תמונות בעמוד

cloaks, stockings, gowns, and blankets, and bade his wife give them to the poor people that had gathered about the house to get a sight of the grand feast the poor brother had made for the rich one, and to sniff the delightful odors that came from the kitchen.

The rich man was very envious of his brother's good fortune, and wanted to borrow the mill, intending for he was not an honest man-never to return it again. His brother would not lend it, for the old man with the white beard had told him never to sell or lend it to any one, no matter what inducements might be offered.

Some years went by, and at last the possessor of the mill built himself a grand castle on a rock by the sea, facing west. Its windows, reflecting the golden sunset, could be seen far out from the shore, and it became a noted landmark for sailors. Strangers from foreign parts often came to see this castle and the wonderful mill, of which the most extraordinary tales were told.

At length a great foreign merchant came, and when he had seen the mill, inquired whether it would grind salt. Being told that it would, he wanted to buy it, for he traded in salt, and thought that if he owned the mill he could supply all his customers without taking long and dangerous voyages.

He was

The man would not sell it, of course. so rich now that he did not want to use it for himself; but every Christmas he ground out food and clothes and coal for the poor, and nice presents for the little children. So he rejected all the offers of the rich merchant, who, however, determined to have it. He bribed one of the man's servants to let

him go into the castle at night, and he stole the mill and sailed away in triumph, feeling certain that his fortune was made.

He had scarcely got out to sea before he determined to set the mill to work. "Now, mill, grind salt," said he; "grind salt with all your might!Salt, salt, and nothing but salt!" The mill began to grind, and the sailors to fill the sacks; but these were soon full, and in spite of all that could be done, it began to fill the ship.

The dishonest merchant was now very much frightened. What was to be done? The mill would not stop grinding; and at last the ship was overloaded, and down it went, making a great whirlpool where it sank.

The ship went to pieces; but the mill stands on the bottom of the sea, and keeps grinding out “salt, salt, nothing but salt!" That is the reason, say the peasants of Denmark and Norway, why the sea is salt.


NOTE. The pronunciation of difficult words is indicated by respelling them phonetically. N is used to indicate the French nasal sound; K the sound of ch in German; ü the sound of the German ü, and French u; ö the sound of ö in foreign languages.

ÆGIR, e' jur
ETNA, et' nah

ÆSOP, e' sop

AHASUERUS, a haz" u e' rus
ALCIBIADES, al sy bi' a deez
APOLLO, a pol' lo

ASCALAPHUS, as kal' a fus

ASCHAM, as' kam

ASGARD, ahs' gahrd

AUBURN, aw' burn

BABYLON, bab' y lun

BELLEROPHON, bel ler' o fon

BREIDABLIK, bri' da blik
CANUTE, kan ute'

CEPHALOPOD, sef' a lo pod

CERES, seer' eez

DANEBROG, dan' e brog
DU CHAILLU, dü shay lü'
CHANTILLY, shahn til' le

CHIMERA, ki me' rah

CLYMENE, klim' e ne

CONVOLVULUS, kon vol' vu lus

CYANE, si an e

DEMETER, de me' tur

DRAUPNIR, drowp' neer
FRIGGA, frig' gah

GIALL, gi' ahl

GÖTTINGEN, göt' ting en

HAMMEDATHA, ham med' a thah
HEGE, he' je

HEIMDAL, hime' dahl

HELA, he' lah

HELICON, hel' i con

HIPPOCRENE, hip o kre' ne

IOBATES, i ob' a teez

JULIUS CAESAR, ju' lius se' zer

LYCIA, lish' i ah

MATSUYANA, mah" tsoo yah' nah

METANIRA, met a ni' rah

MORDECAI, mor' de ki

MUNCHAUSEN, mun chaw' sen

NEBUCHADNEZZAR, neb" u kad nez' zar

NICHOLAS, nik' o las

ODENSE, o' den sa

PEGASUS, peg' a sus

PERSEPHONE, per sef' o ne

PHAETHON, fa' e thon

[blocks in formation]
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