תמונות בעמוד
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with the Buccinum Lapillus, and they gave the like result. Those I made use of were collected by my friend Dr. Farran, at Howth and Malahide, where they abound in such quantities on the rocks, that tons weight of them could be collected in a short time.

On breaking the shell, the colouring fluid will be found contained in a receptacle, lying in a sulcus, behind the neck of the animal. This receptacle can be at once distinguished by the whitish-grey colour of the fluid that it contains, and by its tortuous, worm-like, appearance. On removing this, which is of the consistence of cream, with a sharp-pointed instrument, and applying it to any linen, woollen, cotton, or silken textures, it, in a few seconds, assumes a straw-colour, then a light green; presently, the margin of the coloured part becomes a pinkish red, and, as the drying proceeds, the whole deepens into a vivid purple, which, on washing, increases in lustre and intensity. It must, however, be exposed to solar light, and the more intense the light, the sooner will the changes of colour take place, and the more beautiful the tint produced.

To show the effect of light upon this substance, the following experiment may be instanced. I soaked a piece of flannel in a solution of this juice, and pinned it against the window-frame, in a strong light; having been called away, I did not remove the bit of flannel for above two hours. When I returned, I found that the side next the light had assumed the usual purple colour, but the reverse side, that away from the light, and which was also perfectly dry, had remained a green-that hue which is the second step in the transition, and this colour it maintained.

I do not believe that there was any mordant used to strike or fix this dye, for it is an animal indigo, and contains a mordant in itself; there was no need, therefore, of the tin which the ships of Tarshish brought from Cornwall, being used for this purpose. And the salt, mentioned by Pliny, seems to me to have been used, not as mordant, but in order to purge out the juice from the animals, and Templeman has proved that salt has no effect whatever.

"It was found," says the writer of the article in the Belfast Magazine, and I have had similar results, "that after the colour was fixed at its last natural change, nitrous, no more than vitriolic acid, had no other effect than that of rather brightening it;

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aqua regia, with and without solution of tin, and marine acid, produced no change; nor had fixed or volatile alkali any sensible effect."

I found that the colour decreases in lustre by the animal being kept for any time out of its natural element. From the experiments upon the Turbo Clathrus I quote the following:

"As the animal becomes sickly by keeping for some days in sea-water, it frequently discharges a most beautiful purple liquor. This circumstance was known to Plancus, who observes that it is one of those shells which yield the purple dye of the Mediterranean; and which is also recorded by Martini. It may, indeed, with much reason, be conjectured that this is really one of the shells from the animal of which the ancients procured their famous purple dye; though if Pliny is consulted, the shells that produced this precious colour were either Murices or Buccines, or both. Glowing with Tyrian Murex,' is an expression of Virgil, that indicates it to have been collected from shells of that genus only; but we must recollect that Conchology was at the time of those writers, in its very infancy; scarcely systematized, or formed into any divisions, so that Turbo Clathrus may possibly have some claim to the credit of contributing to the celebrated Tyrian Murex."

The colour of this animal differs, however, materially from that of the Buccinum Lapillus, for,

"Mineral acids turn it to a bluish green, or sea-green; sulphuric acid renders it a shade more inclining to blue: vegetable acids probably do not affect it, since cream of tartar did not in the least alter it. These colours laid on paper, were very bright, and appeared for some months unchanged by the action of the air, or the sun; but being exposed for a whole summer to the solar rays, in a south window, they almost vanished. The application of alkali to the acidulated colour always restored it to its primitive state, and was as readily changed again by mineral acid; in particular it differs materially from the succus of Buccinum Lapillus, which we have before remarked is unalterable. Its property is materially different from litmus, which is turned from blue to red, with the most trifling mixture of any acid. It differs, also, from vegetable colours in general by not being affected

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by alkali, which turns the infusion of blue or purple flowers to green."

No reliance can, I conceive, be placed on the accounts of the ancients, as to what the exact animal was; some supposing it to have been a Purpura, some a Murex, and others a Buccinum or a Turbo; all which do, no doubt, yield a dye, but the finding of the breccia of the Murex Trunculus, in the dye-pots at Tyre, is, I think, conclusive.

There is, I understand, a tradition among Irish antiquaries, that the shells were found on this coast, and that it was for that purpose the Tyrians voyaged so far west. This, however, is not very likely, when the shells that give the colouring matter were found, so abundantly, near home, and the Murex Trunculus is not found here; besides, unless they manufactured it on the Irish coast, it would be little worth, for, unlike cochineal, the colour fades on the death of the animal.

