Hidden Wisdom: Esoteric Traditions and the Roots of Christian Mysticism. Second, Revised and Enlarged paperback editionBRILL, 1 ביוני 2005 - 229 עמודים This book investigates the problem of esoteric traditions in early Christianity, their origin and their transformation in Patristic hermeneutics, in the West as well as in the East. It argues that these traditions eventually formed the basis of nascent Christian mysticism in Late Antiquity. These esoteric traditions do not reflect the influence of Greek Mystery religions, as has often been claimed, but rather seem to stem from the Jewish background of Christianity. They were adopted by various Gnostic teachings, a fact which helps explaining their eventual disappearance from Patristic literature. The eleven chapters study each a different aspect of the problem, including the questions of Gnostic and Manichaean esotericism. This book will be of interest to all students of religious history in Late Antiquity. Revised and extended paperback edition. Originally published in 1996. Please click here for details. |
Introduction | 1 |
Cultural Hermeneutics in Late Antiquity | 11 |
Esoteric Traditions in Early Christianity | 27 |
III Gnostic Secret Myths | 46 |
IV Esotericism in Manis Thought and Background | 63 |
New Testament Canonization in Context | 79 |
Esoteric Trends in Patristic Hermeneutics | 92 |
VII Clement Origen and Jewish Esoteric Traditions | 109 |
Augustine and the End of Ancient Esotericism | 132 |
IX From Esotericism to Mysticism in Early Christianity | 147 |
X Mystical Descents | 169 |
JudaeoChristian and Gnostic Theologies of the Name | 184 |
201 | |
203 | |
מונחים וביטויים נפוצים
according ainigma ancient Apocalypse Apocalypse of Adam apocryphal apostles arcana attitude Augustine Biblical Burkert canon Celsus Cerf Chadwick chapter Christ Christian esotericism Church Clement of Alexandria conception context Contra Celsum cultic cultural Daniélou descent developed disciples Divine Name early Christian enigma esoteric doctrines esoteric traditions esoteric trends esotericism Eusebius fourth century G.G. Stroumsa Gnosis Gnostic Gnostic texts Gospel Gospel of Thomas Greek Haer Hebrew Hekhalot Hellenic Hellenistic hermeneutical hidden Holy Ibid insists instance intellectual interpretation Irenaeus Jesus Jewish-Christian Jews Judaism katabasis language late antiquity Layton Leiden Maimonides Manichaean metaphor Moses musterion mystery cults myth Nag Hammadi Nock oral traditions Origen pagan Paris Patristic philosophical Plutarch quoted Rabbinic refers reflect religion religious revealed riddles Scholem Scriptures second century secrecy secret doctrines secret traditions spiritual Strom Stromateis supra teric Testament theology thought thunder tion transformation transl truth understanding University Press Valentinian various words writings