תמונות בעמוד

an older work on French Protestantism, and added to it an introduction on "the future of Protestantism in France," in which he describes the prospects of Protestantism as very good. But while thus Protestantism is advancing, the STRIFE OF PARTIES continues within. Rationalism is far from being extinct, and it is even asserted by some that it is again spreading among the younger clergy. Several new ultra-rationalistic and deistic books have been published by pastors of the French Churches, and indorsed by many others, and the views of men like the late Monod, have been pronounced by a Reformed pastor of Paris as antichristian, antihuman, and antidivine. The periodicals of the evangelical party strongly advocate the re-establishment of synods, from which they hope some remedy of the existing evils. The minister of public worship is favorable to this plan, but a majority of pastors is believed to be opposed to it. The evangelical party has recently suffered a great loss by the death of Mr. Bonifas, a young, pious, and talented professor of theology in the faculty of Montauban. His death will undoubtedly give rise to severe contests regarding the appointment of a successor.

The Roman Catholic Church.The new year opens with GLOOMY PROSPECTS for the Roman Church. The pamphlet Le Pape et le Congres left no doubt on the intentions of the emperor. The pope's reply, ignoring the author and stigmatizing the pamphlet itself as hypocritical; the emperor's categorical assumption of the principles therein laid down; and, lastly, the encyclica of the pope to all the Roman bishops of the world, proclaimed to the whole world that the pope had completely fallen out with the most powerful protector of the Church among the European princes. That the immense majority of the French bishops and priests side with the pope cannot be doubted, for eighty-one out of eighty-three archbishops and bishops have come out publicly in defense of the temporal sovereignty of the pope, and only one, the Bishop of Troyes, has indirectly censured the demonstrations in favor of it. The suppression of the Univers, the leading Roman Catholic Daily of the world, is a proof that the emperor is not afraid to take up the gauntlet, and unless he finds it in his interest to change again his policy, we may expect for the current year a struggle between Church and State of the highest consequence. Both the great divisions,

into which the so-called Catholic party of France is divided, the strict ultramontanes (Univers) and the more moderate school, (Montalembert, Falloux, Lacordaire,) are in this question united against the emperor. Even some heirs of the old Gallican traditions have issued strong declarations in favor of the temporal power of the pope, among which no one has created greater surprise than that of Silvestre de Sacy, the editor-in-chief of the Journal des Debats. On the other hand there are, however, also several priests who have dared to declare themselves for the abolition of the temporal power. Among them Abbé Michon, who some years ago proposed to the pope to take up his residence in Jerusalem, is the most known. Great interest is also taken in the establishment of a new Anti-Roman periodical, called l'Union Chrétienne, of which the first number was published in November. The prospectus is signed by Abbé Guettée, well known as the author of the best work on the history of the Gallican Church, and by a priest of one of the Eastern Churches. The aim seems to be to unite all the episcopal Churches of the world on the basis of the cecumenical councils of the first centuries.


The Roman Catholic Church.AN ENCYCLICAL LETTER OF THE POPE, of January 19, announces to his "venerable brethren, the patriarchs, primates, archbishops, bishops, and other ordinaries, united by grace and the communion of the apostolic see," that the Emperor of France has openly adhered to the doctrines of the pamphlet Le Pape et le Congres, notwithstanding these doctrines had previously been branded by the pope as hypocritical and extremely iniquitous; that he has advised the pope to give up the lega tions, and that the pope has replied that the papal rights of sovereignty could not be abdicated without violating the solemn oaths which bind the pope, and without weakening the rights of all the princes of the Christian world. The encyclical letter evidently regards the breach between Rome and the French government as complete, and anticipates serious troubles for the papacy. In the mean while the ECCLESIASTICAL LEGISLATION in the states of Central Italy (Parma, Modena, Tuscany, the legations,) continues to undergo thorough changes. Three decrees are prepared in Tuscany; first, a commission will be appointed to draw up a report on the condition of the revenues of the various ecclo

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siastical corporations of Tuscany, preliminary to the introduction of a bill for a more just distribution of the wealth of the Church, and the augmentation of the stipends of the rural clergy; secondly, an annual endowment of 40,000 lire (about $6,000) will be created for the Jewish Establishment; thirdly, the concordat concluded under the late Grandduke Leopold will be abolished. Similar decrees are prepared in the other three states.