Stone mortars, similar to those found at Tyre, were in use among the ancient Egyptians; and several of the mummy clothes have a blue cross stripe above the end or selvedge. This colour, Mr. Thompson supposed to be the product of indigo, and this opinion is adopted by Mr. Wilkinson; but the tests used by the former prove it as well to have been the Tyrian, or Conchilian colour; and this is the more probable, from the Hebrews carrying along with them not only the art, but, very likely, the materials to manufacture it with, as I have endeavoured to prove in the previous part of this essay; and if it be established that all these colours were the produce, or, at least, the manufacture of Tyre, it proves the existence and commercial importance of that place ás far back as when the Israelites wandered in the wilderness.

I trust some of our enterprising manufacturers will institute an inquiry as to the possibility of turning the shells producing a colouring matter, that inhabit our shores, to account. Some valuable information on this subject may be found in the work of Amati, called, "Purpura Restituta," Reaumur's Experiments on the Buccinum of Poitou, Duhamel's Experiments on the Mediterranean Mollusca, Fabius Columna De Purpura, Vitruvius De Architect, 1. 7, c. 13. See, also, Cuvier's Animal Kingdom, Donovan's, and most other conchological works.

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FIG. 1, Plate 1.-A Skull belonging to the Ethiopian variety.— The nasal bones are rather more prominent than in the generality of this race, and the meatus auditorius externus, or tube of the ear, is a little lower down than in most skulls that I have examined. Independent of the general characters of the heads of this variety, as I have enumerated them at pages 349-51, I may remark the following peculiarities or distinctions between it and the European or Caucasian form of cranium.

Besides the greater density and strength of the malar or cheek bone, it presents a much larger lateral surface than in the Caucasian, and a greater hollow or depression at its junction with the orbital process of the frontal. The posterior surface of the superior maxillary bone is, likewise, more convex externally, and the external pterygoid plates stronger. The other peculiarities of the lateral view are well exhibited in the plate.

Professor Owen has, with his usual talent and observation, drawn attention to the analysis of the basis cranii of different skulls. A few words on the comparisons of this and the other crania of the plate may not be amiss. The outline of the base is longer, and its sides flatter; the foramen magnum more elliptical; but its anterior edge is on a plane anterior to the anterior margin of the mastoid processes. The occipetal condyles look more outwards, and the baselar process is longer and narrower than in Europeans, the glenoid cavity much deeper, and the hard palate is shallower and less arched.

Fig. 2, plate 1, is the skull of a modern Egyptian who was killed before the walls of Acre, in the late attack on that place by Ibrahim Basha. It is a well-marked instance of the generality of that people, who are characterized by extreme narrowness of breadth as compared with the height of their foreheads; this skull barely measuring three inches across the forehead above the external angular processes of the frontal bone. This

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is evidently a mixed variety, and exhibits in a very remarkable manner the blending of the anatomical characters of the two races from which the greater part of the modern Egyptians are sprung; that is, the Arab and the Negro. But many of the negresses who are sold in the Egyptian slave-markets are natives of Mozambique, and these, it is well-known, have higher foreheads than any of the other negro races. The zigomæ are on a plane somewhat external to the frontal and parietal bones, and more arched than in the well-marked Ethiopian. The nasal bones are more prominent, while the alveolar process of the superior maxilla presents all the characters of that race. The upper and lower margins of the orbits are on the same plane; the basis cranii presents a greater preponderance in its anteroposterior compared with its lateral diameter; but the most striking peculiarity of this base is that of the projection of the occipetal condyles being below the plane of the mastoid processes. The sutures of this head are some of the best marked that I have ever seen, and contain (particularly the lambdoid) the largest and greatest number of ossa triquetra.

Fig. 3, plate 1, a mixed variety—is the skull of an old edentulous person, probably a female; so thin as to be almost diaphanous in many places, and is particularly light and pliable. The zigomæ are slightly arched, and project somewhat beyond the lateral surface of the head. The nasal bones are rather prominent; the alveolar process is wholly absorbed, and the hard palate very narrow; the condyles are on a plane with the extremity of the mastoid processes. The want of frontal development, and extremely small size of this head, give it some of the characters of that of an idiot, but there were many such in the same chamber.

Fig. 4, plate 2, a pyramidal skull of the Mongolian variety whose base is represented at fig. 5 of the same plate; it differs, however, from the true or well-marked Mongolian in the following particulars:-The face is not quite so flat or confluent; the zigoma is not quite so prominent laterally, and more rounded at its junction with the malar or cheek-bone. The alveolar process, or the sockets for the teeth, projects rather much, so as to throw out the teeth at a small angle with the upper jaw, in this respect approaching the negro race; the nasal bones are more pro

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