 ff., 394, 396, 399, 401

Butler, Joseph (1692-1752), 351, 358,
360 ff., 381, 886; Analogy, 361, 362;
Sermons, 361, 362

Samuel, Hudibras, 396
Erewhon, 42

Button, Ralph, 385

Byng, John, 244

Byrne, Thomas, 196, 197

Byrom, John, Enthusiasm,' 350

Byron, George Gordon, Lord, 152, 154,
155, 236, 242,

Harold, 301

253, 254;


Harriet, in Richardson's Sir Charles
Grandison, 10, 62

Byzantine empire, 814

Cadell, Thomas, 213

Cadesia, battle of, 281
Cadwallader, 154

Caesar, Julius, 27, 119, 284, 319
Caffyn, Matthew, 378
Cain, 376

Calamy, Edmund (1671-1732), 373, 386,
387; Abridgement of the Life of Baxter,
374; Defence of Moderate Conformity,
374; Historical Account of my own Life,

Calcraft, John, 409, 410

Calderwood, Margaret (1715-1774), 493
Caledonia, 231

Caledonian verse, 232

Calista, in Rowe's Fair Penitent, 74

Callington, Cornwall, 244
Calton in Craven, 386
Calvin, John, 370

Calvinism, 364, 367, 368, 376, 381, 383
Calvinistic methodists, 364, 365

Cambridge, 47, 117, 118, 121, 122, 128,
130, 131, 133, 262, 300, 310, 857,
359, 360, 397

Corpus Christi college, 131
Gaol, 280

Jesus college, 342

King's college, 117, 243
Magdalene college, 359

Pembroke college, 117, 123, 124, 128,
131, 132, 281

Peterhouse, 116, 117, 133

St John's college, 393

Cambridgeshire, 280

Camden, Charles Pratt, 1st earl, 263
William, 293

Camelford, Thomas Pitt, 1st lord, 250
Camilla Lacey, Mme d'Arblay's house,

Campbell, Archibald, 131

bp of Aberdeen, 355

George (1719-1796), 347; Disserta-

tion on Miracles, 348; Philosophy of
Rhetoric, 348

'Candor,' 399, 400, 405

[blocks in formation]

poets, 151

Caroline, queen, 274, 353

Carré, H., Histoire de France, 283
Carstares, William, 295
Cartagena, 36, 37, 41

Carte, Thomas (1686-1754), 291, 293, 355;
History of England, 280; Life of James,
Duke of Ormond, 280, 294, 295

Carter, Elizabeth, 171

'Cataline, Colonel,' 393

Catalogus Bibliothecae Harleianae, 166
Catharine II, empress of Russia, 246,
266, 288

Catherlough, Robert Knight, earl of (lord
Luxborough), 272, 273

Caulah, in Ockley's History of the
Saracens, 281
Causidicade, The, 28

Cave, Edward, 162 ff., 175

Cecil, in Kelly's False Delicacy, 91
Celadon, in Thomson's Seasons, 103
Celesia, Dorothea (Mallet; 1738-1790),
Almida, 86, 439
Celticism, 230, 296

Centlivre, Susannah (1667?-1723), 71 ff.
Artifice, The, 72

Bold Stroke for a Wife, 72
Busy-Body, The, 72
Marplot in Lisbon, 72

Perjur'd Husband, The, 72
Wonder, The, 72

'Cerbera' (Mrs Schwellenberg), 260

Cervantes, Miguel de, 26, 44, 50 ff.; Don

Quixote, 25, 40, 51, 52

Chabot, Madame, 248

Chalmers, Alexander, 138, 153, 154, 172
George, 463

Chambers, Sir William, 199
Chamier, Anthony, 405

Champion, The, 23, 24, 27

Chance, J. F., 295

Chandler, Samuel (1693-1766), 386; Case

of Subscription, 374; History of Per-
secution, 374

Chapelain, Jean, 220

Chapone, Hester, 171, 270

Chappell, W., 233

Charles I, king of England, 279, 283, 286,

287, 290, 295, 318, 355


II, king of England, 287, 290, 351,

VIII, king of France, 303

of Sweden, 169

the Great, 314

Charlotte, in Goethe's Werther, 227
queen, 63, 65, 260

Chatham, countess of, 276

William Pitt, 1st earl of, 102, 164,
190, 250, 256, 263, 272, 273, 388,
390 ff., 398, 399, 402, 403, 406, 408 ff.
Chatsworth, 131