The Protestant Churches.-The news on the PROGRESS OF PROTESTANTISM is highly important. In Lombardy several societies are in the field for the work of evangelization. The Bible Society of Elberfield supports six colporteurs; the Italian Evangelical Society of Geneva three or four; the Vaudois one; the depot of the British Bible Society at Genoa two. An evangelist of the Italian Church of Dr. de Sanctis, at Turin, is active at Milan. The new Waldensian congregation at Milan not only supports the pastor, but also enables him to send six colporteurs into Lombardy. In Sardinia an edition of the Italian New Testament is in progress at Turin. The Tract Society of Turin has been busy printing tracts during the summer. A new Waldensian chapel has been opened at Aosta, where a few years ago not a Protestant was to be found. Now one of the magistrates is a professed adherent. In Tuscany permission has been given for the introduction of the Bible through the custom-house, and a number of copies, after having been long imprisoned in the custom-house, have been liberated. The Waldensian congregation has obtained permission to open a separate place of worship, instead of conducting its services in the Swiss church, and a hall has been hired for the joint use of the Scotch and Italian congregations. Signor Mazzarella, from Genoa, preached for several weeks to crowded audiences,

until the government, as was believed, intimidated by the archbishop, temporarily shut up the place of gathering. Mazzarella then returned to Genoa, and Count Guicciardini, whose Plymouthian views are said to have injured the congregation in the estimation of the government, also left Florence. In January the Plymouth party formally separated from the congregation, led by an ex-priest, Gualtieri, who is supported as an evangelist in Florence by a committee in Nice. The congregation has found a new chief or evangelist in the person of a carpenter named Barsali, and the communicants, who were two hundred a few weeks ago, have now reached the number of three hundred. The agent of the British and Foreign Bible Society has removed his headquarters from Genoa to Florence, and numerous colporteurs are now traversing the country. Congregations have been formed at Pisa and Leghorn. Colporteurs and Scripture readers are also proceeding to Bologna, Parma, Modena, and throughout the whole of Tuscany.


The Protestant Church.-Senor Escalante, the colporteur who for circulating the (Roman Catholic) Spanish version of the Scriptures has been in prison for eight months, has now been condemned by the court to nine years of imprisonment. A meeting at Edinburgh, Scotland, held on January 23, has invoked the interposition of the British government in his behalf.

The Roman Catholic Church.A new concordat was signed on Nov. 25. According to Spanish papers the Pope consents in it to the sale of the Church property, and the salaries of the clergy are entered in the register of the public debt, to be paid by the state as in




1. Exegetical Literature.

Tischendorf, Novum Testamentum Græce. Vol. 1, pp. cclxxviii, 696; vol. ii, pp. 681, 8vo. Leipsic: A. Winter. 1859. There is no difference of opinion concern

ing the great merits of Professor Tischendorf in behalf of the Greek text of the New Testament. Nearly twenty years of his life have been devoted to the most thorough investigations for the purpose of re-establishing the original text in its purity. Numerous discoveries of great

importance have rewarded his incessant zeal, and established his reputation as the highest living authority in all questions relating to the purity of the sacred text. The preface gives, among other matter, a survey of the manuscripts of the New Testament, the version and the patristic works which Tischendorf has discovered and partially published, and of those which he has compared again, in order to find new material for his edition; a treatise on the order of the books of the New Testament; a review of the most important editions, and a survey of the whole material made use of by him. The text itself is accompanied by critical notes, giving the authorities for the readings of the common text, of the readings adopted by Tischendorf, and of the various readings in general. Since the publication of the seventh edition of the New Testament Professor Tischendorf has made a new journey to the East, and discovered a new manuscript more important than any other heretofore known. We give a brief account of it below under literary notices.

