תמונות בעמוד



Tigris, and were the same, in all probability, as the modern Persians. This skull is remarkably light, and so thin as to be almost semitransparent; and it is curious to find that Herodotus mentions the extreme thinness of the Persian skulls in contradistinction to the Egyptian, which were particularly dense and thick.*

Finally, I may again add, that though I searched diligently, yet I could not find a single Jewish or well-marked Caucasian head. It may be objected to the hypothesis that these skulls belonged to the several nations that I have enumerated, that bones would not be preserved in so perfect a state for 1800 years; but the climate of Judea, and the peculiar construction of this tomb would prevent their decaying for a much longer period. I do not think that any antiquary can instance a rockcarved sepulchre such as this having been formed after the Christian era.

In a subsequent communication Dr. Prichard concludes his observation upon the skulls, by saying, "The information you give as to their locality is very curious, and the circumstance that strangers were probably buried there, accounts for the diversity in the forms of these skulls."

From all the concurrent circumstances connected with this tomb; its being situated on the site of the acknowledged Field of Blood; the appearance

*Herod. Thalia, xii.



of its external architecture, particularly its door, which differs from all other sepulchres that we have yet heard of, except that one at Petra, in being formed for occasional opening; from its curious internal hall and chambers; the remarkable human remains found in them, so perfectly different and distinct one from another; and these belonging to foreign nations, and not to Hebrews, I conceive that there is a strong probability, almost amounting to presumptive proof, that this sepulchre was one of those tombs, if not the actual one, purchased with the thirty pieces of silver, to bury strangers in, and from that circumstance receiving the name of ACELDAMA, OR FIELD OF BLOOD.



The Jews-Their Character in Jerusalem-Number-Benjamin of Tudela-Means of Subsistence-Their Love for the City-Patriotism-Transportation of their bones—Their Language—Synagogues - Ancient Customs-Present State and Prospects-A Touching Scene-Hope-Lepers-Houses-Female Inhabitants Their Amusements-Missionaries-The English Church-The Different Sects of Christians-The Latin Fathers-A Pharmacy-Greeks-Armenians— Their Convents-Door of the Holy Sepulchre-Copts-Their History and Customs-Effects of the Conscription-An Arab's Love-Pool of Bethesda— Its remarkable Masonry-Tomb of David-A Prussian Prince-A Navigator of the Dead Sea-Irishmen-Eastern Shepherds-Bethlehem-Its Beautiful Females-Convent Place of the Nativity - Etham-Solomon's CisternsAqueduct Visit to Bethany-Sepulchre of Lazarus Return to RamlaSirocco-Climate of Palestine-An Adventure-How to catch a MuleReflections on the East-Its Wonders and present Prospects-Proceed to Europe.

THE Jews inhabit a particular portion of the southern part of the city, the Harat-el-Youd, between the foot of Sion and the enclosure of the Mosque of Omar, and are not the least interesting of the objects presented to the traveller in the Holy City. This extraordinary people, the favoured of the Lord, the descendants of the patriarchs and prophets, and the aristocracy of the earth, are to be seen in Jerusalem to greater



advantage, and under an aspect, and in a character totally different from that which they present in any other place on the face of the globe. In other countries the very name of Jew has associated with it cunning, deceit, usury, traffic, and often wealth. But here, in addition to the usual degradation and purchased suffering of a despised, stricken, outcast race, they bend under extreme poverty, and wear the aspect of a weeping and a mourning people; lamenting over their fallen greatness as a nation, and over the prostrate grandeur of their once proud city. Here the usurer is turned into the pilgrim, the merchant into the priest, and the inexorable creditor into the weeping suppliant. Without wealth, without traffic, they are supported solely by the voluntary contributions of their brethren throughout the world.

I think I am warranted in stating, that the number of Jews now in Jerusalem is greater than at any other period in modern times. The population of any eastern city is with great difficulty accurately ascertained, owing to the total absence of statistical or municipal tables, as well as to the immense floating population, hundreds arriving at night, and passing out in the morning; besides, here, the number of pilgrims varies daily. The entire resident population of the city is about 35,000; of which 10,000 are Jews, 10,000 Christians, 10,000 Mohammadans, and about 5,000 foreigners, or partial residents, including the garrison.



As a rough guess would but little approximate to the truth, and as many contradictory accounts have been published of the number of Jews resident in Jerusalem, I have used every means of procuring correct information on this subject. The Latins, and the Jewish Rabbis themselves, whom I severally consulted, both agreed in stating, that the number is greater now than at any other period in latter times of which they have any record, and that at the lowest calculation it amounted to the number I have stated.

The period is not very distant when the Turkish law permitted no more than 300 Jews to reside within the walls. The celebrated Jewish historian, Benjamin of Tudela, gives a lamentable account of the state of the Jews in Palestine about the middle of the 12th century; and "we may safely select," says Milman, in his history of the Jews, "his humiliating account of the few brethren who still clung, in poverty and meanness, to their native land. There is an air of sad truth about the statement which seems to indicate some better information on this subject than on others. In Tyre, Benjamin is said to have found 400 Jews, glass-blowers. The Samaritans still occupied Sichem, but in Jerusalem there were only 200 descendants of Abraham, almost all dyers of wool, who had bought a monopoly of that trade. Ascalon contained 153 Jews; Tiberias, the seat of learning and of the

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