תמונות בעמוד



Northampton, Mass.

THE SABBATH SCHOOL TEACHER; designed to aid in elevating and perfecting the Sabbath School System. By Rev. JOHN TODD, Pastor of the First Congregational Church, Philadelphia: Author of "Lectures to Children," ""Student's Manual," &c.


From Rev. Henry Althans, Editor of the London Edition. Happily for the cause, Mr. Todd has not only made the first attempt to take an enlarged view of the power of Sunday Schools, but he has also given decided evidence of his competency to grasp the subject in all its fullness. It must be really refreshing to every one who loves Sabbath Schools, and desires to see them prosperous, to notice how Mr. Todd brings his fine talents to bear in the true spirit of the system, to excite teachers assiduously to cultivate this spirit; and in connection with it, to aim at those needful acquirements by which they shall be better qualified for their work, and take more interest and delight in pursuing it, with proper motives, well regulated habits, and settled dispositions to self-improvement, patient labor, watchfulness and fervent prayer. With a happy instinct, he has seized upon the main points and features of the system, and has admirably brought them out.

From the Sunday School Teacher's Magazine-London, December, 1837.

Instead, therefore, of being ambitious to strike out some new-fangled scheme for the management of Sabbath Schools,

Mr. Todd has availed himself of existing elements, and moulds them to his purpose, after a symmetrical design. And whatever opinions may be entertained about this production, its author cannot be charged with having performed his task slenderly; in short, he has tasked his utmost powers; as though he had a credit at stake, and brings out the moral grandeur of his su ject with wonderful power. We give our entire approval of the work, as being, without controversy, the most extensive and elaborate treatise on the practical business of Sunday School teaching with which we are conversant.

THE STUDENT'S MANUAL; designed by specific directions, to aid in forming and strengthening the intellectual and moral character and habits of the Student. By Rev. JOHN TODD, Pastor of the Edwards Church, Northampton.


From Rev. Thomas Dale, Editor of the London edition.

We will venture to predict that no student who will gird himself to the perusal of this work, more especially the two last chapters, which contain "the conclusion of the whole matter," will rise from it without having become a wiser, and, with God's help, a better man. It will teach him to "flee youthful Justs;" it will stir him up to "lay hold on eternal life." It will nerve him for the time of action; it will strengthen him for the hour of trial; it will prepare him, by God's blessing, to realize the two great objects of his probationary existence-present usefulness and eternal glory.

Extract of a Letter from Professor Stuart to the Author.

I thank you very cordially for your Student's Manual. I have not found time yet to read it through; but I have read a number of chapters, and highly approve of both the design and execution. It cannot fail to do good. It will attract by its manly independence of tone, as well as by the sparkling brilliancy of its thoughts. Macte virtute! Persevere in your own advice, and it cannot be that you will not reap a bountiful harvest.


From the Knickerbocker.

We do not often meet with a book which contains a greater amount of sound counsel, and honest sense, than this. The views of the author are in general most judicious; the plans he lays out and enforces are good; and action upon them could scarcely fail to be productive of the best results. He has brought to his task a mind whose experience has been large, and whose acquirements and discrimination are every where apparent. Ends, desirable to be reached, are pointed out with remarkable perspicuity, and the whole scope and intention of the volume cannot be too highly praised.

LECTURES TO CHILDREN; familiarly illustrating important truth. By Rev. JOHN TODD, Pastor of the Edwards Church, Northampton.


From the New York Evangelist.

We take peculiar pleasure in recommending this little book to our youthful readers as an important acquisition to the juvenile literature of our country. The author has succeeded in adapting his style to those for whom he writes. His illustrations are so simple, that we think they cannot fail to bring his subjects down, or rather to carry them up to the comprehension of the youngest reader. But few authors can write successfully for children. To do so requires not merely science and a general acquaintance with the laws of mind, but a practical knowledge of the peculiar operations of the infant intellect. This knowledge can be acquired only from personal intercourse with children, by one who loves them. The style of this book is somewhat like that of Abbott's works, yet abounding more in anecdotal illustration, and evidently designed for the youngest readers. The author's points are briefly and simply stated; his illustrations attractive, beautiful and satisfactory.

My dear sir,

Testimony of Children.

"Todd's Lectures to Children," is a good book. I love it and you too. I am only seven years old, and do not know how to write letters very well, but I am your loving little boy.

A. M. S.

My dear sir,

I write this to tell you how much I admire your "Lectures."
I read them every Sunday morning with my mother and little
brother. He shouts when he sees the book, it is so easy to un-
derstand, and so interesting. I hope it will do us good, and
thank you for taking the trouble to write it.

Your affectionate little friend,

From Abbott's Magazine.

M. H. S.

This book is, in our opinion, written in the right style, and
on the right principles for interesting and benefitting children.
It must take strong hold of them and do them good. The sev-
eral lectures are on the most important subjects connected with
the salvation of the soul; they come directly to the point;
they are full, perhaps too full of anecdote and illustration; the
little reader, however, cannot avoid understanding the bearing
of all, and will with difficulty shelter his conscience from its

JECTS; intended as a Manual, to aid the
Student and the Professional Man in pre-
paring himself for usefulness. With an In-
troduction, illustrating its utility and method
of use. By Rev. JOHN TODD, Pastor of the
Edwards Church, Northampton.


From Professor Olmsted, of Yale College.

I am happy to say, that the plan and execution of the Index
Rerum, are both such as will fully meet my approbation; and
I shall recommend it to my pupils, as a valuable auxiliary to
their studies.

From Professor Worcester, of Amherst College.

It is just the thing. I have never had a system so complete
as yours. I shall take an early opportunity to speak to the
whole body of students in regard to it, and shall advise every
man to buy a copy.

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