New volumes have been recently published of the two great Bibleworks of Bunsen and of Professor Lange in Bonn. The latter work, (Theologische Homiletisches Biblewerk. Bielefield, 1859,) whose author is a prominent member of the evangelical party and known by many other theological works, meets among the German clergy with a very favorable reception, as it not only gives in condensed form all the results of modern exegetical theology, but has also a very rich homiletic department. Ministers who can read German will find the work in this latter respect very useful and instructive.

The lectures of the late Professor Neander on the two Epistles to the Corinthians have been published by Beyschlag, court preacher at Carlsruhe. (N.'s Theologische Vorlesungen, vol. ii. Berlin.)

Professor Wiesler, of Goettingen, has published a new Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians. (Commentar uber den Brief au die Galater. Goettingen, 1859.) Professor Hupfeld, of Halle, the third volume of his Commentary on the Psalms. (Die Psalmen. Gotha, 1860.) The fourth volume, completing the work, will appear in 1861.

Of the exegetical manual on the apocryphal books, by Fritzsch and Grimm, (Exegetisches Handbuch zu den Apocryphen. Leipsic,) the fifth volume has appeared.

The only work in the Roman Catholic theology worth noticing is a new manual of introduction to the books of the Old Testament, by Professor Reusch, of Bonn. (Lehrbuch der Einleitung. Freiburg, 1859.) The author, one of the ablest young theologians of the Roman Church, admits the superiority of Protestant literature by the complaint that among the standard works to which he refers there are only so few of Roman Catholic authors.

2. Historic Theology.

Hefele, History of Councils. (Concilien geschichte. Freiburg, vols. i-iii.) This work is acknowledged everywhere as the standard work, and in fact the only complete work on the subject, as for a long time no other general history of councils had appeared. It contains the history of all important synods, all the decrees, and the important documents both in the original and in a German translation; also the references to the works of Harduin and Mansi. A fourth volume is in press; it will be completed in five volumes.

Köppen, C. F. The Religion of Buddha, vol. ii, containing the Lamaic Hierarchy and Church. (Die Religion des Buddha. Berlin, 8vo.) A History of Buddhism was a great desideratum, because a number of the most important documents have become known only during the last years. A survey of all the newly discovered sources was given a few years ago by Professor Weber, of Berlin, in his "Indische Studien." These sources have been made use of by Köppen, and therefore the former works may be regarded, to some extent, as being superseded by it. The first volume was published in 1857, and well received by all Orientalists. The preface of the second volume states that another work on the history of Buddhism has been published in Russia by Wassiliew, and that a new source of information has been opened by the publication of the historic work of the Tibetan priest, Varanutha.

On the history of the Protestant Church in Russia during the present and last centuries, treat Harnack, (Professor in Erlangen, strict Lutheran,) The Lutheran Church of Livonia and the Moravians, (Die Lutherische Kirche Lioland's Erlangen, 1859, pp. xiv, 400, 8vo,) and Hasselblatt, on the Present Position of the Moravians in Livonia, (Zur Beurtheilung der gegenwärtigen Stellung Herrnhuts in Livland. Dorpat, 1859.) A little book on the Erangelical Church in Austria: its History, Constitution, and Statistics, by Hornyanski,

the editor of the two Protestant papers in Pesth, Hungary, (Die evangelische kirche in Oesterreich, Pesth, 1859,) is very seasonable, as the struggles of the Hungarian Protestants for their rights attract just now general attention.

Several valuable new editions of church fathers have appeared, among which we mention: Dressel, Clementinorum Epitome due. Leipsic, 1859. 8vo., pp. ix, 334.) The editor is already well known by an edition of the Apostolic Fathers. Of the two epitome one appears in this edition in a greatly corrected form, while the other is published for the first time entire. Krabinger, S. Cypriani libri ad donatum, de dominica oratione, de mortalitate, ad Demetrianum, de opere et eleemosynis, de bono patientiæ et de zelo et livore (Tubingen, 1859. 8vo., pp. viii, 320) gives an im proved text and critical notes. Laemmer, Eusebii Pamphili historiæ ecclesiastica libri x. (Schaffhausen, 1859. Vol. i, pp. xiv, 148, 8vo.)

