תמונות בעמוד

guages; and from this supply they had immediately forwarded to the army 150 Slavonian Bibles, and 1680 New Testaments, in order that the desire of our warriors for these holy volumes, for which they are ready to pay, might in some degree be satisfied. The Committee of the Russian Bible Society have resolved to transmit them a fresh supply.

According to advice from the Witepskian Committee, many inqui ries are making there after the Scriptures in the Slavonian, German, Polish, and Hebrew languages. The Polish and Hebrew copies which were sent from hence, were disposed of soon after their arrival. The Military Orphan School at Witepsk, has been supplied with Polish New Testaments.

The copies of the Four Evangelists, and the Acts of the Apostles in Hebrew, sent to the Committee at Wilna, have been eagerly bought by the Jews there; for which reason they have requested a further supply. The Israelites have also inquired after copies of the whole Bible.

By the edition of the Gospel of St. Matthew, which the Committee of the Russian Bible Society have undertaken to print at Astrachan, at their expense, in the Kirgesian dialect of the Tartar language, the Tobolsk Tartars, and the Buchars, will also be benefited.

The Committee at Resan write, that the sum of money they have remitted hither, includes 110 rubles, being the contribution of the Tartars, in the circle of Kassimoff, who have expressed a wish for copies of the complete Bible in the Tartar language.

The correspondent of the Russian Bible Society, Director of Schools, Mr. Manpe, in Taganrog, writes, that the sale of the copies of the Holy Scriptures, sent from hence in various languages, is proceeding: Greeks and Turks come in numbers to purchase them.

Although many copies have been distributed gratuitously, the money received for those sold will amount to something considerable. Demands have been made from thence for copies in Polish, German, French, and Italian.

Michael, Archbishop of Irkutsk, writes, that no sooner had he published an account in his diocess of the object of the Bible Society, and given notice of his intention to establish a Branch Society there, than numberless inquiries were made after copies of the Holy Scriptures from every quarter, even by the Heathen, and those sent into banishment, who offered to pay for them out of the money they may be able to earn.

The correspondent of the lately established Auxiliary Society in Kieff, expresses himself in his letter to the Committee among other things, as follows:-" The establishment of the Russian Bible Society is a most sacred undertaking; it is from the Lord himself, who will have all men to be saved, and come to the knowledge of the truth. To every nation the salvation has been proclaimed in their own tongue; and these nations, if they are attentive to his voice, which calls them to behold the light of the Gospel, will unite, as it were, into one pious family, which, illumined by the light of faith,

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will become one fold, attending to no other call, than that of their Shepherd, Christ. They will then form a blessed fraternity, a heavenly communion, united like the angels in love to God and man, and with one voice and heart, devoted to our Saviour, and his doctrines, proclaim the praise of the tri-une God. Those who have hitherto sat in darkness, and the shadow of death, begin already to perceive the light, and discover that in this light everlasting life is clearly to be discerned.

"May the labours and exertions of the Russian Bible Society be blessed for the exaltation of the name of the Most High. Upon this foundation a Branch of the Russian Bible Society has lately been established in the town of Kieff, renowned for ages as the birth place of many zealous promoters of the true knowledge of God, by which the vine in the vineyard of Christ in Russia will bring forth fruit in abundance."


Correspondence of the London Rel. Tract Society. (Concluded.) SWEDEN.

From the Report of the Evangelical Society for 1816.

Next to making a provision of Tracts, it became the duty of your Committee to take care that all were satisfactorily distributed throughout the land; to effect which, they not only made use of the means already particularized in the Reports of the preceding years, but extended their sphere of action into a diocess standing much in need of it, that of Wexio, where hitherto little has been done, the members of the Society residing in very distant parts from each other, and being thus prevented from holding much mutual communication. At length your committee succeeded to their utmost wish, having found in the Rev. Mr. Lindvall, the secretary to the Consistorial Court at Wexio, a willing, zealous, and active Agent, who has in good earnest set about this desirable work.

Your committee have assiduously turned their attention to Students and Scholars, both at the several Gymnasiums, (a secondrate university,) and at the Public Schools in general in order to awaken among them attention to this work of God in the Land, and impress their yet teachable minds with the same good which others have received, your committee selected suitable Tracts, and sent them to the Bishops, with a respectful address, and a request that they would dispose of them conformably to your Committee's views. The most agreeable replies have been received, justly demanding this public testimony, so honourable to the character of the several Right Reverend Prelates.

In Lapland and other nothern regions, the prospect of a more extensive circulation of the Society's Tracts opens, especially by means of a man of considerable rank, whose official duties will induce him to visit in person those distant places. His known zeal for the glory of the Lord and the increase of his kingdom, is a guarantee to your committee, that he will not be lukewarm, either

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in this business or the distribution of the Holy Scriptures.-May the Lord God prosper this blessed and benevolent purpose!

The total number of Tracts that have been printed by your Society since its establishment, amount to 1,203,750; and the distribution to 1,014,324 copies.

That the perusal of these Tracts has been attended with the blessing of God, for much good, is no hypothesis, but an ascertained fact; which your Committee's correspondence with country places fully establishes; of which the Society may with delight satisfy themselves, by perusal of the Extracts contained in the Appendix. An impression has been made, for which the parties concerned, not only while upon earth, but, your Committee trust, by God's grace, in Heaven also, will have cause to give praise, blessing and honour to His name to whom these Tracts, in such plain and unassuming language, direct every broken hearted sinner, for salvation;-in the same spirit as that which made John the Baptist cry aloud to his hearers," Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world!"