Chatterton, Thomas (1752-1770), 234 ff.
(main entry), 239

Bristowe Tragedie, 234

Consuliad, 399

Elinoure and Juga, 235, 238

Excelente Balade of Charitie, 235
Revenge, The, 237

Ryse of Peyncteyning in Englande, 237
Saxon Atchievements, 237

Songe to Ella, 235

Unknown Knight, The, 236

Chaucer, Geoffrey, 183, 218, 219, 221,
223, 227, 236, 239, 241; Knight's Tale,
230; Sir Thopas, 154

Chauncy, Isaac, 384; Neo-Nomianism
Unmasked, 377

Chelsum, James (1740?-1801), _Remarks
on...Mr Gibbon's History, 307
Cheltenham, 277

Chenevix, Richard, 256, 257
Cherokee, 57

[blocks in formation]

Conference, The, 397

Duellist, The, 896, 397

Epistle to William Hogarth, 396, 398
Farewell, The, 397

Ghost, The, 179, 397

Gotham, 397

Independence, 397, 398
Journey, The, 897
Night, 395

Prophecy of Famine, The, 394, 396, 398
Rosciad, The, 394, 395, 398
Times, The, 397

Cibber, Colley (1671-1757), 21, 39, 67, 68,
81, 92, 216, 428; Apology, 24, 70, 71;
Careless Husband, 72; Non-Juror, 89

Susannah Maria, 264

Theophilus (1703–1758), 24, 85;
Lives of the Poets, 77, 184
Cicero, M. Tullius, 159, 197, 819
Citizen of the World, Letters from a, 53,
171, 199, 206, 207, 209, 229

Claire, in Rousseau's La Nouvelle Héloïse,

Clairon, Mlle, 264

[blocks in formation]

Clephane, Dr, 284

Clerke, Gilbert, 359, 877
Cliefdon. See Cliveden


Clinker, Humphrey, in Smollett's novel,


Clive, Catherine, 22, 254, 264
Cliveden, 108, 109

'Club, The,' 181, 187, 192, 207, 212, 214,
260, 261, 264

Cluverius, Philippus, 305
Clwyd, vale of, 115

Clytemnestra, in Thomson's Agamemnon,

Cobham, Lady, 126

Sir Richard Temple, viscount, 103
Cock lane ghost, 179, 206

Cockburn, Henry Thomas Cockburn,
Lord, Journal, 324; Life of Jeffrey,

Cole, Thomas, 385

William, 249, 255

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 137, 186, 316
Ancient Mariner, 217, 234
Christabel, 236

Kubla Khan, 153

Lyrical Ballads, 217

Collection of Original Poems, by the Rev.
Mr Blacklock and other Scottish Gentle-
men, 191

Collier, Jeremy, 70, 72; Short View of
the...English Stage, 67

Collier, John ['Tim Bobbin'] (1708-1786),


Collier, Thomas, 877
Collingtree, 365

Collins, Arthur (1690?-1760), 500

Benjamin, 207, 209, 210, 482

William (1721-1759), 60, 87, 98,
182, 188, 142 ff. (main entry), 147,
149, 153, 156, 164, 183, 186, 230
Dirge in Cymbeline, 126, 144
Eclogues, 148

'How sleep the brave,' 143, 144
Ode...death of Mr Thomson, 109
Ode to Evening, 125, 148, 144, 218
Ode to Liberty, 144
Ode to Simplicity, 128
Odes, 142 ff.

Superstitions of the Highlands, 144
Collison-Morley, L., Giuseppe Baretti,

Colman, George, the elder (1732-1794),
77, 89 ff., 211, 214, 480, 439
Clandestine Marriage, 91 ff.
Deuce is in Him, 90
English Merchant, 86
Jealous Wife, 89 ff.
Musical Lady, 90
Philaster, 90

Polly Honeycombe, 89

Columbus, Christopher, 289
Colyton academy, 385
Comment, Cuthbert.




Commons, house of, 3, 84, 94, 163, 244,
283, 284, 296, 306, 320, 399, 401,

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