All the manuscripts of Germany and Italy have been again compared, the Latin translation of Valesius corrected in several places, and critical notes added. The edition of the celebrated work of S. Hippolytus, Refutationis omnium hæresium librorum decem, by Duncker and Schneidewin, the first part of which appeared in 1856, has now been completed. (Goettingen, 1859. pp. viii, 574, 8vo.)

Of the comprehensive History of the Religion of Jesus Christ, commenced by Count Stolberg, (Roman Catholic,) and continued, though with less talent, by Kerz, and, at present, by Brischar, Professor at Vienna, the fifty-second volume has been issued, together with a complete index to vols. xvi-li. Other continuations of historic works are: Gfrorer, History of Pope Gregory VII., vol. iv, and Hiemer, Introduction of Christianity" into Germany, vol. v.

3. Dogmatic Theology. Professor Schenkel's Manual of Christian Doctrines (Die Christliche Dogmatik, Wiesbaden, vol. ii,) is now complete. Of Professor Philippi's (Professor at Rostock, and High Lutheran) System of Doctrines (Glaubenslehre. Stuttgardt, 1859,) the third vol ume has been issued, containing the doctrines of sin, of Satan, and of death.

4. Philosophical Literature.

F. Michelis, (R. C.,) the Philosophy of Plato in its inner relation to revealed truth. Part I., containing the introductions, the dialectic and Socratic dialogues (Munster,

1859.) Ehlers, On the Influence of Ancient Philosophy, especially the Platonic and Stoic, on the Christian apologetic writers of the second century. (Goettingen, 1859.) Noack, (Hegelian, author of a History of Christian Doctrines, and many other works,) Schelling and the Philosophy of Romanticism, vol. ii, which completes the lian,) Science of the Logical Idea. Part IL work. (Berlin, 1859.) Rosencranz, (HegeLogics and Doctrines of Ideas. (Koenigs berg, 1859.) Apelt, (adherent of the Philosophy of Fries,) Philosophy of Religion, (Leipsic, 1860,) tries to show that German theology, since Schleiermacher, has adopted false philosophic views, which have undermined the foundation of all theology, the true conception of the idea of God.

5. Periodicals.

Professor Schenkel of Heidelberg, in union with Professors Baur of Giessen, Jacobi of Halle, Heppe of Marburg, and other distinguished writers of the evangelical party, has established a new periodical called, Allgemeine Kirchliche Zeitschrift, (Elberfeld, 1860,) of which ten numbers will be published during the year. The "Allgemeine Kirchenzeitung" of Darmstadt, of which Professor Schenkel has been, until now, assistant editor, will be edited in future by Dr. Zimmerman, Dr. Palmer, and Dr. Lechler. In Austria the Protestantische Jahrbucher fur Oestreich, by Hornyanski, which were discontinued two years ago, have been revived. The Kirchliche Zeitschrift, of Rostock, one of the leading organs of the High Lutherans, changes its title into Theologische Zeitschrift. It will in future be edited by Professor Dieckhoff of Goettingen, and Dr. Kliefoth of Schwerin, and six numbers will be published a year. It will contain three departments: I. Articles; II. Religious Intelligence; III. Literary Intelligence.

6. General Literary Notices.

The New Manuscript of the Bible from Mount Sinai. The most valuable discovery made by Professor Tischendorf, during his late journey in the East, is a new manuscript of the Greek New Testament, more important for the establishment of the original text of the New Testament than any other manuscript of the Bible heretofore known. For many reasons Professor Tischendorf feels convinced that it was made in the first half of the fourth century, and that it is therefore the oldest manuscript of the New Testament which is extant. Only the celebrated Vaticana

can be compared with it, though even this is less valuable, because five entire books and one part of a sixth are wanting in it. The old age attributed by Tischendorf to this new manuscript, was contested by a member of the Imperial Academy of St. Petersburgh, but defended by Tischendorf with arguments which have given, in the literary world, general satisfaction.