From the Rev. R. Pinkerton. St. Petersburg, Aug. 12th, 1817. Along with this I send you a copy of the Missionary Transactions, in Russ; a copy of Buchanan's Researches, in the same language: and a copy of an excellent little work, which the wothy princess has written and lately published, for the instruction of Russian youth in the saving doctrines of Christ; called, Coversations between a Mother and her Children, on Spiritual Subjects. I intended also to have sent you a third Volume of our Religious Tracts; but I see this must remain to another occasion, as I have no time before Mr. R. sets off, to get a copy bound. The printing and circulation of Tracts in the Russian language are going forward with great success. The number of Tracts printed, up to this date, is 156,000. The demands for them, from the most distant parts of Russia, are continually augmenting; and the following extracts of letters to a Nobleman, from the first dignitaries of the Russian Church, will show to you the estimation in which these most useful Publications are held by the Pastors of the flock of Christ in this great empire.

1. The Bishop of Irkutsk, among other things, writes concerning the Tracts as follows;

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"These Tracts are invaluable, because they are founded on the "Word of God. In one week the whole number sent me (532 "copies) were bought up with great avidity by those who love pious reading. It required no particular care or exertion on my "part to dispose of them. At first, I gave away a few of them to "some well-diposed persons, whose recommendations of them soon brought others, who desired to read them also. Your hopes are "therefore already realized; for now the demands upon me for these "Tracts are so numerous, that, had I had four or five times more

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than were sent, they would have been already disposed of. En"closing Ninety Rubles for those formerly sent, I beg your Excel"lency to do me a new favour, by sending me two or three thousand copies more of these compositions." "Irkutsk, May 23d, 1817.

(Signed) "MICHAEL.".

2. From Gaius, Archbishop of Astrachan. April 28th, 1817. "The Compositions and Translations of a certain pious Lady, labouring for the good of souls, I had the honour of receiving; "and they have been received by all who got copies of them "with great satisfaction. The money received for them, One Hun"dred Rubles, I transmit to your Excellency. This the purchasers "most willingly gave; and there are still very many persons who "desire and pray to be supplied with these useful Publications. "And therefore I humbly beg your Excellency to send me as many, "and, if possible, more than I first received, of these Tracts, to "satisfy the longings of thirsty souls, desirous of reading them for "their benefit on all occasions."

3. From Doritheos, Bishop of Orlaff.

"The 532 Religious and Moral tracts, translated and printed. by the efforts of a religious Lady, I had the satisfaction to receive; "and it is with peculiar pleasure that I have fulfilled the commission "of your Excellency, so beneficial and edifying for Christian souls. "Those Tracts are already all distributed to such persons as wished "to possess them; and the money collected for them I herewith "send to your Excellency, begging at the same time to be furnish"ed with a number more of these Publications; for, after they were "all gone, many persons came forward expressing their desires to possess them."


4. From Athanasius, Bishop of Penza. May 29th, 1817. "The Tracts, in consequence of their soul-edifying contents, are "so much sought after, that the whole number of Copics sent have "been disposed of in the City of Penza alone, without sending any "of them to other parts of my Diocess. Enclosing the money re"ceived for them, I beg your Excellency to send me Tracts for Two 66 Hundred Rubles more."

5. From Serguis, Bishop of Rezan. July 4th, 1817.

"The pious publisher of these writings may rest assured that her "labours have not been in vain. I myself have repeatedly witness"ed the great good produced by them, particularly among young "persons. May the Lord bless her, and continue her zeal; and by his Almighty power enable her to publish a still greater num "ber of Tracts of the same kind!"

These, my dear friend, are fair specimens of numerous testimonies received from the different parts of Russia, respecting the utility of Religious Tracts. I am sure they cannot fail to prove gratifying to you and the other members of the Religious Tract Society, to whom I desire to be affectionately remembered.

Yours, in labour and love,



From the Rev. Dr. Henderson. London, Dec. 16th, 1817. Owing to my having been called, last year, to proceed to Russia, my correspondence with Iceland has necessarily been interrupted; and I have no later accounts from that quarter than the letter from the Rev. Mr. Johnson, which I find you have published in the last Report of the Religious Tract Society. That our friend, however, has not relaxed in his exertions, will be evident from the following list of Tracts which he has translated, and sent to Copenhagen to be printed. Some of these are already in circulation; and the rest were about to be put to the press when I passed through that city, about two months ago. Those marked with an asterisk are of the Tracts of your Society.

Tracts prepared by the Icelandic Society.

No. 1. Thoughts on Christianity, interspersed with Examples. 2. The True nature of the Religion of Jesus.

3. An Excitement to Serious reflection; addressed to al who wish to be truly happy.

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4. A Christian Mirror for Children.

*5. The Warning Voice.

6. The Praise of God, from the Mouth of a Child.

*7. The Great Question Answered.

8. The One Thing Necdful.

*9. The Bravery and Happy Death of James Covey. *10. A Dialogue between a Traveller and yourself.

*11. Poor Joseph.

*12. Vivian's Three Dialogues between a Clergyman and one of his Parishioners.

That the influences of the Divine Spirit may accompany the Tracts circulated by the Society, is the sincere prayer of

Your most obedient Servant,



Frou a Minister. Nov. 5th, 1817.

The supply of Religious Tracts, in various languages, kindly sent by the Religious Tract Society, have been thankfully recived, and nearly all distributed. I have had many proofs of the good produced by giving them in the Army. Three of our Society were awakened by reading the Tract sent by the Committee and distributed by me. If the Committee can keep me at work, I shall be very thankful to continue in their honourable service, striving more faithfully to bring about the object they have in view. Wishing the Society continued prosperity, I remain, your obliged friend, in Christian bonds, THOMAS DAVIES.


From the Silver Street Auxiliary Society.

We have heard of an instance of usefulness by the means of one of the Tracts distributed by us, and upon which we can place de

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