1. Theological Literature. "Christianity in the Middle Ages-Innocent III," (Le Christianisme au Moyen Age. Paris, 1859,) is the title of a new work of Count Agenor de Gasparin. No man of Protestant France has among the evangelical denominations of England and America a better name than Count A. de Gasparin. Equally opposed to the Roman and the rationalistic theologies, and a strenuous advocate of the interests of the Free Churches, and as conspicuous for ripe scholarship as for zeal and piety, he has stood for many years in the foremost ranks of the defenders of evangelical Christianity. This last work of his unites, according to the Revue Chretienne, the strictest impartiality of a truth-loving historian with an uncompromising opposition to the system of which it treats. This last work of Gasparin is one of a series of Lectures on Church History, by Gasparin, Bungener, Pressense, and Viguet.

Another distinguished writer of Protestant France, Edmond de Pressense, (editor of the Revue Chretienne,) has commenced in 1859 a new History of the Christian Church during the first three centuries, (Histoire des trois premiers siecles de l'Eglise Chretienne. 1859.


8vo., 2 vols.) A third volume has been promised for 1860. The leading literary and religious journals of France have devoted long articles to a review of this work, which is generally regarded as one of the best contributions of France to the literature of Church history.

Another historic work of importance is a History of the French Reformation, by F. Punuz, a pastor of the Reformed Church, of which also 2 vols. have been issued. The whole work will contain 6 vols., (Histoire de la Reformation Francaise. Paris, 1859. 8vo.)

The recent French literature is rich in works defending the principle of religious liberty, or, at least, toleration. If Protestant Christianity is not yet in the ascendancy in France, it at least receives

credit from a vast majority of the intelligent Frenchmen for having successfully overcome some of the consequences of Roman theology. Among the recent works which treat of this subject, we mention a History of Religious Liberty in France and of its Founders, by Dargaud, (Histoire de la Libertie Religieuse en France et de ses Fondateurs, 4 vols. Paris, 1859,) and a work on The Future of Toleration, by Ad. Schaeffer. (Essai sur l'avenir de la Tolerance, 1 vol. Paris, 1859.)

The literary papers of France bring a large list of other recent interesting publications, but we have no space for extensive notices. We only mention some of the most important. Sainte Beuve, a great admirer of the Jansenists, has issued vols. iv and v of his work on "Port Royal," which is now complete. The indefatigable Abbé Migne is rapidly progressing in the publication of the Greek Church Fathers (Patrologia Græca.) At present the works of Cyril of Alexandria, and of Theodoretus, are going through the press. Abbé Constant has published two volumes of investigations on one of the sorest points of the Roman system, the infallibility of the Popes, (L'Histoire et l'Infalli bilitie des Papes. Paris, 1859. 2 vols., 8vo.,) with what ability we have not yet been able ourselves to examine. To an observer of the Mohammedans in Algeria (Ch. Brosselard) we are indebted for valuable information on the constitution of the Mohammedan religious orders in Algeria. (Les Khouan, Alger., 1859.) Of one of the larger works undertaken conjointly by the congregation of French Benedictines, "The Acts of the Martyrs from the Beginning of the Christian Church until the Present Time," (Les Actes des Martyrs. Paris. 1859, 8vo.,) the third volume has appeared.

2. Periodicals.

In the Annual Catalogue of French Literature for 1859, published at Paris by Ch. Rheinwald, we find a list of the religious papers of Roman Catholics, Protestants, and Jews. The first contains 18, the second 15, the third 3 names. Among the Roman Catholics are two which are strongly antipapal, (l'Observateur Catholique and l'Union Chretienne,) and one in a foreign language. Deducting these three, we have the curious fact, that the one or two millions of Protestants support as many periodicals as the more than thirty millions of Roman Catholics.

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